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A.Word.A.Day--decuplePronunciation: WAV or RealAudiodecuple (DEK-yuh-puhl) adjective 1. Ten times as great; tenfold. 2. In groups of ten. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin decuplus : Latin decem, ten + Latin -plus, -fold.] "The second type consists of multiples of thirty that are either decupled multiples, which means that the figure thirty is increased tenfold, hundredfold, etc. as in 300, 3,000 or 3,000,000 ...." Scheidel, Walter, Finances, figures and fiction, The Classical Quarterly, 15 Jan 96. This week's theme: words about numbers.
X-BonusA man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed--I well know. For it is a sign that he has tried to surpass himself. -Georges Clemenceau, French politician (1841-1929)
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