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depone (di-POHN) verb tr., intr.

To declare under oath.

[From Medieval Latin deponere (to testify), from Latin (to put down), from de- + ponere (to put). The word depone is often used in another form (depose). But the noun form of the word is clear: deponent.]

"Byamugisha dismissed Besigye's reasons proving he is AIDS-free on the basis that he has never broken down or been bed-ridden, with a reference to an affidavit deponed by Maj. Rubaramira Ruranga to the general effect that he has managed to live a normal life for 16 years."
Henry Ochieng; Dr. Besigye Told to Prove AIDS Status; The Monitor (Kampala, Uganda); Apr 10, 2001.

"But now one Mr. Jones comes forth and depones
That fifteen years since, he had heard certain groans
On his way to Stonehenge (to examine the stones
Described in a work of the late Sir John Soane's)."
Thomas Ingoldsby (Richard Harris Barham); The Ingoldsby Legends, 19th c.

This week's theme: words from the world of law.


Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger. -Franklin P. Jones, businessman (1887-1929)

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