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A.Word.A.Day--ostracize![]() ![]() ostracize (OS-truh-syz) verb tr. To exclude or shun from a group. [From Greek ostrakizein, from ostrakon (shell or potsherd), from the fact that in ancient Greece these were used as ballots in voting to banish someone. Ultimately from Indo-European root ost- (bone) that gave birth to such words as oyster, osteopathy, ossify, and Sanskrit asthi (bone).]
"He (Lloyd Anderson) did endure gender prejudices during his career,
including being ostracized by older female nurses who felt men did
not belong in their profession."
"Some responses said: 'A child given such a name would likely be
bullied or ostracized,' or 'It would cause social problems.'" See more usage examples of ostracize in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. This week's theme: Words from politics and elections
X-BonusPeople rarely win wars; governments rarely lose them. -Arundhati Roy, writer and activist (1961- ) |
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