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A.Word.A.Day--calefacient(cal-uh-FAY-shunt)![]() ![]()
noun: A substance (e.g. mustard) that produces a sensation of warmth when applied to a part of the body. From Latin calefacient-, stem of calefaciens, present participle of calefacere (to make warm), from calere (to be warm) + facere (to make). Other (some hot, some not) words derived from the Latin root calere are chafe, chauffeur (literally, a stoker) and nonchalant.
"Over the calefacient sidewalks of forty-eighth street last summer
there echoed the sounds of workmen at their tasks."
"The effect was tonic and calefacient, hence a cooling regimen was
needed." See more usage examples of calefacient in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. This week's theme: Miscellaneous words X-BonusIt would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties which make the defense of our nation worthwhile. -Earl Warren, jurist (1891-1974) |
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