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admix (ad-MIKS) tr.verb To mix; blend. [Back-formation from obsolete admixt, mixed into, from Middle English, from Latin admixtus, past participle of admiscere, to mix into : ad-, ad- + miscere, to mix.] "The dominant form of polity during most of recorded history has been the `palace regime', often admixed with clerical and noble elements. In palace regimes, supreme decision-making power rests with one individual, the monarch, however much he may opt to delegate." How the world is ruled: Simply the best, The Economist, 18 Oct 1997. This week's theme: words coined by the process of back-formation.
X-BonusHow can you sing if your mouth be filled with food? How shall your hand be raised in blessing if it is filled with gold? -Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) [Sand and Foam]
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