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grommet (GROM-it) also grummet (GRUM-) noun 1. A reinforced eyelet, as in cloth or leather, through which a fastener may be passed. A small metal or plastic ring used to reinforce such an eyelet. 2. Nautical. A loop of rope or metal used for securing the edge of a sail to its stay. [Probably from obsolete French gromette, gormette, chain joining the ends of a bit, from Old French, from gourmer, to bridle.] "`... my foot was pinched both under the laces and under the grommets,' noted John." Hostetter, Kristin, Featherweight Footwear, Backpacker, 1 Dec 1998. This week's theme: words for everyday things and anatomical features.
X-BonusThe one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. -Henry Miller, American writer (1891-1980)
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