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A.Word.A.Day--manticmantic (MAN-tik) adjective Of or relating to divination. [From Greek mantikos, from mantis (prophet), from mainesthai (to rage). Ultimately from Indo-European root men- (to think) that is also the source of words such as mind, mental, mention, Sanskrit mantra, automatic, mania, money, praying mantis, monument, music, and amnesia.]
"During July, you will be involved with people who are studying the
mantic arts, including astrology."
"Pan had taught him for summoning what beast See more usage examples of mantic in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. This week's theme: Words from Greek
X-BonusWork on good prose has three steps: a musical stage when it is composed, an architectonic one when it is built, and a textile one when it is woven. -Walter Benjamin, critic and philosopher (1892-1940) |
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