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lickerish (LIK-uhr-ish) adjective 1. Lascivious; lecherous. 2. Greedy; desirous. 3. Archaic. Relishing good food. Obsolete. Arousing hunger; appetizing. [Middle English likerous, perhaps from Old French lecheor, lekier.] "[H]e the lickerish snake who literally hisses at his adversaries. Their cruel games will lead them to peek through keyholes, swipe bedroom keys, purloin letters, ruin lives." Richard Corliss, Cinema: Lust Is a Thing with Feathers, Time, 16 Jan 1989.
X-BonusA man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. -Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
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