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A.Word.A.Day--olla podridaPronunciation: WAV or RealAudioolla podrida (OL-uh puh-DREE-duh, po-THREE-thah) noun, plural olla podridas also ollas podridas 1. A stew of highly seasoned meat and vegetables. 2. An assorted mixture; a miscellany. [Spanish : olla, + podrida, feminine of podrido, rotten (from Latin putridus).] "The trouble is, Petronius is so infernally readable, and his olla podrida of conmanship, bitchy lit. crit., absurd gastronomy, bed-bouncing, murder and anecdotes (werewolves, susceptible widows) is so enticing that we tend to forget the horrendous social implications of what we're reading." Green, Peter, The Satyricon (book reviews), The New Republic, 28 Oct 1996. This week's theme: foreignisms.
X-BonusI value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult the calendar. -Robert Brault, software developer, writer (1973- )
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