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georgic (JOR-jik) adjective also georgical (JOR-ji-kuhl) Of or relating to agriculture or rural life. noun A poem concerning farming or rural life. [Latin georgicus, from Greek georgikos, from georgos, farmer : geo- + ergon, work.] "Enter three georgic youngsters who board a spaceship to the Mother Weed, where they land on a monolithic stigma, drill into the pistil and plant nuclear bombs into the menacing weed's ovary." Christine Montgomery, Garden plot thickens at harvest; Students' arboretum vegetable patch is scene of drama rooted, The Washington Times, 11 Aug 1998. This week's theme: words derived by adding prefixes.
X-BonusFirst the man takes a drink. Then the drink takes a drink. Then the drink takes the man. -Japanese proverb
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