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impetuous (im-PECH-oo-uhs) adjective 1. Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive and passionate. 2. Having or marked by violent force. [Middle English, violent, from Old French impetueux, from Late Latin impetuosus, from Latin impetus, impetus.] "Dashing, mercurial, impetuous and given to wild bouts of infectious enthusiasm--Microsoft employees were warned to beware of his (Job's) `reality-distortion field' ...". Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Time 100: Steve Jobs: Apple's Anti-Gates, Time, 7 Dec 1998. This week's theme: words to describe people.
X-BonusThe most favourable laws can do very little towards the happiness of people when the disposition of the ruling power is adverse to them. -Edmund Burke
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