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A.Word.A.Day--Munchausen syndromenoun: A factitious disorder in which otherwise healthy individuals seek to hospitalize themselves with feigned or self-induced pathology in order to receive surgical or other medical treatment. Named after Baron von Munchhausen (1720-1797), German soldier and raconteur, whose fictionalized accounts of his own experiences suggest symptoms of the disorder.
"At one point she confesses to having a form of Munchausen syndrome, in
which the patient feigns illness after illness. Writes Slater, 'Perhaps
I was, and still am, a pretender, a person who creates illnesses because
she needs time, attention, touch, because she knows no other way of
telling her life's tale.'" This week's theme: Eponyms derived from fact and fiction X-BonusHe who is only just is cruel. Who on earth could live were all judged justly? -Lord Byron, poet (1788-1824)
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