Palindromes Found
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Cartoon: Dan Piraro
All for one, one for all. (6 words)The Bible
darkness for light, and light for darkness (7 words)
three against two, and two against three (7 words)
bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (7 words)
mine are thine, and thine are mine (7 words)1 million digits of Pi
0136776310 (10 digits)All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare
know I think and think I know (7 words)Loves Labours Lost by Shakespeare
both in one, or one in both (7 words)A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare
heaven to earth, from earth to heaven (7 words)The Merry Wives of Windsor by Shakespeare
there, is he? Host He is there (7 words)
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