Posted By: wofahulicodoc Mensopause VI - 04/28/20 03:20 PM

(continued from here)



MEANING: noun: One having the characteristics of both an extrovert and an introvert.

NOTES: An ambivert is one who can be an extrovert or an introvert depending on the situation. For example, with family or close friends one can be open and outgoing while being reserved in the presence of strangers. Also, an ambivert can refer to someone who falls somewhere between the two extremes and shows some tendencies of each.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ambi- (both) + -vert (as in introvert/extrovert), from vertere (to turn). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wer- (to turn or bend), which also gave us wring, weird, writhe, worth, revert, universe, animadvert, divers, quaquaversal, obverse, obvert, and verso. Earliest documented use: 1923.

AMEBIVERT - when a one-celled organism turns itself inside out

AMBILERT - broadcast widely over the Internet alerting the public to a missing child

AMBIVORT - a whirlpool that can't make up its mind whether it's spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HAMLESS - a forlorn Easter dinner - 04/28/20 03:33 PM



MEANING: adjective: Unfortunate.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old Norse happ (good luck) + less, from Old English laes (without). Earliest documented use: 1400.

HA-LESS - a bad comedian. See also subgroups HAH-LESS - a bad Boston comedian; HAR-LESS - a bad Ozark comedian; HAW-LESS - a bad Texas comedian

HARPLESS - why the choir of angels doesn't sound as full any more

HASPLESS - my diary can''t be locked

CHAPLESS - for women only



MEANING: adjective: Proud; insolent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin superbiosus (proud or insolent), from superbia (pride), from superbus (superb, proud). Earliest documented use: 1509.

SUPER-BIOS - the life stories of Kal-El, Mary Batson, Bruce Banner, Hal Jordan, Peter Parker, Diana Prince, and many others

SUP HERBIOUS - season your dinner with sage, rosemary, thyme, et.al.

SOUP ERBIOUS - potage made with rare earth

SUPERB IOUs - the highest quality promissory notes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ROARY - aurally leonine - 04/30/20 03:35 PM



MEANING: adjective:
1. Gray or white, as from age.
2. Ancient.
3. Trite.

ETYMOLOGY: From hoar (frost), from Old English har. Earliest documented use: 1530.

OARY - multi-sculled

HONARY - the athlete being appludded

HOVARY - a Cockney hegg-prodcucing organ



MEANING: adjective: Exhibiting advanced development at an early age.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin praecox (premature, early ripening), from praecoquere (to ripen early), from prae- (pre) + coquere (to cook or ripen). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pekw- (to cook or ripen), which is also the source of cook, cuisine, kitchen, kiln, biscuit, apricot (an early-ripening peach, literally speaking), pumpkin, and Hindi pakka (ripened, cooked). Earliest documented use: 1650.

PROCOCIOUS - preferring meat cooked rare (not done, even yet!)

PYRECOCIOUS - preferring meat well-done

PRECONIOUS - ice cream before it leaves the scoop
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HANDFEST - a celebration of clapping - 05/05/20 01:26 AM



MEANING: noun: A contract or agreement, especially about a betrothal or marriage.
verb tr.: To engage to be married or to bind in wedlock.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English handfæsten (to pledge or betroth), from hand + fæstan (to fasten). Earliest documented use: 1275.

USAGE: “The couple’s decision to be handfasted under the full moon is particularly blessed and by our lights very romantic.”
Dear Abby: I Agree with You; The Washington Post; Oct 13, 2002.

BANDFAST - the music was presto

HANDCAST - thrown on a wheel by a live potter

BINDFAST - to tie down

HARDFAST - inflexible, like some rules



MEANING: adjective: Distasteful; offensive; objectionable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French répugnant (disgusting), from Latin repugnant (contrary, opposed), from repugnare, from re- (again) + pugnare (to fight), from pugnus (fist). Ultimately from the Indo-European root peuk- (to prick), which is also the source of point, puncture, pungent, punctual, poignant, pounce, poniard, impugn, pugilist, and pugnacious. Earliest documented use: 1425.

R.I.PUGNANT - epitaph for Benny Paret

REDUGNANT - disinterred

REPUGNAT - pesky little critters, aren't they



MEANING: adjective:
1. Indirect or ambiguous, having double meaning; sarcastic or malicious.
2. Performed with the back of the hand facing forward.

ETYMOLOGY: The metaphorical sense of the term derives from the image of a hand facing backward being indirect or hiding something. Earliest documented use: 1800. The word forehanded is not an opposite of this word.

JACKHANDED - halfway to being able to open the pot

BOCKHANDED - holding a large stein of beer

BACHANDED - Tempus Fugit - write faster!


PRONUNCIATION: (EYE-uhrn-fis-tid)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Ruthless; tyrannical.
2. Stingy; tight-fisted.

For sense 1, from the allusion to someone wielding a crushing fist.
For sense 2, from the allusion to a hard-to-open fist clutching money.
Earliest documented use: 1852.

I WON!-FISTED - aggressive celebration of victory, pumping a clenched hand skyward

IRON-FOISTED - the victim thought it was gold

IRON-FITTED - just got made-to-measure golf clubs for the short game



MEANING: noun:
1. The stifling influence of something, especially of the past on the present.
2. The perpetual ownership of property by institutions, such as churches.

ETYMOLOGY: A literal translation of the term mortmain. Earliest documented use: 1615.

DREAD HAND - 2-3-4-5-7. You lose. Period.

DEAR HAND - Four Aces. That's much better. Until it loses to a straight-flush; then it was very dear, indeed...

DEAD BAND - for which we are forever Grateful



MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To raise the price after accepting an offer from a buyer.
2. To offer a higher price to a seller on something that’s already being sold to another.
3. To preempt something, especially by questionable means.
4. To swindle.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps from Yiddish gezumph (to overcharge). Earliest documented use: 1928.

NOTES: Gazumping often happens in house sales. You have found your dream house, everything looks great, price negotiations are finished, inspection is done, you are ready to sign the contract, and then the seller receives a higher bid and gazumps: raises the price on you. It’s mostly seen in the UK. The term is often used in an extended sense: to trump something by the use of dubious methods. There’s a counterpart to today’s word. Meet it on Friday

GAZUP - what it does before it comes down, as it must

HAZUMP - decides whether things are dangerous or not

GAGUMP - baseball referee's been ordered not to say anything to anybody...
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AL DESKO - the opposite of "al fresco" - 05/13/20 01:14 AM



MEANING: adverb: At one’s desk.

ETYMOLOGY: Patterned after alfresco, from desk, from Latin desca (desk), from discus (disk), from Greek diskos (disk). Earliest documented use: 1981.

AIL DESKO - repetitive strain injury caused by sitting still at work all day

AL DISKO - ¿Where are we dancing tonight, Mamacita?

ALDO'S KO - the former Prime Minister of Italy was famous for using this tactic when he played Go



MEANING: noun: One who is always grinning.

ETYMOLOGY: From grin, from Old English grennian (to show the teeth in pain or anger) + apparently -agogue (bringer). Earliest documented use: 1565.

GRINGO G. - a recently-arrived visitor to Latin America, whose identity shall remain disguised

GRIN, MAGOG - the Apocalypse is at hand!

AGRI-NAGOG - a farm near the pond in Acton/Littleton, Massachusetts
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SPOT-VALOR - There's a brave doggie! - 05/15/20 01:53 AM



MEANING: noun: Boldness or courage induced by the consumption of alcohol.

NOTES: Also known as liquid courage or Dutch courage.

ETYMOLOGY: From pot, alluding to a drinking pot + valor (boldness), from Latin valor (worth), from valere (to be well, be of worth). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wal- (to be strong), which also gave us valiant, avail, valor, value, wieldy, countervail, valence, valetudinarian, and valorize. Earliest documented use: 1623.

POT-VATOR - device for taking the weed up or down a floor, but in any case out of view

POT-VAPOR - all that remains of the marijuana after using the above device

POST-VALOR - ...nor Covid-19 shall stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GAWUNDER - to speculate - 05/15/20 05:10 PM



MEANING: verb tr.: To reduce the amount of an offer after it has been accepted by the seller.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of gazump + under. Earliest documented use: 1988.

NOTES: To gazump is to raise the price after accepting an offer from a buyer, but buyers are not always angels. Sometimes a buyer reduces the offer, just before signing the contract. These typically happen in the housing market. A real-estate company even offers a helpful article on How To Gazunder Successfully. While legal, the practice is clearly unethical. It’s fitting then, that the word gazunder has another slang meaning, though it’s unrelated to today’s word. It also refers to a chamber pot, from the condensed spelling of “goes under” referring to where a chamber pot is placed.

GAZE-UNDER - to search for a chamber-pot


G'LAUNDER - to run through the g'washing machine

GAWUNDER - drown



MEANING: verb tr.: To cut across.
noun: 1. A narrow section through a natural feature.
2. A path along which measurements or observations are made.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin trans- (across) + secare (to cut). Earliest documented use: for verb 1634, for noun 1905.

TRANSECTS - arthropods who change their gender

TRAINSECT - we worship railroad locomotive and cars and tracks

TRANSPECT - to look across
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SURFEXIT - the beach - 05/19/20 06:55 PM



MEANING: noun: 1. Excess.
2. Overindulgence in eating or drinking.
3. Satiety or disgust caused by overindulgence.
verb tr.: To do or supply anything to excess.
verb intr.: 1. To overindulge.
2. To suffer from overindulgence.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French surfait (excess), from past participle of surfaire (to overdo), from sur- (over, above) + faire (to do), from Latin facere (to do). Earliest documented use: for noun 1387, for verb 1400.

SMURFEIT - the little blue girl

SQUR-FEIT - how my apartment is measured

SUR-FIT - same size for everybody! (see also SURE-FEIT)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RECON 'N OILER - scout out a tanker - 05/20/20 08:52 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (ree-kuh-NOI-tuhr, rek-uh-)

MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To explore or scout an area for gathering information.
noun: An act of reconnoitering.

ETYMOLOGY: From obsolete French reconnoître, from Latin recognoscere, from re- (again) + gnoscere (to know). Ultimately from the Indo-European root gno- (to know), which is also the source of know, recognize, acquaint, ignore, diagnosis, notice, normal, agnostic, incognito, connoisseur, cognize, anagnorisis (the moment of recognition or discovery), and prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces). Earliest documented use: for verb 1705, for noun 1781.

DECONNOITER - suppress information about an area

RE: CONN OBITER - about the writer of death notices in Hartford and vicinity

RECON OUTRÉ - investigate the bizarre



MEANING: verb tr.: To transport or transmit.
noun: Transport, transmission, or passage.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin traicere (to throw across), from trans- (across) + jacere (to throw). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ye- (to throw), which also gave us jet, eject, project, reject, object, subject, adjective, joist, jactitation, subjacent, and jaculate. Earliest documented use: for noun: 1552, for verb 1624.

TRA-JEST - the chorus of a jocular song

PRAJECT - the speaker could be heard, but his enunciation wasn't very good

TERAJECT - to throw in billions



MEANING: verb tr., intr.: 1. To place in between.
2. To intrude or to interrupt.
noun: 1. The act of, or an instance of, putting something in between.
2. An interference or interruption.

ETYMOLOGY: From French interposer, from Latin interponere, from inter (between) + ponere (to put). Ultimately from the Indo-European root apo- (off or away), which is also the source of pose, apposite, after, off, awkward, post, puny, apposite, and apropos. Earliest documented use: for verb: 1599, for noun: 1610.

INTEL POSE - capsule summary of that new thriller The Pretend Spy

INTER POISE - just the right amount of savoir-faire

ENTER POSE - to begin the impersonation
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HESTEROCHROMATIC - scarlet - 05/25/20 03:25 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (het-uhr-oh-kroh-MAT-ik)

MEANING: adjective: Having many different colors.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hetero- (different) + chrom- (color). Earliest documented use: 1895.

HETAEROCHROMATIC - the color of an elegant Greek courtesan

HEPTEROCHROMATIC - seven-colored, like a rainbow

HE TERACHROMATIC - he's a chameleon, with a trillion colors



MEANING: noun: A word or phrase that, when spoken, appears to be the same as a different word or phrase on a person’s lips, for example my and pie.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek homo- (same) + phainein (to show). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bha- (to shine), which is also the source of beacon, banner, phantom, photo, phosphorus, phenomenon, fantasy, epiphany, sycophant, and apophenia. Earliest documented use: 1883.

NOTES: Here are some more examples of words/phrases that appear the same to someone lip reading:
mark, park, and bark
“elephant juice” and “I love you”
bargain and market

HEMOPHENE - benzene-based compounds, found in trace amounts in the blood

HO! MORPHENE! - look at that stash I just found!

HOLOPHENE - one who has terrible things happen to him in a drunken stupor (according to the Book of Judith)


PRONUNCIATION: (HET-uhr-uh-klyt)

MEANING: noun: 1. A person who is unconventional; a maverick.
2. A word that is irregularly formed.
adjective: 1. Deviating from the ordinary rule; eccentric.
2. (In grammar) Irregularly inflected.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin heteroclitus, from Greek heteroklitos, from hetero- (different) + klinein (to lean, inflect). Ultimately from the Indo-European root klei- (to lean), which also gave us decline, incline, recline, lean, client, climax, and ladder. Earliest documented use: 1580.

HETEROCLIME - Like New England weather - if you don't like it, just wait 15 minutes

HETHEROCLITE - a kind of iron ore found in Scotland mixed in among wildflowers

HETEROCULITE - having a different prescription to correct the vision in each eye
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HEMOLOGATE - scandal in the Blood Bank - 05/28/20 07:33 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (huh-MOL-uh-gayt, ho-)

MEANING: verb tr.: To approve officially, especially a car, engine, etc., for sale in a particular market or for its use in racing.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin homologare (to agree), from Greek homologein (to agree or allow). Earliest documented use: 1644.

NOTES: Some auto racing competitions require participating vehicles to be available for sale to the general public, and not be custom made for racing. In other words, the vehicle must be a production model, not a prototype. The process of homologation verifies this. The initials GTO listed after some auto names (Ferrari, Pontiac, etc.) stand for “Gran Turismo Omologato”, Italian for “Grand Touring, Homologated”.

NOMOLOGATE - to make suitable for baseballer Garciaparra

HOMOLOCATE - to find a missing person by using the GPS chip in his smartphone

HOMOLEGATE - lawyer for all mankind


PRONUNCIATION: (het-uh-ROG-ruh-fee)

MEANING: noun:
1. A spelling different from the one in current use.
2. Use of the same letter(s) to convey different sounds, for example, gh in rough and ghost.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hetero- (different) + -graphy (writing). Earliest documented use: 1783.

NOTES: The idea of heterography is a recent phenomenon, relatively speaking. Earlier, when English was mainly a spoken language, it was a free-for-all, spelling-wise. Any spelling was fine as long as you could make yourself understood. Each writer spelled words in their own way, trying to spell them phonetically. Shakespeare spelled his own name in various ways (Shaxspear, Shakespear, and so on) ...

With the advent of printing in the 15th century, spelling began to become standardized. By the 19th century, most words had a single “official” spelling, as a consensus, not by the diktat of a committee.

Today if you write “definately” and someone points out that you’ve misspelled the word, just tell them you’re a practitioner of heterography.

HESTEROGRAPHY - a handwritten manuscript of The Scarlet Letter
....."handwritten manuscript" - now there's a redundant phrase for you!

HEXEROGRAPHY - 1. pictures of witches; 2. man's dry reproduction process

HERTEROGRAPHY - the collected writings of Eisenhower's Secretary of State



MEANING: noun: The blurred effect in a photograph, typically as a soft out-of-focus background, that results in a pleasing effect and helps to draw attention to the subject of the photograph.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese boke (blur, haze) or boke-aji (blur quality). Earliest documented use: 1997.

BOKEN - with "HO!," a greeting uttered upon arrival at a city in New Jersey

BOKETH - past tense of the old third-person-singular form of the verb meaning "to ride on a two-wheeled vehicle"

BOKEN - how a two-year-old just learning to speak describes something that doesn't work right any more



MEANING: noun: A teacher, mentor, or a master in a field.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese sensei (teacher, master), from sen (earlier) + sei (birth), meaning a teacher was born earlier and knows more and has more experience. Earliest documented use: 1874.

SEN-SEN - the Curiously Strong Mint of the 1950s (give or take 15 years)

SENSEKI - a dramatic move in Go that had better not be made

SENASE I - the first enzyme that catalyzes activity in the Upper House of Congress



MEANING: interjection: Goodbye.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese sayonara (goodbye), short for sayo naraba (if it is to be that way), from sayo (thus) + naraba (if it be), ultimately from Chinese. Earliest documented use: 1863.

MAYONARA - adj, describing an Italian dish prepared with mayonnaise and a brine marinade

SAYONARMA - Okay, I'm Norma, now what?

SAY ON A RAG - critic's review of the first performance of The Entertainer

RAYON ARA - a synthetic cloth constellation
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ORIGAMI - plural of ORIGAMUS - 06/05/20 12:21 AM



MEANING: noun:
1. The art of folding paper into various shapes.
2. An object made by folding paper.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese origami, from ori (fold) + kami (paper). Earliest documented use: 1948.

OBIGAMI - an Irishman with two wives

ORINAMI - the mouth of a tidal wave

PRIG, AM I? - You accuse me of being prudish?


PRONUNCIATION: (se-POO-koo, SE-puh-koo)

MEANING: noun:
1. Ritual suicide by disembowelment.
2. Ruining one’s own interests.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese setsu fuku, from setsu (to cut) + fuku (abdomen), ultimately from Chinese. Earliest documented use: 1871.

NOTES: ...also known as harakiri

SEE-PUKU - what the Tokyo hockey goalie has to do well...

SEP-PUPU - platter of small amounts of several different foods, to order at an Asian restaurant

SEMP-UKU - gallant action by the Imperial Marines


PRONUNCIATION: (YAHR-uh-bangk-uhr)

MEANING: noun:
1. A vagrant or a loafer.
2. A soapbox orator or agitator.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Yarra river in Victoria, Australia. Its bank was once a popular hangout for vagrants, soapbox orators, and the like. Earliest documented use: late 19th century.

YARRA-BANNER - see many of them, along the riverside tourist esplanade in Victoria, Australia

FARRA-BANKER - the Six Million Dollar Woman's second career was in finance

Y'AGRA-BANKER - its headquarters is right next to the Taj Mahal (and it specializes in farm loans)



MEANING: noun: A rich source of something valuable.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Klondike region in the Yukon Territory, Canada, named after the Klondike River. It was the site of a gold rush from 1896 to 1899. Earliest documented use: 1897.

BLONDIKE - when Eisenhower lightened his hair dramatically

KOLONDIKE - the physical cause of constipation

KLM ON DIKE - Royal Dutch Airways aircraft made an emergency landing on a sea-wall



MEANING: noun: A point of no return, one where an action taken commits a person irrevocably.

ETYMOLOGY: Contrary to popular belief, Caesar salad is not named after Julius Caesar. But today’s term does have a connection to him. In 49 BCE, Caesar crossed the Rubicon, a small river that formed the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy. As he crossed the river into Italy, he exclaimed “Iacta alea est” (The die is cast), knowing well that his action signified a declaration of war with Rome. Today when an action marks a situation where there is no going back, we say the Rubicon has been crossed. Earliest documented use: 1613.

RUBIC WON - Who got the prize for the best toy of the early 1980s?

REBICON - annual gathering of Civil War renacters, partial to the South

RUBI-CORN - maize of a particularly intense deep red
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ME AND 'ER - both of us - 06/11/20 06:57 PM



MEANING: verb intr.: 1. To follow a winding course.
2. To move aimlessly.
3. To speak or write without a focus.
noun: 1. A curve or bend in a path, stream, etc.
2. A winding path.
3. A circuitous journey; a ramble.

ETYMOLOGY: After Maeander (modern name: Büyük Menderes), a river in Turkey, known for its winding course. Earliest documented use: 1576.

MEAN TER - Cockney behaving with ill will

MEANTER - teacher, role model, and guide

MEADER - Vaughan the Comedian (and JFK satirist)

MD ANDER - father of a well-known cancer hospital and research center in Texas
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NIA BARA - Theda's less-famous sister - 06/12/20 04:25 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (ny-AG-ruh, ny-AG-uhr-uh)

MEANING: noun: An outpouring; a deluge.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Niagara river which forms the Niagara Falls, a group of three massive waterfalls, between the US and Canada. Earliest documented use: 1800.

"NI!" AGORA - Greek marketplace full of Knights from Monty Python

NiAg BRA - lingerie worn by Metallica on tour

NAG ARA - pester the Notre Dame football coach
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LITHOOPHONE: sounds like a stone egg - 06/15/20 07:06 PM



MEANING: noun: Any of various musical instruments in which sound is produced by striking pieces of stone.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek litho- (stone) + -phone (sound). Earliest documented use: 1889.

LITHOPRONE - given to forming kidney and gall-bladder stones

LITHOPHONY - rocks made of papier-maché but painted

LITHOPHANE - a thin layer of wrapping material that you can't unfold or tear open or even see through, for wrapping packs of guaranteed-safe cigarettes

LITHOSHONE - very highly polished marble


PRONUNCIATION: (eye-skroh-luh-TREE-uh)

MEANING: noun: Excessive devotion to filth or obscenity.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek aischro- (shameful or ugly) + -latreia (worship). Earliest documented use: 1912.

AISCHROLATRIA - having ugly upper-chambers of the heart

AISCROLATREIA - worshipping the parchment and ink of the ancient Holy Writ rather than the meaning of its contents

AISCHROLATRESIA - the island fishery did not develop properly


PRONUNCIATION: (HEN-uh-thee-iz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: Belief in or worship of one god without denying the possibility of others.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek heno- (one) + -theism (belief in god). Earliest documented use: 1860.

HEROTHEISM - worship of a protagonist

XENOTHEISM - worship of an alien god

ME-NOT-HE-ISM - I'm all right, Jack

SHE-NOT-HE-ISM - I always knew God didn't have a long white beard
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HYPNONYM - Franz Mesmer - 06/18/20 03:42 PM



MEANING: noun: A more specific term in a general class. For example, “purple” is a hyponym of “color”.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hypo- (under) + -nym (name). Earliest documented use: 1963.


HYPO-GYM - the locker rooms are downstairs, right below us

BY PONY, M - reply to "How do you plan to escape from those desperadoes afterward, Bond?"


PRONUNCIATION: (jer-uh-TOL-uh-jee))

MEANING: noun:
1. The study of aging and related decline.
2. The study of a species approaching extinction.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek gerat- (old age) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1884.

GER-OTOLOGY - the study of ear disorders in the elderly

GERMATOLOGY - the study of skin infections

VERATOLOGY - the study of Truthiness

GEARATOLOGY - the study of mechanical interactions

GYRATOLOGY - the study of spinning



MEANING: noun: Someone or something unworthy that is excessively esteemed.

ETYMOLOGY: In the biblical story Moses came down from Mount Sinai carrying stone tablets with the Ten Commandments only to find Israelites worshiping a calf made of gold. Earliest documented use: 1575.

GOODEN CALF - what the NY Mets pitching star got his power from

GOLDEN CALIF - 1. tale of the 615th Arabian NIght ((Westerners may recognize the story of King Midas) 2. the Gate where the Bridge is

GOLDEN RALF - King Midas just barfed



MEANING: noun: Inherited wealth.

ETYMOLOGY: The phrase is often used in the construction “to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth” meaning one’s born in privilege and wealth. The association of silver with riches is obvious, so why not a gold spoon? Nobody knows, though it may have something to do with silver’s biocidal properties. Earliest documented use: 1719.

SILVER SPOOL - where to get the thread to weave among the gold

SALVER SPOON - what haute societé takes sugar and cream from

SOLVER SPOON - cruciverbalist's trophy



MEANING: noun: Someone who pretends to have money, skill, influence, etc.
adjective: Inferior or insignificant, while pretending to be otherwise.

ETYMOLOGY: The word has its origin in gambling, from the use of a cone-shaped container used to shake the dice. A tinhorn gambler was someone who pretended to be a big player, but actually played for small stakes. Earliest documented use: 1885.

EINHORN - German word for "unicorn"

TINSHORN - deprived of all can-making material

TENHORN - a LARGE orchestral brass section

VINHORN - a cornucopia full of French wine


PRONUNCIATION: (bras taks)

MEANING: noun: Practical details; essentials; realities.

ETYMOLOGY: The term is typically used in the phrase “to get down to brass tacks”. There are many conjectures about the origins of the term, but it’s not confirmed why we say brass tacks, instead of, say iron tacks, or for that matter iron nails. Earliest documented use: 1863.

BRA STACKS - the stock room in Victoria's Secret

BASS TACKS - how the fish swims upstream

BRASS TANKS - used in stills in place of copper to make a higher-class moonshine



MEANING: adjective:
1. Covered with iron.
2. Inflexible, unbreakable, or indisputable.

ETYMOLOGY: From iron, from Old English iren + clad (clothed), from Old English clathod. Earliest documented use: 1752.

IRON CLAY - not very good soil, but great ore

IRONIC LAD - Marvel's latest Superhero; always has something wry to say

IRON CHAD - how to make a ballot look unused
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ANYMOUS - source of an EEK! - 06/29/20 08:13 PM



MEANING: adjective: Bearing the author’s name; named.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from Latin anonymus, from Greek anonymus, from an- (not) + onyma (name). Earliest documented use: 1775. Anonymous is from 1601.

ONYXOUS - like a black semi-precious jewel

ONYMPUS - one letter away from the home of the Greek Gods

NYMOUS - uninvited denizen of many Manhattan apartments
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WASHBUCKLE - making a clean belt of it - 07/02/20 12:34 AM



MEANING: verb intr.: To swagger, bluster, behave recklessly, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from swashbuckler (one who makes a noise by striking a sword on a shield), from swash (of imitative origin) + buckler (a small round shield), from boucle (a boss on a shield), from Latin buccula, diminutive of bucca (cheek). Earliest documented use: 1897. Swashbuckler is from 1560.

SWISHBUCKLE - a special buckle designed to make intimidating sounds when the belt is whirled around the head, to be used as a weapon

SW ASHBUCKLE - the southwest quadrant of Ashbuckle, West Virginia, where wooden belt accessories are manufactured

SWASH BOUCKLÉ - woven wrist-watch bands
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ZIGI - lightning-shaped pasta - 07/02/20 12:40 AM



MEANING: noun: A sharp turn or angle in a zigzag course.
verb intr.: To make a sharp turn.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from zigzag, from French zigzag, from ziczac, from German Zickzack (zigzag), perhaps a reduplication of Zacke (peak, tooth, or nail). Earliest documented use: 1969. Zigzag is from 1712.

ZING - twit-speak for "snoozing"

ZYG - a fertilized egg

ZIGH - taking a long, deep breath and then letting it out, while asleep

(It went from Baltimore to Washington, DC, in 1844, though it sounds like it started in Boston)



MEANING: noun:
1. A fraudulent scheme or practice.
2. A wild party.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from rorty (boisterous, lively, jolly), of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1926. Rorty is from 1868.

ROIT - a correct Cockney, yes?

AORT - a very short main artery leaving the Left Ventricle

RORO - what you do gently to your boat when you go down the stream



MEANING: adjective: Cultured; refined; sophisticated.
noun: Refinement; sophistication.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from uncouth, from Old English uncuth (unknown), from un- (not) + cuth (known), past participle of cunnan (to know, to be able). Ultimately from the Indo-European root gno- (to know), which also gave us know, recognize, acquaint, ignore, diagnosis, notice, normal, anagnorisis, prosopagnosia, agnosia , cognize, gnomon, kenning, and unco. Earliest documented use: 1896. Uncouth is from 1732.

CORUTH - what sings Hallelujah! in Handel's Methiah

HOUTH - where the Lispers live

COUTY - a poorly-defined, intermediate-sized political region, somewhere between a city and a county



MEANING:  noun: A college athlete who practices with the team, but does not take part in official games.
verb tr., intr.: 1. To extend eligibility by a year by making an athlete practice, but not participate, official games.
2. To delay enrolling a child by a year to avoid their being one of the youngest in the class.


"REEDS" HIRT - nickname of the trumpet player's brother; he played clarinet and sax 

REDSHIFT - astronomers' tool for determining galactic speeds and distances

REDSHIRE - where Diggory Venn, Thomas Hardy's reddleman, lived
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MARTY-PANTS - Ernest Borgnine's outfit - 07/09/20 08:27 PM



MEANING:  noun: Someone who presents as being obnoxiously clever.

ETYMOLOGY:  From smart, from Old English smeart + pants, short for pantaloons, plural of pantaloon. St. Pantaleone/Pantalone was a popular saint in Venice. As a result, it was also a common name among the Venetians. As a result, a comic character in the Italian commedia dell’arte was named Pantalone. The leggings this character wore became known as pantalone (plural pantaloni). And that became pantaloons in English. Earliest documented use: 1932.

SMARTY-PANT - covering for one leg, worn by a half-wit

SMARTY-RANTS - even Albert Einstein lost his cool sometimes

SMARTY-PINTS - ale promoted as improving one's intelligence



MEANING:  noun: A radical or revolutionary.

ETYMOLOGY:  From French, literally, without knee breeches. In the French Revolution, this was the aristocrats’ term of contempt for the ill-clad volunteers of the Revolutionary army who rejected knee breeches as a symbol of the upper class and adopted pantaloons. As often happens with such epithets, the revolutionaries themselves adopted it as a term of pride. Earliest documented use: 1790.

SAM'S CULOTTE - Murray's Pants Store, only owned by Sam

ANS: CULOTTE - reply to Qu: What are those things women wear that look like a skirt but are divided into pantlegs at the bottom?

SAN SCULPTTE - stone statuette of a saint


PRONUNCIATION: (des-ka-mee-SAH-doh)

MEANING: noun: A very poor person.

ETYMOLOGY: From Spanish descamisado (shirtless), from des- (dis-, un-) + camisa (shirt). Earliest documented use: 1821.

NOTES: Over the years, the term has been applied to various people, such as a revolutionary in the Spanish Revolution of 1820-23 and a supporter of Argentinian President Juan Perón.

DECCA MISADO - a shellac recording of a Catholic Mass

ODES CAMISADO - poems to be read in your shirtsleeves

PESCA MISADO - a traditional Japanese soup made from fish in a dashi stock with softened miso paste mixed in
Posted By: wofahulicodoc melena - 07/11/20 05:15 PM



MEANING: noun: A symbol used to incite people to partisan outrage or animosity.

ETYMOLOGY: The term is typically used as “to wave the bloody shirt” and alludes to the literal or metaphorical symbol of a supposed injury that needs to be avenged. Earliest documented use: 1586.

NOTES: In modern times, masks are apparently the new bloody shirt.

BLOODY SHIFT - night work at the slaughterhouse, when the dirty deed is done

"BLOODY" HIRT - the trumpet player's brother (the sax player) who likes to spout pirate lingo

BROODY SHIRT - the outfit worn by Edward Lear's Old Man with a Beard



MEANING: adjective: Related to climbing.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin scandere (to climb). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skand- (to leap or climb), which also gave us ascend, descend, condescend, transcend, echelon, scale, and scandent. Earliest documented use: 1804.

SCANTORIAL - it's hard to find a good singer for services these days

SCANSOCIAL - I keep an eye on facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all of those

SCANSTORIAL - cash registers in Saudi Arabia

SCANS TRIAL - suing the MRI for damages



MEANING: noun: A harsh, grating or creaking sound.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin stridere (to make a harsh sound). Earliest documented use: 1632.

NOTES: The word is often used for the harsh vibrating sound produced when breathing with an airway obstruction.

STRIDOL - somebody made a graven image of Saint R.

S'TRIGOR - It's Roy Rogers' horse!

ASTRID OR - the Swedish starlet with the golden hair


PRONUNCIATION: (dis-kwuh-ZISH-uhn)

MEANING: noun: A formal discussion on a subject: discourse or dissertation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin disquirere (to investigate), from dis- (intensive prefix) + quaerere (to seek or ask). Earliest documented use: 1605.

DISQUE "IS IT I" ON - playing the Berlitz "English Made Easy" record discussing the case of the direct object after the verb être

DIS QUISTION - what I want yez ta answer

DICQUISITION - obtaining two of them
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SONGUINARY - melodic, ariose, singable - 07/16/20 03:59 PM



MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to blood.
2. Blood-red.
3. Involving bloodshed.
4. Bloodthirsty.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sanguis (blood). Earliest documented use: 1540.

PANGUINARY - preserve for egg-laying Antarctic animals that are very graceful under water; come in Adelie, Emperor, Rock-hopper, and a few other varieties

SANS GUINARY - my old violin is missing and I'm bereft

SAN QUINARY - pertaining to a California prison
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CONCURISCENCE - sycophancy - 07/17/20 04:47 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (kon-KYOO-pih-suhns)

MEANING: noun: Strong desire; lust.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin concupiscere (to desire ardently), from con- (intensive prefix) + cupere (to desire). Earliest documented use: 1340.

CONCULPISCENCE - sharing the blame

CONCU-PISCENE - there's something fishy about this harem

CONCUPISCIENCE - prize-winning manipulation of the facts and distortion of the logical process



MEANING: adjective: Just right; a happy medium; optimal; not at either extreme.

ETYMOLOGY: After Goldilocks, a golden-haired girl in the fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. In the story, she visits a bear house and chooses Baby Bear’s chair, bed, and porridge because they are just right. Papa Bear’s porridge is too hot, Mama Bear’s too cold, for example. Earliest documented use: 1949. The story was first published in 1837. The earliest documented use in the literal sense of the word is from 400 years earlier.

GOLDILOOKS - King Midas' glance

GOLF i LOCKS - Lesson 1: secure your equipment between rounds

GOLDILOCHS - the Scottish lakes glow in light of the summer-evening sun


PRONUNCIATION: (sin-duh-REL-luh)

MEANING: noun:
1. One who deserves success or recognition, but instead suffers from neglect or obscurity.
2. One who achieves sudden triumph or recognition, especially after a long period of neglect or obscurity.

ETYMOLOGY: After Cinderella, the fairy-tale character who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters. With a little help from a fairy godmother, she attends a royal ball thrown by a prince. Ultimately, she marries the prince and lives happily ever after. What’s behind the name Cinderella? It’s a pseudo-translation of the French name of the girl, Cendrillon, from cendre (cinder), perhaps an allusion to her day-to-day existence, tending to the fireplace and hearth, and as a result she has cinders all over her. It may also be a hint to the hidden spark in her otherwise dismal life. Earliest documented use: 1840.

CINQERELLA - one of a set of quintuplets

CINDERELBA- when Napoleon escaped from exile he left the island in flames

CHINDERELLA - many years laterour charming Princess has put on a lot of weight



MEANING: noun: One that seems unattractive or unpromising at first but has great potential and later turns out to be quite attractive or successful.

ETYMOLOGY: From the protagonist of the story “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen, in which a young bird believes himself to be a duck and is unhappy because he doesn’t look like a duck, only to later learn that (spoiler alert) he is a beautiful swan. Earliest documented use: 1877.

UGLI DUCKLING - a Jamaican variant of canard à l'orange

TUGLY DUCKLING - an immature duck who won't let go of a particularly tasty crumb

UGLY DUNKLING - a falling-apart doughnut (dipped in coffee too long)



MEANING: noun: Someone or something that lies dormant for a long time.

ETYMOLOGY: After the princess of a fairy tale who is cursed by a wicked fairy. The princess pricks her finger on a spindle and sleeps for 100 years until awakened by the kiss of a prince. Earliest documented use: 1729.

NOTES: In finance, a sleeping beauty is an asset, for example, a startup, that is an attractive target for takeover, but that has not yet been approached by someone. Also see Rip Van Winkle

SLEEPING BEATTY - Shh! Warren is napping

STEEPING BEAUTY - making tea from rose hips

BLEEPING BEAUTY - methinks the Lady needs to have her mouth washed out with soap



MEANING: noun: A suitor who fulfills the expectations of his beloved.

ETYMOLOGY: After Prince Charming, the fairy-tale hero of many stories, such as, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. Earliest documented use: 1850.

PRINCE CHARRING - The Artist Formerly Known As [Squiggle] certainly likes his meat well done

PRINNE CHARMING - Hester deserves her Scarlet Letter

PRINCE CHARTING - when Harry flies in his helicopter he needs to know where he's going


PRONUNCIATION: (kuh-ROB-uh-rayt)

MEANING: verb tr.: To confirm or support a claim, theory, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin corroborare (to strengthen), from com/cor- (together) + roborare (to make strong), from robur (oak, strength). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, roborant, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1530.

ZORRO BORATE - while protecting the poor against injustice he also developed and marketed a treatment for yeast and other groin infecitions

CORRO BERATE - to scold the voice parts for being out of tune

CORE ROBO-RATE - basic fee for 100,000 unwanted telephone calls

Posted By: wofahulicodoc PALOMARY - like a big telescope - 07/29/20 12:03 AM



MEANING: adjective: Of supreme importance; outstanding; praiseworthy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin palmarius (deserving or carrying the palm), from palma (palm). The branches of the palm tree were carried as symbols of victory in ancient times. The name of the palm tree derives from the resemblance of the shape of its frond to the palm of a hand. Earliest documented use: 1646. Two related words are palmy and palmer.

PALMDRY - some folks' hands get sweaty when they're anxious, but not theirs

PALMART - friends for hire or sale

PAYMARY - what to do when paying Peter or Paul doesn't work

PALMARRY - to marry your best friend (VT and VI)



MEANING: adjective
1. Of or related to a willow tree. For example, bordered, shaded, or covered by willows.
2. Gracefully tall, slender, and lithe.

ETYMOLOGY: Gracefully drooping branches of a willow have, for more than two centuries, inspired people to evoke the tree when describing a woman. The word willow is from Old English welig, ultimately from the Indo-European root wel- (to turn or roll), which also gave us waltz, revolve, valley, walk, vault, volume, wallet, helix, voluble, welter, and devolve. Earliest documented use: 1766.

HILLOWY - Mrs Rodham Clinton, to her next-door-neighbor's toddler

WILCO, WY - the military accedes to the request to pull the troops out of Cheyenne

WILLO. WHY? - Is that a mapl tree?



MEANING: noun: 1. Any of various hardy trees or shrubs of the genus Betula.
2. A birch twig or a bundle of them.
verb tr.: 1. To beat with (or as if with) a birch.
2. To admonish or to punish.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English berc/beorc. Earliest documented use: 700.

bi-RUCH - (-U- as in "put;" guttural -ch) - a loose pronunciation of "blessed" in both Hebrew and Arabic

PIRCH - where a bird sits; also, a kind of fish

BIORCH - 1. a Swedish tennis player, 2. trying to find and make a vaccine



MEANING: noun: 1. A tree or shrub of the genus Ficus or its fruit.
2. Something of little value.
3. A gesture of contempt.
verb tr.: To dress up.
noun: Dress or array.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 1-3: From Old French fige, from Provencal figa, from Latin fica (fig, ficus). Earliest documented use: 1225. Also see fig leaf.
For the rest: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1839.

NOTES: It’s not clear why the fig has suffered such an undervaluation, historically speaking. The OED lists the first citation in this sense from “The Court of Love” (1450): “A Figge for all her chastite!” The word is also used for the obscene gesture of a fist with the thumb sticking out between two fingers. Another word given to us by the lowly fig is sycophant.

FING - a euphemistic expression meant to convey an obscene adjective, is also variously spelled "effing" or "f---ing"

FIRG - presumptuousy familiar name for Sarah, Duchess of York (born Sarah Margaret Ferguson), ex-wife of Prince Andrew

FIG - a representation of some reviled person or object, often subjected to burning


PRONUNCIATION: (EYE-uhrn-har-tid)

MEANING: adjective: Cruel; unfeeling.

ETYMOLOGY: From iron, from Old English iren + heart, from Old English heorte. Earliest documented use: 1570.

IRON-HEATED - when you should strike

L.RON-HEARTED - believing in Dianetics

IRONY-HEARTED - pretending to believe in Dianetics, knowing its origin
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PUGNACITOUS - truculent - 08/04/20 02:50 PM



MEANING: adjective: Having a quarrelsome nature; belligerent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin pugnare (to fight), from pugnus (fist). Ultimately from the Indo-European root peuk- (to prick) which is also the source of point, puncture, pungent, punctual, poignant, pounce, poniard, oppugn, repugn, impugn, pugilist, and repugnant. Earliest documented use: 1642.

PUGRACIOUS - being courteous to small dog with squished-in faces

PUNNACIOUS - addicted to wordplay

BUG NACIÒ US - the insect was born in the United States
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ICTHYPHYLLIC - attracting fish - 08/05/20 03:17 PM



MEANING: adjective:
1. Lewd or salacious.
2. Having an erect phallus.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ithyphallicus, from Greek ithyphallikos, from ithyphallos, from ithys (straight) + phallos (phallus). Earliest documented use: 1795.


THY PHALLIC - how his subjects address Pan Priapus

IT HYPE ALL I.C. - integrated circuits are to be encouraged



MEANING: adjective: Cowardly; easily frightened.

ETYMOLOGY: The word chicken has traditionally been used to describe a coward. Also, earlier people believed that the liver was the seat of courage. But chicken-livered or chicken-hearted, it’s all the same. Earliest documented use: 1616.

NOTES: The English language hasn’t been very kind to the domestic fowl. Some similar terms are chicken hawk and Chicken Little. Also see lily-livered and white-livered.

CHICKEN-LIVERIED - 1. dressed chicken, suitable for serving on formal occasions
2. dressed chicken, suitable for serving on formal occasions

THICKEN-LIVERED - hepatic cirrhosis

CHICKEN-LOVERED - the betrothed of Miles Standish (just ask John Alden)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LYSTERIC - germ-killing - 08/09/20 12:37 AM



MEANING: adjective: Exhibiting an uncontrolled or overly emotional state, volatility, attention-seeking behavior, etc.
noun: An overly emotional or unstable person.

ETYMOLOGY: Via Latin from Greek hystera (uterus), from the former belief that disturbances in the uterus resulted in such behavior. Earliest documented use: 1652.

SHYSTERIC - like a less-than-principled lawyer

WHY STERIC? - Is there a reason for the three-dimensional configuration?

HYSTERICA - Alice's description of the US (see Edward Hope, Alice in the Delighted States: "...the continents are Aphasia, Paprika, North Hysterica, South Hysterica, Stirrup, and Nostalgia. Or something like that.")



MEANING: noun: The systematic practice of discriminating against Black people.

ETYMOLOGY: From Jim Crow, the name of a Black character in a 19th-century minstrel show. Earliest documented use: 1832.

JAM CROW - Knotts Berry Farm advertising

TIM CROW - Wee Cratchit says, "God Bless us, every one!"

JIM CROWN - orthographically-challenged champion body-builder's title
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SIMON LE GREEK - Zorba's older brother - 08/11/20 07:11 PM



MEANING: noun: A harsh taskmaster.

ETYMOLOGY: After Simon Legree, a brutal slaveholder in the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896). Simon Legree has Uncle Tom, an enslaved man, whipped to death for refusing to divulge the whereabouts of two enslaved women who had escaped to freedom. Earliest documented use: 1857.

SIMON DEGREE - an MBA in Shopping Mall management

SIMON LE TREE - a simple French arbre

I'M ON LE GREEN - pretty good golf shot, non?



MEANING: noun: A person regarded as betraying their cultural allegiance by being subservient to another.

ETYMOLOGY: After Uncle Tom, an enslaved man in the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-96). Earliest documented use: 1852.

NOTES: The term is considered disparaging and offensive, especially when applied to a Black person seen as being subservient to White people. In the book, Uncle Tom is a heroic figure. For example, he disobeys the orders to beat other enslaved people. In minstrel shows he was depicted as a passive figure and that image has taken root in the language.

UNCLEFT OM - the mantra is uniform and in one piece

NUNC LE TOM - Here we are in Ancient Rome, and Brady takes the field...

UNCLE ATOM - J Robert Oppenheimer was considered by many to be the "Father of the Atomic Bomb." What does that make his younger brother Frank?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TOPSY - Peter Rabbit's other sibling - 08/13/20 07:39 PM



MEANING: noun: Something growing without intention or direction.

ETYMOLOGY: After Topsy, a young enslaved girl, in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Earliest documented use: 1885.

NOTES: Topsy, a young girl, is purchased by the slaveholder Augustine and she becomes friends with his daughter Eva. When Eva asks Topsy who made her, she replies, “Nobody, as I knows on. I s’pect I growed. Don’t think nobody never made me.” The cute reply became popular in the English language to refer to an unplanned or an enormous growth.

STOPSY - alternative name for the urban game "Red Light"

TOPS'L - just below the Crows' Nest

TOPHY - full of gouty lumps on fingers, hands, toes, and feet, and in the skin



MEANING: noun: A woman considered to be a traitor to a cause.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined as a feminine version of Uncle Tom. Earliest documented use: 1956.

NOTES: There’s no such character as Aunt Tom in the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom’s wife is actually named Chloe. The term Aunt Jemima is also used sometimes as a synonym for Aunt Tom. The term could be derogatory and offensive, applied to a Black woman who is seen as servile to White people.

TAUNT TOM - what non-NE fans liked to do when he was a Patriot

QUANTTOM - a weird mechanics about to descend upon the Tampa football team

GAUNT TOM what he looks like after he develops anorexia
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BOONOSIS - scared sick of ghosts - 08/17/20 07:23 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (zo-AHN-uh-sis, zo-uh-NOH-sis)

MEANING: noun: Any disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek zoo- (animal) + nosos (disease). Earliest documented use: 1873.

NOTES: It’s too late now. The COVID-19 has already jumped from animals to humans. Let’s not make it jump from humans to humans. So, let’s wear a mask when in a public place.

OZONOSIS - what you get from too much tri-molecular oxygen

ZOOMOSIS - what you get from participating in too many streamed on-line meetings

ZONOSIS - I'm sick of this defense !


PRONUNCIATION: (FOM-uh-teez, FOH-myts)

MEANING: noun: Any inanimate object, such as a book, money, carpet, etc., that can transmit germs from one person to another.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin fomites, plural of fomes (touchwood, tinder), from fovere (to warm). Earliest documented use: 1803.

NOTES: The word fomites is a plural of fomes, but the s at the end of the word led people to assume it’s a plural and make a singular: fomite (FOH-myt). Some would say that it’s an error, but then there are many more words formed like this: cherry, from the singular cherise, pea from the singular pease, for example. The word is often used as a singular nowadays, similar to other technically plural words such as agenda or errata.
All this should be the least of our worries right now. Don’t be a walking fomites. Wear your mask when away from home.

FORMITES - things that are shaped like ants

UFO MITES - parasites that infest visiting spaceships

FO-LITES - what the enemy uses to see, when it's dark


PRONUNCIATION: (ay-simp-tuh-MAT-ik)

MEANING: adjective: Not showing any symptoms of disease.

ETYMOLOGY: From a- (not) + Latin symptoma (symptom), from Greek symptoma (occurrence), from sym- (together) + piptein (to fall). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pet- (to rush or fly), which also gave us appetite, feather, petition, compete, perpetual, propitious, appetence, lepidopterology, peripeteia, pinnate, petulant, and pteridology. Earliest documented use: 1932.

NOTES: If you’re asymptomatic you don’t show any symptoms, but it’s still possible you are infected and can transmit the infection to others. That’s why it’s important to wear a mask.

ASYMPTOMATIN - genetic material that confers freedom from disease symptoms (we wish)

ASYMPTOMAGIC - what it looks like when you have the trait above

ASYMMTOMATIC - having symptoms on only one side of your body



MEANING: noun: A person from whom a disease or something undesirable spreads.

ETYMOLOGY: After Mary Mallon (1869-1938), a cook in New York, who was a healthy carrier (contagious but showing no symptoms: asymptomatic) of typhoid. She died of pneumonia. Earliest documented use: 1909.

NOTES: One Typhoid Mary is enough in the history of humankind. Don’t let yourself be the new Typhoid Mary. Wear your mask when out and about.

TYPHOID WARY - worried about getting a Salmonella disease

TYCHOID MARY - another late 16th century Danish astronomer, daughter of Mr Brahe

TOPHOID MARY - unfortunate woman afflicted with crippling gout



MEANING: verb tr., intr.:
1. To administer a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
2. To immunize against something.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin vacca (cow), because in the beginning the cowpox virus was used against smallpox. Earliest documented use: 1803.

NOTES: Don’t vacillate when it’s time to vaccinate. But until a COVID-19 vaccine appears, the next best thing is to wear a mask. Some are resistant to the idea, so we see billboards with encouraging messages: “Real Heros Wear Masks”
No, wearing a mask does not make you a hero. Neither is having to wear a mask some sort of tyranny any more than having to wear a seat belt is. But if you need a medal, we can nominate you for a Presidential Medal of Freedom. They are going cheap these days.

VACCINNATE - born with smallpox immunity

VA: CC IN A TEE - veterans can get their shot even if casually dressed

VACCINA-TEL - offers disease prevention and Web access together
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CITICIZE - urbanify - 08/24/20 11:52 PM



MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To attach or become attached.

ETYMOLOGY: From clitic (an unstressed word that occurs in combination with another word), from enclitic/proclitic, from klinein (to lean), from klitos (slope). Ultimately from the Indo-European root klei- (to lean), which also gave us decline, incline, recline, lean, client, climax, ladder, heteroclite, and patrocliny. Earliest documented use: 1970s.

NOTES: In linguistics, to cliticize is to attach a clitic to another word. What’s a clitic? An unstressed linguistic element that can’t exist on its own and is dependent on its neighbor. An example in the previous sentence is ’t in can’t”.

CLINICIZE - translate from research to patient care

GLITICIZE - add a single medication treat diabetes, kidney trouble, and heart failure (see SGLT2 inhibitor)

CLIO-TICIZE - reduce to the stature of a small goldfish, so it fits in a Walt Disney cartoon movie


PRONUNCIATION: (OR-dn-uhns, or-duh-NAHNS)

MEANING: noun: The systematic arrangement of parts in art, literature, architecture, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From French, from alteration of Old French ordenance (order), from Latin ordinantia, from ordinare (to put in order), from ordo (order). Earliest documented use: 1660.

NOTES: The same Old French ordenance has also given us two more cousins of today’s word. So the whole lineup is:
ordnance: military supplies
ordinance: an order, decree, law, etc.
ordonnance: a systematic arrangement
I say we go back to communicating in grunts.

OR DON NANCY - then again, maybe it's the Italian nobleman with the unusual name

ORLONNANCE - conversion to a synthetic fabric

ORDO NUANCE - the ordering is very subtle



MEANING: noun: One who makes a settlement of property.

ETYMOLOGY: From alteration of settler, from settle, from Old English setlan (to seat or place). Earliest documented use: 1818.

SENT L.O.R. - I've just dispatched the Letter of Recommendation

SEAT L'OR - King Midas' Golden Chair

S.E.T.I.-LOR - the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence has its own mythology


PRONUNCIATION: EK-sor/suhr-syz)

MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To drive out something or someone undesirable, such as an evil spirit, malign influence, troubling feeling, etc.
2. To free a person or place of an evil spirit.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French exorciser, from Latin exorcizare, from Greek exorkizein (to swear a person), from ex- (out) + horkizein (to make one swear), from horkos (oath). Earliest documented use: 1546.

EXHORCISE - to issue a command

EXO-CISE - to peel away the outer covering

EXPORCISE - to decree that bacon no longer comes from a pig


PRONUNCIATION: (ee-kwuh-PAH-luhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Equal in power, force[align:center][/align], effect, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French equipolent, from Latin aequipollent (of equal value), from aequus (equal) + pollens (able), present participle of pollere (to be strong). Earliest documented use: 1420.

EQUIPOLLEN - allergic to two irritants exactly the same amount

EQUIPULLENT - tugging just as strongly but in opposite directions

AQUIPOLLENT - determining whether people say they prefer Evian or Poland Springs water or some other brand entirely
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WHEE! HORSE - riding toy for toddlers - 08/31/20 06:32 PM



MEANING: noun:
1. Someone responsible and diligent, especially one who bears the biggest share of burden in a group.
2. A horse harnessed closest to the front wheel(s) of a carriage.

ETYMOLOGY: From wheel, from Old English hweol + horse, from Old English hors. Earliest documented use: 1708.

WHEEL HOARSE - the CEO has a sore throat and a raspy voice

WHEEL HORDE - a mob of Hell's Angels on their bikes

WHEEL GORSE - a variety of tumbleweed
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BABALLINE - like a rumcake - 09/01/20 07:49 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (KAB-uh-lyn/leen)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Giving inspiration.
2. Relating to horses.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin caballus (horse). Earliest documented use: 1430.

NOTES: In Greek mythology, Hippocrene was a spring on Mt. Helicon that was created by a stroke of Pegasus’s hoof. If we can have a word coined after Greek hippos (horse), why not coin one after Latin caballus (horse), as well.

CABALLINT - what's in the conspirators' belly button

COBALLINE - blue-colored

Ca BALLITE - a spherical crystal of calcium salt


PRONUNCIATION: (HOR-ses/siz mouth)

MEANING: noun: The original or authentic source of some information.

ETYMOLOGY: The term has its origin in horse racing. If you wanted tips on how a horse was doing on a particular day, what better way than to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth? Earliest documented use: 1896.

HORSE'S MONTH - May, when the Kentucky Derby is run (except this year)

HORSE SMOOTH - flawlessly even, like a well-trained thoroughbred's gait

GORSE'S MOUTH - what a thorny invasive bush eats with
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHIV-ALROUS - fought with knives - 09/04/20 02:10 AM



MEANING: adjective: Having qualities of chivalry, such as courtesy, honor, bravery, gallantry, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French chevalerie, from chevalier (knight), from Latin caballus (horse). Earliest documented use: 1374.

CHI VALOROUS - the 22nd Greek letter has done heroic and yet ethical deeds

CHIVAL ROUT - the horsemen were defeated handily

CHIVAS-ROUS - like good Scotch whiskey



MEANING: adverb: Mounted with a leg on each side.
noun: A hobby horse.

ETYMOLOGY: From cock (rooster) + horse, perhaps from the strutting of a rooster. Earliest documented use: 1566.

CORK-HORSE - a child's floating swim-toy in the form of a horse that can be ridden in the water

COCK-HOUSE - medieval jargon for a brothel

CLOCK-HORSE - a model that goes around on a turntable when the clock strikes the hour
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MALLARDIAN - duckish - 09/07/20 10:41 PM



MEANING: adjective: Relating to a dystopian world, especially one characterized by social and environmental degradation, assisted by technology.

ETYMOLOGY. After the novelist and short story writer J.G. Ballard (1930-2009), whose works depict such post-apocalyptic scenarios.

BALLYARDIAN - reminiscent of the Baltimore Orioles' baseball stadium

BALLADIAN - one who specialises in singing the songs collected by Francis James Child, published as The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

BALLARD I AM - Hugo Ballard, protagonist of an unwritten story by Herman Melville, introduces himself



MEANING: noun: A meek and patient woman.

ETYMOLOGY: After Griselda, a woman in various medieval tales, who suffers without ever complaining as her husband puts her through various tests. The name Griselda is from Germanic roots meaning “gray battle-maid”. Talk about misnaming your character (see below)! Earliest documented use: 14th century.

GRISELLA - what they called Cinderella after she turned grey

URISELDA - the first-born of the author's two children

GURISEL? DA! - Is that the Russian company that makes batteries?



MEANING: adjective
1. Relating to Homer, his works, or his time.
2. Epic; large-scale; heroic.

ETYMOLOGY:\. After Homer (c. 750 BCE), who is presumed to have composed the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. Earliest documented use: 1594.

HOME BIC - the ball-point pen I use in my kitchen

HOMER? ICK - I just can't stand The Simpsons

"WHOM," ERIC - young Severeid is admonished by his teacher for a grammatical error
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DJ UNO - premier disk jockey - 09/10/20 08:37 PM



MEANING: noun: A woman of stately bearing and beauty.

ETYMOLOGY: After Juno, a goddess in Roman mythology. The name is from Latin Iuno, from iuvenis (young). Ultimately from the Indo-European root. yeu- (vital force), which also gave us youth, juvenile, rejuvenate, junior, and June. Earliest documented use: 1606. The adjectival form is junoesque.

JUG? NO! - I don't like moonshine

JUNIO - after hours at the Mayo Clinic, the next doctor spoke Spanish

JA-NO - bizarre fortune-telling device
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PAVLAVIAN - referring to Pablo's birds - 09/11/20 07:51 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (pav-LO-vee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Relating to a conditioned or predictable response; automatic; involuntary.

ETYMOLOGY: After the physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), known for his work in classical conditioning. Earliest documented use: 1922.

PAYLOVIAN - related to the World's Oldest Profession

PAULOVIAN - who received the loot after Petrovian was robbed

PA-BLOVIAN - about those aimless (and pointless) tales my father told


PRONUNCIATION: (tok-SAH-fuh-lee)

MEANING: noun: The practice of, love of, or addiction to, archery.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek toxon (bow) + -phily (love), based on toxophilite, coined by Roger Ascham (1515-1568). Earliest documented use: 1887.

NOTES: Roger Ascham was the tutor for teen Lizzie, future Queen Elizabeth I. His book Toxophilus was the first book on archery in English. It was a treatise on archery, but it was also an argument for writing in the vernacular: in English. You could say he shot two birds with one arrow.

TOCOPHILIC - Don't you just love being in labor

BOXOPHILIC - Little kids, who seem to like the boxes better than the presents that come in them. Cats, too.

TAXOPHILIC - one who likes to put classify things into proper categories
(and you thought it was going to be about enjoying paying money to the government. Hah!)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SUPER-CAR-GO - very high octane gas - 09/15/20 03:44 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (soo-puhr-KAHR-goh)

MEANING: noun:
1. An officer on a merchant ship who is in charge of the cargo.
2. A superintendent or an agent.

ETYMOLOGY: By alteration of supracargo, from Spanish sobrecargo, from sobre (over), from Latin super (super) + cargo. Earliest documented use: 1667.

SUPER-ARGO - 1. the spaceship that brought Kal-El from Krypton to Earth; 2. Jason's ship after being modified and re-outfitted

SUPER-C-ARCO - vigorously bowed on the lowest string on a cello

SUPERBARGO - to flood a port with goods so as to clog it (the shipping equivalent of a Denial-of-Service computer attack)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OVOTIVE - eggy - 09/17/20 12:00 AM



MEANING: adjective: Relating to a vow, wish, desire, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin votum (vow), from vovere (to vow), which also gave us vow, vote, and devote. Earliest documented use: 1582.

VORTIVE - twisting and turning

VODIVE - plunge into the water seeking Canadian whiskey

VOTICE - an official pronouncement announcing the importance of casting your ballot


PRONUNCIATION: (vuhr-BIJ-uh-rayt)

MEANING: verb intr.: To obsessively repeat meaningless words and phrases.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin verbigerare (to talk, chat), from verbum (word) + gerere (to carry on). Earliest documented use: 1656.

VERBIGERA TEA - a soothing brew made from the bark of verbigera trees

VERBIAGE RATE - number of meaningless words/phrases per minute

VERB ICE-RATE - refrigeration fee (new word, gaining popularity since Global Warming became an issue.)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DECREANT - something that lessens - 09/20/20 05:01 PM



MEANING: adjective: 1. Unfaithful to a cause, duty, person, belief, etc.
2. Cowardly.
noun: 1. A disloyal person.
2. A coward.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French recreant, present participle of recroire (to yield, to surrender allegiance), from Latin recredere (to yield or pledge), from re- + credere (to believe). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kerd- (heart), which also gave us cardiac, cordial, courage, record, concord, discord, credit, credo, and accord. Earliest documented use: 1330.

RECREDANT - someone whose credentials were just validated again

RECUREANT - the disease is gone once more

PRECREANT - before even being thought of
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FANCY-PINTS - craft ale - 09/21/20 11:27 PM



MEANING: noun: Someone attractive, silly, or pretentious.
adjective: Snobbish; pretentious; newfangled; overly complicated.

ETYMOLOGY: From fancy, a contraction of fantasy, from Old French fantasie, from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia (imagination, appearance), from phantazein (to make visible) + pants, short for pantaloons, plural of pantaloon. St. Pantaleone/Pantalone was a popular saint in Venice. As a result, it was also a common name among the Venetians. As a result, a comic character in the Italian commedia dell’arte was named Pantalone. The leggings this character wore became known as pantalone (plural pantaloni). And that became pantaloons in English. Earliest documented use: 1870. A related word is smarty-pants.

FANCY-PANES - stained-glass window

FANCY-PAINTS - fine art

FANNY-PANTS - very tight shorts



MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to pleasant warm weather.
2. Informal; direct.
3. Hardworking; having a can-do attitude.

ETYMOLOGY: From the idea of rolling up the sleeves of one’s shirt in warm weather, in an informal setting, or in preparation to get down to work. Could also be from the idea of simply wearing a shirt, without a formal coat. From shirt, from Old English scyrte + sleeve, from Old English sliefe. Earliest documented use: 1567.

SHIFTSLEEVE - the arm covering attached to a dress that falls straight down from the shoulders

SHIRT-SALE EVE - the night before the haberdashery reduced its prices

SHIRE SLEEVE - a specific cut of clothing worn in Bilbo Baggins' homeland



MEANING: noun: In opera, drama, film, etc.:
1. A role in which a female character pretends to be a male.
2. A male part played by a female actor.
Also known as a breeches role or a pants role.

ETYMOLOGY: From the traditional view of trousers as male clothing. From an alteration of earlier trouse, from Scottish Gaelic triubhas, influenced by drawers. Earliest documented use: 1955.

TROUSER POLE - a rod stuck into the wall to hang your pants on after removal

TARO USER ROLE - a part in a play involving a Hawaiian chef

TROUSER ROPE - last resort when your belt breaks



MEANING: noun: A member of police or military trained for carrying out a sudden assault, especially one marked by brutality and violence.

ETYMOLOGY: After Nazi storm troopers, from the color of their shirts. Earliest documented use: 1932.

BRAWN SHIRT - with cutoff sleeves to show off your bod

GROWN SHIRT - made completely from organic cotton

BROWNSHIRE - severe drought in Hobbit country


PRONUNCIATION: (see-tuhv-thuh-PANTS)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Using experience, instinct, or guesswork as opposed to methodical planning.
2. Done without instruments.

ETYMOLOGY: The term has its origin in aviation. Before modern instruments, a pilot flew a plane based on how it felt. For example, in fog or clouds, in the absence of instrumentation one could tell whether the plane was climbing or diving by how heavy one feels in the seat. Seat of the pants is the area where one sits, i.e. the buttocks. Earliest documented use: 1929.

SEAT-OFF-THE-PANTS - what you do with your Doctor Dentins to use the toilet

SEAN-OF-THE-PANTS - saga of a plucky Irish tailor; also known as "Seven-with-One-Blow"

SEAT-OF-THE-RANTS - long-since-forgotten childhood trauma that is the source of explosive outbursts of anger in later life
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PARTOLIAN - not completely olian - 09/29/20 01:28 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (pak-TOH-lee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Golden; lavish.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pactolus (now called Sart Çayı), a river in ancient Lydia (in modern Turkey), known for its golden sands. Earliest documented use: 1586.

NOTES: According to the legend, King Midas bathed in the river Pactolus to get rid of his golden touch, really a golden curse. Midas’s story has given us such terms as Midas touch and Midas-eared. It was this golden sand that supposedly made Croesus rich.

PECTOLIAN - pertaining to sternal alcohol

PACTOLICAN - a pelican with an overstuffed pouch

CACTOLIAN - derived from cactus oil


PRONUNCIATION: (JED-buh-ruh juhs-tis)

MEANING: noun: Punishment before trial.

ETYMOLOGY: After Jedburgh, a town in Scotland, where in the 17th century people were summarily executed. The town lies on the Jed Water river. Earliest documented use: 1698.

NOTES: Jedburgh justice, also known as Jedwood justice or Jeddart justice, is, in essence: Hang now, ask questions later. The term is coined after Jedburgh, a town near Edinburgh, where under the orders of King James VI and I, people were executed without trial. See also: lynch.

JEDI BURGH JUSTICE - performs marriages and such in Yoda's home town

JED B: URGE JUSTICE - Attention, Sheriff B: [Black Life du jour]Matters!

JEDBURGH, JUSTINE - Durrell's anti-heroine after marrying a rich magnate
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DERWINTER - before der Springe - 10/01/20 02:05 AM



MEANING: noun: An ex-convict.

ETYMOLOGY: After Derwent, a river in Tasmania. There used to be a convict settlement on its banks. Earliest documented use: 1853.


MEANING: noun: An ex-convict.

ETYMOLOGY: After Derwent, a river in Tasmania. There used to be a convict settlement on its banks. Earliest documented use: 1853.

DER RENTER - the Berliner who takes an apartment

DER WENTER - the one who departed without notice (or payment)

DE-RENTER - the landlord who wants to convert the property to condominiums
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ...or does Mom need hearing aids? - 10/02/20 12:30 AM



MEANING: noun:
1. Strong, dangerous winds.
2. An improvised lantern.
3. A country bumpkin.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Palouse region in northern Idaho and eastern Washington, named after the Palouse river. Earliest documented use: 1903.

PA, LOUDER! - Speak up, Dad, I can't hear you

PALE USER - drug addicts often don't get much sun

PAL OUSTER - they just deposed my buddy

PALO USHER - shows Stanford football patrons to their seats



MEANING: verb intr.: To take a winding course.

ETYMOLOGY: After Scamander (modern name: Karamenderes), a river in Turkey. The river was named after a river god in Greek mythology. Earliest documented use: 1864. Also see meander.

S. CA. MEANDER - southern California doesn't come to an end, it just wanders about near the Mexico border

SHAMAN, DER - the German word for "indigenous magical practitioner" is masculine

SCAM ENDER - a combined FBI/FCC/telecommunication-industry megaproject project
Posted By: wofahulicodoc UNIT CORN - one kernel - 10/06/20 01:17 AM



MEANING: noun:
1. A mythical horse-like creature with a horn on the forehead.
2. Something or someone rare or unusual: highly desirable but hard or impossible to find.
3. A startup valued at one billion dollars or more.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin unicornis, from uni- (single) + cornu (horn), ultimately from the Indo-European root ker- (horn, head), which also gave us cornucopia, carrot, cranium, cornea, cervix, and cancer. Earliest documented use: 1225.

UNICON - there's never been a scam like this before

U NICE, RN - Glad to have met you, Nurse

UNiCoRb - a semi-crystalline mixture of Uranium, Nickel, Cobalt, and Rubidium used to make superconducting magnets
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BUNYOP - a dance craze from the 50s - 10/06/20 04:02 PM



MEANING: noun: An impostor.
adjective: Counterfeit; phony.

ETYMOLOGY: After bunyip, a large mythical creature of Australian Aboriginal legend, who lives in swamps, riverbeds, etc. The word is from Wemba-Wemba or Wergaia language of the Aboriginal people in Victoria. Earliest documented use: 1848.

NOTES: The most popular usage of the word is in the term “bunyip aristocracy” to refer to people pretending to be socially superior. It was first used by the journalist and politician Daniel Deniehy satirizing an attempt to establish a hereditary peerage in Australia. The label “bunyip aristocracy” stuck and the proposal was dropped

BUNYIN - either a folklore logger or a painful big toe, take your pick

B. UNZIP - second line in the directions for putting on your new pants

CUNY IP - City University of New York has implemented its own Internet protocol



MEANING: noun: A source of trouble, especially problems of technical nature.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps from an alteration of the word goblin or from Irish gruaimin (a gloomy person). Earliest documented use: 1929.

NOTES: Originally, the word gremlin was Royal Air Force slang for a low-level employee. From there it evolved to refer to a mythical creature responsible for problems in aircraft. The word was popularized by the novelist Roald Dahl, a former fighter pilot with the RAF, when he published his children’s book The Gremlins in 1943. It’s not certain how the term was coined.

GRIM LIN - that guy who wrote Hamilton looks concerned

G: REM-LINE - the seventh trace on the EEG; reflects dream activity

GREMLING - a young grem
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SNAREK - Spock's sarcastic father - 10/08/20 11:31 PM



MEANING: noun: 1. A mysterious, imaginary animal.
2. Something or someone hard to track down.
3. A snide remark.
verb intr.: To make a snide remark.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 1, 2: Coined by Lewis Carroll in the poem The Hunting of the Snark in 1876. Earliest documented use (outside the poem): 1879.
For noun 3, verb: Of imitative origin, formerly used in the sense to snore or snort. Earliest documented use: 1866.

U.S.N. ARK - a US navy vessel for sheltering couples

SIN-ARK - an trigonometry inverse function

SNARY - trappily frightful
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FIGFOOT - the roots of the Ficus tree - 10/10/20 01:43 AM



MEANING: noun: A prominent person in a commanding position, especially a journalist.
verb tr.: To dominate or to take control of a situation from someone.
verb intr.: To behave in an authoritative, domineering manner.

ETYMOLOGY: Bigfoot is a nickname for a Sasquatch, a large, ape-like mythical creature who lives in a remote wilderness, especially the Pacific Northwest region of the US and the adjacent part of Canada. Earliest documented use: 1833.

GIGFOOT - one billion feet, or just over one light-second (1.06 light-seconds, to be precise)

BIGFONT - what you use for newspaper headlines

BIGFOOL - who tells you to press on when you're Waist Deep in the Big Muddy



MEANING: noun: A name used internally to refer to a place, people, language, etc.
For example, Germany’s endonym is Deutschland, because that’s what Germans call their country.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek endo- (inside, within) + -onym (word, name). Some related words endogenous and endogamy

END ONLY, M? - Just play the final two bars of the music, James

END ON YMA - the list of sopranos with a 4-plus-octave range

ENDONAM - 30 April 1975, upon the capture of Saigon by the People's Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong


PRONUNCIATION: (BAY-zuh/suh-lekt, BAZ/BAS-uh-lekt)

MEANING: noun: The least prestigious variety of a language.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin basis + dialectus (dialect). Earliest documented use: 1965.

BA SELECT - What colleges did you say you're applying to?

BASIC ECT - common or garden variety shock therapy

BASIL SECT - herb worshippers



MEANING: n nnoun: A figure of speech in which someone or something is referred to by the name of something associated.
For example, the use of the word crown to refer to monarchy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin metonymia, from Greek metonymia (change of name), from meta- (after, beyond) + onama (name). Ultimately from the Indo-European root no-men- (name) which also gave us name, anonymous, noun, synonym, eponym, renown, nominate, misnomer, moniker, and ignominy. Earliest documented use: 1553.

NOTES: When a part is used to refer to the whole, it is synecdoche. For example, the use of the word eyeballs to refer to viewers or website visitors. In metaphor, the substitution is based on analogy, in metonym on association.

ME TOO, AMY - I agree with you, Senator Klobuchar

MET ON MY _______ - How did you guys say you know each other?

METRONOMY - the art of naming cities



noun: A repetition of the same or similar endings in a sequence of words.

From homeo- (similar) from Greek homoio + -teleutos, from teleute (end). Earliest documented use: 1592.

The word also refers to a form of scribal error where a copyist’s eye skips to a word with the same ending one or more lines below where they were.

HO: MEOW ELEUTION - Look - they're washing all the sound out of the cat!

HOMEOTELEFUTON - if your TV is upsetting, you can roll over and sleep on it

ROMEO TELEUTO - young Montague gives instructions

HOMEO-PELEUTON - the main pack of bicycle racers hasn't changed


PRONUNCIATION: (HET-uh-ruh-fee-mee)

MEANING: noun: The use of a word different from the one intended.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hetero- (different) + pheme (speaking). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bha- (to speak), which also gave us fable, fairy, fate, fame, blame, confess, and infant (literally, one unable to speak), apophasis (allusion to something by denying it will be said), confabulate, and ineffable. Earliest documented use: 1875.

HETEROPHEME - speaking in tongues

PETER O'PHEMY - the Master of Castle Phemy (compare HESTERO'PHEMY, the Mistress of Castle Phemy)

HETEROPHEME - how I know that what I smell is the blood of an Hinglishman (along with HETEROPHIME, HETEROPHOME,and HETEROPHUMM)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BIBENT - Romans drink - 10/20/20 12:16 AM



MEANING: noun: A two-pronged instrument, weapon, implement, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin bidens (two-pronged), from bi- (two) + dens (tooth). Earliest documented use: 1675.

BIDENT - two-toothed, like Oliver J Dragon

BADENT - Tolkien's renegade tree-monster

AIDENT - coronavirus relief program for dentists

BIDENOT - Don't stay here!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc STRUMPERY - banjo-playing - 10/21/20 01:15 AM



MEANING: noun:
1. Something showy but worthless.
2. Nonsense or rubbish.
3. Deceit; fraud; trickery.

ETYMOLOGY: from French tromper (to deceive). Earliest documented use: 1481.

THUMPERY - beating one's chest

TRAMPERY - vintage behavior

TRUS-PERY - prostate surgery guided by Trans-Rectal UltraSound
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PENSITE - the Mont Blanc factory - 10/22/20 08:46 PM



MEANING: adjective: Sadly thoughtful; wistful.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French pensif (pensive), from penser (to think), from Latin pensare (ponder), frequentative of pendere (to weigh). Ultimately from the Indo-European root (s)pen- (to draw, to spin), which also gave us pendulum, spider, pound, pansy, pendant, ponder, appendix, penthouse, depend, spontaneous, vilipend, pendulous, ponderous, filipendulous, equipoise, perpend, and prepend. Earliest documented use: 1393.

PENDIVE - where in the sty to go slumming

PENSIRE - the Alpha Hog

PENSAVE - why one might use email instead of writing
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DEVI - plural of DEVUS - 10/22/20 08:56 PM



MEANING: noun: A goddess.

ETYMOLOGY: From Sanskrit devi (goddess). Earliest documented use: 1799.

NOTES: Devi is her middle name. Really. Kamala means lotus; also the name of a goddess.

ODE VI - the sixth in a series of laudatory poems

O DEVI - also, the introductory apostrophe of same

DEVIM - to sap one's energy

Posted By: wofahulicodoc OE - to be indebted - 10/24/20 02:27 AM



MEANING: noun:
1. A fellow; guy.
2. Coffee.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: Short for Joseph, from Hebrew Yoseph, from yasaf (to add or increase). Earliest documented use: 1846.
For 2: Origin unknown, perhaps an alteration of java. Earliest documented use: 1941.

JOEX - a female baby kangaroo (compare JOEY)

JOEI - Happiness, to a French-speaking dyslexic

JONE - the fourth beis in a game of beisbol. if you hit the ball fair and over the fence it's a jonron



MEANING: adjective: Of orangish-red or reddish-orange color.
noun: Such a color.

ETYMOLOGY: From French coquelicot (red poppy), from its resemblance to the crest of a rooster, from coq (rooster). Earliest documented use: 1795. Also see, coxcomb.

COQUELICOST - How much do you want for that scallop shell?

CO-QUELLCOT - it took both of us together to subdue that tent sleeper

COQUELI-CAT - like a calico, but less so



adjective: Having a lot of space; roomy.

From Latin capax, from capere (to take). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kap- (to grasp), which also gave us captive, capsule, capable, capture, cable, chassis, occupy, and deceive. Earliest documented use: 1614.

CARPACIOUS - something fishy

CA PAC IOUs - promissory notes from the California Political Action committee

ÇA PA. TOUS - that's just about all of Pennsylvania
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DOUBTE-TALK - skepticisme - 10/28/20 11:31 PM



MEANING: noun: 1. Speech that’s a mix of actual words and gibberish.
2. Evasive or ambiguous language meant to deceive or confuse.
verb tr., intr.: To engage in double-talk or to try to persuade with it.

ETYMOLOGY: From double, from Old French duble/doble (double), from Latin duplus (twofold), from duo (two) + talk, from Middle English talkien, from tale. Earliest documented use: 1938. Also see doublethink.

DOUBLET-TALK - discussion of vest styles

DOABLE-TALK - says what he'll do, can do what he said

DOUBLE-TACK - attach with two rows of fasteners



MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to vapor.
2. Producing vapors; volatile.
3. Vague; hazy; obscure; insubstantial; transitory; unreliable; fanciful.
4. Translucent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin vapor (steam). Earliest documented use: 1527.

VAPORONS - newly recognized sub-atomic particle, the fundamental particle of Ether

APOROUS - impenetrable

V.A. POR US - after discharge Latins support the Veterans Administration, as it helps both the country and themselves



MEANING: adjective:
1. Of an orange-yellow or greenish-yellow color.
2. Muddy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin luteus (yellow), from lutum (yellowweed, mud). Earliest documented use: 1656.

LUTE-FOUS - crazy over plucked French stringed instruments

GLUTEOUS - buttery

LUK-E-OUS - "Aren't we fortunate?!"



MEANING: adjective:
1. Easy; not burdensome.
2. Soft; comfortable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hindi/Urdu khushi (pleasure, happiness), from Persian khushi. The second sense probably influenced by the word cushion. Earliest documented use: 1887.

CRUSHY - using an inappropriately strong handshake

CUSSY - afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome, blurting out offensive words uncontrollably

C.U., SAY - name an organization purporting to be for consumers' protection ["Consumers' Union"]



MEANING: noun: A dense winter fog having ice particles.

ETYMOLOGY: From Shoshone paγinappih (cloud). Earliest documented use: 1860.

PROGONIP - in favor of encouraging toothless puppies to bite

PIGONAP - 3.14159... says it's going to lie down and rest now

VOGON I.P. - the intergalactic highway-builders want to copyright their ideas



MEANING: noun: Sorcery; witchcraft; spell.

ETYMOLOGY: From Irish piseog (witchcraft). Earliest documented use: 1829.

PASHOGUE - a town in Suffolk County (South Shore of Long Island, NY), a couple of miles west of Brookhaven

PISH AGUE - dysuria

PIS-HAGUE - those old Dutch cities are going from bad to worse



MEANING: noun: A sleeve or holder designed to hold a hot cup.

ETYMOLOGY: From Arabic zarf (container, sheath). Earliest documented use: 1836.

AARF - the sound made by retired dogs

OARF - coamposer of Carmina Burana

ZARO - sweet syrup with no calories

Posted By: wofahulicodoc PIGARO - Porky the Barber - 11/07/20 01:01 AM



MEANING: noun: A rogue; an adventurer.

ETYMOLOGY: From Spanish picaro (rogue). Earliest documented use: 1622. Also see picaresque and picaroon.

PICRO- - prefix meaning one trillionth ( 10 ^ -12 )

PI, CLARO - What does a Spanish mathematician call the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter?

PICA PRO - someone with ingests bizarre substances, like ice or lead paint chips or dirt, for a living
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ENEMIOUS - rancorously opposed - 11/10/20 12:54 AM



MEANING: adjective: Growing in windy conditions.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek anemos (wind). Earliest documented use: 1879.

ANEMIONS - microscopic particles that suppress your red blood cell count

MNEM-IOUS - to help you remember your debts

ÂNE MIAOUS - catlike noises made by a French donkey
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ACCEDIOUS - overwhelmingly agreeable - 11/10/20 04:38 PM



MEANING: adjective: Characterized by apathy, boredom, or sloth.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin acedia, from Greek akedia, from a- (not) + kedos (care). Earliest documented use: 1609. Also see acedia.

ACTEDIOUS - behave tiresomely

ABEDIOUS - sleep excessively

ACETIOUS - sharp, vinegary
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ADVENTITIOUS - of the coming season - 11/12/20 01:21 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (ad-ven-TI-shuhs)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Arising from an external source.
2. Happening by chance.
3. Appearing in an unusual place.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin adventicius (coming from outside, foreign), from advenire (to arrive), from ad- (toward) + venire (to come). Earliest documented use: 1603. Also spelled as adventious.

ADDVENTITIOUS - installing additional windows

ADVENDITIOUS - for the purpose of selling more promotional messages

ADENTITIOUS - toothless
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CASSIOUS - clay-like - 11/12/20 10:30 PM



MEANING: adjective: Bluish or grayish green.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin caesius, probably from caelum (sky). Earliest documented use: 1835.

CAESEOUS - cheesy

CADS IOUS - promissory notes, generally not repaid

CANESIOUS - a college in Buffalo NY, source of Jesuit sugar



MEANING: adjective: Of or relating to worms.

ETYMOLOGY: From French anneler (to ring), from Latin anellus, diminutive of anus (ring). Earliest documented use: 1835.

PANNE-LIDOUS - like a bread-cover

ANNELI-NOUS - We're the Parisian branch of the Anneli family...

ANNELID FOUS - ...and we're crazy over earthworms!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GAMBIT - walking range - 11/16/20 09:57 PM



MEANING: noun:
1. An opening in which a minor piece is sacrificed to obtain a strategic advantage.
2. A maneuver used to secure an advantage.
3. A remark used to open or redirect a conversation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Spanish gambito, from Italian gambetto (the act of tripping someone), from gamba (leg). Earliest documented use: 1656.

GUMBIT - the masticatory equivalent of "Man Bites Dog"

GAMEBIT - money purchased and used within an App

GAMBIN - where you keep chess and checkers, Clue, Sorry, Monopoly, Settlers of Catan, Magic: the Gathering, and such, when you're not playing
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PYROPUGNACULUM - a fiery battle - 11/18/20 01:18 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (praw-puhg-NAK-yuh-luhm)

MEANING: noun: A fortress; defense; protection.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin propugnaculum (bulwark), from propugnare (to fight in defense of something), from pro- (toward) + pugnare (to fight), from pugnus (fist). Ultimately from the Indo-European root peuk- (to prick), which is also the source of point, puncture, pungent, punctual, poignant, pounce, poniard, oppugn, repugn, impugn, pugnacious, pugilist, and repugnant. Earliest documented use: 1773.

PRE-PUGNACULUM - little skirmish leading up to the actual conflict

PROPUGNOCULUM - in favor of the beady little eye of a small short-nosed dog

PROPUGNACUUM - a suction cleaning device that's angry all the time



MEANING: adjective:
1. Clumsy; unimaginative; uninspired.
2. Forthright.
3. Unprepared.
4. Uncompromising.
5. Having the arch of the foot flattened so the entire sole touches the ground.

ETYMOLOGY: From flat, from Old Norse flatr + foot, from Old English fot. Earliest documented use: 1601. (A flatfoot is not necessarily flatfooted.

FATFOOTED - bloated and edematous from the ankle down

FEATFOOTED - world's-record-holder in the 100-meter dash

FLATFOOLED - convinced he was in the wrong apartment


PRONUNCIATION: (kon-sang-GWIN-ee-uhs)

MEANING: adjective: Related by blood; having a common ancestor.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin consanguineus, from con- (with) + sanguineus (bloody), from sanguis (blood). Earliest documented use: 1616.

CON SANGUINE BUS - brings prisoners back from their Anger Management sessions

CONAN GUINEOUS - Night-show host O'Brien acted like Obiwan Kenobi (or the British Colonel at the River Kwai)

CONS AN' QUINEOUS - fake COVID-19 cure is actually good for malaria
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHAM-HANDED - a bluffing poker-player - 11/21/20 12:42 AM



MEANING: adjective: Clumsy; tactless; lacking social grace.

ETYMOLOGY: From ham + hand. It’s the same ham (one who overacts), apparently from the minstrel song, “The Hamfat Man”. Earliest documented use: 1918.

WHAM-HANDED - a very hard-punching boxer

HAT-HANDED - begging

HAM-WANDED - a showy but incompetent magician
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EUPHONIA - several small tubas - 11/23/20 07:55 PM



MEANING: noun: A feeling or state of elation or well-being.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eu- (well) + pherein (to bear). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bher- (to carry, to bear children) that gave birth to words such as basket, suffer, fertile, burden, bring, bear, offer, prefer, birth, adiaphorism, delate, opprobrious, sufferance, and paraphernalia. Earliest documented use: 1684.

EUPHORBIA - Spurge, or bastard spurge, a genus of plants of many species, mostly shrubby, herbaceous succulents, yielding an acrid, milky juice. Most of them have powerful emetic and cathartic products. [Honest. YCLIU!]

EDUPHORIA - delight in acquiring knowledge

GUPHORIA (pr. "guf-FAW-ree-uh") - laughing loudly and uncontrollably


PRONUNCIATION: (kwuh/kwah-TUHR-nee-uhn)

MEANING: noun: A set of four persons, things, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin quattuor (four). Earliest documented use: 1384.

QUAKER'N'ION - breakfast cereal made of charged oatmeal particles

'QUATER NICON - a fine camera made at very low latitudes

AQUATERNION - a waterfowl whose best friend is T-Berton
Posted By: wofahulicodoc URICACEOUS - gouty - 11/26/20 02:47 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (uhr-tih-KAY-shuhs)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to a nettle.
2. Stinging.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin urtica (nettle), from urere (to burn). Earliest documented use: 1836.

URBICACEOUS - citified

URTICAREOUS - makes your cavities itch

UTICA CEO: US - We've just been put in charge of that city in upstate NY
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AUTORELIC - an old starting crank - 11/26/20 08:36 PM



MEANING: adjective: Having a purpose, motivation, or meaning in itself; not driven by external factors.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek auto- (self) + telos (end). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwel- (to revolve), which also gave us colony, cult, culture, cycle, cyclone, chakra, collar, telic, entelechy, talisman, col, and accolade. Earliest documented use: 1864.

AUTOTELLIC - car with built-in reporting to the police whenever you exceed the speed limit

Au HOTELIC - very posh lodgings, with all gold fixtures

AUTHOTELIC - the final chapter in a long story, such as Homer's Iliad or Odyssey
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VINACETOUS - vinegary - 11/27/20 05:50 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (vy/vi/vuh-NAY-shuhs)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to wine.
2. Of the color of red wine: reddish.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin vinum (wine). Earliest documented use: 1688.

PINACEOUS - bromeliad, like a pineapple

WINACEOUS - overfond of having a pair of Aces in the hole

BINACEOUS - synonym for BINARY
Posted By: wofahulicodoc JEANLING - denim short shorts - 12/01/20 03:00 AM



MEANING: noun: The young of an animal, especially of a sheep or a goat.
adjective: New-born; infant.

ETYMOLOGY: From yean (to give birth to a young), from Old English geeanian, from eanian (to bear young) + -ling (small, young, inferior). Earliest documented use: 1644.

YEARNLING - the first faint glimmering of a desire

YE, MANLING - I'm talkin' ta you, punk

YEAN LINGO - spoken in the land of Ye
Posted By: wofahulicodoc URTIFORM - shaped like an itch - 12/02/20 01:05 AM



MEANING: adjective: Having the form or appearance of a bear.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ursus (bear). Ultimately from the Indo-European root rtko- (bear), which also gave us arctic (literally, of the bear), the name Ursula (diminutive of Latin ursa: bear), and arctophile (one who is very fond of teddy bears). Earliest documented use: 1791.

CURSIFORM - 1. oathsome; 2. scriptlike

ARSIFORM - British: ass-shaped

URSIFARM - where bears are grown

URSIDORM - the final room that Goldilocks entered
Posted By: wofahulicodoc better than leptospirosis - 12/02/20 10:39 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (lep-tuh-DAK-tuh-luhs)

MEANING: adjective: Having slender fingers or toes.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek lepto- (thin) + -dactyl (toed, fingered). Earliest documented use: 1855.

KLEPTODACTYLOUS - finger-stealing (not welcome at KFC)

LEPTO-d-ACETYL OPS - skinny-fingered vinegary penguin



MEANING: adjective: Full-figured; pleasingly plump; buxom.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish zaftik (juicy), from German saftig (juicy), from Saft (juice). Earliest documented use: 1921.

ZAFTING - alternative form meaning "betraying"

WAFTIG - blowing in the gentle breeze with your nose stuffed

ZAPTIG - Calvin shoots Hobbes with a Taser


PRONUNCIATION: (nok-tuh-LOO-suhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Shining at night.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nocti- (night) + lucent (shining). Ultimately from the Indo-European root leuk- (light), which also gave us lunar, lunatic, light, lightning, lucid, illuminate, illustrate, translucent, lux, lynx, pellucid, lutestring, lustrate, lucubrate, limn, and lea. Earliest documented use: 1691.

NOCTILUSCENT - the night is deepening

NOCTILU CANT - Prime Minister Noctilu of Roumania regrets he is unable

NON-TILUCENT - my bathroom walls do not glow
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ABRA-ZEN - a magical Ko-an - 12/08/20 05:01 PM



MEANING: adjective: 1. Shamelessly bold.
2. Made of or relating to brass.
verb tr.: To face an embarrassing or difficult situation in a shamelessly bold manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English braes (brass). Earliest documented use: 1000.

BLAZEN - how the outlaws galloped into town with their gunza

BRATEN - the wurst possible Viennese sausage

BRAKE N - - how to slow down the fourteenth car of the train


PRONUNCIATION: (au-RI-kuh-muhs)

MEANING:. adjective: Relating to golden hair.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin auricomus, from aurum (gold) + coma (hair). Earliest documented use: 1864.

AURICOROUS - golden-throated voices singing together

AGRICOMOUS - your typical Roman farmer's rodent

AFRICOMOUS - Sherlock Holmes' Giant Rat of Sahara



MEANING: noun: The love of money; greed.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek phil- (love) + argyros (silver). Ultimately from the Indo-European root arg- (to shine; white) that is also the source of argue (from Latin arguere, to make clear), argillaceous (clayey), and French argent (money). The word also appears in the chemical symbol for silver (Ag) and in the name of the country Argentina (where flows Rio de la Plata, Spanish for “river of silver”). Earliest documented use: 1529.

PHIL-ARMY RY. - train taking fans from Philadelphia to West Point

PHILARGYRO - pile the makings into our submarine sandwich at that stand next to the Liberty Bell

CHILARGYRY - ...keep the sandwiches in the refrigerator till we get there
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TIN POT - an ineffective helmet - 12/10/20 06:51 PM



MEANING: adjective: Unimportant; of little worth.

ETYMOLOGY: Alluding to a tin pot, in quality or sound, broadly from a reference to tin as a base metal compared to precious metals. Earliest documented use: 1838.

INPOT - your status after calling a bet

LIN-POT - composer Manuel Miranda's beer-belly

TIN PLOT - one kind of mining survey



MEANING: noun: A complete failure.

ETYMOLOGY: From lead (a heavy metal), from Old English lead + balloon, from Italian dialectal ballone (large ball), augmentative of balla (ball). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bhel- (to blow or swell), which also gave us ball, boll, bole, bulk, bowl, boulevard, boulder, ballot, folly, and fool. Earliest documented use: 1924.

PLEAD BALLOON - dialog from Judge Parker comic strip

LEAD GAL LOON - the matriarch of the loon flock

LEAN BALLOON - a zeppelin


PRONUNCIATION: (ir-ih-FYOO-tuh-buhl, ih-REF-yuh-tuh-buhl)

MEANING: adjective: Impossible to deny or disprove; indisputable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin in- (not) + refutare (to rebut). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bhau- (to strike), which also gave us refute, beat, button, halibut, buttress, confute, prebuttal, and surrebuttal. Earliest documented use: 1620.

MR REFUTABLE - never made a statement that couldn't be disproved

IRREFUL, ABLE - angry but competent

IRREPUTABLE - nobody anywhere knows anything about him !



MEANING: noun: Loss of memory or a gap in one’s memory.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin amnesia, from Greek amnesia (forgetfulness), from a- (not) + mimneskesthai (to remember). Ultimately from the Indo-European root men- (to think), which also gave us mind, mental, mention, automatic, mania, money, praying mantis, monument, music, amnesty, mantra, remonstrate, monish, and mantic. Earliest documented use: 1786.

NAMNESIA - inability to learn the lessons of history

DAMNESIA - complaint of a football player after multiple ACL injuries

AMNOSIA - "I poke around other people's business more than you do"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PSYCHOPENIC - not minding very much - 12/17/20 01:09 AM



MEANING: adjective: Originating in the mind (having a psychological rather than a physiological cause).

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek psycho- (mind) + -genic (producing). Earliest documented use: 1897.

PSYCHO GENIE - Aladdin's companion, such as voiced by Robin Williams

PAY C.H.O.- GENIC - This new DNA will let you breed corn with a higher carbohydrate content, but it'll cost you

P.S. YECHOGENIC! - Oh, and another thing: that's disgusting !
Posted By: wofahulicodoc POLYPIPSIA - a whole lot of cola - 12/21/20 02:04 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (paw-lee-DIP-see-uh)

MEANING: noun: Excessive or abnormal thirst.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek poly- (much, many) + dipsa (thirst). Earliest documented use: 1661.

POLYPIPSIA - misreading your card as a ten when it's really an eight

POLYDIP ASIA - an Indonesian Rijstafel

POLY DISSIA - that parrot just cussed you out !


PRONUNCIATION: (pruh-PEN-suh-tee)

MEANING: noun: An inclination to behave in a particular way

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin pro- (toward) + pendere (to weigh). Ultimately from the Indo-European root (s)pen- (to draw, to spin), which also gave us pendulum, spider, pound, pansy, pendant, ponder, appendix, penthouse, depend, spontaneous, vilipend, pendulous, filipendulous, equipoise, perpend, pensive, and floccipend. Earliest documented use: 1550.

PR OPEN SITE - where publicists and agents are welcome

PROP ENMITY - I can fly any jet plane made, but I just don't get along with the other kind...

PRODENSITY - I like the massive ones


PRONUNCIATION: (mis-oh-KY-nee-uh, mi-soh-)

MEANING: noun: A hatred of new ideas.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek miso- (hate) + -cainea (new). Earliest documented use: 1938.

MISO-CAINE - Japanese soup that numbs the back of your throat

MISS O'CAINEA - that Irish lass whose father had a boat named after him

ISO-CAINEA - the class of compounds with the same atomic composition as cocaine, but different in molecular structure


PRONUNCIATION: (puh-LIH-juh-nee)

MEANING: noun: The practice of having two or more female partners.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek poly- (many) + -gyny (woman). Ultimately from the Indo-European root gwen- (woman), quean, banshee, zenana, gynecology, and gynophobia (the fear of women). Earliest documented use: 1780.

NOTES: A counterpart of this term is polyandry, the practice of having two or more male partners. The generic term is polygamy, having two or more partners.

POLYGON Y - twenty-fifth in a series of closed figures comprised of straight lines chained end-to-end, never crossing and with the last completing the chain by attaching to the free end of the first

POLOGYNY - the all-women's polo team

POLGY, NY - a Catskills community with mostly Polish residents
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DENTOLOGY - auto-body repair - 12/25/20 01:22 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (dee-ahn-TAH-luh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The theory or study of duty and obligation, with a focus on the right action as determined by a set of rules, irrespective of the consequences of the action.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek deont- (obligation) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1829.

DENTOLOGY - knowleldge of teeth

DON'T-OLOGY - the art of proscribing

ODEONTOLOGY - the study of grand roofed performance venues

DEO-NATOLOGY - lore pertaining to the birth of the gods


PRONUNCIATION: (sil-VIK-uh-luhs)

MEANING: adjective: Living or growing in woods.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin silvi- (wood) + -colous (inhabiting). Earliest documented use: 1906.

SILVICOLOURS - what the Lone Ranger's horse looks like on the BBC

SILICOLOUS - afflicted with ludicrous bowel habits

SILICOLOUS - having predominantly the characteristics of element #14



MEANING: noun: An ill-bred, vulgar man.

ETYMOLOGY: From bound (to leap or jump), from French bondir (to bounce), from Latin bombitare (to hum), from Latin bombus (humming), from Greek bombos (booming, humming). Earliest documented use: 1842.

BOXUNDER - what is beneath the gazinta, with the gazonta uppermost. See also GO-UNDER

BOULDER - more stonily impudent

B.U. UNDER - site of much of the action in Neal Stephenson's The Big U
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TOPLOFT - sleeping in the Crow's Nest - 12/29/20 08:41 PM



MEANING: adjective: Haughty; pretentious.

ETYMOLOGY: From top + loft (upper floor, attic), from Old English loft (air, sky), from Old Norse loft (air, sky, upper room). Earliest documented use: 1859.

STOPLOFTY - an anti-snobbery movement

TOOL OF TY - A Louisville Slugger bat, 34.5 inches long, weighing 40 to 44 oz. (see here)

TOP OF TEY - The Daughter of Time, or perhaps Brat Farrar, by mystery writer Josephine Tey. It's hard to give one the edge over the other.



MEANING: noun: One who worries excessively and unnecessarily.

ETYMOLOGY: From worry, from Old English wyrgan (to strangle) + wart, from Old English wearte. The word wart was apparently chosen for alliteration. Earliest documented use: 1956.

WORRYWARP - the twisted viewpoint you get from worrying too much

WORRYTART - pastry you eat when you're stressed

LORRYWART - fanciful name for the ding you got in a London parking lot on your new truck



MEANING: noun: A carefree, thoughtless person.

ETYMOLOGY: A combination of air, from Latin aer (air) + -ling (small, young, inferior). Earliest documented use: 1611.

AIRLING'S - flight leaving from Dublin

HAIRLING - Carnogie for men

AIRFLING - tossing my baby son straight up and then catching him again
Posted By: wofahulicodoc APPROX. A TON - about 2,000 pounds - 01/05/21 08:58 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (ap-roh-BAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: Approval, praise, commendation, or official sanction.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin approbation, from ad- (toward) + probatus, from probare (to test the goodness of). Earliest documented use: 1393.

APT. PROBATION - when you try living in a flat for a month to see how you like it, before you sign the lease

AP-PRONATION - turning the news agency onto its belly

A.B. PROBATION - they announce your degree but don't actually award it to you until you've proved you deserve it
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRO-MENTORY - supportive of teachers - 01/05/21 09:07 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (PROM-uhn-tor-ee, -tree)

MEANING: noun:
1. A point of high land projecting into a body of water.
2. A projecting part of the body, for example, of a bone.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin promontorium, alteration of promunturium, influenced by mons (mountain). Ultimately from the Indo-European root men- (project), which is also the source of menace, mountain, eminent, promenade, demean, amenable, mouth, and minatory. Earliest documented use: 1548.

PROMONITORY - in favor of watchers

PROTON TORY - a subatomic British politician

PROMO-STORY - an infomercial


PRONUNCIATION: (EK-si-jen-see, eg-ZIJ-uhn-see)

MEANING: noun: An urgent need or requirement.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin exigere (to demand, to drive out), from ex- + agere (to drive). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ag- (to drive, draw), which also gave us act, agent, agitate, litigate, synagogue, ambassador, exiguous, incogitant, intransigent, cogent, axiomatic, ambagious, ambage, agonistes, and actuate. Earliest documented use: 1588.

EX-AGENCY - used to work for the CIA

EXILENCY - 1. title of great respect; 2. expulsion

EIGENCY - property of a vector which, when operated by a non-zero square matrix, gives a scalar multiple of itself
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COST RUE - Buyers Remorse - 01/08/21 01:18 AM



MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To interpret, understand, analyze, or explain.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin construere (to construct), from con- (with) + struere (to pile up or arrange). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ster- (to spread), which also gave us structure, industry, destroy, street, stratagem, stratum, stratocracy, and Russian perestroika. Earliest documented use: 1362.

CORNS TRUE - when your feet tell you it's going to rain, and it does

CONSTRUM - the prisoner invented a new guitar-picking style

COMSTRUE - what happens to your dream when you wish upon a star


PRONUNCIATION: (dis-IN-truh-stuhd, dis-IN-tuh-res-tid)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Free of bias or self-interest; impartial.
2. Indifferent or not interested.
3. No longer interested.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin dis- (apart, away) + interesse (to be in between), from inter- (between) + esse (to be). Earliest documented use: 1631.

DISH - INTERESTED? - look at the figure on that girl!

DIS I'N'T 'ERS, TED - Teddy, it doesn't belong to that woman

DIS IN: THERE'S TED ! - Headline: "Senator Kennedy found!"



MEANING: noun: Judgment or opinion.

ETYMOLOGY: A dialect variant of verdit, from verdict, from Anglo-Norman ver (true) + dit (statement, speech), from dicere (to say). Ultimately from the Indo-European root deik- (to show, to pronounce solemnly), which also gave us judge, verdict, vendetta, revenge, indicate, dictate, paradigm, interdict, fatidic, diktat, retrodiction, and interdigitate. Earliest documented use: 1738.

PARDY - what you do when you break it

VERDY - a green opera composer

BARDY - Shakespearean

[Anu added:
...this shortening (or respelling of a word based on its pronunciation) happens more often than you might think. Chances are you already use such words without a second thought. Examples: ornery (from ordinary), raiment (from arrayment), and donut (from doughnut).

An extreme example of this process of linguistic evolution is the transition of eleëmosynary to the present-day alms.]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TUBEROUS - begonia-shaped - 01/13/21 01:30 AM



MEANING: adjective: Doubtful; undecided; hesitating.

ETYMOLOGY: An alteration of dubious. Earliest documented use: 1871.

J-JUBEROUS - resembling a small jelly candy

JABEROUS - like a manxome creature with biting jaws and snatching claws and flaming eyes, that burbles as it whiffles through the woods

UBEROUS - for hire to drive you somewhere



MEANING: verb intr.: To crouch or huddle.
verb tr.: To squeeze.

ETYMOLOGY: A dialect variant scrouge (to squeeze or crowd), perhaps influenced by crouch. Earliest documented use: 1844.

SHROOCH - when the catch-of-the-day was Haddock, instead of Cod (cf. scrod/shrod)

SACRO-OCH - said by a Scotsman with a pain shooting down his leg

SCROOGH - he who said "Bah, 'umbug"

[not "scrunch" ?]
Originally Posted by wofahulicodoc



Jamie Vardy – a leading British soccer player (plays for Leicester City).
Originally Posted by A C Bowden
Originally Posted by wofahulicodoc



Jamie Vardy – a leading British soccer player (plays for Leicester City).

Interesting. One might expect Anu to be aware of the football world. Is there also a Jouber or a Scrooch or a Meech who plays?



MEANING: verb intr.:
1. To move in a furtive manner.
2. To loiter.
3. To whine.

ETYMOLOGY: A variant of mitch (to steal, hide, shirk), from Old French muchier (to hide). Earliest documented use: 1624.

CME - ECH - never was fond of compulsory Continuing Medical Education

MERCH - Newspeak for "sales goods"

MEECE - several gadgets I use for I/O on my old computers



MEANING: noun: 1. A snob. 2. A nose or snout.
verb tr.: To treat with disdain.

ETYMOLOGY: A variant of snout, of German/Dutch origin. Earliest documented use: 1861.

SMOOT - a unit of length, measuring about 67 inches. Used in particular to measure the length of the MIT Bridge (Cambridge, MA), which is about 364.4 Smoots long (plus-or-minus one ear)

SUNOOT - the weather on a bright day in Glasgow

SNOWT - there's been a blizzard!


PRONUNCIATION: (dy-vuhr-SIV-uh-luhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Desiring strife.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin diversus (diverse), from divertere (to turn aside), from di- (away, apart) + vertere (to turn) and volens, present participle of velle (to wish). Earliest documented use: 1612.

DIVERSIVALENT - describing an element with many different possible valencies, e.g. carbon or silicon

DIVERS "I VOLE...NOT!" - assorted protestations in response to the question "Are you a man or a rodent?"

DIVER'S TiVo LENT - Greg Louganis doesn't have his TV streamer right now, but he expects it to be returned shortly



MEANING: noun: An insignificant contemptible person.

ETYMOLOGY: Of Scottish origin. Earliest documented use: 1582.

MATCHET - what you do to call a bet at the poker table

SMATSHET - what you will probably do if you see an ugly bug on the table in front of you

SMART CHET - what David Brinkley called his fellow newscaster, after a particularly penetrating insight
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DENSCH - award-winning english actress - 01/22/21 02:35 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (mench, mensh)

plural menschen (MEN-chuhn, MEN-shuhn) or mensches

MEANING: noun: A decent, upright, honorable person.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish mentsh (man, human being), from Middle High German mensch, from Old High German mennisco. Earliest documented use: 1911.

AMENSCH - response to a prayer, mumbled by a drunken congregant

MENSAH - a social group of very high-IQ Southerners

MEN'S "ICH" - a treatise about the German male ego



MEANING: adjective: Staying calm even in difficult circumstances.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle English flap (to beat or shake), probably of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1958.

UN-LAPPABLE - impossible to outrace by more than one full length around the course

UNIFLAPPABLE - when you can shake the wrinkles out, but only once

UNFAPPABLE - Major Hoople when he can't be disconcerted or taken aback
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CIRCUM-ASPECT - a 360-degree view - 01/24/21 08:23 PM



MEANING: adjective: Careful to consider all circumstances and potential consequences; prudent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin circumspicere (to look around; to take heed), from circum (around) + specere (to look). Earliest documented use: 1422.

CIRCUMSPENT - all-around just plain broke

CIRCUS PECT - can't wait to get to out see the Big Top and the wild animals (especially the trained chickens)

SIR CUMSPECT - an occasional visitor the the Round Table, never without his eyeglasses
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CYGNEGETIC - swanlike - 01/25/21 03:21 PM



MEANING: adjective: Relating to the chase or hunting.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek kunagos (hunter), from kuon (dog) + igetis (leader). Earliest documented use: 1716.

CYNEGESIC - feeling like a dog

CINEGETIC - always looking for a good movie

ICYNEGETIC - promoting melting



MEANING: verb intr.: 1. To make a shrill sound as if of a cat in heat or of cats quarreling.
2. To quarrel noisily.
noun: 1. The cry of a cat in heat.
2. A shrill sound, such as a shriek or a loud cry.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle English caterwawlen, from cater (tomcat or cat) + wawlen (to howl). Earliest documented use: 1386.

CATERWALL - when the side of the house is covered with gypsy moth larvae

CATE, RAUL - Señor Cate's full name

CATER WAFL - what you'll get if you're careless about arranging for brunch
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DOG GED - Fido finally got his diploma - 01/27/21 04:04 PM



MEANING: adjective: Stubbornly determined or persistent.

ETYMOLOGY: If you have ever faced a dog digging in his heels, you know what dogged is. The word dog is from Old English docga. Also see recalcitrant. Earliest documented use: 1300.

DOGGE - an olde Irish setter (see aso DOG RED)

NOGGED - tipsy after too much New Years' cheer

DONGED - the next step after your car is dinged
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHANICULAR - like Detective Charlie - 01/30/21 01:09 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (kuh-NIK-yuh-luhr)

MEANING: adjective: Relating to the dog days.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin canicularis (relating to the dog star, Sirius), from canicula (small dog, Sirius), from canis (dog). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog), which is also the source of canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, corgi, cynic, cynosure, cynegetic, canaille, and cynophobia. Earliest documented use: 1398.

CANINULAR - like small eyeteeth

CARICULAR - of the schedule of what's to be learned in Spelling class (obviously much needed)

CLANICULAR - like a small totem
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BATCAT - Bruce Wayne's familiar - 01/30/21 01:21 AM



MEANING: noun: A rich, privileged person, especially one who influences elections by making contributions to political campaigns.

ETYMOLOGY: The term was originally used in the 1920s to describe rich political backers in the US elections. Earliest documented use: 1925.

FAT RAT - Templeton after a week at the fairground

FAT CAPT - Major Hoople before his promotion

FATMAT - 1. where Garfield sleeps; 2. place for Sumo wrestling matches
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FUSTIAN - a coarse, strong cloth - 02/02/21 08:19 PM



MEANING: adjective: Surrendering one’s integrity for something, such as power, money, fame, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After the legend of Faust who sold his soul to the devil. Earliest documented use: 1876.

NOTES: The legend of Faust is based upon a real person, Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480-1540), a magician, astrologer, and alchemist. The story has been tackled countless times, from Christopher Marlow in his play Doctor Faustus and Goethe in his play Faust to The Simpsons episode “Bart Sells His Soul”.

FAUSCIAN - expert in his field of viral diseases, and implacably devoted to the Scientific Method

FAULTIAN - blame John of Scotland

FRAUSTIAN - wife of Herr Stian


PRONUNCIATION: (tuhr-vee-DROH-pee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Overly concerned with one’s appearance, demeanor, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Mr. Turveydrop, a character overly concerned with deportment, in Charles Dickens’s Bleak House, 1852. Earliest documented use: 1876.

NOTES: Mr. Turveydrop is a dance studio owner. He’s a conceited humbug, consumed with his deportment. As Dickens describes him:
He was a fat old gentleman with a false complexion, false teeth, false whiskers, and a wig. He had a fur collar.

Turveydrop laments: England -- alas, my country! -- has degenerated very much, and is degenerating every day. She has not many gentlemen left.

SURVEYDROPIAN - like a poll that deliberately leaves out important variables

TURVEYEDROPIAN - like the treatment for keratoconjunctivitis sicca marketed by the TURV company

CURVEYDROPIAN - falling when released, but somehow not straight down
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GAM LIONIC - Leg of Leo - 02/03/21 04:24 PM



MEANING: adjective: Indifferent or uncaring.

ETYMOLOGY: After Gallio, a Roman senator, who refused to take action in a dispute. Earliest documented use: 1920.

ALLIONIC - none of it polar

GALLEONIC - shipshape and majestic

GALL-IRONIC - combining sarcasm with chutzpah
Posted By: wofahulicodoc D'UNCLE - da brother of da parent - 02/04/21 04:42 PM



MEANING: noun: A person regarded as dim-witted or foolish.

ETYMOLOGY: After theologian John Duns Scotus (c. 1265/66-1308). Earliest documented use: 1530.

NOTES: John Duns Scotus was a Catholic priest and Franciscan friar (literally, brother, from French frère: brother) in the 13th century. In his time he was known as a sophisticated thinker and philosopher and given the name “the Subtle Doctor”. Protestantism came along in 1517. As these things go, they now considered his followers, known as Dunses or Dunsmen, as hair-splitting and resistant to new learning. The word was later respelled as dunce, and took on the meaning as someone incapable of learning. The word also gave rise to a dunce cap, the conical hat, formerly used to punish schoolchildren.

DUNCEE - Scottish city, just up a grade from Dundee

DUNYE - what I'll do if ye owe me money and ye don't pay

MUNCE - city in Indana
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Mensopause VI - 02/04/21 05:10 PM
We have a high school here: Scotus central.



MEANING: verb tr.: To willfully damage another’s property.

ETYMOLOGY: After Vandals, a Germanic tribe who overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa, and in 455 CE sacked Rome. Earliest documented use: 1800.

VAN-DYALIZE - to treat for severe kidney disease in a mobile vehicle

VINDALIZE - to marinate (usually meat) in spices, vinegar and garlic

VANDA-LIKE - harpsichord music played in the manner of Frau Landovska


PRONUNCIATION: (glas-uh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The fear of public speaking.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek glosso- (tongue, language) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1964.

GLISSOPHOBIA - fear of sliding

GLOSSOPHORIA - delight in gleaming

FLOSSOPHOBIA - fear of being scolded for not following the dental hygienist's instructions


PRONUNCIATION: (ag-uh-thuh-kak-uh-LAHJ-uh-kuhl)

MEANING: adjective: Made up of both good and evil.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek agathos (good) + kakos (bad). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kakka-/kaka- (to defecate), which also gave us poppycock, kakistocracy, cacophony, cacology, and cacography. Earliest documented use: 1834.

AGNATHOKAKOLOGICAL - congenitally lacking a jaw, and yet bad-mouthing everything

AGATH-OAKOLOGICAL - Growing Acorns for Fun and Profit

AGATHO-KOKO-LOGICAL - full of corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative



MEANING: noun: A task given, especially as a punishment.

ETYMOLOGY: In the beginning, a pensum was the amount of wool to be spun. Eventually, the word became generic and came to refer to a piece of work or task. Later, it morphed into another specialized form: a task given as a school punishment. The word is from pendere (to hang, weigh), ultimately from the Indo-European root (s)pen- (to draw, to stretch, to spin), which also gave us pendulum, spider, pound, pansy, pendant, ponder, appendix, penthouse, depend, spontaneous, vilipend, filipendulous, perpend, equipoise, pendulous, and pensive. Earliest documented use: 1667.

PERSUM - how you pay an accountant on piecework

OPENSUM - a sub-total

WENSUM - and you lose some



MEANING: noun: The assemblage of bubbles, in a glass of champagne, for example.

ETYMOLOGY: From French perlage, from perle (pearl). Earliest documented use: 1983.

PER PAGE - how you pay a typist

PERIL AGE - a time filled with danger

PER LAGER - how the pub charges
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SINALOQUENT - fluent in spoken Chinese - 02/13/21 07:08 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (sy-AHL-uh-kwuhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Spraying saliva when speaking.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek sialon (spit, saliva) + Latin loqui (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1656.

DIALOQUENT - holding both sides of a conversation with yourself

SIALOQUEST - seeking saliva. As Randy Claggett said, "Mouth! Be Moist!" (see SPACE, by James MIchener)

SÍ! AMO QUENT! - "Yes, I love Quentin," said the Señorita



MEANING: noun: A merchant or businessman with sufficient wealth to wield political power.

ETYMOLOGY: Alluding to someone who has acquired great wealth and behaves like a prince. From merchant, from Latin mercari (to trade), from merx (goods) and prince, from primus (prime) + capere (to seize). Earliest documented use: 1760.

MERCHANT PRANCE - store-owner does capers after closing wonderful deal

MERE CHANT PRINCE - Gregory is the King; his son hasn't nearly the resonance

ME CHANT "PRINCE !" - 'cuz that's how he was formerly known
Posted By: wofahulicodoc JOUR NAYMAN - Contrarian--of-the-Day - 02/17/21 12:45 AM



MEANING: noun: A worker, athlete, performer, etc. who is competent and reliable, but undistinguished.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French jornee (a day’s work or travel), from Latin diurnum (day), from dies (day). Ultimately from the Indo-European root dyeu- (to shine), which also gave us adjourn, diary, diet, circadian, journal, journey, quotidian, sojourn, diva, divine, Jupiter, Jove, July, Zeus, jovial, deify, and Sanskrit deva (god). Earliest documented use: 1463.

TOURNEYMAN - a skilled player who participates only in high-level competition

JOURNEY PAN - thumbs-down review of a tour

JOURNEYMOAN - declaration of seasickness while on a cruise



MEANING: noun: One who forms a romantic relationship with a rich person for money.

ETYMOLOGY: From the metaphorical use of the term for someone who digs for gold. Earliest documented use: 1826 in a literal sense, 1911 in a figurative sense.

GOLD-DAGGER - King Midas' preferred weapon (of necessity)

GOLD-JIGGER - extremely classy and expensive whiskey

GOLF-DIGGER - a duffer who strews divots left and right



MEANING: verb tr.: To handle roughly, but in a playful manner.
verb intr.: To engage in boisterous play.
noun: Boisterous play.

ETYMOLOGY: Originally, a rough house was the place where a brawl occurred. Over time, the term softened into a synonym for horseplay and became a verb as well. Earliest documented use: 1882.

TROUGHHOUSE - the enclosure that protects the common water and feed supply

ROUGH TO USE - not easy to employ

POUGH HOUSE - the first building erected in Poughkeepsie, New York



MEANING: noun: A severe setback or disappointment.

ETYMOLOGY: The term is from boxing, referring to a blow to the torso which can be incapacitating due to its proximity to internal organs. Earliest documented use: 1789.

BODY BLOG - Charles Atlas' publicity channel, 75 years later

CODY BLOW - another name for Hurricane Buffalo Bill

BO DYE/BLOW - Ms Derek's standing order at the hairdresser's


PRONUNCIATION: (KWEEN-buh-roh may-uhr)

MEANING: noun: A position involving pomp and show, but no real power or authority.

ETYMOLOGY: After Simon the tanner who becomes the mayor of Queenborough in Thomas Middleton’s 1620 play Hengist, King of Kent, or The Mayor of Quinborough. Queenborough is a small town in Kent, UK. Earliest documented use: 1668.

QUEUE'N'BOROUGH MAYOR - informal chief of that funny pub

QUEEN BE ROUGH MAYOR - Freddy Mercury is a harsh governor

QUEENBOROUGH PAYOR - trying to pay the toll on the 59th Street bridge



MEANING: noun: A reformatory for young offenders.

ETYMOLOGY: After Borstal, a village in Kent, UK, where such an institution was first set up. Earliest documented use: 1907.

FORSTAL - 1. to anticipate, so as to preclude; 2. a US aircraft carrier

BARSTAL - where cowboys' horses gather for a drink

BURST AL - why aluminum pipes never made any headway with plumbers


PRONUNCIATION: (POP-luh-riz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: The policy of giving generous compensation, benefits, unemployment relief, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Poplar, a district in London, where in 1921 the mayor, George Lansbury, and the council decided to use the tax money to provide relief to the poor instead of sending it to London. The mayor and councilors were imprisoned for contempt of court and the incident is known as the Poplar Rates Rebellion. Rate is the British term for property tax. Earliest documented use: 1922.

POLARISM - the doctrine that the Earth is flat, with its center at the North Pole

P.O. PLANISM - a conspiracy spread only by mouth, to avoid leaving a paper trail

POPLEARISM - clearing your Eustachian tubes while in your private jet
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHREWSBURY CROCK - see below - 02/25/21 09:44 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (SHROZ/SHROOZ-bree/ber-ee/buh-ree klok)

MEANING: noun: Something precise or exact.

ETYMOLOGY: After Shrewsbury, a town in west UK. Earliest documented use: 1598.

NOTES: In Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 John Falstaff claims that he and Hotspur “fought a long hour by Shrewsbury clock” in the Battle of Shrewsbury. The term Shrewsbury clock here refers to a public clock as most people didn’t have clocks at the time. The idiom by a Shrewsbury clock has come to imply exactly or precisely, sometimes with a hint of exaggeration or irony.

SHREWSBURY CLICK - welcoming the sunrise with an unusual single brief high-frequency cricket-like chirr, characteristic of a clock found in west UK.

SHREWSBURY COCK - a unique weathervane atop the clock tower in Shrewsbury, known for the atypical noise it makes at dawn welcoming the sunrise with an unusual single etc. (see SHREWSBURY CLICK above)

SHREWSBURN CLOCK - device for timing the roasting of unwelcome small voracious burrowing rodents
Posted By: wofahulicodoc and anyway it's just not fair - 02/27/21 06:39 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (SKAR-buh-ruh war-ning)

MEANING: noun: A very short notice or no notice.

ETYMOLOGY: After Scarborough, a town on the northeast coast of the UK. It’s unclear how Scarborough became associated with this idea though one conjecture is about robbers being given summary punishment. Earliest documented use: 1546.

SCARBOROUGH EARNING - the profits from selling parsley, sage and rosemary

What's that you say? What about... I'm sorry, but it's late, and we've run out of...

SEAR BOROUGH WARNING - Don't play with those matches, kids, you'll burn down half the city!

SCARBOROUGH WARMING - As I was saying...

SCARBO ROUGE WARNING - Watch out for old Scarbo, with the red beard; he's.a mean one

Peter, Paul, and Mary really put the place on the map, didn't they! :-)


PRONUNCIATION: (LI-li-puht/poot)

MEANING: adjective: Tiny.
noun: Someone or something very small.

ETYMOLOGY: After Lilliput, an island nation in Jonathan Swift’s satirical novel Gulliver’s Travels (1726). Earliest documented use: 1867.

NOTES: In his travels, Gulliver lands in Lilliput where people are only six inches tall. He may appear to be a giant to them, but it’s all relative. Soon he’d visit a land where he himself appears as a lilliput to them. The word is also used in the form: lilliputian.

LILLIPUP - a young Lillus; extremely cute, and they make great pets

MILLIPUT - a bad golf stroke on the green; it sends the ball only 1/1000th of the way to the cup

LILLIPOT - what you cook your Liliaceae in
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LA PUT-ON - an elaborate joke - 03/02/21 08:39 PM



MEANING: adjective: Absurdly fanciful or impractical.

ETYMOLOGY: After Laputa, a floating island in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1726). Earliest documented use: 1866.

NOTES: In the book, a resident of the floating island is called a Laputian; however, in the English language we use the word Laputan. Laputians/Laputans are described as people who are scientists and philosophers, lost in the arts of music, mathematics, technology, and astronomy. Practical matters do not concern them much. “Their houses are very ill built, the walls bevil [sloping], without one right angle in any apartment.”

That said, in that work of fiction, Laputans/Laputians discover two moons of the planet Mars, more than 150 years before the actual discovery by the real-life astronomer Asaph Hall. In Swift’s honor, Mars’s moon Deimos has a crater named Swift and the moon Phobos has geographical features named after places in Gulliver’s Travels: Laputa Regio and Lagado Planitia.

Here’s to Laputans and their “impractical” pursuits!

LA PUTIN - First Lady of Russia

LARUTAN - runner-up in the Name-That-Patent-Medicine contest. "Provides peristaltic stimulation," said the promoters, naturally.

LAPUTA - (Don't ask me. This is a family website.)



MEANING: noun: Someone very old and decrepit.

ETYMOLOGY: After struldbrugs, the name for people in Gulliver’s Travels who grow old and decrepit, but never die. Earliest documented use: 1773.

NOTES: In Gulliver’s Travels, struldbrugs is the name given to a small group of immortal people who live in the kingdom of Luggnagg. They continue to grow old and at the age of eighty they are regarded as legally dead, though they continue living on a small pension from the state.

STRULD BUG - all the VW Beetles of that model were made in the factory in Struld

STRUL - DO RUG! - instructions to Strul, my housekeeping robot

STAR ULDBRUG - the most gifted and popular Uldbrug
Posted By: wofahulicodoc YAGOO - enemy of Othelloo - 03/04/21 09:37 PM


(noun: YAH-hoo, interjection: ya-HOO)

noun: A person who is boorish, loud, disruptive, etc.
interjection: Expressing excitement, delight, or triumph.

For noun: After Yahoos, a race of brutish creatures in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Earliest documented use: 1751.
For interjection: Apparently of echoic origin. Earliest documented use: 1976.

YUHOO - a call to attract someone's attention

YAPOO - French baby-talk meaning "No More!" (short for il n'y a plus)

YAHOOK - what ya throw at yahoop when yalayup isn't working



MEANING: noun: Something very large.
adjective: Huge.

ETYMOLOGY: After Brobdingnag, a region where everything is enormous, in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Earliest documented use: 1731.

NOTES: For scale, people in Brobdingnag are about 60 feet tall. In the English language the form Brobdingnagian is also used. According to Gulliver, the place should have been spelled as Brobdingrag. Also, as per the map included in the book, Brobdingnag/Brobdingrag is located off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Not sure why large mythical creatures are placed in this part of the world. Also see, Bigfoot.

BROODING NAG - not only moody but also a persistent pest

BROBDING "NAY" - a resounding negative from the village of Brobd

BOBDING NAG - At the Camptown Races, I'll bet my money on her; somebody bet on the bay


PRONUNCIATION: (au-toh-KIN-uh-see)

MEANING: noun: Self-propelled or self-directed motion or energy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek auto- (self) + kinein (to move). Earliest documented use: 1678.

AUTO KINE-STY - mobile pig housing

AUTOKINESS - be considerate of your vehicle

Au TO KLINE, SY - give the first-place medal to Patsy, Seymour
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HYPO-GEOSIA - being under the earth - 03/11/21 02:49 AM


PRONUNCIATION: (hy-puh-GOO/GYOO-zee/zhee-uh, -zhuh)

MEANING: noun: A diminished sense of taste.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hypo- (under) + -geusia (taste). Earliest documented use: 1888.

NOTES: A complete lack of taste is ageusia (feel free to use the word metaphorically). And an extremely keen sense of taste is oxygeusia, from Greek oxy- (keen or sharp). How does the word oxygen fit in here? In 1778, Lavoisier named a newly discovered gas oxygen (literally, sharp giving) because he mistakenly believed that it was part of all acids. He was guillotined, not for the misnaming, but for the charge of adulterating France’s tobacco with water. He was exonerated posthumously

HYPOGNUSIA - nothing ("There's nothing, son, under the gnu...")

HYPO G.E. USA - an injection needle made by the General Electric Company in the United States

HYPNOGEUSIA - You say your tastebuds fell asleep, eh? Could be a symptom of COVID-19 infection!


PRONUNCIATION: (sang-GWIN-uh-len-see)

MEANING: noun: Addiction to bloodshed.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sanguis (blood). Earliest documented use: 1664.

PANGUINOLENCY - addiction to flightless birds

SANGRINOLENCY - addiction to vocalizing musically, with happiness on your face

SAN QUINOLENCY - patron saint of poufy underthings that fluff up skirts

Posted By: A C Bowden HYPOCRISIS - a storm in a teacup - 03/11/21 05:11 AM

Meaning: A pretence of virtue.

HYPOCRACY - weak government

HYPOCHRISTY - let's not talk so much about Jesus
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: HYPOCRISIS - a storm in a teacup - 03/12/21 12:15 PM
Like ‘em!


PRONUNCIATION: (koh-ee-KWAH-li-tee)

MEANING: noun: The state of being equal with one another, as in rank, power, value, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin co- (with) + aequus (level, equal). Earliest documented use: 1583.

C.O.QUALITY - Just how good is your Commanding Officer, anyway?

COQUALITY - the essence of Roosterness (even without the French wine)

COP QUALITY - a laudable goal for the Blue Lives Matter movement
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ENUNCIATORO - eschew bullfighting - 03/14/21 03:49 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (ee-NUHN-see-uh-toh-ree)

MEANING: adjective: Announcing; declaring; pronouncing.

ETYMOLOGY:From Latin ex- (out) + nuntiare (to announce). Ultimately from the Indo-European root neu- (to shout), which also gave us announce, denounce, pronounce, renounce, and pronunciamento. Earliest documented use: 1693.

NUNCIATORY - serving as spokesperson or ambassador to a foreign country, as from the Pope

DENUNCIATORY - attempted shaming

ENUNCLATORY - removing my mother's brother from the Family Tree
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OVENTRY - the Art of Baking - 03/16/21 12:24 AM



MEANING: noun: A state of ostracism.

ETYMOLOGY: After Coventry, a city in central England. It’s unclear how Coventry developed this sense. One conjecture is that Royalist prisoners were sent there during the English Civil War. Earliest documented use: 1691. Also see stellenbosch.

COW ENTRY - Elsie's front door

COME'N'TRY - a carnival midway barker's spiel

COVEN CRY - witches sound the alarm
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ROWAN MATRON - Ruth Buzzi - 03/16/21 03:13 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (ROH-muhn may-truhn)

MEANINGnoun: A woman having a dignified bearing.

ETYMOLOGY: From the ideal of a married woman in ancient Rome. From Latin matrona (a married woman), from mater (mother). Earliest documented use: 1596.

NOMAN MATRON - Penelope (wife of Odysseus, who called himself "Noman" when he struck the blow that blinded the Cyclops)

ROMAN MACRON - makes a Roman vowel long

ROMAN MAîTRON - chief of waiters in the Colosseum


PRONUNCIATION: (KAN-tuhr-ber-ee tayl)

MEANING:m. mnoun: A story that is long, tedious, or absurdly implausible.

ETYMOLOGY: After The Canterbury Tales c. 1400 by Geoffrey Chaucer. It’s a collection of 24 stories told in verse by a group of pilgrims as they travel from London to Canterbury. Earliest documented use: 1575.

CANTERBURY TALC - a soft stone that was avoided in building the cathedral

CANTER BURN TALE - the story behind why the horse pulled up lame after using the wrong gait

CANTOR BURY TALE - the lost twenty-fifth chapter of Chaucer's magnum opus, about the interment of the church's vocalist; later suppressed by ecclesiastical authorities



MEANING: noun: Something or someone placed in order to subvert from within.

ETYMOLOGY: In the legendary Trojan War, the Greeks left a large hollow wooden horse at the gates of the city of Troy. The Trojans took it inside. Greek soldiers hidden in the horse came out at night and opened the gates of the city, allowing the Greek army to enter and conquer the Trojans. Earliest documented use: 1574. In computing, a Trojan horse is a program that, while seemingly useful, steals passwords or does other damage to computers.

TROJAN HOARSE - King Priam has been shouting from the parapets much too much

TROJAN GORSE - a kind of prickly shrub found around Troy in the old days

TROJAN HOUSE - storage place for prophylactics


PRONUNCIATION: (KEN-tish kuh-zuhns)

MEANING: noun: Distant relatives.

ETYMOLOGY: After Kent, a county in England. Since most of the county is bounded by the sea and the river Thames, its citizens were not as mobile and intermarriages were common. Earliest documented use: 1796.

KENTISH COSINS - in another identity Superman was a trigonometry teacher

PENTISH COUSINS - very VERY distant relatives, like fifth cousins

KENNISH COUSINS - others in the Jeopardy champion's family had keen memories for all sorts of trivia
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LOTZ - a whole bunch - 03/22/21 06:48 PM



MEANING: verb intr.: To faint, collapse, explode, or flop down, as from excitement, frustration, surprise, exhaustion, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish platsn (to burst), from German platzen (to burst). Earliest documented use: 1920.

PILOTZ - people who control sea- and air-craft

POT-Z - a game city kids play on the sidewalk, similar to Hop-Scotch

SLOT Z - where you insert Tab Y
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FRUM - singular of FRA - 03/23/21 03:27 PM


PRONUNCIATION: (froom) [short oo, as in book]

MEANING: adjective: Religious; observant of religious laws.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish frum, from Middle High German vrum (pious). Modern German fromm (pious). Earliest documented use: 1889.

FLUM - a purple stoned fruit, from which is brewed Slivovitz

FFUM - a very loud expletive, uttered when a Giant smells blood...

FRUG - what a dancing tadpole grows up to be



MEANING: noun:
1. Disgrace or shame.
2. Someone or something that brings shame or disgrace.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish shande (shame, disgrace), from German Schande (disgrace). Earliest documented use: 1961.

SHONDAY - Ah, the paradox of being inebriated on the Day of Worship

SH, FONDA - Don't make so much noise, Jane!

PHONDA - what Absence makes the heart grow



MEANING: noun: Prestige, social status, or pedigree.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish yichus/yikhus (pedigree), from Hebrew yihus (pedigree). Earliest documented use: 1890.

YISHUS! - what my 2-year-old says about the yummy dinner

LICHUS - one singe sweet dessert morsel at the Chinese restaurant

YICHTS - luxury boats in the present tense
Posted By: A C Bowden SEMIQUARTER - one and a half months - 03/26/21 06:45 AM

Meaning: Half a quaver; a sixteenth-note.

SESQUIQUAVER - a dotted quaver

SEMIQUOTER - someone who takes things out of context

SEMIQUITTER - I'll try again later
Originally Posted by A C Bowden

Meaning: Half a quaver; a sixteenth-note.

SESQUIQUAVER - a dotted quaver

SEMIQUOTER - someone who takes things out of context

SEMIQUITTER - I'll try again later

March 8, 2010? That's going back a ways!



MEANING: noun: Money.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish gelt (money) and/or German, Dutch geld (money). The words gild, gilt, yield, and guild are cousins of this word. Earliest documented use: 1529.

G-BELT - something worn to combat gravitational strain

GALT - Who is he?

GEL-TV - very slow reruns of old cartoons, one frame at a time



MEANING: verb tr.: To devastate, such as by heavy bombing.

ETYMOLOGY: After Coventry, a city in central England, that was devastated in German bombing during WWII, Nov 14-15, 1940. The Germans coined the verb coventrieren (to coventrate) after the city to describe any heavy bombing, and the term was adopted in English as well. Earliest documented use: 1940. See also, blitzkrieg.

COVET RATE - what percent of viewers are jealous

COVEN TRACE - follow the peregrinations of groups of witches

COVE NITRATE - fertilizer (guano) from birds in a sheltered inlet



MEANING: noun: An entertainment event where pleasure is derived from watching gore and barbarism.

ETYMOLOGY: From the gladiatorial contests held in ancient Rome. Earliest documented use: 1818. Also see, Roman matron.

ROXAN HOLIDAY - Cyrano takes his love for a day out

AROMA'N'HOLIDAY - vacation with incense

WOMAN HOLIDAY - Mom does whatever she wants and the family does all the planning and cooking and cleaning and child care
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FANTER - orange soda (in Boston) - 03/31/21 08:10 PM



MEANING: verb tr./intr.: 1. To move at an easy pace.
2. To ride a horse at a canter.
noun: 1. An easy pace.
2. A three-beat gait of a horse.

ETYMOLOGY: After Canterbury, a city in England, the home of Thomas Becket’s shrine, toward which medieval pilgrims supposedly rode at an easy pace. Earliest documented use: 1706. Also see, Canterbury tale.

CANTEX - 1) a former spouse with a very negative attitude; 2) "Fire the cowboy!"

BANTER - inane jokes

LANTER - one who puts urine in beer

RANTER - one who complains with great length and intensity about urine in his beer
Posted By: wofahulicodoc T. ROJA - a fierce red dinosaur - 04/01/21 03:49 PM



MEANING: noun:
1. A person from Troy.
2. One who exhibits great stamina, energy, and hard work.
3. A merry fellow.
4. In computing, a piece of malware that appears harmless, but causes damage.

ETYMOLOGY: After Troy, an ancient city in modern-day Turkey. From the reputation of Trojans in defending their city. The computing sense is from Trojan horse. Earliest documented use: 1330.

PRO-JAN - In favor of the first month of the year

TYROJAN - Jan is a mere beginner

TOROJAN - older brother of Ferdinand


MEANING: noun: Prolonged cheering.

ETYMOLOGY: From the prolonged derisive cheering in opposition to meetings held in Kent, England, during 1828-29 regarding the Catholic Relief Bill which sought to remove discrimination against Catholics. Earliest documented use: 1834.

KENNISH FIRE - You should see Barbie's boyfriend's eyes when he gets jealous!

KENTISH IRE - sometimes in his secret identity Superman gets really angry

KEN DISH FIRE - Ken likes to cook food flambé
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LAP GAR - a pet fish - 04/06/21 01:13 AM


MEANING: noun: A method of assessing a newborn’s health. Also known as Apgar score.

ETYMOLOGY: After anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) who devised it. Earliest documented use: 1959.

NOTES: This is a judging world and we get evaluated right from birth (Apgar) to death (how many people came to the funeral). In 1953, Dr. Virginia Apgar devised a quick way to assess the health of a newborn child. She assigned 0, 1, or 2 points for each of the five criteria: heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, skin color, and reflex response. The score is typically calculated at one minute and five minutes after birth.

Ten years after the debut of the Apgar score, Dr. L. Joseph Butterfield introduced an acronym as a mnemonic aid for the term: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration. See backronym.


A.P. TAR - a journalist in the Navy

ZAP-GAR - an electric fish

A-P GEAR - transfers power and/or rotation in the front-to-back direction


MEANING: noun: A detective.

ETYMOLOGY: After Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884), a private detective, who started a detective agency in 1850. Earliest documented use: 1874. Pinkerton may also be the origin of the term fink.

PINSKER TON - a rather nebulous measure of weight first described in southern Belarus, near the Ukranian border.

PINKEARTON - sound as heard by folks with colorful aural organs

PIN KARTON - where the seamstress or tailor keeps the sharp-pointed temporary fasteners
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CARD BOROUGH - the gambling district - 04/09/21 02:04 AM


MEANING: noun: In a card game, a weak hand, especially one in which no card is above a nine.

ETYMOLOGY: After Charles Anderson Worsley, 2nd Earl of Yarborough (1809-1897), who is said to have bet 1000 to 1 against the occurrence of such a hand. The actual odds are 1827 to 1. Earliest documented use: 1900.

YARD BOROUGH - a tiny British political division

YAR, BIRO - UGH - Right, it's one of those tiny ball point pens. Shameful, innit?

Posted By: wofahulicodoc OR WELL I AM - not sick am I - 04/10/21 11:59 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (OR-wuh-liz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: Something misleading, such as a word or phrase used euphemistically or ambiguously for propaganda purposes.

ETYMOLOGY: After George Orwell (1903-1950), whose novel 1984 depicted a futuristic totalitarian state employing misleading language for propaganda and control. Earliest documented use: 1970. Also see newspeak and Orwellian.

OK, WELLISM - a debating technique of deflecting and changing the subject, sometimes called "but what about?"

OR CELLISM - encouraging a plea bargain by threatening with jail time

OR WELTISM - encouraging a plea bargain by threatening a beating;
compare OR CELLISM, above
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OAKLET - acorn - 04/11/21 12:08 AM


MEANING: noun: A complimentary ticket or pass. Also known as an Annie Oakley.

ETYMOLOGY: After the sharpshooter Annie Oakley (1860-1926) who was renowned for her skill, from association of the punched ticket with one of her bullet-riddled targets. Earliest documented use: c. 1910.

OAKEY - quirky. [note - Oak (genus Quercus): any of about 450 species of ornamental and timber trees and shrubs constituting the genus Quercus]

ORAKLEY - Delphic

OARLEY - an airport in Paris
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VULNERACY - hurt by the salacious - 04/13/21 01:05 AM


MEANING: noun: Something used for the healing of wounds.
adjective: Useful in healing of wounds.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin vulnus (wound) + -ary (relating to). Earliest documented use: 1599.

ULNERARY - pertaining to a forearm-bone

VULNECRACY - government by the wounded

FULNERARY - pertaining to our Administrator
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SAPORIFIC - great-tasting - 04/13/21 03:05 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (sop-uh-RIF-ik, suh-puh-)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Inducing sleep.
2. Sleepy or drowsy.
3. Dull or monotonous.
noun: Something that induces sleep.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sopor (a deep sleep). Ultimately from the Indo-European root swep- (to sleep), which also gave us insomnia, hypnosis, soporose, somniloquy (talking while asleep), and somnambulate (to walk in sleep). Earliest documented use: 1690.

SOUPORIFIC - Campbell's latest offering - have a bowl before bedtime and sleep like a log!

SORORIFIC - inducing female children

ISOPORIFIC - having microscopic openings of uniform shape
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BUMMERY - a resourceless hobo's life - 04/14/21 08:45 PM


MEANING: noun: An absurd, pretentious, or hypocritical performance.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French momerie (masquerade), from Old French mommer (to mum or to pantomime). Earliest documented use: 1465.

MUMMERRY - enlivening the place with flowers

MUMMERCY - sparing the plants when the flowers finish blooming

HUMMERY - attempted intimidation by driving a powerful, armored vehicle
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ENTRANSIGENCE - unhypnotizable - 04/15/21 06:45 PM


MEANING: noun: Unwillingness to compromise, especially from an extreme position.

ETYMOLOGY: Via Spanish/French, from Latin in- (not) + transigere (to settle). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ag- (to drive, draw), which also gave us act, agent, agitate, litigate, synagogue, and ambassador. Earliest documented use: 1882.

IN-TRANSIT GENCE - men between destinations

SINTRANSIGENCE - refusal to stop violating commandments

INFRANSIGENCE - membres de l'Académie Francaise


MEANING: noun: Timidity or shyness.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin diffidere (to mistrust), from dis- (not) + fidere (to trust). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bheidh- (to trust), which also gave us abide, abode, fiancé, affidavit, confide, confident, defiance, fidelity, defy, infidel, and diffident. Earliest documented use: 1425

DIFFIDANCE - uneasy at the school Prom

DIFF I.D., ONCE - You know, this isn't my original Social Security number

DIFFIDENCE - embarrassed about the appearance of one's teeth
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FOODSHED - old-time pantry - 04/19/21 04:29 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. A place for storing firewood.
2. A place for administering punishment.
3. A place for intensive practice, especially music practice.
verb tr., intr.: 1. To practice diligently, especially on a musical instrument.
2. To punish or reprimand.
3. To coach a witness before a trial.

ETYMOLOGY: From the practice of using a woodshed for punishing a child, for intensive music practice, etc. From wood, from Old English wudu + shed, a variant of shade, from Old English sceadu. Earliest documented use, noun: 1764, verb: 1893.

WORDSHED - where you send lazy words, to work on their meanings

WOODSHOD - dressed in sabots

WOOLSHED - store your clothing raw-materials here


MEANING: noun: 1. A check or hindrance.
2. A defeat or disappointment.
3. A beam or rafter.
4. A ridge; an unplowed strip of land between furrows.
verb intr.: To stop, hesitate, or refuse to proceed.
verb tr.: To thwart or hinder.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English balca (ridge, bank). Earliest documented use, noun: 885, verb: 1393.

BABK - a yeastcake made with cinnamon and raisins

B.A. HULK - Bruce Banner gets his college degree

BALI K - comes after Bali J and Bali Hai


MEANING: noun: A decorative chain or string, of flowers, leaves, ribbons, etc., hanging between two points.
verb tr.: To make or hang festoons; to decorate.

ETYMOLOGY: From French feston, from Italian festone, from festa (festival), from Latin festa, plural of festum (festival). Earliest documented use, noun: 1676, verb: 1789.

FESTOOL - a seat of iron

WESTOON - animated show for kids, with Hopalong Cassidy and the Road Runner

FEMTO-ON - one 10^15th part of the care owed by the Japanese higher-stationed to those under them
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Kemo Sabe - they stole our tent! - 04/23/21 01:25 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (BI-vuh-ak, BIV-wak, BIV-oo-ak)

MEANING: noun: A temporary encampment, in the open air, typically without tents or cover.
verb intr.: To take shelter temporarily for the night.

ETYMOLOGY: From French bivouac, from Swiss German beiwacht (supplementary night watch), from bei- (beside) + Wacht (watch). Earliest documented use, noun: 1706, verb: 1809.

B. IOU A/C - Item 2 on a my list of unfinished business: I owe you an air conditioner

BIJOU AC - an electric jewel that runs on Alternating Current

BIRO UAC - the official ballpoint pen of the Unamerican Activities Committee
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Kemo Sabe - they stole our tent! - 04/24/21 09:09 PM


MEANING: verb: To understand or know.
noun: Know-how, practical knowledge, or shrewdness.
adjective: Shrewd or knowledgeable, especially in practical matters.

ETYMOLOGY: Via pidgin and/or creole language(s), from Portuguese and/or Spanish sabe (do you know?), from Latin sapere (to be wise). Ultimately from the Indo-European sep- (to taste or perceive), which also gave us sage, savant, savor, sapid, sapient, resipiscent, insipid, and sipid. Earliest documented use, verb: 1686, noun: 1785, adjective: 1826.

LAVVY - smelling like a washroom

SAVY (rhymes with "Navy") - inclined to rescue things

SAVOY - theatrical, especially with light opera

SALVY - unguental
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NOSTRUM - stop playing the guitar! - 04/27/21 03:37 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ROS-truhm, RO-struhm)

MEANING: noun:
1. A platform, stage, dais, etc., for public speaking.
2. A beaklike projection on a warship, used for ramming another ship.
3. A snout, beak, or bill of an animal.

ETYMOLOGY: In ancient Rome, a speaking platform was decorated with the beaks of captured ships. Hence the use of the term for a speaking platform. From Latin rostrum (snout, bill, beak), from rodere (to gnaw). Earliest documented use: 1542.

FROST RUM - Baccardi on the rocks

RE-STRUM - if Sam (in Rick's Café) played the guitar instead of the piano

ROOT RUM - like Sarsparilla or root beer, only much more potent
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CARSPACE - where I park - 04/27/21 03:44 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A hard shell on the back of animals such as turtles, crabs, etc.
2. An attitude developed as a protective measure against something.

ETYMOLOGY: From French carapace (shell), from Spanish carapacho (shell). Earliest documented use: 1835.

CARPACE - how fast am I driving

CAT-APACE - a cheetah

CORA PACE - How are the Red Sox doing this year?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HAWKLE - a newly-hatched hawk - 04/28/21 11:36 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. Hairs or feathers on the neck or back of some animals that stand up when the animal is agitated.
2. Temper; anger.
3. A comb for dressing fiber.
verb tr.: To comb flax, hemp, or other fibers with a hackle.

ETYMOLOGY: Either a variant of heckle, from Middle English hechelen (to comb flax) or from Old English hacele (coat, cloak). Earliest documented use: 900.

AHA!CKLE - the sound you make when you finally realize why that joke is funny, after all

HACKLET - a child-sized cab

HICKLE - a singultus, barely contained


MEANING: noun: 1. The highest point.
2. An architectural ornament capping a tower, buttress, etc.
verb tr.: 1. To reach the peak of achievement, development, etc.
2. To form a pinnacle.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French, from Latin pinnaculum, diminutive of pinna (wing, feather). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pet- (to rush or fly), which also gave us feather, petition, compete, perpetual, pterodactyl, helicopter, appetence, asymptomatic, auricle, empennage, impetuous, pencel, peripeteia, petulant, propitious, pinnate, and lepidopterology (study of butterflies and moths). Earliest documented use: 1330.

PINNOCLE - card game involving bidding and trick-taking, using a deck missing all cards from 2 to 8

PINNACHE - 1. pain in the outer ear; 2. flair, style, elan; 3. a leafy green vegetable reputed to be full of iron (it isn't) and Vitamin K (it is) and much admired by one pipe-smoking Sailor Man with very skinny upper arms

PIÑTACLE - a mystical symbol in the shape of a pineapple (alternatively, in the shape of a fifteenth-century seafaring craft)


MEANING: verb intr.: To move quickly, especially in retreat or in fleeing.

ETYMOLOGY: From reference to animals such as cows, rabbits, and deer that raise their tails when fleeing. Earliest documented use: 1908. A synonym is skedaddle.

NIGHT-AIL - obstructive sleep-apnea, for example

HIGHT GAIL - Who was the rich villain in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead ?

HIGH TAMIL - the Official Language of Serendip


MEANING: noun: An activity, approach, state of mind, etc., emphasizing intuition and insights, instead of fixation on goals.
adjective: Calm, peaceful, unruffled.

ETYMOLOGY: After Zen, a school of Mahayana Buddhism. From Japanese zen (meditation), from Chinese chan (meditation), from Pali jhanam (jhanam), from Sanskrit dhyana (meditation). Earliest documented use: 1727. Also see satori.

ZZ-EN - (German) infinitive verb: to sleep or snore

pZEN - the negative logarithm of serenity

ZIN - Wine not?

PRONUNCIATION: (BUHT-uhr fing-guhrd)

MEANING: adjective: Clumsy or careless, especially frequently dropping things.

ETYMOLOGY: From butter, from Old English butere, from Latin butyrum, from Greek boutyron, from bous (cow) + tyros (cheese) + finger, from Old English. Earliest documented use: 1615.

BUTLERFINGERED - having blackened thumbs (from polishing the family silver so much)

BUTTER FINE RED - 1. churned wine; 2. a purebred crimson goat

BUTTERFIN GERE - a dolphin who's still Looking for Mr Goodbar
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CANVARY - describing your results - 05/05/21 03:40 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A small finch, native to the Canary Islands, having greenish to yellow color, and known for its melodious song.
2. A bright yellow color.
3. A singer.
4. An informer.

ETYMOLOGY: From French canari (canary), from Spanish canario (canary; of the Canary Islands), from Latin canis (dog). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog), which also gave us canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, corgi, cynic, cynosure, canaille, canicular, and cynophobia. Earliest documented use: 1568.

NOTES: The Canary Islands, a group of islands off the coast of Africa, are named after an animal, but it’s not canaries. It’s dogs. The island’s name is, literally, the Island of the Dogs, from Latin Canariae insulae...

CABNARY - needing a ride when it's raining in the city

CANERY - walking-stick factory

CANART - Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup pictures
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PA ACHE - Dad overdid the exercise - 05/06/21 03:10 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A confident, stylish manner; swagger.
2. A tuft of feathers on a headdress, such as a helmet, hat, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From French panache, from Italian pennacchio, from Latin pinnaculum (small wing), diminutive of pinna (wing, feather). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pet- (to rush or fly), which also gave us feather, petition, compete, perpetual, pterodactyl, and helicopter. Earliest documented use: 1584.

PA NICHE - a corner where Pop fits in perfectly

PIÑA CHE - pineapple served à la Cuban revolutionary

PA. NOCHE - night in Philadelphia's "Little Havana" neighborhood
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ALTERNITY - forever and a day - 05/08/21 01:04 AM


MEANING: noun: Otherness: the state or quality of being other or different.

ETYMOLOGY: From French altérité, from Latin alteritas (otherness), from alter (other), from Greek heteros (other). Earliest documented use: 1500.

ALGERITY - a fortuitous occurrence that ultimately leads to the success of an honest, charitable, kind, hard-working young man

ALTERIFY - scare the daylights out of everybody

ASTERITY - when money is so tight you can buy only a few simple fall flowers
Posted By: wofahulicodoc UNSHORTED - electrically intact - 05/10/21 08:54 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Serious; unmitigated.
2. Plain; undisguised.

ETYMOLOGY: From un- (not) + shirt, from Old English scyrte. Earliest documented use: 1932.

UNS HURTED - we were in pain in Berlin

UNSHIRRED - I actually prefer my eggs unbaked like this

UNSHORTED - the safe way to use electrical appliances

UNSHIRED - exiled from the land of the Hobbits


MEANING: adjective: Conventionally attractive and suave.

ETYMOLOGY: After the detachable Arrow Collars sold by Cluett, Peabody & Co. in the early 1900s. The collars were shown on a supposedly idealized man, known as the Arrow Collar Man, in ads drawn by the illustrator J.C. Leyendecker. Earliest documented use: 1915.

ARROW-CO. LIAR - advertising agent for the Arrow Shirt Company in the early 1900s

NARROW-COLLAR - dated, out of style

ARROW COLLARD - a leafy green vegetable with lanceolate foliage
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MUTTON-DOWN - where sheep graze - 05/12/21 02:20 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Conservative, unimaginative, conventional, staid, repressed, etc.
2. Relating to a collar that can be fastened to the garment.
3. Relating to a garment having such a collar or having buttons from the collar to the waist.

ETYMOLOGY: From the association of a button-down shirt with people having such an outlook. Earliest documented use: 1883. The term also appears in the form buttoned-down.

BUST ON DOWN - what's covered by a strapless gown

BUTT ON DAWN - hit with your head the moment the sun rises

BUT TEN-DOWN - I've solved everything from one-down to nine-down...


MEANING: adjective:
1. Unprofitable; futile; unreasonable; irrelevant.
2. Without sleeves.

ETYMOLOGY: From sleeve, from Old English sliefe + less, from Old English laes (less). Earliest documented use: 950. Also see shirtsleeve.

NOTES: What does a sleeve have to do with profit? In former times, a lady would give her detachable sleeve (also known as a maunch/manche, from French) to a knight as a symbol of love and he would wear it as he went around in his adventures. A knight without a sleeve was, well, sleeveless. The Encyclopedia Britannica (1880) mentions: “Bayard took a lady’s sleeve and proclaimed it, with a valuable ruby, as a prize to be contended for.”

SLEEVELETS - tiny openings in the fingers of gloves, to display the fingertips

SLEEVELASS - an itinerant seamstress who rides around repairing worn elbow holes for the Bourgeoisie (true gentry wouldn't stoop to having worn clothing repaired)

SLEEVELES - a nonsense word meaning a mild illness - see A.A.Milne: "Christopher Robin had Weevils and Sleeveles; they bundled him up in his bed..." etc. ;-)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHIRT-TALL - chest-high - 05/15/21 12:48 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. The part of a shirt reaching below the waist, especially in the back.
2. A brief item added at the end of a newspaper article.
3. Something small or unimportant.
adjective: 1. Very young or immature.
2. Very small or trivial.
3. Distantly related.

ETYMOLOGY: From shirt, from Old English scyrte (shirt) + tail, from Old English toegl (tail). Earliest documented use: 1659. Also see coattail.

SHIFT-TAIL - the seventh, eighth, and even ninth and tenth hours of your scheduled work time

SHIRT TAMIL - garment for the upper body and arms, of a distinctive fabric made only in India and Sri Lanka

SHORT-TAIL - to follow and observe someone for just fifteen minutes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc H. PYLE - Gomer's younger brother - 05/17/21 01:37 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A rule book.
2. Rules.

ETYMOLOGY: After Edmond Hoyle (1672?-1769), British writer on games. Earliest documented use: 1906. The word is typically used in the phrase according to Hoyle, meaning strictly following rules and regulations.

H. PYLE - 1) Gomer's younger brother; 2)familiar form of name of a bacterium associated with gastric ulcers

TOYLE - one-quarter of a witch's spell, along with two bubbles and some trouble

HO, YALE - Greetings, all you Eli
(alternatively, HOY ALE - what I'm drinking today in Tijuana)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HOUDINI - pl. of HOUDINUS - 05/21/21 01:55 AM


MEANING: noun: An escape artist.
verb intr.: To escape.

ETYMOLOGY: After Harry Houdini (1874-1926), a magician and escape artist. Earliest documented use: 1923.

NOTES: Houdini was born as Ehrich Weiss, but he admired the French magician Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin so changed his name. His nickname Ehri became Harry. Watch a Houdini straitjacket escape in Houston, 1923: (video, 3 min.). How did he do his magic tricks and escapes? Read all about it here. In his later years, Houdini devoted his life to debunking psychics, mediums, and other fraudsters. He worked with the Scientific American magazine to expose them.

HOUNDINI - dog-shaped pasta

HOUDING - present participle of to houd

FOUDINI - Magician/Portrait featured in the 1950s kids' TV program featurng puppets, 5 PM weekdays in the New York City area, Pinhead and Foudini. His magic word was not "Abracadabra" but "LY-CO-PO-DIUM !" accompanied, unsurprisingly, by a flash of light and a puff of smoke.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TAWDAY - National Marbles Day - 05/21/21 02:09 AM


MEANING: adjective: Cheap, showy, and gaudy.

ETYMOLOGY: Short for tawdry lace, a contraction of St Audrey lace. The story goes that Æthelthryth (c. 636-679 CE), also known as Etheldreda and Audrey, loved fine silk laces in her youth. She died of a throat tumor which she considered a punishment for her fondness of necklaces. She was a queen, but later became a nun, and eventually a saint. Cheap laces sold in St Audrey’s Fair in Ely, England, came to be known as St Audrey lace, and eventually shrank to tawdry lace. Earliest documented use: 1612. Also see, trumpery.

PAWDRY - what you do for your dog after the rain

TAPDRY - get the good last drop out of the keg


PRONUNCIATION: (muhk-dah-nuhl-dai/duh-ZAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. Standardization that focuses on efficiency, predictability, control, etc., at the expense of individuality or creativity.
2. The spread of the influence of American culture.

ETYMOLOGY: After McDonald’s, a fast-food chain started by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in 1940. Earliest documented use: 1975. Also see McJob.

MACDONALD IZ AT INN - the old farmer has reached the motel

MACDONALD IZ A TOON - Surely you've seen an animated Ronald MacD

MACDONALD IZ A LION - that's why he knows so much about hamburgers


MEANING: noun:
1. A person who holds a high office or has great influence.
2. A pompous, self-important person.
3. A person holding many offices or positions of power.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pooh-Bah, a government official in Gilbert & Sullivan’s 1885 operetta The Mikado. Pooh-Bah holds all the high offices of the state (except Lord High Executioner), including relating to complaints about himself. He is also known as the Lord High Everything Else. Earliest documented use: 1886.

POOH-BAR - where Winnie goes to have a cup or two of mead

POOCH-BAH - cat-lover's dismissal

POSH-BAH - high-priced Boston drinking club


MEANING: noun: Shameless boldness; brazen nerve; gall.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish khutspe, from Late Hebrew huspa. Earliest documented use: 1853.

CHUTE, PA - Son, before I dive out of this airplane, did I forget anything?

CHUT SPA - a health resort where as a sideline they grow chutney for distribution and sale

CHUTZ PATH - a wilderness trail blazed by explorer Igor Chutz


MEANING: noun: Absurdly chivalrous, idealistic, or impractical ideas or behavior.

ETYMOLOGY: After Don Quixote, hero of the eponymous novel by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616). Earliest documented use: 1703. Also see quixotic and quixote.

QUIXOTORY - futile

QUIXOT-RAY - an automated light-energy weapon designed to knock over windmills with a lance

EQUI-XO-TRY - striving for the same number of kisses as hugs
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BLOW-BY - an escape valve - 05/26/21 09:10 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Having a coarsely ruddy complexion.
2. Disheveled.

ETYMOLOGY: From English dialect blowze (wench). Earliest documented use: around 1770.

LOWZY - the worst possible letter grade

BROWZY - just looking around, to see what's here

B'LOW ZY - submerged in the ocean


MEANING: noun: An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner and one at the center.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin quincunx (five twelfths), from quinque (five) + uncia (twelfth part). Earliest documented use: 1606.

NOTES: In ancient Rome, a quincunx was a coin equivalent to five twelfths of the coin known as an “as” or “libra”. The coin’s value was sometimes represented by five dots, four in corners and one in the middle. The number five on a die is represented by five dots in a quincunx.

QUID-CUNX - the twelfth part of one Pound Sterling, i.e. one shilling eightpence

QUIDNUNX - old Roman gossips

QUID C? UNIX? - Don't you think it would have been more efficient to program it in UNIX?


MEANING: noun: 1. Someone or something extraordinarily successful.
2. Someone or something flashy, impressive, technologically innovative, etc.
3. A firework that makes whizzing sounds and loud bangs.
adjective: 1. Highly successful or talented.
2. Flashy, impressive, fast-paced, loud, etc.

NOTES: The term has its origin in the onomatopoeic representation of the sound made by a firearm or firework. It was popularized in WWI as high-speed shells were called whizbangs. It was also the name given to a rocket launcher used by the US Army during WWII.

ETYMOLOGY. Of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1881.

PHIZBANG - how an exploding cigar does in your face

WHIPBANG - the crack of Indiana Jones' favorite weapon

WHIZBANE - a prodigy's downfall



MEANING: noun:
1. An inordinate amount of wealth.
2. A place extraordinarily secure and thus impossible to break into.

ETYMOLOGY: After Fort Knox, nickname of the United States Bullion Depository, a vault that houses most of the US government’s gold, in Fort Knox, Kentucky.

FORT K? NO. - Are we going to the gold storage place? Negative.
(syn. FORT K? NOT!; ant. FORT K: NOW!)

FOR TKO X - Was that prize for his ninth knockout? No.

FORT K'NEX - part of the "Cowboys and Indians" set of a children's construction toy


MEANING: noun:
1. A mark of quality, genuineness, or excellence.
2. A distinguishing feature or characteristic.

ETYMOLOGY: After Goldsmiths’ Hall in London, where articles of gold and silver were appraised and stamped. Earliest documented use: 1721.


HAIL MARK - Caesar turned down the crown three times, and eventually an exasperated Mark Anthony accepted it

HULLMARK - lines panted on the hull of a boat to indicate how deep she's riding in the water

HALLMASK - something you wear in school to protect against airborne disease; formerly, something you wore in school so the teachers and the monitors wouldn't know who you are


MEANING: noun:
1. One with the ability to easily turn anything profitable.
2. One who is extremely wealthy.

ETYMOLOGY: After the legendary King Midas who was given the power that anything he touched turned into gold. Earliest documented use: 1584. Also see: Midas touch and Midas-eared.

IDA'S - belonging to Eddie Cantor's wife

MILD AS... - an Ivory Snow challenge - "Complete This Slogan:"
MIDIS - skirt style, of a length halfway between Minis and Maxis

PRONUNCIATION: (GOL-den par-uh-shoot)

MEANING: noun: An agreement to pay generous compensation to a company executive if dismissed.

ETYMOLOGY: From the idea of a parachute softening the blow of an ejection from a high office and the color golden alluding to the large payment received on dismissal. Earliest documented use: 1981.

GOODEN PARACHUTE - lets pitcher Dwight land gently

GOLDEN, PA. RANCH: UTE - what Native American tribe runs that Dude Resort/Casino in Golden, Pennsylvania?

GOLDEN PARA SHUTE - the author of For Two Cents Plain declared he would vote for the author of On the Beach


MEANING: noun:
1. A shiny yellow mineral of iron disulfide. Also known as iron pyrites or fool’s gold.
2. Something that appears valuable but is worthless.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin pyrites (flint), from Greek pyrites lithos (stone of fire, flint), from its shiny surface and its use for starting fire. Earliest documented use: 1475.

𝑝𝑝 RITE - a very hush-hush solemn formalized procedure

PAY RITE - withholding taxes and other regular deductions

PYX RITE - a procedure whereby coins at the mint are measured against a standard of know weight and fineness


MEANING: noun:
1. A short, rotund person.
2. Something or someone broken beyond repair.

ETYMOLOGY: After Humpty Dumpty, a character in a nursery rhyme, who is irreparably broken after a fall. He’s typically shown as an anthropomorphic egg. Earliest documented use: 1785.

LUMPTY BUMPTY - what coarse oatmeal you serve !

HUMPITY DUMPITY - so sorry your Significant Other kicked you out

HAMPTY DAMPTY - hurricane completely flooded Gatsby's estate
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TUFFEE - a very difficult one - 06/08/21 05:52 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A clump of something.
2. A mound.
3. A low seat, stool, cushion, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Diminutive of tuft, from French touffe (tuft). Earliest documented use: 1553.

TUFEET - you stand on your own when you're independent

TURFET - a diminutive piece of sod

RUFFET - what you do when opponents lead a suit you're void in


MEANING: noun: A loose shapeless dress for a woman.

ETYMOLOGY: After Mother Hubbard, a character in the nursery rhyme “Old Mother Hubbard”. Earliest documented use: 1877.


OTHER HUBBARD - brother of the sci-fi author who created Dianetics on a bar bet (some say)

MO, THE HUB BARD - Moses was also known as the Shakespeare of Boston

MOTHER, BUBBA R'D - Ma, he just pronounced "railroad" correctly for the first time ever!


MEANING: noun: A tea-kettle.

ETYMOLOGY: After Suki, a girl in the nursery rhyme “Polly Put the Kettle On”. Earliest documented use: 1803.

SKEY - a good way to get around on fresh powdered snow

SAKEY - Biden's Press Secretary

OSUKEY - how you get into Ohio State University (if it's locked)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SIMILE SIMON - the "like/as" supplier - 06/13/21 12:29 AM


MEANING: noun: A simpleton.

ETYMOLOGY: After Simple Simon, a foolish boy in a nursery rhyme. Earliest documented use: 1673.

SIMPLE TIMON - a foolish misanthropic Athenian, according to Shakespeare

WIMPLE SIMON - Simon, an itinerant peddler, travels to convents to sell clothing to the Nuns

SIMPLEST, MON ! - easiest thing for a Caribbean native to say


MEANING: adjective: 1. Rebellious; uncooperative; combative.
2. Politically radical.
noun: 1. Someone who is rebellious, uncooperative, combative, etc.
2. A politically radical person.

ETYMOLOGY: Abbreviation of Bolshevik (a person with radical views), from Russian Bolshevik, from bolshe (greater), referring to the faction of the Russian Social Democratic party that seized power in the October Revolution of 1917. Ultimately from the Indo-European root bel- (strong), which also gave us debility and Bolshoi Theatre (literally, Great Theater). Earliest documented use: 1918.

BOLSHINE - clandestinely-made Dutch liqueur

BALSHY - very self-effacing at formal dances

BONSHY - a miniature drunken plant, seen mostly in Japan

PRONUNCIATION: (lak-uh-DAY-zi-kuhl)

MEANING: adjective: Lacking enthusiasm; indifferent; lazy.

ETYMOLOGY: From lackadaisy, alteration of lack a day, contraction of alack the day (an expression of regret, grief, or disapproval). Earliest documented use: 1768.

LACKADAISI-MAL - heartsick because you can't tell whether she loves you or she loves you not

BLACKADAISICAL - synonym of "black-eyed Susan"

LACK-A-DAIS IS AL - Al can't speak, 'cause he doesn't have a podium

LARKADAISICAL - affectionate name for Oklahoma! when all the world is still and you wake up in the meadow


MEANING: noun: 1. A swift, sudden military attack, especially aerial bombardment.
2. An intense campaign, for example, an ad blitz.
verb tr.: To attack, destroy, conquer, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Short for blitzkrieg, from German Blitzkrieg, from Blitz (lightning) + Krieg (war). Earliest documented use: 1939. Also see coventrate.

BLOTZ - Steve Dallas' favorite beer

BRITZ - 1) inhabitants of London; 2) inhabitants of a seaside resort in Pyrenees France known for its beaches...and its waves

B-LISTZ - second tier, one step below a-listz
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FOUNDS - where to locate your Losts - 06/17/21 07:43 PM


MEANING: interjection: Used to express surprise or indignation.

ETYMOLOGY: Contraction of God’s wounds! Earliest documented use: 1593.

OZOUNDS - the noise of tri-molecular oxygen being made from bimolecular O2

ZOFUNDS - money to support animal parks

ZOU NODS - the former premier of China sneaks in a nap
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EXTRALITE - zero-calorie beer - 06/19/21 01:04 AM


MEANING: noun: Exemption from local laws: the privilege of living in a foreign country, but subject only to the home country’s jurisdiction.

ETYMOLOGY: A contraction of extraterritoriality, from Latin extra- (outside) + territorium (land around a town), from terra (land). Earliest documented use: 1925.

EXTRACITY - a satellite urban community, like Yonkers to New York

EXTRALITH - a stone on the outside, like an everted geode (see also EXTRNALITY)

NEXTRALITY - linear succession

EUTRALITY - a proper but uncommmitted relationship, being neither positive nor negative
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOÖLOGY - the study of cow speech - 06/21/21 02:51 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (my-AH-luh-jee)

MEANING: noun:
1. The study of muscles.
2. The muscular anatomy of a person or an animal.

ETYMOLOGY: From myo-/my- (muscle), from Greek mys (mouse, muscle). Ultimately from the Indo-European root mus- (mouse, muscle), which also gave us mussel (a respelling of muscle), mustelid (any member of the weasel family), and mysticete (baleen whale), from Greek ho mus to ketos (literally: the mouse, the whale so called). Earliest documented use: c. 1649.

MYCOLOGY - the study of strong mushrooms

MOOLOGY - the study of money

MYOB-LOGY - the study of privacy

MAYOLOGY - A Compendium the History of Medical Care in Rochester, Minnesota


MEANING: noun: Someone who lives a sedentary life, spending large amounts of leisure time playing computer games, surfing the net, streaming videos, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Formed on the pattern of couch potato. Mouse refers to the electronic mouse typically used with a computer. Earliest documented use: 1993.

NO-USE POTATO - the futile attempt of one who can't cook at all, not even boil a potato

MOOSE POTATO - Bullwinkle after he learned to use a computer

MOUSE POETATO - Mickey Longfellow. And he didn't know it, either


MEANING: noun: A repetitive competitive activity, such as the modern working life in which one constantly struggles to attain wealth, status, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From rat, from Old English raet (rat) + race, from Old Norse ras (race). Earliest documented use: 1937.

RAFT RACE - Huck and Jim vie to see who can go down the river faster

RAP TRACE - Authorities are looking into what else the perp has been convicted of

RAT RAGE - why the mad rodent shot the other driver
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOUEY - flirtatiously pouting - 06/25/21 01:55 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Like a mouse in appearance, color, smell, etc.
2. Timid or shy.
3. Quiet or stealthy.
4. Dull or drab.
5. Infested with mice.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English mus (mouse). Earliest documented use: 1812.

MOURY - If when push comes to shove / you decide you're in love / that's a MOURY
(apologies to Dean Marin)

MOUSLEY - a mix of rolled oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit​, often eaten with milk for breakfast

MOUSEL - a river through northeastern France, Luxembourg, and western Germany; also, a white wine from that region


MEANING: noun: The use of the Internet to signal support for a cause.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of click, as in a mouse click + activism. Earliest documented use: 2006.

NOTES: Clicktivism can take many forms: signing an online petition, forwarding a message, sharing a posting, or changing the color or banner on one’s website or social media in support of a cause, and so on. Clicktivism is sometimes derided as slacktivism (slack + activism). It’s seen as putting in minimal effort and getting a sense of doing something and feeling good about it, instead of getting deeply involved with a cause. While the criticism can be justified, clicktivism is better than doing nothing and, at least, it raises awareness.

CLINKTIVISM - law enforcement relying heavily on incarceration

CLACKTIVISM - the other half of the Cartalktivism radio show featuring the Tappet Brothers

CLUCKTIVISM - saying "tut-tut" disapprovingly about everything


MEANING: noun:
1. An informer.
2. In cricket, a bowler, especially a slow bowler.
3. A float for a fishing line.
4. A large marble.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1, 2: From dob (to inform, to put down, to throw).
For 3: From Dutch dobber (float, cork).
For 4: From dob, a variant of dab (lump).
Earliest documented use: 1836.

DOUBER - what to do when you need to get somewhere in NYC and you don't have a car

DOBER - familiar form of an allegedly vicious breed of dog

ADOBBER - someone who erects Pueblo-style homes (or Hopi or Zuni, if you like)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BRUIT - how you make beer - 06/29/21 03:02 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. Rumor.
2. Report.
3. Noise.
4. An abnormal sound heard in internal organs in the body during auscultation.
verb tr.: 1. To report.
2. To repeat.
3. To spread a rumor.

ETYMOLOGY: From Anglo-Norman bruire (to make a noise), from Latin brugere, a blending of rugire (to roar) + bragire (to bray). Earliest documented use: 1400.

BERUIT - captail of Lebanon

B. QUIT - second option for dealing with an obnoxious boss

BRUSIT - what you'll do if you squeeze the fruit too hard

BLUIT - gave up a walkoff home run in the ninth and lost the game


MEANING: noun:
1. A small sculpture carved in relief on a background of another color.
2. A short description, literary sketch, etc., that effectively presents the subject.
3. A very brief appearance by a well-known actor or celebrity in a film, typically in a non-speaking role.
4. A brief appearance or a minor role.

ETYMOLOGY: From Italian cammeo, from Latin cammaeus. Earliest documented use: 1561.

CAMEOW - the utterance (udderance?) of a bovine kitty

CHAMEO - a soft cloth used for polishing

CAFÉO - French coffee, without the milk

CAMOO - French existentialist novelist, author of [i]The Stronger[/b]


MEANING: noun:
1. A small container for pills.
2. A small fortified enclosure, used for firing weapons, observing, etc.
3. A small brimless hat with a flat top and straight sides.
4. Something small or ineffectual.

ETYMOLOGY: From pill, from Latin pilula (little ball), from pila (ball) + box, from Old English, from Latin buxis, from pyxis (boxwood box), from Greek pyxis, from pyxos (box tree). Earliest documented use: 1702.

GILLBOX - what fish get their oxygen delivered in

POLLBOX - where you deposit your ballot

SPILLBOX - a large concrete casting downstream from a dam to minimize erosion from the water runoff


MEANING: noun: 1. An unfortunate situation.
2. A pledge.
3. A fold, wrinkle, braid, etc. Also called plait or pleat.
verb tr.: 1. To become engaged to marry.
2. To promise.
3. To fold, wrinkle, braid, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun/verb 1, 2: From Old English pliht (danger).
For noun/verb 3: From Anglo-Norman plit (fold, wrinkle, condition), from Latin plicare (to fold).
Earliest documented use: 450.

D-LIGHT - what else they do, for most

PLIGHTY - going from one peril to the next

P-SIGHT - possessed mostly by older men: tracking the strength of your urinary stream
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PANIER-MARCHÉ - sold by the basketful - 07/06/21 12:20 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (pay-puhr muh-SHAY)

MEANING: noun: A mixture of pulped paper, glue, etc., used in making sculptures, boxes, ornaments, etc.
adjective: 1. Made of papier-mache.
2. Fragile; temporary; false; illusory.

ETYMOLOGY: From French papier-mâché (chewed paper). Earliest documented use: 1753.

RAPIER-MACHÉ - my sword got mashed between a rock and a hard place

PAPIER-MACH - lightning-fast, at least on paper

POPIER-MACHÉ - in a disagreement between Il Papa and the Bishops' Council, the Pope wins
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SOUSH - a shelf-deshcribed drunk - 07/07/21 12:28 AM

MEANING: verb intr.: To make a moaning, sighing, whistling, murmuring, or rustling sound.
noun: 1. Such a sound.
2. A rumor.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English swogan (to rustle, whistle, etc.). Earliest documented use: before 1066.

SCOUGH - 1. belittle, sneer at; 2. to scrape or mar, as shoes

O SO UGH - extremely distasteful

SPOUGH - a pastiche or satire for comedic purposes

PRONUNCIATION: (WOOL-gath-uh-ring)

MEANING: noun:
1. Daydreaming.
2. Absentmindedness.

ETYMOLOGY: From wool, from Old English wull + gathering, from Old English gaderian. Earliest documented use: 1553.

NOTES: Woolgathering may be aimless wandering of the mind these days, but once it was serious work. It was pulling tufts of wool caught on bushes or fences or left on the ground by sheep. Besides today’s word, the English language has many other ovine-related terms, such as sheep’s eyes and sheeple.

WOO-LATHERING - soft-soaping your sweetie-pie so she'll agree to marry you

WOOF GATHERING - bunching together the cross-threads in woven cloth, to pinch the fabric

WOOL-BATHE RING - a community activity, akin to a quilting bee, to cleanse the sheep-shearings


MEANING: adjective:
1. Having scabs.
2. Mean or contemptible.

ETYMOLOGY: From scab, from Old Norse skabb (scab, itch). Earliest documented use: 1526.

NOTES: The word scab started out as a skin disease, evolved into a word for a crust over a wound, and then figuratively, into a moral disease. Eventually, it was applied to a mean person, especially a strike-breaker. Two other terms for such a person are fink and blackleg.

SCARBY - worker in an itinerant carnival; a carny or roustabout (after Scarborough Fair)

SCA-BABY - a teen-ager preoccupied with Jamaican music

SCA BOY - a young man who's very active in the Society for Creative Anachronisms
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FLATSHIP - a raft - 07/10/21 12:35 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A ship that carries the fleet commander and flies the commander’s flag.
2. The best or the most important of a group of things.

ETYMOLOGY: From flag, of obscure origin + ship, from Old English scip. Earliest documented use: 1672.

FLAGSHIP - a vessel that carries pennants, banners, gonfalons, and such

FLOGSHIP - a boat propelled by malfeasants shackled to oars (see also FLAYSHIP)

FLATS HIP - shoes without heels are all the rage these days


MEANING: adjective: Relating to political corruption.

ETYMOLOGY: After Tammany Hall in New York City, former home of the New York County Democratic Party, which was known for corruption. Earliest documented use: 1872.

NOTES: Tamanend or Tammany was a wise and peaceful Delaware Indian chief who became known as the “patron saint” of America. Many social clubs and societies were named after him. Tammany Hall in New York was one such place that evolved into a political machine notorious for its corruption. It was active from 1789-1967.

TAMPANY - kettle drums (past tense)

TARMANY - like Br'er Fox's trap for Br'er Rabbit, after he grew up

YAMMANY - a whole lot of sweet potatoes

PRONUNCIATION: (grahn gee-NYOL) [the first syllable is nasal]

MEANING: noun: An event, entertainment, etc., of a sensational or horrific nature.
adjective: Gruesome, grotesque, or horrifying.

ETYMOLOGY: From Le Grand Guignol (literally, The Great Puppet), a theater in Paris that specialized in such entertainment. Earliest documented use: 1905.

GARAND GUIGNOL - puppet with a semi-automatic rifle

RAND GUIGNOL - a think-tank for French theater

GLAND GUIGNOL - puppet shows with horminal themes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PASTILLE - a medicine lozenge - 07/15/21 11:18 PM


MEANING: noun: A prison.

ETYMOLOGY: After Bastille, a fortress in Paris, that was used to hold prisoners. From Old French bastille (fortress), alteration of bastide, from Old Provençal bastir (to build). Earliest documented use: 1400.

NOTES: Bastille (French pronunciation: bas-TEE-yuh) was built in the 14th century and stormed on Jul 14, 1789, marking the beginning of the revolution. The anniversary (Bastille Day) is celebrated as a national holiday in France.

BAST ISLE - spot of land in the Nile, populated by cats

BESTELLE - favorite girl friend

BAS-TILLER - the below-deck rod for turning the rudder


MEANING: noun: An improvement in workers’ performance attributed to the special attention they received when singled out for a study.

ETYMOLOGY: After Hawthorne Works, a factory complex of the Western Electric Company, where this effect was observed. The complex was named after the original name of the town where it was located. Earliest documented use: 1958.

NOTES: In the 1920s, researchers studying a group of workers at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company in Cicero, Illinois, observed something peculiar. They found that the productivity increased irrespective of the change in the direction of a variable. For example, the performance improved under brighter lights, but also when the lighting level was reduced. The researchers attributed this phenomenon to the workers’ perception that they were being given some attention. The very realization of being singled out for study motivated them to perform better.

NAWT-HORNE EFFECT - honking in traffic accomplishes nothing

HAW! TH'ORNE EFFECT - when the French river overflow its banks it's simply laughable

HAST HORNE EFFECT - being able to go "beep-beep" makes a driver more aggressive (but see NAWT-HORNE EFFECT)


MEANING: adjective: Yearly.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin quot (how many) + annus (year). Earliest documented use: 1878. A related word is quotidian (happening every day; commonplace).

USAGE: “The Dallas Cowboys defense has been a point of contention with fans over the past few years.”
Daniel Ruppert; Dallas Cowboys: Quality vs Quantity, the Quotennial Question; FanSided; Feb 14, 2017.

DUOTENNIAL - twentyful

QUOTERNIAL - attributed to William R. Hamilton the system of imaginary numbers i, j, k with the properties ij=k, jk=i, ki=j, and i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1

QUITENNIAL - my yearly attempt to stop
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PHILOCONIC - lover of ice cream - 07/23/21 01:34 AM


MEANING: noun: A dog lover.
adjective: Fond of dogs.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek philo- (loving) + kyon (dog). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog), which is also the source of canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, corgi, cynosure, and cynic. Earliest documented use: 1830.

PHILOCYGNIC - noun: a lover of baby swans

PHYLOCYNIC - skeptical about classification systems

PHILO CYNIC - a fictional detective who believed that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than rather than for honorable or unselfish reasons; written by S S van Dyne and popular in the 1920s and 30s.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OBIATE - sash-like - 07/23/21 01:48 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To render unnecessary; to remove, avoid, or prevent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin obviare (to act contrary), from ob- (against) + via (way). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wegh- (to go or to transport), which also gave us pervious, ochlophobia (a fear of crowds), and ochlocracy (mob rule). Earliest documented use: 1567.

OBVIGATE - a blatant, even conspicuous political scandal

OBI-ANTE - Ben Kenobe threw in a chip to start the next pot

OB VIA TEN - the obstetrician drove through on I-10


MEANING: verb tr.: To tease or deceive, especially by flattery.
noun: An instance of this.

ETYMOLOGY: From Spanish mamar gallo (to suckle a rooster).

NOTES: The word has nothing to do with a mama or a guy. It is from Caribbean English, especially from Trinidad. It has its origins in cock-fighting, apparently referring to a rooster who is gently sucking at his opponent instead of pecking him with force.

GAMAGUY - the male of the third class in Orwell's Brave New World, after the alphas and the betas

MAMAGUM - Bloody Mary occasionally chews something besides betel nuts

MATAGUY - What I did in a bar. He said he's a bullfighter, Escami-something.

PRONUNCIATION: (dip-luh-MAT-iks)

MEANING: noun: The study of documents, especially historical documents, in an effort to authenticate, date, interpret, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin diploma (a letter of recommendation or an official document), from Greek diploma (a folded paper). Ultimately from the Indo-European root dwo- (two) that also gave us dual, double, doubt, diploma (literally, folded in two), twin, between, redoubtable, dubiety, diplopia, and didymous. Earliest documented use: 1808.

Variations on a Theme:

DIPLOMAT ICE - must be broken before the negotiations can begin

DUPLOMATICS - statesmanship by liars, who speak with with forked tongue

BIPLOMATICS - wordless statesmanship (ask Marcel Marceau how it's done)

DIPLOMATTICS - meetings are held upstairs in the garret

DIPLOMATINS - and they start first thing in the morning

DOPLOMATICS - the ambassador is an idiot
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MISERY-CORD - a Cat-o'-One-Tail - 07/26/21 07:44 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (mi/muh-ZER-i-kord)

MEANING: noun:
1. Compassion, pity, or mercy.
2. Something to provide support to a standing person.
3. A place where rules are relaxed.
4. A dagger used to deliver the death stroke to a seriously wounded person.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French misericorde, from Latin misericordia (pity or mercy), from misereri (to pity) + cor (heart). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kerd- (heart), which also gave us cardiac, cordial, courage, concord, cordate, accord, discord, record, and recreant. Earliest documented use: 1230.

MISER IS ORD - the administration at O'Hare Airport won't spend a penny on improvements

MISS R.I. - C OR D? - Is it the third or the fourth contestant who lives in Newport?

MISER I CARD - proof that I'm a first-class cheapskate

PRONUNCIATION: (KON-truh-fak-tuhm)

MEANING: noun: A composition that makes use of an existing piece of music with different lyrics.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin contrafacere (to counterfeit), from contra- (against) + facere (to make or do). Earliest documented use: 1940.

CONTRACACTUM - this spiny desert plant has it in for me...

CONTRAFACETUM - the side of a gemstone diametrically opposite to the one under consideration

COINTRAFACTUM - a bootleg orange-flavored after-dinner liqueur

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-KRAY-zh/zhee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The lack of will or self-control resulting in one acting against one’s better judgment.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek akretes (powerless), from a- (without) + kratos (power, strength). Earliest documented use: 1806. The adjective form is akratic.

ASK RASIA - Rasia? Who's "Rasia?

A.K.A. "RASIA" - nickname for Rasella

O.K., RASIA - I'm satisfied with your answer


MEANING: noun:
1. A water-drinker.
2. A teetotaler.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin aqua (water) + bibere (to drink). Ultimately from the Indo-European root poi- (to drink), which also gave us potion, poison, potable, beverage, bibulous, bibacious, and Sanskrit paatram (pot). Earliest documented use: 1731.

AQUAVIB - whale or dolphin undersea communications

AQUABIC - a European ballpoint pen that writes under water

AQUA-BNB - tourist lodgings in Atlantis
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FIDOLON - a solitary dog - 07/31/21 02:27 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. An idealized form.
2. A phantom.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eidos (form, idea), ultimately from the Indo-European root weid- (to see), which also gave us wise, view, supervise, wit, eidos, and eidetic. Earliest recorded use: 1828.

IDOL ON - when you worship your car so much you can't bear to get inside it, even to turn off the ignition, so that it just stands there with the motor running

EID COLON - the little-known Arabic Festival of the Large Intestine, sometimes loosely (but erroneously) translated as Evacuation Day

EPIDOLON - located just above the dolon


MEANING: noun: A simple or gullible person.

ETYMOLOGY: From very, from Old French verai (true), from Latin verus (true) + green (immature, naive, etc.). Earliest documented use: 1954.

VERIGREN - plural of verig

VERYGREEN - bright light of 3800 Ångstrom units wavelength

VEROGREEN - putting surface in a Florida golf course
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RIFFISH - jazzy - 08/04/21 01:56 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Vulgar or tawdry.
2. Unconventional; carefree; rakish.L

ETYMOLOGY: From raff (rubbish), also the source of riffraff. Earliest documented use: 1795.

RAWFISH - what sushi is made from

LAFFISH - humorous, sort of

CRAFFISH - small crustacean that crawls on the bottom of a pond
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COLAMANT - soda for a praying insect - 08/05/21 02:02 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Loud.
2. Demanding attention; urgent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin clamare (to cry out). Earliest documented use: 1639.

CLAY ANT - a pre-Columbian scarab in the form of a six-legged insect

UCLA, MA, NT - the Bruins in Los Angeles have a New Technology, Mother

CALAMANT - squidlike


MEANING: adjective: Dirty or untidy.

ETYMOLOGY: From draggle (to trail on the ground or in mud, etc.) + tail. Earliest documented use: 1654.

DRAGGLE-FAILED - cross-dressing event didn't work out very well...

DRANGLE-TAILED - lots of anguish and self-searching at the end of the œuvre

DRAGLET AILED - young Saphira was ill (see Eragon)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FANTOUR - Hollywood excursion - 08/06/21 03:25 PM


MEANING: noun: A cheat or impostor.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin factor (maker, doer, perpetrator), from facere (to make or to do). Earliest documented use: 1340.

FATTOUR - visit to the lard factory

FASTOUR - driver's view of the Indianapolis Speedway

FAITHOUR - the 23rd Psalm, condensed to a single word

PRONUNCIATION: (kon-sti-TOO/TYOO-shuh-nuhl)

MEANING: noun: A walk taken for one’s health.
adj.: 1. Relating to the constitution, a set of principles governing a state, organization, etc.
2. Relating to someone’s physical or mental condition.
3. Relating to the fundamental makeup of something or someone; essential.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin con- (together) + statuere (to set up). Earliest documented use: 1682.

CONSTITUTION ALB - the white garment worn when handling an old precious document

CONSTITUITIONAL - the cost of higher education does not rise

C'MONSTITUTIONAL - Let's go for a walk together!

PRONUNCIATION: (kuh-MEN-suh-ruht)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Proportionate.
2. Having the same measure.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin com- (with) + past participle of mensurare (to measure). Earliest documented use: 1641.

COMPENSURATE - measure your salary

COM MEN SURE ATE - the radio men had a feast

COMMENSTRATE - oh, say, a 6-7-8-9-10 hand


MEANING: noun: A discussion employed in investigating the truth of a thesis.
adjective: Relating to such a discussion.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek dia- (between) + legein (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1382.

DIALECTRIC - a constant insulating property

DUALECTIC - voting for two candidates

DIATECTIC - a mixture consisting of two fluids, of uniform composition despite transforming from gas to liquid state or back


MEANING: noun: 1. A woodwind instrument, an early form of bassoon, also known as a dulcian.
2. An animal with a tail docked off.
3. Anything abridged or cut short.
adj.: 1. Having a docked tail.
2. Abridged or cut short.

ETYMOLOGY: From French court (short), from Latin curtus (shortened). Earliest documented use: 1509.

CURTAG - a microchip with the owner's contact information

CURBAL - what makes a baseball pitcher hard to hit

CARTAL - proposed name for a British moving company, ultimately rejected in favor of simply Pickfords ("We Carry Everything!")


MEANING: noun: A coward or wretch.

ETYMOLOGY: From erroneous reading of Middle English nithing, from Old English nithing, from Old Norse nidhingr, from nidh (scorn). Earliest documented use: 1596.

NIDDERINE - from the city or culture of Nidder

NADDERING - babbling, prattling, speaking blandly and inanely

NIDGERING - poking or otherwise rousing from a state of inactivity or inattention


MEANING: noun:
1. A sturdy shoe typically with ornamental perforations and a wing tip.
2. A heavy shoe of untanned leather.
3. A strong accent, especially Irish or Scottish when speaking English.

ETYMOLOGY: From Irish and Scottish Gaelic brog (shoe). The accent sense of the word apparently arose from this kind of shoes worn by the speakers. Earliest documented use: 1587.

GROGUE - a rum drink for upper-class sailors

BROGLUE - what holds Masons together

DROGUE - a small parachute for initiating the deployment sequence or for high-altitude or fast landings
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VAMP - a succubus - 08/18/21 12:22 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (for verb: ree-VAMP, for noun: REE-vamp)

MEANING: verb tr.: To renovate, refurnish, revise, etc.
noun: An instance of renovation, refurnishing, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From re- (again) + vamp (the front upper part of a shoe), from Old French avanpié, from avant (fore) + pié (foot), from Latin pes (foot). Earliest documented use: 1803.

VASP - a Teutonic hornet

NAMP - National Association of Military Police; a retired Viet Nam veteran is its head

SAM P. - noted 17th Century Politician and Diarist, as he was known by his familiars


MEANING: noun: Someone perceived to be intelligent or knowledgeable in an annoying way.

ETYMOLOGY: The term boots has been used for a fellow or a person since the early 1600s. From there we got the term clever boots and then clever clogs. Earliest documented use: 1866.

CLEVER CLODS - dull and uninteresting oafs, but shrewd

CLEAVER CLOGS - looks like the Beav plugged up the toilet again

CLOVER CLOGS - wooden shoes to wear while looking for four-leafed lucky charms
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHOES-THING - Imelda Marcos' fetish - 08/19/21 11:44 PM


noun: 1. A string used to tie a shoe: shoelace.
2. A small amount.
adj.: Involving little.

ETYMOLOGY: From itinerant vendors’ selling of trinkets, threads, shoestrings, and other low-value items. Earliest documented use: 1616.

SHOESTRING - catching a ball just above your sneakers, a moment before it hits the ground

SHOO-STRING - a cord to flail around to ward off flies

SHOE-STING - when a bee gets you right on top of your big toe when you're wearing sandals
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: Shoestring - 08/20/21 02:23 AM
Here is the version that I intended to submit before I saw your post. You will see that it bears some remarkable resemblances to your version!

SHOESTING – lump of grit lodged in one's footwear

SHOOSTRING – piece of cord that one whirls around to repel insects

SHOOTRING – arrangement in which the firing squad completely surrounds the condemned person


MEANING: noun: 1. An old, worn-out shoe.
2. Something useless or worn out.
3. A useless person; a fool.
verb tr.: To subject to disgrace or contempt.

ETYMOLOGY: Of Scottish origin, perhaps from bauch (inferior or substandard). Earliest documented use: 1488.

BOUCHLÉ - a heavy textile containing nubby, looped yarn, often in two different shades...known for its interesting visual texture and super-soft comfort. [I recall a tongue-twister about blue boots made of it]

BACHLE - in the style of Ol' J.S.

BANUCHLE - a card game played by Gary Larsen's sheep


MEANING: adjective: Surly, gloomy, or stern.

ETYMOLOGY: Probably a blend of grim + glum. Earliest documented use: 1640.

G I RUM - Elixir of Terpin Hydrate (80 proof, it is)

BRUM - shortened form of Birmingham (England); compare "eleëmosynary" --> "alms"

GNUM - a Wildebeest on lidocaine


MEANING: verb tr.
intr.: 1. To blend or merge.
2. To declare or make known. For example, in some card games, to declare or display a card or a combination of cards so as to score points.
noun: 1. A blend or merger.
2. A card or a combination of cards declared or laid down to score points.

ETYMOLOGY: For verb, noun 1: Probably a blend of melt + weld. Earliest documented use: 1919.
For verb, noun 2: From German melden (to announce). Earliest documented use: c. 450.

ME, LTD - the ultimate Personal Corporation

AM ELD - I've been around for a very long time...

MULD - a good way to drink wine on a cool evening


MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To spend lavishly or wastefully.
verb intr.: To make an ostentatious display.
noun: An extravagant or ostentatious display or expenditure.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps a blend of splash + surge, or maybe imitative. Earliest documented use: 1828.

SPLUGE - when the sled breaks through the ice and goes into the water

'SPLUMGE - What's that behind the peacock?

SPLURGEN - 1. the source of that expensive caviar you ordered for Brunch;
2. spending the money anyway
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GRBEIGE - fancy trash - 08/27/21 01:41 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. A color between gray and beige.
2. A fabric or yarn that has not undergone bleaching, dyeing, or other finishing processes.
adj.: 1. Of a gray-beige color.
2. Unbleached, undyed, or unfinished.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun, adj. 1: A blend of gray + beige. Earliest documented use: 1927.
For noun, adj. 2: From French grège (raw, unfinished) influenced by gray/beige, from Italian greggio, probably from Latin gregius (plain, ordinary). Earliest documented use: 1835.

GREIG, E - Norwegian composer, known for his [i]Peer Gynt Siute[i] among many other works

GREY G.E. - Genera Electric is extraordinarily drab

GREIDE - your mark in school. (I think you flunked Spelling.)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GRUMPTION - unpleasant spunk - 08/27/21 11:59 PM


MEANING: noun: An uproar or commotion.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps a blend of rumpus + ruction. Earliest documented use: 1802.

RUMUPTION - projectile vomiting after too many Daiquiris

RAMPTION - getting on or off the Information Highway

RUMPTOON - an animated show in which all the characters make asses of themselves


MEANING: noun: 1. A scoundrel.
2. A foul-mouthed person.
verb tr.: To disparage with abusive language.
verb intr.: To speak abusively.

ETYMOLOGY: From a blackguard, a person who did menial work in the kitchen of a noble household. Such a person may be responsible for pots and pans. Hence black + guard. Typically such persons were treated derisively. Earliest documented use: 1535. Another word originating in the kitchen to describe a person is scullion.

BLOCKGUARD - Security Officer in charge of a whole lot of prisoners

FLACKGUARD - security officer in name only, who got his job under the spoils system

LACKGUARD - unsuspecting and unprotected


MEANING: noun: A steep bowl-shaped mountain basin, carved by glaciers. Also known as a cirque.

ETYMOLOGY: From Welsh cwm (valley). Earliest documented use: 1853.

CWT - a unit of weight - a short (US) hundredweight ("centiweight," or cwt) is 100 pounds (45.36 kg); a long (Imperial) cwt is 8 stone (112 lbs)

OWT - a number for counting backwards, just before ENO.

CWO - an officer who didn't get a commission


MEANING: noun: Food, especially food fit for human consumption.
verb tr.: To provide with food.
verb intr.: To obtain food or to eat.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin victualia (provisions), from victus (nourishment), past participle of vivere (to live). Earliest documented use: 1303.

VICTRAL - pertaining to phonographic sound reproduction

NICTUAL - blinking

VINTUAL - winemaking
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GUNWHALE - Moby Dick's Revenge - 09/03/21 02:04 AM


MEANING: noun: The upper edge of the side of a ship or a boat.

NOTES: The word is often used in the idiom “to the gunwales” meaning to be full, almost overflowing.

ETYMOLOGY: From gun + wale (a plank along the side of a ship), from its use as a support for guns in earlier times. Earliest documented use: 1466.

GUNSALE - the NRA's dream come true

GUNSWALE - sloping grass to facilitate drainage from an emplacement

GUNWALK - ready to draw at any moment
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SID HEF - Hugh's brother's nickname - 09/04/21 12:14 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A fairy.
2. The race of fairies.
3. A mound or hill where fairies are believed to live.

ETYMOLOGY: From Irish sidh (fairy mound). Earliest documented use: 1724. Now you can see where banshee came from. A banshee is the anglicized spelling of bean sidhe (literally, woman of a fairyland).

SITHE - orthographically-challenged cutting tool for harvesting grassy crops

SIEHE - look in Berlin

SINDHE - peccavīt
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GALA-MAD - party-crazy - 09/06/21 06:50 PM


MEANING: noun: One who is known for integrity, courteousness, and nobility.

ETYMOLOGY: After Sir Galahad, the noblest of the Knights of the Round Table, in the British legend of King Arthur. Earliest documented use: 1854.

GAL AHAB - re-write of Moby Dick with a female Captain

GALA MAD - can't resist a good party

GAL AHEAD - said the teenager, standing on the corner with his buddies, watching


MEANING: noun: A guidebook.

ETYMOLOGY: After the German publisher Karl Baedeker (1801-1859) who founded a company that published travel guidebooks. Earliest documented use: 1863.

BARE-DECKER - a vessel with nothing visible above water (like many submarines)

BALD ECKER - a hairless German river

BAD ECKER - another name for Bad Hartzburg in Lower Saxony


MEANING: noun:
1. A wind blowing from the west.
2. A gentle breeze.
3. A soft and light garment, fabric, or yarn.
4. Anything having a soft, fine quality.

ETYMOLOGY: After Zephyrus, the god of the west wind in Greek mythology. Earliest documented use: before 1150.

ZE PYR - what got built near Giz

ZEPPYR - a closure universally used, but not exclusively since the invention of Velcro®

ZETHYR - a stringed instrument similar to an Autoharp without the pre-set chords


MEANING: adjective:
1. Looking in two different directions.
2. Having two contrasting aspects.
3. Hypocritical or deceitful.

ETYMOLOGY: After Janus, the Roman god of doors, gates, and transitions. Earliest documented use: 1682. The month of January is named after Janus.

IAN US-FACED - a James Bond novel specifically edited for publication in America

JANUS-PACED - two steps forward, two steps back, repeat ad libitum

ANUS-FACED - [censored]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RATZ - a euphemistic expletive - 09/11/21 08:58 PM


MEANING: noun: Luxury, glamor, opulence, etc.
verb tr.: 1. To make a show of luxury or opulence.
2. To behave haughtily toward someone; to snub.

ETYMOLOGY: After César Ritz (1850-1918), a Swiss hotelier. Earliest documented use: 1900.

NOTES: César Ritz was known for his opulent hotels and was called “the hotelier of kings and the king of hoteliers”. The word ritz is often used in the phrase “to put on the ritz” meaning to “make an ostentatious show”.

RITV - television station sited in Providence, Rhode Island

FRITZ - with on the, malfunctioning

RITEZ - what the orthographically-challenged author sez he duz for a living

plural felix culpae (KOOL/KUHL-pae/pee)

MEANING: noun: An error or disaster that has fortunate consequences.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin felix culpa (happy fault). Earliest documented use: 1913. A related word is serendipity.

FELIX CUPPA - Garfield was not the first cat who admired coffee

HELIX CULPA - the blame goes around and around

FELIX CUB, PA - What should we call the lucky little baby lion, Ma?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GLOSSOLABIA - gleaming lips - 09/14/21 06:12 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (glos-uh-LAY-lee-uh)

MEANING: noun: Unintelligible utterances occurring during religious excitation, schizophrenia, etc. Also known as speaking in tongues.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek glosso- (tongue, language) + -lalia (chatter, babbling), from lalein (to babble). Earliest documented use: 1879. A related term is coprolalia.

FLOSSOLALIA - the unceasing cry of the dental hygienist

GROSSOLALIA - speaking in hundred-forty-fours

GLOSSOLILIA - luminous flowers

PRONUNCIATION: (sin-uh-STER-uh-tee)

MEANING: noun:
1. Left-handedness.
2. Skillfulness in the use of the left hand.
3. Awkwardness or clumsiness.
4. Evilness, unluckiness, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sinister (left, left hand, unlucky). Earliest documented use: 1623. Some related words are ambisinistrous/ambisinister (clumsy with both hands) and dexterous.

SIN IS VERITY - Evil is Truth

MINISTERITY - the office of Church leadership

SINISTER? I TRY - it isn't easy being scary and evil and threatening...
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SYMPATRIC - Patron Saint of Ireland - 09/16/21 12:41 PM


MEANING: adjective: Occurring in the same geographical area.

ETYMOLOGY: From sym-, a form of syn- (together) + patra (homeland), from pater (father). Earliest documented use: 1904. The opposite is allopatric.

SYMMATRIC - Your parents are mirror images of each other!

GYM, PATRIC - Captain Picard needs to buff up a bit

SYMPATH, INC. - Sensitives For Hire


MEANING: verb intr.: To work feebly.
noun: A feeble action or movement.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of spud (a dagger or digging implement) + puddle. Earliest documented use: 1630.

SPURDLE - to use your spurs to encourage your horse to jump over a hurdle

SPUDULE - a diminutive potato

SPUNDLE - a small sharp object which in the past was used to prick your finger to enable you to sleep
Posted By: wofahulicodoc he went galumphing back - 09/20/21 07:10 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Sharp.
2. Deadly.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) in his novel Through the Looking-Glass. Earliest documented use: 1871.

NOTES: The word appears in the poem “Jabberwocky” in the novel Through the Looking-Glass.:
He took his vorpal sword in hand,
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!


CORPAL - friend of my heart

V'ORÉAL - one-tenth of a French personal care and cosmetics company

V. OPAL - the fifth kind of jewel, after diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CONSILENCE - a felon's Miranda right - 09/21/21 03:06 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (kuhn-SIL-ee-yuhns)

MEANING: noun: The linking or agreement of different disciplines when forming a theory or coming to a conclusion.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by the philosopher William Whewell (1794-1866). From Latin con- (with) + salire (to leap). Earliest documented use: 1840. He also coined the words scientist and physicist.

CONSALIENCE - the relevance of the opposition

CONSOLIENCE - sympathy, understanding, reassurance, and encouragement

PONSILIENCE - the resonance and power of the soprano
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PSYCHORABBLE - the mob's gone crazy! - 09/23/21 12:02 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (SY-ko-bab-uhl)

MEANING: noun: Language laden with jargon from psychotherapy or psychiatry, used without concern for accuracy.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by journalist Richard Dean Rosen (b. 1949). From Greek psycho- (mind) + babble (drivel, blather). Earliest documented use: 1975.

PSYCHOBUBBLE - Ward 8 is COVID-free...and completely isolated from other people

PSYCHRO-BABBLE - to natter on, with but colorful language

PSYCHOBAB BLEU - a kind of cheese made in Southern Africa and in Madagascar, with a broad trunk and many edible parts, it can last for centuries

PRONUNCIATION: (ree-OL-uh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The study of the deformation and flow of matter.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by Eugene C. Bingham (1878-1945), professor of chemistry, inspired by an aphorism of the philosopher Simplicius of Cilicia: “Panta rhei” (Everything flows). From Greek rheo- (flow) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1929.

GHEOLOGY - the study of clarified butter

RHETOLOGY - the study of the effect of the wind on the US Civl War

SHEOLOGY - the Feminine Mystique, explained


MEANING: noun: One who eats locally grown food.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by Jessica Prentice (b. 1968), chef and author. From local, from Latin locus (place) + -vore (eating), from vorare (to devour). Earliest documented use: 2005.

VOCAVORE - someone who's always eating his words

LOCOVORE - one who eats only crazy foods

LOCAMORE - a trysting place

LO CAVORT - see: children at play
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HARDMAIDEN - a Wagnerian Soprano - 09/27/21 01:19 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. Someone or something that is subservient to another.
2. A personal maid.

ETYMOLOGY: From hand + maiden, referring to a young woman who was ready at hand to serve her lady. Earliest documented use: 1350.

BANDMAIDEN - Drum Majorette

HANS' MAIDEN - the young man with the Silver Skates has a girl friend

HAND MAXI DEN - absolutely the best place to get a manicure
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHOUTFAIR - the umpire's job - 09/28/21 08:37 PM


MEANING: noun: A good-looking person.
adjective: Good-looking.

ETYMOLOGY: From snout (nose, mouth, and jaw) + fair (attractive). Earliest documented use: 1530.

SNOUTFAIL - can't seem to locate those truffles anywhere

'SNOT FAIR - says the frustrated toddler

SNOUT FAR - the measure of Pinocchio's untruthiness
Posted By: wofahulicodoc STINKY-FINGERED - 09/29/21 06:54 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (STIK-ee fing-guhrd)

MEANING: adjective: Given to stealing.

ETYMOLOGY: From stick (to fasten or attach), from Old English stician (to pierce) + finger, from Old English. Earliest documented use: 1855.

NOTES: Lime is another word for something sticky or slimy. Birdlime is used to catch birds. From lime we got the term lime-fingered, alluding to someone whose fingers easily adhere to stuff belonging to others, in other words, someone prone to stealing. Eventually the terms sticky-handed and sticky-fingered entered the language. Sometimes the metaphors and reality collide, as in these headlines:
Quebec Police Seek Sticky-Fingered Thieves with $30m of Maple Syrup (The Guardian)
Sticky-Fingered Thieves Made Off with $200 in Honey (The Huntsville Times)
Let’s hope someone fingered the thieves.

STOCKY-FINGERED - having short, fat fingers

STICK-FINGERED - drawn by a four-year-old

STICK-FINE RED - take a good Cabernet and beat it with a stake until it froths.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GOO-SMACKED - slimed - 09/30/21 11:46 PM


MEANING: adjective: Utterly surprised; flabbergasted.

ETYMOLOGY: From gob (mouth), probably from Irish and/or Scottish Gaelic gob (beak, mouth) + smack (to strike with the palm), probably imitative. Earliest documented use: 1935.

GOBS-MOCKED - derided by thousands

GODSMACKED - struck by a bolt of lightning

G-E-B SMACKED - absolutely blown away by Douglas Hofstadter's tour-de-force book
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHARD-FISTED - hands like spinach - 10/02/21 11:53 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Stingy.
2. Tough, aggressive, or ruthless.
3. Having hands made rough by labor: hardhanded.
From hard + fisted, from Old English fyst (fist). Earliest documented use: 1612.

HARD-MISTED - so cold the pea-soup fog is frozen

HARD-FIRSTED - stuck with a task that gets easier with practice

HARD-FISHED - to much of the cod has been caught
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COHOS IS ME - I am Salmon - 10/04/21 06:14 PM


MEANING: noun: A literary style which focuses on description of objects, not on interpretation, plot, characterization, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From French, from chose (thing), from Latin causa (case, thing). The idea is associated with the writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet. Earliest documented use: 1960s.

ECHOS IS ME - when I repeat myself, I'm redundant, I say the same things over and over again

CHORISME - I live to sing !

CHO-SI SMEE - Captain Hook's First Mate is married to a Korean woman


MEANING: noun: A symbol (¶) used to indicate paragraph breaks.

ETYMOLOGY: Apparently an alteration of the word paragraph, with r changing into l and remodeled along the more familiar words pill and crow. Earliest documented use: 1440.

PILO-ROW - shaving one's head so that all the remaining hairs are in a single line (see "Mohawk haircut")

PILGROW - what happens after you plant a pil in fertile soil

NIL-CROW - what a truly modest person has to eat ever

PRONUNCIATION: (puh-ree-mee-AH-gruh-fee)

MEANING: noun:
1. The writing or collecting of proverbs.
2. A collection of proverbs.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin paroemia (proverb), from Greek paroimia (proverb) + -graphy (writing). Earliest documented use: 1818.

SPAREMIOGRAPHY - images of extra mios

PARE-GIOGRAPHY or - alongside regular giography

PAROLE MIOGRAPHY - Let Miography out of jail !


MEANING: noun:
1. A piece of writing or speech in an inflated or wildly enthusiastic manner.
2. An impassioned Greek choral song, originally in honor of the god Dionysus or Bacchus.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin dithyrambus, from Greek dithyrambos. Earliest documented use: 1603.

DITCH YRAMB - get away from Yramb

DITZY RAM B. - sometimes my guru acts exceedingly strange

EDIT: HYRAM B - not "Hyram A"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OBEYUS - the Imperial Decree - 10/12/21 01:51 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A sign (- or ÷) used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a spurious or doubtful word or passage.
2. A sign (†) used to indicate reference marks. Also known as obelisk or dagger.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin obelus, from Greek obelos (spit). Earliest documented use: c. 450.

NOTES: In typography, an asterisk is used to indicate a footnote as is an obelus aka obelisk. In Asterix comics, the character Obelix is the best friend of the hero Asterix.

OBILUS - just send us the charges

OBOELUS - a diminutive double-reeded woodwind

NOBEL US - Well? We're waiting for the prize!


MEANING: noun:
1. A structure with holes for housing domestic pigeons.
2. A settled group, especially one of a quiet, conservative nature.

ETYMOLOGY: From dove, from Old English dufe + cote (shelter, coop), from Old English cote. Earliest documented use: 1425. A synonym is columbarium.

MOVECOTE - Git yer consarned chickencoop outa here!

DOVE-NOTE - These billets-doux are for the birds.

DOVE NOTE - Having trouble finding that tritone, Signor?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PUT STOCK - assign credibility - 10/13/21 09:05 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. Any of various birds of prey.
2. A greedy person, especially one who preys on others.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps from Old English putta (hawk). Earliest documented use: 1175.

PUTROCK - what one does on the gravestone of a respected forebear

PUTT ICK - My golf game stinks today; I can't hole anything

PET TOCK - but be careful you don't get Lome disease

PRONUNCIATION: (RAY-vuhn mes-uhn-juhr)

MEANING: noun: A messenger who does not arrive or return in time.

ETYMOLOGY: In the Bible, Noah sends a raven to go scout the scene, but the bird never returns to the ark. Earliest documented use: 1400. Also known as a corbie messenger.

CRAVEN MESSENGER - when the courier deserts rather than face danger...

RIVEN MESSENGER - ...and with good reason, perhaps; this one's been drawn and quartered

RAMEN MESSENGER - announces when the noodles are ready


MEANING: noun: 1. A hole or recess for a pigeon to nest or rest.
2. One of a series of small compartments for filing papers, etc.
3. A stereotypical category, not reflecting the complexities.
verb tr.: 1. To place in, or as if in, a pigeonhole.
2. To lay aside for future consideration.
3. To stereotype, to put into a preconceived, rigid category.

ETYMOLOGY: From pigeon, from Old French pijon (a young bird), from Latin pipio, from pipere/pipare (to chirp) + Old English hol. Earliest documented use: 1577.

BIG EON HOLE - a wormhole in space that lasts a very long time

PIGEON HOPE - faith that someday we'll find a passenger pigeon hiding deep in the mountains

PIG-PEON HOLE - where the medieval swineherd raises his stock
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CAR HAWK - used-car salesman - 10/15/21 05:13 PM


MEANING: noun: One who advocates war, military intervention, or other aggressive measures.

ETYMOLOGY: After hawk, a bird of prey + war, from Old English (werre) + hawk, from Old English heafoc. Earliest documented use: 1792.

NOTES: A war hawk (or, simply, hawk) advocates for war, a dove (or, peace dove) for peace. Then there’s the species chicken hawk, which clamors for war only to send others to fight and do the dirty work while staying safely behind. Most war hawks are simply chicken hawks.

The term war hawk was especially applied to members of the 12th US Congress (1811-1813) who advocated for war with Britain. Among other motives for the war was the annexation of Canada. They got their war, now known as the War of 1812. The British burned the White House and the Capitol, among other federal buildings. The war ended in 1815. Some 25,000 died. It was a draw.

OAR HAWK - an advocate of returning to slave-powered ships

PAR HAWK - Improve your golf score by ten strokes or your money back!

WAR HACK - a lingering cough in those lucky enough to survive a wartime gas attack


MEANING: adjective: Very rich.

ETYMOLOGY: After Montgomery Brewster, the title character of the 1902 novel Brewster’s Millions by George Barr McCutcheon. Earliest documented use: 2001.

NOTES: In the novel Brewster’s Millions, Montgomery Brewster inherits $1 million when his grandfather dies. An uncle who hated this grandfather promises Brewster $7 million if he could spend that one million from the grandfather within a year. There are certain conditions, of course...

BREW STEREO - the flavor of this beverage has a special depth

BREWS TIERED - a layered mixture of beers and ales of contrasting colors

BREWSTER, ED - interim president (as of 2021) of Grays Harbor College in Aberdeen, WA
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GOOVER - review - 10/20/21 12:11 AM


MEANING: noun: A vacuum cleaner.
verb tr.: 1. To clean, especially with a vacuum cleaner.
2. To consume or acquire quickly, eagerly, or in large amounts.

ETYMOLOGY: After the industrialist William Henry Hoover (1849-1932). Earliest documented use: 1934.

HOPOVER - what you do when you come to a small puddle in the sidewalk

HOOKER - a water-pipe used by a Bostonian to smoke marijuaner

HO! OVERT! - what a voluble detective says upon seeing a flagrant violation

PRONUNCIATION: (KU-kee mon-stuhr)

MEANING: noun: Someone or something that is insatiably hungry or greedy.

ETYMOLOGY: After Cookie Monster, a puppet character in the children’s television show Sesame Street. Earliest documented use: 1971.

COOKIE, MON! (STERN) - stage instructions to a Rasta parrot on how to demand a cracker

LOOKIE MONSTER - how to explain to a child about a Basilisk or Medusa

COOTIE MONSTER - the scourge of pre-adolescent males


MEANING: noun: A meddlesome person who spoils a plan by interference.

ETYMOLOGY: After Marplot, the titular character in the 1709 play The Busy Body by Susannah Centlivre (1669-1723). Marplot means well and tries to help only to get in the way of others and foul things up. Earliest documented use: 1709.

FARPLOT - by stereotype, the North Forty

OMARPLOT - the Rubáiyát Conspiracy

MERPLOT - factions in the French Navy are up to something
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PANGLOSS' MAN - the optimist's valet - 10/23/21 11:10 PM


MEANING: adjective: Blindly or unreasonably optimistic.
noun: One who is optimistic regardless of the circumstances.

ETYMOLOGY: After Dr. Pangloss, a philosopher and tutor in Voltaire’s 1759 satire Candide. Pangloss believes that, in spite of what happens -- shipwreck, earthquake, hanging, flogging, and more -- “All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.” The name is coined from Greek panglossia (talkativeness). Earliest documented use: 1831. The word pangloss is used in the same manner.

MANGLOSSIAN - after gender-reassignment surgery

PAN-GLOSS-MAN - the superhero who shines cooking utensils

ANGLO'S SIAN - "Jane" (from the Welsh)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BREEDCRUMB - the runt of the litter - 10/27/21 12:30 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A small fragment of bread.
2. One in a series of markers placed as a navigational aid.
3. One of several hints or clues leading to a person, place, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From bread, from Old English bread + crumb, from Old English cruma. Earliest documented use: 1519.

NOTES: In the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, their parents drop the two siblings off in the forest because they are not able to feed them (if only there had been a strong social safety net). The smart kids drop breadcrumbs along the way so they can trace their steps back and find their way home.
In computing, website design, etc., breadcrumbs help users as a navigation aid and tell them where they are in a program, website, etc.

BREA CRUMB - a small lump of tar washed up on the Spanish coast

DREADCRUMB -a tiny remaining germ of fear after the acute episode has been resolved

BREAD-C RUMBA - that new Latin dance craze


MEANING: noun.
1. A very short person.
2. An insignificant or unimportant person, especially one who lacks the power or ability in spite of high rank.

ETYMOLOGY: After Tom Thumb, the hero of many folktales, who is the size of his father’s thumb. Earliest documented use: 1579. Also see lilliput and lilliputian.

TOM THOMB - a tiny but fully functional Native American drum

TOE THUMB - vernacular for hallux

TOM RHUMB - nickname for Tom Loxodrome, a gifted navigator of the Sixteenth Century and contemporary of Gerardus Mercator, the mapmaker


MEANING: noun: A place of wickedness.

ETYMOLOGY: From French domdaniel (house of Daniel), apparently from Latin or Greek. Earliest documented use: 1801.

NOTES: It’s not clear who Daniel is in the term Domdaniel. The place Domdaniel was introduced by a French continuation of the Arabian Nights by Dom Chaves and M. Cazotte in the late 18th c. Later, the place has appeared in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, H.P. Lovecraft, and Neil Gaiman, among others.

DOC DANIEL - what my patients called me before I retired

DOOM,DANIEL - he may have survived the den of the Lion but his days are numbered...

DO MD, ARIEL - urging the Little Mermaid to vacation in Maryland
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHICKEN LACKEN - meatless chow mein - 10/29/21 12:36 AM


MEANING: noun: Someone who is a pessimist and alarmist, always warning others of impending calamities.

ETYMOLOGY: After a hen in a children’s tale who, when hit on the head by a falling acorn, believes the sky is falling. Earliest documented use: 1922. The character is also known by other names, such as Chicken Little and Henny Penny.

CHICKEN LICHEN - what grows on the North side of the neck, half alga, half fungus

CLICKEN LICKEN - chocolate-covered crickets

THICKEN LICKEN - wait for the dough to firm up before you scrape out the bowl
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OVEN SESAME - roasted birdseed - 10/29/21 04:55 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (oh-puhn SAYS-uh-mee)

MEANING: noun: Something that is an easy and effective way to bring out a desired result, gain access, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From the phrase “Open sesame” that opened the door to the robbers’ cave in the story “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”. Earliest documented use: 1722.

OPEN BESAME - French kiss

OPEN-SEA ME - I'm a completely different person on a boat

OPENS E-NAME - I'm researching the meaning of your hashtag

PRONUNCIATION: (KAR-ee-uhn-tiz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: An insult disguised as a jest or a compliment.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin charientismus, from Greek kharientismos (gracefulness of style). Earliest documented use: 1589.

CHARIETISM - the practice of deciding all disputes by horse-race

CHORIENTISM - being beset by annoying repetitive Eastern tasks

CHARMENTISM - predicting the future by squeezing the tissues


MEANING: noun: The ability to express oneself in speech.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined as a blend of oral + literacy. Earliest documented use: 1965.

ORACYT - a mouth cell

NORACY - censorship of lewdness; Bowdlerism

OROCY - the Gold Standard

PRONUNCIATION: (hek/hik-SEE-uh-tee)

MEANING: noun: The quality that makes something or someone what they are.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin haecceitas (thisness), from Latin haec, feminine of hic (this). Earliest documented use: 1635. Also see quiddity.

HECCEITY - the quality that makes something or someone a Cockney

HAEC DEITY - this God

HA! ECCE TY - Look! It's Mr Cobb. Everybody laugh!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BBLTER - a barrelmaker - 11/07/21 01:13 AM


MEANING: verb intr.: To dance clumsily or walk unsteadily.
verb tr., intr.: To clot, clog, or tangle.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1. Probably from Old Norse. Earliest documented use: 1400.
For 2: Probably a frequentative of the verb ball. Earliest documented use: 1601.

LB-ALTER - Kg multiplied by two-and-a-little-bit-over

BAALTER - an idol-worshipper

BALITER - a 1,000-cc. drink to celebrate attaining one's college degree


MEANING: adjective: Tending to fall easily or before the usual time.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin caducus (falling), from cadere (to fall). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kad- (to fall), which is also the source of cadence, cascade, casualty, cadaver, chance, chute, accident, occident, decay, deciduous, recidivism, perchance, escheat, and casuistry. Earliest documented use: 1684.

CADUCEUS - symbol of the medical profession, actually a roundworm (typically Dracunculus medinensis) gradually wound around a stick to draw the nematode out of the wound intact (see also Guinea worm disease)

CAUCOUS - like a bunch of noisy, aggravating, corvids, hence the collective term "a murder of crows"

MADUCOUS - Father Ducous' wife
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MARTENAL - like a purple bird - 11/09/21 01:49 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (muh-TUHR-tuhr-uhl)

MEANING: adjective: Characteristic of, or in the manner of, an aunt.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin matertera (maternal aunt), from mater- (mother). Ultimately from the Indo-European root mater (mother), which also gave us mother, material, matter, matrix, and matrimony. Earliest documented use: 1823.

MARTERIAL - the war effort is a bloodletting

GARTERAL - making snappy remarks about stockings

MARTERAY - a comedienne in the 1940s and 1950s, and beyond; the Big Mouth's career spanned seven decades and almost all the the media of the times


MEANING: adjective: Regretting one’s wrongdoing only because of the fear of punishment.
verb tr., intr.: also attrit (uh-TRIT)
1. To wear down, erode, or weaken through sustained attacks, friction, etc.
2. To reduce the size of a workforce by not replacing those who leave.
3. To drop out from a course of study, job, training, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin attritus (worn down), past participle of atterere (to rub against), from at- (to/toward) + terere (to rub). Earliest documented use: 1475. A counterpart of the adjectival form of this word is contrite, describing someone who is genuinely repentant.

ATT NITE - obsolete rate structure for phone calls made after 11PM

S.A.T. TRITE - inane questions on a standardized College Entrance exam

'ATSRITE ! - You are correct !


MEANING: noun:
1. A person’s own name, as distinguished from a pseudonym.
2. A work published under the real name of the author.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek auto- (self) + -onym (name). Earliest documented use: 1854.

ABUTONYM - the name of the owner of the adjacent property

AUTONOM - Ford, Toyota, Dodge, Renault, Oldsmobile, and such like

AUNTONYM - my mother's sister has always been disagreeably contrary
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EXITERIC - (Eric leaves the stage) - 11/12/21 02:00 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Not limited to an inner circle of select people.
2. Suitable for the general public.
3. Relating to the outside; external.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin exotericus, from Greek exoterikos (external), from exotero, comparative form of exo (outside). Earliest documented use: 1656.

EXTERIC - superfluous on the outside

HEXOTERIC - intended for exactly six people

EX-OSTERIC - formerly like an old blender


MEANING: noun:
1. The male line of descent.
2. The male part of a family, group, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English spere-healfe. Earliest documented use: 1861.

NOTES: Why the term “spear side” to refer to the male line of descent? It’s not known if there are any Freudian allusions. Apparently, the term arose because in olden times men performed the spear business, i.e., fighting. A variation of the term, sword side, is also used. The female counterpart is distaff side or spindle side. The term for the side of a family that spins tales is the Shake spear side.

SPEAR WIDE - aim too far to the right (or left)

SPEAR AIDE - what might happen (see above)

SHEAR SIDE - the open surface when layers are violently wrenched apart
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FAROUCH - when a giraffe stubs his toe - 11/17/21 09:01 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Wild; fierce.
2. Shy; unsociable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French faroche, from forasche, from Latin forasticus (living outside), from foras (outdoors). Earliest documented use: 1765.

FAR BOUCHE - after you shoot off your mouth

EAROUCHE - otitis media

FEAROUCHE - algophobia
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DONKY - rejected name for Eeyore - 11/17/21 09:11 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. (In the US) Small; insignificant; undesirable.
2. (In the UK) Attractively tiny; cute.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots dink (neat, trim). Earliest documented use: 1788.

OINKY - piggish

D.I. IN KY - anathema for new recruits at Fort Knox

DUNKY - the yummiest kind of doughnut


MEANING: adjective:
1. Evasive; untrustworthy.
2. Changing directions frequently.
3. Resourceful: able to accomplish what needs done.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English sciftan (to arrange or divide). Earliest documented use: 1570.

SHAFTY - nickname for Bobby who went to sea, silver buckles at his knee

SHOFTY - a donor, generous and well-meaning and easily touched, but drunk

SHRIFTY - inclined to hear confession, assign a penance, and then absolve
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ENDS VILLEN - destroys the bad guy - 11/19/21 01:58 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. Something that is most excellent or the ultimate.
2. Something that is most undesirable; the end.
adj.: 1. Most excellent.
2. Most undesirable.

ETYMOLOGY: From end + French ville (city). Earliest documented use: 1954.

ENOSVILLE - Slaughter on Tenth Avenue

MENDSVILLE - Taylorville, county seat of Alexander County, NC.

ENTSVILLE - where in Middle Earth the tree-people live
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRELENTLY - before it was borrowed - 11/20/21 01:54 AM


MEANING: adverb:
1. In a short while: soon.
2. At the present time: now.

ETYMOLOGY: From English present, from Old French, from Latin praesent- (stem of praesens), from present participle of praeesse (to be present before others), from prae- (pre-) + esse (to be). Earliest documented use: 1385.

PRE-SENTRY - attending Guard School

YPRES-ENTLY - pertaining to the tree-like creatures who used to inhabit a French town (unfortunately wiped out during World War II)

PREDENTLY - the teeth haven't erupted yet
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PILOT-DOWNER - anti-aircraft gun - 11/25/21 11:00 PM


MEANING: noun: Someone who is crude, uncouth, or unintelligent.

ETYMOLOGY: After Piltdown, a village in Sussex, England, where a fossil skull, called the Piltdown Man, supposedly from an early human, was found. Earliest documented use: 1941. Also see neanderthal.

NOTES: In 1912, the lawyer and amateur archeologist Charles Dawson claimed to have found a fossil skull, supposedly belonging to an early human, in Piltdown, England. It was later proven to be fraud. Dawson made a career out of forgeries. Before the Piltdown Man he had presented a toad entombed in flint, a Chinese vase, a horseshoe, among dozens of other archeological finds, all fraudulent...

SPILT-DOWNER - you busted open my pillow and the feathers went all over the place

PILL DOWNER - a drug user who hasn't moved on to injectables yet

PITT DOWNER - That's be UNC (Nov 11, 2021), among others


MEANING: verb tr.: To clear land by burning turf, stubble, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Devonshire, a county in SW England. It’s not clear how the place came to be associated with the clearing of land. Earliest documented use: 1607.

DEVONSHORE - the portion of the English Channel running roughly from Plymouth to Weymouth

DEVON SHIRT - Didn't you know there's a substantial haberdashery industry in SW England?

DEMON'S HIRE - Satan is now paying the idle hands to do his mischief


MEANING: adjective: Plain; simple.

ETYMOLOGY: After Kersey, a village in Suffolk, England. Earliest documented use: 1390.

NOTES: The word is believed to be coined after the village Kersey in England where a kind of coarse cloth was apparently first made. The word kersey today is applied to the coarse ribbed cloth and clothing made from it. An opposite of this word could be fustian, also coined after a cloth, and this word also is, perhaps, coined after a place name.

KERSEY - second best high-butterfat-milk producing cows (right after Jersey)

KERLEY - Massachusetts politician in the early 20th Century, best known as Mayor of Boston for four terms

KERSET - a women's garment for controlling the figure, widely used in Brooklyn (no longer popular)


MEANING: noun: Hell.

ETYMOLOGY: After Halifax, a town in West Yorkshire, England. Earliest documented use: 1630.

NOTES: Halifax, a town in England, today may be known for toffee, but at one time it had a reputation for harsh punishment. Even petty crime meant being sent to the gibbet (an early form of guillotine). The poet John Taylor wrote a poem “Beggar’s Litany” (1622) that includes the line: “From Hell, Hull, and Halifax, Good Lord, deliver us!”

HALL FAX - the facsimile machine is shared by everyone on the corridor

HALI FOX - vulpine who lives in a stand of ilex bushes

HALF-AX - a short-handled lightweight chopping tool

PRONUNCIATION: (AL-duhr-mas-tuhn)

MEANING: noun: Relating to a protest, disapproval, dissent, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Aldermaston, a village in Berkshire, England. Earliest documented use: 1958.

NOTES: Aldermaston is the home of Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) where the UK designs and builds its nuclear weapons. Since 1958, there have been many London-to-Aldermaston marches in protest of nuclear armament.

AL (DR) MASTON - Alan Maston got a doctorate but doesn't use it

ALTER MASTON - ...but it's changed him somehow

ALLER MASTON - ...and all his German relatives too

PRONUNCIATION: (pol-ee-HIS-tuhr)

MEANING: noun: A person of great or wide learning. Also polyhistorian.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin polyhistor, from Greek polyistor (very learned), from poly- (much, many) + histor (learned). Ultimately from the Indo-European root weid- (to see), which is also the source of words such as guide, wise, vision, advice, idea, story and history. Earliest documented use: 1588. A perfect synonym of this word is polymath.

POLYHISTORY - evolution of the African Parrot

POLYP HIS TOR - put mushrooms on the hilltop

POLY "HI" STAR - the famed actor has a penchant for greeting EVERYBODY !


MEANING: verb intr.: To buzz or hum.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin bombinare, from bombilare (to hum, buzz), from Latin bombus (humming), from Greek bombos (booming, humming). Earliest documented use: 1880. A perfect synonym is bombilate.

BAMBINATE - the infant had lunch

'BOMINATE - do things truly worthy of disapproval and dislike

BORBINATE - to lace with strong-tasting Kentucky moonshine
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ECTOISM - outsideness - 12/02/21 08:37 PM


MEANING: noun: The formation of words by imitating sounds; also a word created in this manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin echo, from Greek ekho, from ekhe (sound). Earliest documented use: 1880. Another word for echoism is onomatopoeia. Here are some words coined by this process.

TECHOISM - relying on electronic gadgetry


ECOISM - The environment comes first!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ...as THEODORA is to DOROTHY - 12/02/21 08:51 PM


MEANING: noun: One who loves dogs.

ETYMOLOGY: From From Greek kyon (dog) + -philia (love). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog), which also gave us canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, corgi, cynic, cynegetic, cynophobia, cynosure, and canaille. Earliest documented use: 1890. A perfect synonym of today’s word is philocynic.

CYGNOPHILIST - lover of swans

CYANOPHILIST - I just adore blue

GYNOPHILIST - antonym of "misogynist"

ICY-NOPHILIST - this malaria-spreading mosquito can live in polar climates
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TIMEROLOGY - clockwork - 12/04/21 04:26 PM


MEANING: noun: The collecting or study of postage stamps and related matter.

ETYMOLOGY: From French timbre (stamp) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1867. Timbrology and timbrophily are two synonyms of what’s commonly known as philately.

TIMBRELOGY - the study of small hand drums; also, musical tone which lacks energy

TIMBEROLOGY - woodcraft

TIM-BIOLOGY - Mr Leary's pharmacologically-distorted view of life
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DALDAL - Raggedy Ann twins - 12/06/21 10:33 PM


MEANING:MM adjective: Ingenious; skillful; intricate; artistic.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin daedalus (skillful), from Greek daidalos. Earliest documented use: 1590. A related word is logodaedaly.

NOTES: In Greek mythology, Daedalus was an architect and craftsman who built the labyrinth for King Minos of Crete. When the king imprisoned him so the knowledge of the labyrinth wouldn’t spread, Daedalus made wings for himself and his son Icarus.

DANDAL - what you do to a baby on your knee

DAMEDAL - a mild imprecation, these days...

DEEDAL - a kind of dumpling, preferred by my son John when repeated
Posted By: wofahulicodoc IN OVO LUTE - a G-string - 12/08/21 02:08 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (adjective/noun: IN-vuh-loot; verb: in-vuh-LOOT)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Intricate; complex.
2. Curled inward.
noun: A curve traced by a point on a string while winding or unwinding it around another curve.
verb intr.: 1. To curl up.
2. To return to a former condition or to a normal state.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin involutus, past participle of involvere (to roll up), from in- (into) + volvere (to roll). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wel- (to turn or roll), which also gave us waltz, revolve, valley, walk, vault, volume, wallet, helix, devolve, voluble, welter, and willowy. Earliest documented use: 1661.

IN VOLUME - how large quantities are made

INFO-LUTE - the Town Crier was a minstrel

IN V.O. FLUTE - in a champagne glass filled with Seagram's
Posted By: wofahulicodoc XYLOPILOUS - possessing wooden hair - 12/09/21 02:23 AM


MEANING: adjective: Growing on or living in wood.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek xylo- (wood) + -philous (liking). Earliest documented use: 1862.

XYLO-PHI LOTUS - a water plant in the form of a wooden Greek letter

XYLOPHI-LOUD - a hammered musical instrument played at high volume

OXY-LO-pH ILO, US - we are an oxygenated, acidic, dock-workers' labor union


MEANING: adjective: Like an angel: serene, beautiful, pure, blissful, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin seraphim, from Greek seraphim, from Hebrew seraphim, from saraph (to burn). Earliest documented use: 1632.

SERA CHIC - will be all the rage in fashionable Madrid


SERA-pH, INC - a company that makes acidity-controlled injectable antibodies


MEANING: adjective: Relating to or living in still water.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin lentus (slow, calm), which also gave us relent, lentamente (slowly, used in music direction), and lentitude (slowness). Earliest documented use: 1935. The form lenitic is also used. The word for “relating to or living in moving water” is lotic.

LENTICE - what you suck on for the forty days before Easter, to ease the yen for what you've forsworn for the duration

LINTIC - like belly-button fuzz

LANTIC - flavored with urine, as beer sometimes is (YCLIU!)

PRONUNCIATION: (AP-uhl nok-uhr)

MEANING: noun: 1. An ignorant or unsophisticated person.
2. A baseball player, especially a batter.
3. A fruit picker, farmer, or seller.

ETYMOLOGY: 1. From the stereotypical view of those working in the field as boorish or naive.
2. From the jocular reference to a baseball as an apple.
3. From the image of someone picking apples by knocking them down with a stick.
Earliest documented use: 1902.

NOTES: In the term apple knocker, a baseball has been compared to an apple. In the past, those balls were even made in red color. And a ballpark is also called an apple orchard probably because that’s where the game was often played. So it figures that a batter is an apple knocker. Baseball players will continue knocking the apple with a bat, but fruit picking is going high-tech. Here in Washington state, we grow apples and many other fruits and a robotics arm race is going on to develop automated fruit pickers. In the future, we may need to amend the definition of the term apple knocker. Instead, an apple knocker may be someone working with drones and robots.

APPLY KNOCKER - this is the way to announce yourself if you want the position

A POLE KNOCKER - Przybylsky here, let me in!

APPLE KNACKER - person who disposes of dead horses
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BANDANA OIL - neckerchief lubricant - 12/17/21 02:38 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Nonsense.
2. Insincere talk or flattery.

ETYMOLOGY: It’s not known why the banana oil earned this sense, although “to go bananas” means to be crazy or wildly enthusiastic. Perhaps the sense arose because the liquid known as banana oil does not involve bananas at all. Instead, it’s a mixture of amyl acetate and cellulose that has a banana-like odor and is used as food flavoring and a solvent. Earliest documented use: 1927.

BANANA TOIL - what Harry Belafonte was singing about in 1956

MAÑANA OIL - makes it easier to put things off until tomorrow

BAN A NAIL - permit the use only of wooden pegs
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RATZ! - a euphemistic pseudo-expletive - 12/17/21 02:46 AM


MEANING: noun: A sound, similar to breaking wind, made by pushing the tongue between the lips and blowing air through the mouth.
verb intr.: To make such a sound.
verb tr.: To tease or heckle.

ETYMOLOGY: From the shortening and alteration of raspberry, from the rhyming slang raspberry tart ⇨ fart. Earliest documented use: 1917.

BAZZ - uttered by sheep who have lost their way

RA ZZ - sound produced by a sleeping Resident Assistant

GRAZZ - shorthand for "Thanks!" in Italy
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SOAR GRAPES - a euphemism for "wine" - 12/17/21 02:58 AM


MEANING: noun: Finding fault with or expressing disdain for something one cannot have.

ETYMOLOGY: From the Aesop’s fable The Fox and the Grapes, in which a hungry fox tries to reach grapes hanging on a high vine and when unsuccessful, declares that the grapes are probably sour. Earliest documented use: 1760.

POUR GRAPES - another euphemism for "wine"

SOU GRAPES - used to be used to make a very cheap French wine

SOUR GRIPES - the Song of the Disgruntled


MEANING: adjective:
1. Resembling a peach.
2. Excellent; highly desirable.

ETYMOLOGY: From peach, from Latin persicum malum (Persian apple). Earliest documented use: 1599.

BEACHY - sunny, warm, and sandy

PET ACHY - I knew I shouldn't have taken my new dog for a three-mile run

PERCHY - my parrot loves to sit
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SKOW GEE - the seventh garbage boat - 12/24/21 09:51 PM


MEANING: adjective: Askew; mixed-up; confused.

ETYMOLOGY: From skew, from Old Northern French eskiuwer, Old French eschiver (to escape or avoid) + agee/ajee (awry). Earliest documented use: 1890.

SLEWGEE - the force that pulls you outward as you corner too fast

'S'KEWPEE - it's a carnival doll prize

SKEW GRE - the Graduate Record Exams are biased


MEANING: verb tr.: To destroy, damage, defeat, injure, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Irish slang, of unknown origin. Earliest documented use: 1939.

BAR-JAX - a drinking game involving picking up small objects and then catching a ball before it bounces a second time

BAN TAX - to prohibit government-imposed surcharges

BINJ AX - with which you abruptly cut short a drinking spree


MEANING: noun: Overbearing pride.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French surcuiderie, from Latin supercogitare, from super- (over, above) + cogitare (to think), from agitare (to agitate), from agere (to drive). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ag- (to drive, draw), which also gave us act, agent, agitate, litigate, synagogue, ambassador, incogitant, actuate, ambage, and exigency. Earliest documented use: 1250.

SURQUITRY - the electrical wiring and electronics of a device

SUR-SQUIDRY - everything higher than a cephalopod on the phylogenetic tree

AURQUIDRY - all plants of the family Orchidaceae

PRONUNCIATION: (zo-uh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. An unusual fear of animals.
2. A dislike of keeping animals in captivity.

ETYMOLOGY: from Greek zoo- (animal) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1888. Some related words are zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to humans) and zoophyte (an animal resembling a plant).

AZOOPHOBIA - fear of nitrogen

BOOPHOBIA - terror at being startled

ZOOPHONIA - animal noises (see "Gerald McBoing-Boing")
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MUNDIFIXATIVE - permanently cleaning - 12/27/21 03:07 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (muhn-DIF-i-ki-tiv)

MEANING: adjective: Having the power to cleanse.
noun: A cleansing medicine or preparation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French mondificatif, from Latin mundificare (to cleanse), from mundus (clean). Earliest documented use: 1440.

MUNIFICATIVE - rendering generous (such as happened to Scrooge or to the Lorax)

MUNDIFICTIVE - writing stories about Mondays

MUNDIFRICATIVE - Fs and Vs and THs, as pronounced woldwide
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AGNATHISM - jawlessness - 12/27/21 06:42 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (A-guh-thiz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: The doctrine that, in the end, all things tend toward good.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek agathos (good), which also gave us agathokakological and the name Agatha. Earliest documented use: 1830.

NOTES: An optimist would say that everything is for the best. An agathist, on the other hand, would say that what’s happening right now may be unfortunate or evil, but, ultimately, it will all end well.

AGATISM - having no handgun

AGOTHISM - without morbidness and darkness

AGATE-ISM - worship of hexagonal crystals of silicon dioxide, in any of a variety of colors
Posted By: wofahulicodoc YESTERSIGHT - it's always 20/20 - 12/29/21 02:37 AM


MEANING: noun: Last night.
adverb: During last night.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English giestran/gierstan (a time one period prior to the present period) + niht (night). Earliest documented use: c. 450. A related word is yestreen (yesterday evening).

OYESTER NIGHT - ...and if we have enough of them this evening, we might even find a pearl or two

YES, HER NIGHT - everyone agrees, at the debutante's Ball

YE STERN EIGHT - one short of a Puritan jury
Posted By: wofahulicodoc QUE ESTUARY - Which fjord? - 12/29/21 10:06 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to financial matters.
2. Done only for monetary gain.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin quæstus (gain), from quærere (to seek, gain, or inquire). Earliest documented use: 1581.

NOTES: In Ancient Rome, a quæstor was an official dealing with financial matters. Later it was the term for a prosecutor. In the Roman Catholic Church, a quæstor was the official removing sins in exchange for money (aka granting indulgences). In modern times, in the European Parliament, qæstors are officials elected to oversee financial matters.

QUERTUARY - a place for broken typewriter keyboards

QUE STUART - Sí, but did you mean James, Charles, Mary, William, or Anne?

EQUESTUARY - where thoroughbred horses are kept; syn. for "stable" only classier


MEANING: noun:
1. The physical characteristics of a person, especially as relating to disease.
2. The way someone of a particular social group perceives and responds to the world.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin habit (state, appearance), from habere (to have). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ghabh- (to give or to receive), which also gave us give, gift, able, habit, prohibit, due, duty, habile, and adhibit. Earliest documented use: 1886.

AHABITUS - having a gaunt, one-legged appearance and an obsessive personaity

HABITIS - inflammation of the funnybone

HABT US - weak attempt at the second-person-plural present tense of "to have," by a confused student of German

PRONUNCIATION: (es-kuh-TOL-uh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The doctrine or the study of final or ultimate matters, such as, death, judgment, end of the world, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eschatos (last) + -logy (study). Ultimately from the Indo-European root eghs (out), which also gave us strange, extreme, and external. Earliest documented use: 1844

ESCHEATOLOGY - practiced by a lawyer specializing the disposition in the unclaimed assets of an intestate decedent

ESCHARTOLOGY - the study and practice of artistic-perspective trickery, named for its principal exponent Mauritz

ISCHATOLOGY - a subspecialty of orthopedics dealing with hip-joint diseases
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EOIST - one who's always early - 01/04/22 08:32 PM


MEANING: noun: One who favors or employs new ideas, styles, techniques, etc.
adjective: Favoring new ideas, styles, techniques, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek neo- (new). Earliest documented use: 1916.

ONE-O-IST - someone who favors victory by the narrowest of margins

NO-IST - 1. one who's consistently negative; 2. a devotee of Japanese drama

N.E. JOIST - a horizontal subflooring support at the northeast part of a building


MEANING: noun: A drunkard, idler, or self-indulgent person.

ETYMOLOGY: Apparently referring to one who makes rounds of bars or downs many rounds of drinks. From Latin rotundus (round), from rota (wheel). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ret- (to run or to roll), which also gave us rodeo, rotunda, rotate, rotary, roulette, orotund, rondeau, and rotund. Earliest documented use: 1854.

AROUNDER - one who doesn't want to go over, under, or through

PRO-UNDER - someone who always roots for the competitor expected to lose

GRO-UNDER - an agriculturalist specializing in root crops


MEANING: noun: A rash, hotheaded person.
adjective: Having a rash, hotheaded temperament.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1403.

HOPS PUR ® - brand name known to artisanal brewers; its whose slogan is "It makes your beer better!"

HOT'S P.U. - When you sweat, you stink!

HOT, SPURN - to be angry and dismissive at the same time

SHOT SPUR - my rowel is dull, and it won't turn, either
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BELLUM - your pre-Civil-War Auntie - 01/06/22 09:51 PM


MEANING: noun: An idle, talkative person.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps a blend of Scots bleber (to babble) + skellum (rascal). Earliest documented use: 1790.

B. TELL 'UM - Second choice in giving people unpleasant news, after A. Avoid the subject

BREL, LUM - Jacques' younger brother

B.L.E. ALUM - graduate of the Bourdeaux Lycée Économique


MEANING: noun: A person displaying boldness or courage while drunk.
adjective: Displaying bravado under the influence of alcohol.

ETYMOLOGY: From pot, alluding to a drinking pot + valor (boldness), from Latin valor (worth), from valere (to be well, be of worth). Earliest documented use: 1647. Someone pot-valiant is also said to display liquid courage or Dutch courage.

POI VALIANT - an earnest first attempt at Hawaiian cooking

POT-VARIANT - mentholated weed

POT; VAIL I AIN'T - To what do you attribute your success as a ski resort?


MEANING: noun:
1. An unpredictable occurrence that has major consequences.
2. Something extremely rare.

ETYMOLOGY: From the former belief that all swans were white until black swans were discovered in Australia in 1697.
Earliest documented use: 1570.

BRACK SWAN - a graceful bird which swims in salty water

BACK SWAN - a retrograde popular dive


(gouk, gohk)

noun: 1. A foolish person.
2. A cuckoo.
verb tr.: To make a fool of or to stupefy.
verb intr.: To stare foolishly.

From Old Norse gaukr (cuckoo). Earliest documented use: 1325.

HOWK - erstwhile Yankees and Red Sox manager

GROW K - you can raise aquamephyton in your own back yard by planting Kale (though that's not the origin of the name)

AGO WK - seven days in the past
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DAME DUCK - Daisy - 01/12/22 05:04 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. An elected official soon going to be out of office due to losing a re-election bid, not running again, or being ineligible to run again.
2. Something or someone weak, unsuccessful, ineffectual, disabled, helpless, etc.
3. Someone who cannot fulfill their contracts, especially one who has lost a great deal of money in stocks or other speculations.

ETYMOLOGY: The term originated in the London Stock Exchange where a stockbroker who lost a lot of money and defaulted on his debts was called a lame duck. Other animal metaphors used in the financial world are bull and bear. Earliest documented use: 1761. The term came to be applied to politics about 100 years later.

LIME DUCK - a sturdy, green, tightly woven canvas-like material, with two yarns in the warp and a single yarn in the weft

LAMA DUCK - the Dalai Donald

FLAME DUCK - Icarus Drake


MEANING: verb tr.: To criticize, nag, pester, etc. in a persistent manner.

ETYMOLOGY: The word hen has been used for a woman or a girl for a long time (1555). So has the verb peck for nagging (1641). Earliest documented use for the verb henpeck: 1677.

NOTES: The word is often used in reference to a wife nagging her husband. A henpecked husband is one considered subservient to his wife and a chickenpecked parent is one nagged, harassed, or bullied by a child.

THENPECK - what you do at a typewriter after youhunt

HANPECK - a Solo air-kiss

HENDECK - where Noah stowed the egg-layers on the ark

PRONUNCIATION: (OS-tri-chiz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: The act or policy of refusing to face reality or unpleasant facts.

ETYMOLOGY: From the erroneous popular belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when facing danger. From Old French ostrusce/ostriche, from Latin struthio (ostrich), from Greek strouthos. Earliest documented use: 1834.

OSTRI-SCHISM - fragmentation in the bird colony

POST-RICH-ISM - life after bankruptcy

MOST-RICH-ISM - Potlatch-participants' credo


MEANING: noun:
1. A good deed.
2. A duty, obligation, or commandment.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hebrew mitzvah (commandment), from tziwwah (to command). Earliest documented use: 1723. Plural: mitzvahs or mitzvoth.

MIT ZE V.A.H. - ...along with the Veterans' Administration Hospital

MIT, ZVI? AH! - Zvi just got into his first-choice college

M.I.? TZVI? AH... - No, Tzvi just had a heart attack


MEANING: noun: A person, especially a child, with a sweet innocent appearance.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin cherubim, from Greek kheroubin, from Hebrew kerubim. Ultimately from the Semitic root krb (to praise). Earliest documented use: 825.

CHERUT- a cigar with a heavenly aroma

CHE TUB - this bath was used during the Cuban Revolution

CHER B - body double for Cherilyn Sarkisian

PRONUNCIATION: (tsuh-DAH-kuh, -dah-KAH)

MEANING: noun: Charitable giving or charity, especially when seen as a moral obligation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hebrew tzedaqah (righteousness). Earliest documented use: 1959. Plural: tzedakahs or tzedakot.

ZEDAKIAH - the book of the Bible between Zephaniah and Habakkuk

TED A.K.A. "H" - Ted adopted a nom-de-plume for his blog

"THE DAK" - AH! - Quarterback Prescott has lived up to his advance billing


MEANING: noun:
1. Money; wealth; cash.
2. A monetary unit of Israel.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hebrew sheqel, from shaqal (to weigh). Ultimately from the Semitic root tql (to weigh), which also gave us scallion and shallot. Earliest documented use: 1560.

NOTES: A shekel was an ancient unit of weight of the Babylonians. From there the term came to be applied to a coin of this weight. In 1980, Israel replaced the pound as its monetary unit with the shekel. Hyperinflation forced the replacement of shekel with the new shekel in 1986. Today, the new shekel is simply called a shekel. Three shekels equal approx. one US dollar.

SHECKEL - what the Lower East Side bartender gave to the martini he was mixing for James Bond

SHEQUEL - 1. followup tale as related by a drunken storyteller; 2. with a female main character

SHEIKEL - a minor middle-Eastern potentate


MEANING: noun:
1. A day of the week observed as a day of rest.
2. A period of rest.
3. A meeting of witches and sorcerers (typically spelled as sabbat).

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English sabat, from French sabbat, from Latin sabbatum, from Greek sabbaton, from Hebrew sabbat, from sabat (rest). Earliest documented use: 950.

NOTES: Typically, Friday is considered a day of Sabbath by Muslims, Saturday by Jews (and some Christians), and Sunday by Christians. Why not convert to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity and take a three-day weekend off?

SAAB BATH - what you give to your Swedish car when it gets filthy

AB BATH - ritual dip when you get your college degree

SAMBATH - Brazilian dances, with a lisp
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRONGOUS - tined - 01/25/22 04:36 PM


MEANING: adjective: Unfair, lacking propriety, illegal, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From wrong, from Old English wrang + wise (manner). Earliest documented use: 1200.


WRENGOUS - songbirdly

WRONG OF US - we shuddn'a done it

ORO'N'GOUS - a tasty mouthful


MEANING: noun: Normal breathing.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eu- (good) + pnein (to breathe). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pneu- (to breathe), which also gave us pneumonia, sneer, sneeze, snort, snore, pneumatic, pneuma, and pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Earliest documented use: 1706.

EUTNEA - a kind of Reader published periodically, now only on-line

EUPEA? - an Italian parent encourages the bambino to use the potty

EUPHEA? - How much do you charge?

EUPPEA - Eung Upwardly-mobile Professional

PRONUNCIATION: (post-puh-ZISH-uhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. The placing of something after another.
2. Something placed in this manner, especially a word or an element placed after another.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin post- (after) + position, from ponere (to put). Ultimately from the Indo-European root apo- (off or away), which is also the source of pose, apposite, after, off, awkward, post, puny, appose, depose, repose, interpose, apposite, apropos, eftsoons, postiche, and pungle. Earliest documented use: 1546.

PAST POSITION - where you were before you changed your mind

POSH POSITION - the lap of luxury

POSTPONITION - putting off until tomorrow what you can do today
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KAPOCRYPHAL - stuffed with fiberfill - 01/27/22 09:18 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-PAH-kri-fuhl)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Of dubious authorship or authenticity.
2. False; erroneous; fictitious.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin apocryphus (secret), from Greek apokruphos (secret, hidden), from apokruptein (to hide away), from apo- (away) + kruptein (to hide). Earliest documented use: 1590.

A.P.O. CRY "PHIL !" - Army post office cheers for Groundhogs' Day

APOCRYPTAL - pertaining to the point most distant from a tomb
Posted By: wofahulicodoc A NEGGY - slang for an veto - 01/30/22 01:52 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Lack of energy.
2. The lack of an immune response to a foreign substance.

ETYMOLOGY: From an- (not) + ergon (work). Earliest documented use: 1890. The opposite of sense 1 is energy and the opposite of sense 2, allergy. Earliest documented use: 1890.

ANERGO - similar to a wherefore, a hence, and a therefore

IANERGY - what gives the original James Bond novels their drive

AN URGY - emphatic suggestion of importance and a need for promptness


1. MEANING: noun: A crisp cake made by baking batter in an appliance with a gridlike pattern.

ETYMOLOGY: From Dutch wafel. Ultimately from the Indo-European root webh- (to weave; to move quickly), which also gave us weave, webster, wave, waver, wafer, wobble, and weft. Earliest documented use: 1744.

2. MEANING: American English: verb intr.: To be indecisive or evasive; to waver.
noun: Evasive speech or writing.

British English: verb intr.: To talk or write idly or foolishly.
noun: Pretentious or useless speech or writing.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps a frequentative of woff (to yelp), of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1298.

WAAFLE - a diminutive soldier of the Women's Auxilliary Air Force

WIFFLE - to curve unpredictably, due to changing aerodynamic drag

WAFFLEY - like the nose of Christopher Robin's mouse [scroll down]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TAW - a dyslectic defunct airline - 02/03/22 08:37 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: To shoot a marble.
noun: 1. A large marble used as a shooter.
2. A line from which the players shoot marbles.

ETYMOLOGY: Origin unknown. Earliest documented use: 1709.

MEANING: verb tr.: 1. To prepare raw material for use.
2. To tan animal skin with alum and salt.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English tawian (to make or prepare). Earliest documented use: 893.

ITAW - what I tawt I did to a puddy tat

TEA W - the twenty-first entry on a list of brewed beverages

TAL - Latvian chess player, World Champion in the early 1960s, died 1992
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ACHUM - one isolated sneeze - 02/03/22 08:48 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. A close friend.
2. A roommate.
verb intr.: 1. To be a close friend or to be friendly.
2. To share a room, especially in a dormitory at a school or college.

ETYMOLOGY: Originally university slang, probably from chamber fellow or chamber mate. Earliest documented use: 1684.

MEANING: noun: Matter, especially fish parts, dumped into the water to attract fish.
verb intr.: To throw fish parts into the water.

Of uncertain origin, perhaps from chum salmon. Earliest documented use: 1857.

noun: Chum salmon, a fish of the northern Pacific Ocean.

Probably from Chinook Jargon tzum (spotted, striped). Earliest documented use: 1908.

CHURM - a Teutonic pathogen

CHUR - the noise made by a cicada by rubbing its foot over its wing rapidly

CO-HUM - two people yawning at the same time


MEANING: noun: 1. An earthy deposit containing clay and lime.
2. Earth.
verb tr.: To fertilize with marl.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French marle, from Latin margila, diminutive of Latin marga (marl). Earliest documented use: 1280.

MEANING: noun: A yarn made of differently colored threads or a fabric made from such a yarn.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Probably from shortening of marble or marbled, from Latin marmor, from Greek. marmaros (shining stone). Earliest documented use: 1892.

MBA/RL - a business degree attained via Zoom (Masters of Business Administration/Remote Learning)

DARL - a shortened term of familiar endearment

MORL - the pithily-expressed point of Esop's Fbles


MEANING: verb intr.: To complain or to grumble.
noun: A complaint.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps from Old French groucier/grousser (to murmur or grumble). Earliest documented use: 1887.

MEANING: adjective: Wonderful.
ETYMOLOGY: Australian slang, of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1941.

MEANING: noun: Any of various birds that are typically plump, ground-dwelling, and have feathered legs.
ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps from northern English dialect crouse (cheerful). Earliest documented use: 1531.

TROUSE - what a trouser does

AGRO-USE - farming

GAROUSE - what a dog does to a covey of hidden game-birds

PRONUNCIATION: (kak-oh/uh-WEE-theez)

MEANING: noun: An irresistible urge to do something, especially something inadvisable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek kakoethes (ill-disposed), from kakos (bad) + ethe (disposition). Kakos is ultimately from the Indo-European root kakka-/kaka- (to defecate), which also gave us poppycock, cucking stool, cacology, and cacography. Earliest documented use: 1603.

CACAOETHES - irresistibe urge to eat uprocessed chocolate

CACO-ETHER - foul-smelling stuff that pervades the entire universe

CACOETHESE - the language spoken in the pre-Columbian Cacoeth civilization

PRONUNCIATION: (ruh-FUL-man) [the last syllable is nasal]

MEANING: noun: The forcing of refugees or asylum seekers to return to a place where they are likely to face persecution.

ETYMOLOGY: From French refoulement (turning back), from refouler (to push back), from re- (again) fouler (to trample). Earliest documented use: 1780.

REFOUL EVENT - another example of unpermitted poor sportsmanship

REFOU LAMENT - crazy again, alas

REF: 0-ELEMENT - the umpire says every group has to have one member which after interacting with every other group member leaves it unchanged
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EMETIC - regurgitation-inducing - 02/13/22 07:46 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (muh/mee/mi-MET-ik)

MEANING: adjective: Relating to memes.

ETYMOLOGY: From meme, from Greek mimeisthai (to imitate, copy). Earliest documented use: 1977.

MIMETIC - imitating Marcel Marceau

HEMETIC - bloody

MAME-TIC - my Auntie's eyelid twitches repetitively
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BI-MARTIAN - an inhabitant of Mars II - 02/13/22 07:55 PM


MEANING: adjective: Relating to two seas.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin bimaris, from bi- (two) + mare (sea). Earliest documented use: 1731.

'BAMARIAN - neat and tide-y

BINARIAN - one who can always see two sides to everything

BIG MARIAN - the librarian is very tall and strong

PRONUNCIATION: (graf-oh-MAY-nee-uh)

MEANING: noun: An obsessive inclination to write.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek grapho- (writing) + -mania (obsession). Earliest documented use: 1827.

GRAPPOMANIA - an obsessive devotion to an Italian brandy distilled from fermented pomace

GIRAPHOMANIA - an obsessive devotion to an African herbivore with a very long neck

GRAPHOMANTA - a species of ray that uses its "stinger" to write. (Surprised? Don't be. Mantas have the largest brains among all cold-blooded fish)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc APHROCITE - a Congolese cell - 02/18/22 01:15 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (af-ruh-DY-tee)

MEANING: noun: A beautiful woman.

ETYMOLOGY: After Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her Roman equivalent is Venus. Earliest documented use: 1658.

ACHRODITE - a colorless person

APHRODILE - a horny reptile

APHRODICE - Johannesburg gambling cubes

PRONUNCIATION: (TY-tuh-niz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: A spirit of nonconformity, rebelliousness, or revolt, against authority, convention, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Titan, any of a family of giant gods in Greek mythology. Titans, under the leadership of Cronus, one of the Titans, overthrew their father Uranus and ruled themselves. Eventually, Cronus’s son, Zeus, rebelled against his father and defeated the Titans. Earliest documented use: 1628.

TIGANISM - a condition resulting from exposure to trimethobenzamide (Tigan), an anti-nauseant know to have Parkinson-like side effects, because of which it's not used very much these days

TRITANISM - the practice of getting an intense sun exposure three times a year

TETANISM - another word for severe muscle spasms
Posted By: wofahulicodoc R-BOREAL - treelike - 02/18/22 01:39 AM


MEANING: adjective: Northern; relating to the north, north wind, northern regions, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Boreas, the god of the north wind in Greek mythology. Earliest documented use: 1470. The opposite is austral.

COREAL - describing starfish which eat invertebrate polyp colonies for breakfast in the morning

FOREAL - slang for "No, honestly, it's true!"

BO REGAL - Ms Derick truly has a queenly persona


MEANING: verb tr.: To harden or improve, for example, rubber by application of sulfur and heat.
verb intr.: To become hardened.

ETYMOLOGY: After Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, metalworking, etc. Earliest documented use: 1846.

VOLCANIZE - to convert to an active erupting mountain after eons of dormancy

SULCANIZE - to show pouting in ones facial expression

HULCANIZE - to metamorphose into an immensely powerful green monster (see Bruce Banner)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GORGON IRE - Medusa is angry now - 02/18/22 09:53 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To paralyze, petrify, or hypnotize.

ETYMOLOGY: After Gorgon, any of the three monstrous sisters in Greek mythology: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. They had snakes for hair and turned into stone anyone who looked into their eyes (apparently it was OK to objectify people in those days). Earliest documented use: 1609.

GORDONIZE - what the Commissioner of Gotham City Police does to reshape his department

GO AGONIZE - you've decided nothing will help your bad situation

G. ORGANIZE - the seventh and ultimate way to improve working conditions


MEANING: noun: Yearning or longing.


ETYMOLOGY: From German Sehnsucht (longing or yearning), from sehnen (to long or yearn) + Sucht (craving or addiction). Earliest documented use: 1847.

SEIN SUCHT - 1. his needs; 2. I'm looking for that river through Paris

SEHN SUCH - they really want that kind of thing

SEHN AUCH "T" - they also crave those little golf-ball supports

[In a foreign language these tend to be a little strained]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LEXI - high-end cars from Toyota - 02/22/22 06:36 PM


MEANING: noun: A garland, typically made of flowers, or leaves, shells, nuts, feathers, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hawaiian lei. Earliest documented use: 1843.

ILEI - paralyzed intestines

LEIB - (German) body

LII - that new card game, named for the number of cards in its deck
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VORSTEHEN - to protrude - 02/27/22 08:11 PM


MEANING: noun: The use of empathy in understanding human actions and behavior, especially in interpreting sociological or historical events.

ETYMOLOGY. From German verstehen (to understand). Earliest documented use: 1934.

VERSE HEN - she writes poetry

VERS THEN - toward that time, in Paris

OVER-STEHEN - to remain in Berlin for too long


MEANING: noun: Taboo.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hawaiian kapu, from the Proto-Polynesian root tapu which also gave us taboo. Earliest documented use: 1933.

OKAPU - more than one relatively long-necked African ruminants, akin to giraffes

KARU - a brand of sweet corn-sugar syrup, often poured over pancakes and waffles

KUPU - a small hand-sized vessel for tea, used in Japan

PRONUNCIATION: (VI-suhn-shaft)

MEANING: noun: Knowledge, learning, and science or their systematic pursuit.

ETYMOLOGY: From German Wissenschaft (science), from Wissen (knowledge) + -schaft (-ship, making). Earliest documented use: 1934.

WISSENSCHRAFT - a former restaurant chain and manufacturer of candy, chocolates and cakes, since purchased by Pet Milk Company and broken into its several components

WISSENS CHAT - a conversation about human knowledge

WISSENS CHART - a graphic representation of same
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PAL-MATE - an Australian redundancy - 02/28/22 03:10 PM


MEANING: adjective: Shaped like a hand with the fingers spread.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin palma (palm, palm tree), which also gave us palmer, palmary, and palmy. Earliest documented use: 1738.

PSALMATE - lyrical and poetic

PALM DATE - a kind of tree tryst

DALMATE - to speckle a white dog with black dots

PRONUNCIATION: (TOO-fis-tuhd, too-FIS-)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Tough; aggressive.
2. Energetic; enthusiastic.
3. Using both hands.

ETYMOLOGY: The term describes someone using both hands, literally or figuratively, where a clenched fist alludes to vigor, resolve, etc. From two, from Old English twa (two) + fist, from Old English fyst (fist). Earliest documented use: 1774. Also see ironfisted, clutchfist, and hardfisted.

TWO-FASTED - celebrating both abstinence-observing holidays on the same day

TWO-LISTED - a second-team player

TWO-FISHED - limited to only a couple of piscatorial species


MEANING: noun: The hobby or sport of fighting with fists: boxing.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin pugil (boxer), from pugnare (to fight), from pugnus (fist). Ultimately from the Indo-European root peuk- (to prick), which also gave us point, puncture, pungent, punctual, poignant, pounce, poniard, oppugn, repugn, impugn, pugilist, repugnant, pugnacious, and propugnaculum. Earliest documented use: 1788.

RUGILISM - a style of interior-decorating featuring small carpets in many places

PURILISM - childishness

BUGILISM - 1. government by insects; 2. government by horn-players

PRONUNCIATION: (kak-HAN-did, KAK-han-)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Clumsy; awkward.
2. Left-handed.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps from cack (excrement), ultimately from the Indo-European root kakka-/kaka- (to defecate) which also gave us poppycock, cacophony, cacology, cacography, and cacoethes. Earliest documented use: 1854.


CLACK-HANDED - a Flamenco castinet-player

LACK-HANDED - afflicted with phocomelia

PRONUNCIATION: (man-yuh-DUHK-shuhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. The act of guiding, leading, or introducing.
2. Something that guides, leads, or introduces.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin manuduction, from manus (hand) + ducere (to draw, lead). Earliest documented use: 1505.

SANDUCTION - the process whereby the beach under your feet at the waterline is washed away by receding waves

MANDICTION - using very clear enunciation to give a condescending (and perhaps unnecessary) explanation

MANDUCATION - teaching young Homo sapiens to be more mature
Posted By: wofahulicodoc A PYRODITE - a firebrand - 03/09/22 09:04 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (af-ruh-DEE-zee-ak, -DIZ-ee-ak)

MEANING: noun: Something, such as a food or drug, that increases sexual desire.
adjective: Arousing sexual desire.

ETYMOLOGY: After Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty in Greek Mythology. Earliest documented use: 1710. Another word coined after her is hermaphrodite.

ACHRODITE - any colorless individual

APHRODATE - an evening out with a goddess

APHORODITE - an ancient scholar given to uttering concise quote-worthy statements
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TITANIA - plural of titanium - 03/09/22 09:16 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Of great power, strength, size, etc.
2. Relating to or made of the element titanium.

ETYMOLOGY: After Titan, any of a family of giant gods in Greek mythology. The element titanium is named after Titans because of its high strength. Earliest documented use: 1628; for sense 2: 1814. Another word coined after the Titans is titanism

TRITANIC - containing tritium

TITANTIC - a step above belly-dancing

TISANIC - brewed from plant leaves and stems
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BORA SECO - a dry red wine - 03/09/22 09:32 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (buh/boh-RAS-koh)

MEANING: noun:
1. A sudden violent gust of wind, typically accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet. Also known as a squall.
2. A bad spell; something unproductive, especially a mine (the opposite of bonanza).

ETYMOLOGY: The term is also spelled as borasca or borrasca. It’s from Spanish borrasca (squall), from Latin borras (north wind), from Greek borras (boreas), after Boreas, the god of the north wind, in Greek mythology who also gave us boreal and hyperborean. Earliest documented use: 1686.

BORISCO - Russia, Inc.

BORA'S C.E.O. - chief executive officer of half of a Tahitian island

BORASCH - beet soup from central Europe
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VULCANI - plural of VOLCANUS - 03/13/22 08:10 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to volcanoes.
2. Fiery; explosive; full of anger, energy, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Vulcan, the god of fire and metalworking in Roman mythology. The word vulcanize is also coined after him. Earliest documented use: 1660. The word vulcanic is also spelled as volcanic.

VULCAN - ICK ! - response of someone who finds Spock and his ilk to be repulsive

SULCANIC - full of grooves and furrows

VULPANIC - a stampede of foxes

PRONUNCIATION: (gor-GOH-nee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Terrible; repulsive.
noun: Any of various corals having a hard, treelike skeleton.

ETYMOLOGY: After Gorgon, any of the three monstrous sisters in Greek mythology, who had snakes for hair: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Earliest documented use: 1616. See also, gorgonize.

GORDONIAN - knotty

GOREGONIAN - from the bloody history of the US Northwest

ORGONIAN - like a device constructed of layers of wood and other materials, as tin, claimed by its inventor, Wilhelm Reich, to restore energy to persons sitting in it, thereby aiding in the cure of impotence, cancer, the common cold, etc; first postulated in the 1940s
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ANTRE - another French word - 03/14/22 02:36 PM


MEANING: noun: A cave, cavern, cavity, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French antre (cave), from Latin antrum (cave), from Greek antron (cave). Earliest documented use: 1585.

ANTARE - a singularly bright star in the night sky, 𝛂-Scorpius

ANTIE - a female protester

AITRE - high-falutin' pronunciation of the French verb "to be"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc REEVE - Gidaddahere! - 03/17/22 08:07 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To pass (a rope or the like) through.
noun: A local official.

ETYMOLOGY: For verb: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1600.
For noun: From Old English gerefa (high official). Earliest documented use: before the 12th century.

PRE-EVE - the night before the night before a holiday

RÈVE - a French dream

PREEVE - slang for "to look at in advance"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc corrected:AUTRE - another French word - 03/17/22 08:09 PM


MEANING: noun: A cave, cavern, cavity, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French antre (cave), from Latin antrum (cave), from Greek antron (cave). Earliest documented use: 1585.

ANTARE - a singularly bright star in the night sky, 𝛂-Scorpius

ANTIE - a female protester

AITRE - high-falutin' pronunciation of the French verb "to be"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VESPA - an Italian wasp - 03/17/22 08:15 PM


MEANING: noun: A short wooden match.

ETYMOLOGY: After Vesta, the goddess of hearth and household in Roman mythology. Her temple had a fire tended by the vestal virgins. Earliest documented use: 1839.

PESTA - an Italian bug

NESTA - what a swarm of pestas lives in

YESTA - 1) with "say," to agree; 2) the day before


MEANING: noun:
1. A mole (the animal).
2. A cyst.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin talpa (mole). Earliest documented use: 1684.

TALL P.A. - my Physician's Assistant's height is 2.5 meters

T-ALPHA - where I place my golf ball before driving on the first hole

TOLPA - the fee you pay to drive on the turnpike from Philadelphia to Pittsburg


MEANING: noun: An expression of praise, joy, or triumph, typically in the form of a song.
verb tr.: To make such an expression.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin paean, from Greek paian (hymn of thanksgiving to Apollo), after Paian, Paion (epithet of Apollo in the hymn). Earliest documented use: 1592.

P.A. DAN - few people know he was a Physicians Assistant before he became Doctor Dan, the Band-Aid Man

PANE AN - designating the top row, fourteenth window over

PRE-AN- - in the encyclopedia, that would be AM, yes?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CRUSTICATE - overbake the bread - 03/23/22 01:19 AM


MEANING: verb intr.: 1. To go to or live in the country.
2. To live or spend time in seclusion.
verb tr.: 1. To send to the country.
2. To suspend (a student) from a university as a punishment.
3. To make rustic or rural.
4. To make something, such as a masonry surface, rough, textured, jagged, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rusticari (to live in the country), from rus (country). Earliest documented use: 1660.

RUSTIC MATE - the farmer's wife

RUSTIGATE - that's why it squeaks

RASTICATE - to convert to a Jamaican religion
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FLOG-ELLATE - to whip - 03/23/22 01:29 AM

PRONUNCIATION: verb: FLAJ-uh-layt; adj.: FLAJ-uh-lit/layt)

MEANING: verb tr.: To punish, especially by whipping.
noun: An organism having a whip-like appendage that’s used for locomotion, such as swimming.
adjective: Relating to such an organism.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin flagellare (to whip), from flagellum (whip), diminutive of flagrum (whip). Earliest documented use: 1623.

FLAG ELATE - rapturously patriotic

PLAGELLATE - like a stretch of French shoreline mostly covered by sandy beach

FLAG "EL LATTE" - to feature Starbuck's latest specialty coffee
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOLLIFY - to turn into a wall fastener - 03/23/22 01:23 PM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To pacify or appease.
2. To soften or reduce, as in intensity.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin mollis (soft). Earliest documented use: 1425.

MOLL IFFY - gangster's girl is uncommitted

POLLIFY - to survey people's opinions

MALLIFY - to convert a neighborhood to a shopping center
Posted By: wofahulicodoc QUILTLET - a baby-blanket - 03/24/22 11:47 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: To quibble.
noun: A subtlety or quibble.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps short for quillity, an alteration of quiddity. Earliest documented use: 1576.

QUIDLET - one Pound Sterling after dieting (or inflation)

QUILLETH - to write with a feather pen, 3rd person singular

SQUILLET - a small asparagus. (Per Wikipedia: "Squill · Drimia maritima, a medicinal plant native to the Mediterranean...," part of a genus of about 50 to 80 species of bulb-forming perennial herbaceous plants in the family Asparagaceae...)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc F-LEERY - worrying loudly - 03/25/22 04:54 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: To laugh in a derisive manner.
noun: A mocking look.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps of Scandinavian origin. Earliest documented use: 1400.

FLUER - chimney-sweep

GLEER - one who sings at parties

FLEVER - a febrile condition that makes you cry out loud


MEANING: verb tr.: To remove from a position of authority, privilege, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From French défroquer (to defrock), from de- (away) + froc (frock, gown, coat), alluding to frock (habit) worn by members of the clergy. Earliest documented use: 1600.

DEFLOCK - Bo-Peep was the victim of a scam

DE-FRACK - the aim of many environmentalists

DIE FROCK - an informal German dress, similar to a Dirndl
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DOVEST - most peaceful - 03/30/22 11:55 PM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To remove, give up, or sell off.
2. To take away or deprive.
3. To strip of clothing, ornament, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French desvestir (to undress), from Latin divestire, from di- (away) + vestire (to dress), from vestis (garment). Earliest documented use: 1616.

D-INVEST - put the right money in

DI BEST - Italian superlative

DO I VEST? - Should I put on my waistcoat?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TROVESTY - a collection of pigpens - 03/31/22 12:08 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. Mockery.
2. A debased or grotesque imitation.
verb tr.: 1. To represent in a false or absurd manner.
2. To caricature or parody.

ETYMOLOGY: From French travesti (in disguise), past participle of travestir (to disguise, to cross-dress), from Italian travestire, from tra- (across), from Latin trans- + vestire (to dress). Earliest documented use: 1664.

BRAVESTY - a Deed of Derring-Do

TRAVESTO - that fantastic new magician you've heard so much about

TRA-VESTRY - the room where members of the Choir put on their robes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc REVET - validate credentials...again - 03/31/22 09:08 PM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To cover a wall, embankment, etc., with masonry or other supporting material.
2. To recheck or reexamine.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: From French revêtir (to dress), from Latin revestire, from re- (again) + vestire (to clothe). Earliest documented use: 1751.
For 2: From re- (again) + vet (to check), shortening of veterinarian. Earliest documented use: 1940.

REVENT - put in another window

PREVET - planning on a career in animal husbandry

REVETO - to put the kibosh on for the second time

R.E.O. VET - having survived his encounter with Mr Olds's vehicle, he thought he'd be able to handle Mr Ford's without a problem

PRONUNCIATION: (in-VES-ti-choor/chuhr)

MEANING: noun: A formal ceremony in which someone is given an official title, rank, honors, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin investire (to cloth, install), from vestis (garment). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wes- (to clothe), which also gave us wear, vest, invest, divest, travesty, and revet. Earliest documented use: 1387.

INTESTITURE - having no Will

INVESTICURE - how to make money in the Pharmaceutical industry

INVESTITUTE - where one learns Wealth Management


MEANING: noun:
1. A test in which a single indicator prompts the decision.
2. A test to determine if a solution is acidic or alkaline.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old Norse litmosi (dye-moss), from litr (dye) + mosi (moss). Earliest documented use: 1824.

NOTES: Litmus paper turns red when dipped in an acidic solution and blue when in alkaline. It’s a quick and easy test to determine the type of solution one has. Litmus is derived from moss and has been around since approx. 1300 CE...

LITMUS ZEST - a lemon with red skin (from its citric acid content)

LIT-MUSKEST - the smelliest burning incense ever

I.T. MUST EST - Computer Nerds Oppose Daylight Savings Time!


MEANING: noun:
1. The point at which a situation turns critical, for example, resulting in violence.
2. A location or situation where conflict, violence, etc., flare up.
3. The lowest temperature at which a substance’s vapors ignite in the presence of an ignition source.

ETYMOLOGY: From flash, of imitative origin + point, partly from Old French point and Latin punctum (point). Earliest documented use: 1878.

FLESHPOINT - a cutaneous horn

FLASH-PAINT - paint mixed with lycopodium powder, for special movie effects

FLASK POINT - a clandestine liquor-holder that you can stand upright next to you on a lawn or on the beach
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CAIN REACTION - "Who, me?" - 04/10/22 06:59 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A series of events, each triggered or influenced by the previous.
2. A chemical or nuclear reaction that results in products that cause further reactions

ETYMOLOGY: From chain, from Old French chaine/chaeine, from Latin catena (chain) + act, from Latin actus (act). Earliest documented use: 1926.

CHAI REACTION - being allergic to spiced Russian tea

CHAIN REDACTION - a panel of editors makes one change after another

CHIN REACTION - Tinea barbae [a skin condition on the face, from using the wrong kind or razor or having the wrong kind of beard. YCLIU.]


MEANING: adjective: Cheap and showy.
noun: A white crystalline compound, also known as sodium borate, used in manufacturing, cleaning, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French boras, from Latin borax, from Arabic buraq, from Persian burah (borax). Earliest documented use: 1920s.

NOTES: A century ago, cheap furniture was given as a premium for buying a box of borax soap. That, or borax soap was given away for buying cheap furniture. Either way, the word borax became slang for something cheap and poorly made.

BOROX - what the pregnant beast of burden did

BOTAX - government-imposed fee for cosmetic wrinkle-removing skin treatment

BORA - half a Polynesian island


MEANING: noun:
1. The point at which a situation turns into a crisis.
2. The point at which one loses one’s temper.
3. The temperature at which a liquid boils.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French boillir, from Latin bullire (to bubble), from bulla (bubble). Earliest documented use: 1773.

BAILING POINT - the level above which most skippers decide to start emptying the water out of the boat

BOILING PRINT - a work of art with a bubbly appearance; often created using BOILING PAINT

FOILING POINT - the tip of the epeé
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PURR-HONISM - I love my contented cat - 04/11/22 01:10 PM


MEANING: noun: Extreme or absolute skepticism.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pyrrho, a Greek philosopher, c. 360-270 BCE. Earliest documented use: 1603.

PYRO-RHONISM - igniting the polluted surface of a major European river

PYRO-HONISM - when sparks fly between you and your sweetheart

TYRRHONISM - The cult of Hollywood star Power
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AMORPHETIC - a love potion - 04/12/22 03:46 PM


MEANING: adjective: Relating to sleep or dreams.

ETYMOLOGY: After Morpheus, the god of dreams in Greek mythology. He was the son of Hypnos, the god of sleep. The name of the drug morphine is also derived after Morpheus. Earliest documented use: 1788.

MORPHETIN - a catalyst that triggers the change from caterpillar to butterfly

MOR-PHOTIC - an early scheme by Eastman Kodak to encourage picture-taking

MO-RHETIC - pertaining to the flow of the Missouri river
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOTH'S CHILD - a wool-eating larva - 04/18/22 01:34 AM


MEANING: noun: A very rich person.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Rothschild banking family that rose to prominence with Mayer Rothschild (1744-1812). He had his five sons expand business in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. Earliest documented use: 1824.

ROTHSCHILD - A nullity. The author of Portnoy's Complaint, said to be "Roth as a misogynist and control freak," had no children, though he did marry.

ROTH'S "CHILL" - Portnoy's Complaint (1969)

WROTH'S CHILD - Violence, a common consequence of anger
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ROTORBACK - a personal autogyro - 04/18/22 01:43 AM


MEANING: noun: A false story or slander, especially one spread for political purposes.

ETYMOLOGY: After Baron von Roorback, a fictitious author invented during the 1844 presidential elections in the US to discredit the Democratic candidate James K. Polk. Earliest documented use: 1844.

ROORBANK - the shore of a German river. which flows through industrial Westphalia and empties into the Rhine

ROARBACK - if you're foolish, what you do when a lion roars at you

ROOKBACK - what you hope to take when you lose a knight or a bishop


MEANING: noun: A man of extraordinary strength or size.

ETYMOLOGY: After Hercules, the son of Zeus and Alcmene in Greek mythology. Hercules performed many feats requiring extraordinary strength and effort, such as cleaning the Augean stables. He also slew the monster Hydra. Earliest documented use: 1567. Also see herculean.

HERULES - Vive le Roi!

HERJULES - the royal diamonds and emeralds

HERCULESS - Dame Agatha without her renowned Belgian detective

HERCUES - Even after losing everything in a disastrous fire, the renowned actress never missed these


MEANING: verb tr.: To mock or to parody.

ETYMOLOGY: From either French travestir or Italian travestire, from tra- (across), from Latin trans- + vestire (to dress). Earliest documented use: 1656.

TARAVEST - a waistcoat with the motto of Scarlett's plantation embroidered to the pocket

TERAVEST - what you'd have to do, and tlhen some, to buy half of the outstanding Apple stock

THAVEST - what you put on after you've put on thapants, thashirt, and thatie

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-NATH-uh-muh-tyz)

MEANING: verb tr.: To denounce, condemn, or curse.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French anathematiser, from Latin anathematizare (to ban, curse, or detest), from Greek anathematizein (to curse), from anathema (something devoted to evil). Earliest documented use: 1473.

A.B.A.-THEMATIZE - to re-write a Scott Turow book so that it's really about Organized Law

ANTHEMATIZE - to make a song symbolize a country

ANATHEMA-TIKE - Dennis the Menace (apologies to Hank Ketcham)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc I'M MISER FATE - King Midas' epitaph - 04/21/22 11:58 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To impoverish or to make miserable.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from immiseration (impoverishment), loan translation of German Verelendung (impoverishment). The word is from in- (into) + miserable, from Latin miserari (to pity), from miser (pitiable, wretched). Earliest documented use: 1956.

A.M. MISERATE - unhappiness in the morning

IMMIE RATE - what it costs to buy a marble

EMMI-BERATE - to scold for being too fixated on TV awards


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To deceive or cheat.
2. To elude.

ETYMOLOGY: From be- + French tromper (to deceive), which also gave us trumpery and trompe l’oeil. Earliest documented use: 1522.

BEST RUMP - a superlative cut of roast

BE TRAMP - play a role in a Charlie Chaplin movie (or a full-length Disney cartoon)

BET SUM (𝑝) - make a quiet wager
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MANSCRIBE - a male stenographer - 04/22/22 11:57 PM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To write by hand.
2. To autograph.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from manuscript, from manus (hand) + scribere (to write). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skribh- (to cut, separate, or sift), which also gave us subscribe, scripture, scribble, describe, circumflex, and circumspect. Earliest documented use: 1649.

MANY SCRIBE - just about everybody knows how to write

MANUS CRIME - transgressions committed by hand

MANU'S TRIBE - his extended family, friends and companions

PRONUNCIATION: (ty-puh-MAY-nee-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. An obsession with typography.
2. An obsession with typology or symbolism.
3. An obsession with getting published.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek typos (impression) + mania (excessive enthusiasm or craze). Earliest documented use: 1882.

TYPHOMANIA - I see evidence of Salmonella infections everywhere

T.Y., ROMANIA - an expression of gratitude in Bucharest

TYPTOMANIA - a fascination with tulips, Tiny Tim, and ukuleles
Posted By: wofahulicodoc APISTEMOLOGY - beekeeping - 04/26/22 03:56 PM

MEANING: noun: The study of knowledge, especially its nature, origin, limits, validity, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek episteme (knowledge) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1847.

EPISTEMOLOGY - science of plant pests (aphids et al) that grow on the stems and leaves

EPICSTEMOLOGY - how sunflowers keep their blooms upright

EXISTEMOLOGY - whether or not there is a genre of rock music dealing with emotional themes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PESTER EVE - what the snake did - 04/28/22 01:23 AM


MEANING: noun: Yesterday evening.
adverb: During yesterday evening.

ETYMOLOGY: From yester- (a time one period before the present one), from Old English giestran (previous day) + eve/even (evening). Earliest documented use: 1565. Another form of this word is yestreen.

ESTEREVE - the night before Purim

YESSER, EVE - Adam accedes to his mate's requests, if sarcastically

GESTE RÈVE - dream of elegance and magnanimity


MEANING: noun: The retention of dead leaves, etc., as opposed to shedding.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin marcescere (to wither), from marcere (to wither). Earliest documented use: 1859.

MAR-CRESCENCE - sea level is rising

MARCH SCENE - warriors in serried ranks assembled

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-johr-nuh-MEN-toh)

MEANING: noun: A process of modernization or bringing up to date.

ETYMOLOGY: The word came on the radar of the English-speaking world from a speech given by Pope John XXIII in which he called for a revision of the church code. From Italian aggiornamento (updating), from aggiornare (to bring up to date), from a- (to) + giorno (day), from Latin diurnus (daily) ), from dies (day). Ultimately from the Indo-European root dyeu- (to shine) that also gave us adjourn, diary, diet, circadian, journal, journey, quotidian, sojourn, diva, divine, deify, Jupiter, Jove, jovial, July, Zeus, and Sanskrit deva (god). Earliest documented use: 1962.

ANGIORNAMENTO - an elegant treatment for fixing narrowed coronary arteries

OGGIORNAMENTO - today's outfit

AGRIORNAMENTO - decorative plants

AGGIORNAMENT - the chess match will be continued tomorrow


MEANING: noun: A sensationalized, often misleading, headline that is designed to entice users to click on a hyperlink.

ETYMOLOGY: A combination of click + bait, a headline that makes a user click on the link to find out more, only to be disappointed by content of dubious value. Earliest documented use: 1999.

CHICKBAIT - a baby in a carriage

CLOCKBAIT - what it takes to get a mouse to run up (must be finished before one)

CLICKWAIT - how you know you've been put on "Hold"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc also "SNAFU" - 05/04/22 01:43 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (OM-ni-sham-buhlz)

MEANING: noun: A situation that is a complete mess, especially when resulting from mismanagement.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin omni- (all) + shambles (a state of great disorder). The word was coined by writer Tony Roche in The Thick of It (video, 2 sec.), a satirical television series about the inner workings of the British government. Earliest documented use: 2009. Some related terms are dumpster fire and clusterfuck.

SOMNISHAMBLES - so messed up it puts you to sleep

OMNI-SHAM, LES - Lester, it's all a fake

OMENISH AMBLES - if we go walking maybe we'l see the shape of things to come
Posted By: wofahulicodoc (portmanteau)^2 - 05/04/22 09:07 PM


MEANING: noun: An article or other piece of writing structured in the form of a list.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of list + article. From Old English liste (border, strip) and Latin articulus (small joint), from artus (joint). Earliest documented use: 2007. Clickbaits often lead to listicles.

LUSTICLE - advertising catalog for aphrodysiacs, in outline form

LISTICKLE - miles and miles of Chinese feathers

LISTICHE - a pastiche of a listicle; e.g.[Linked Image]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ACQUIT HIRE - Defense attorney - 05/05/22 04:41 PM


MEANING: noun: The purchase of a company for its talent rather than its products or services.
verb tr.: To buy a company in this manner.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by Rex Hammock as a combination of acquire + hire. From Latin quaerere (to seek, get) and Old English hyrian (to hire). Earliest documented use: 2005.

AQUÍHIRE - Workers Needed, Spanish a Plus

ACQUAHIRE - Lifeguards Needed

ACQUISHIRE - Hobbits' Swim Club


MEANING: noun: A system of restricting access to online content or services, making them accessible only upon payment.

ETYMOLOGY: A combination of pay + wall. From Latin pacare (appease), from pax (peace) and vallum (rampart), from vallus (stake). Earliest documented use: 2004.

PLAYWALL - public handball court

PRYWALL - hidden door to a secret room

PAYWELL - the kind of job most people want


MEANING: adjective: In good time.

ETYMOLOGY: From time, from Old English tima (time). Earliest documented use: 1482.

TIMEOLUS - tiny quantity of fear

TRIMEOUS - overzealous with the hedge clippers

TIMEOPUS - determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen Penguin
Posted By: wofahulicodoc YEA KING - Vive le Roi! in London - 05/16/22 02:17 AM


MEANING: noun: Someone who is the same age as oneself.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots eildins. Earliest documented use: 1728.

EALING - city in Est Irginia, about 60 miles WSW of Pittsburg PA

YALING - an entertainment of the Crimson of Harvard, baiting the Eli

YEALING - novel by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlngs (set in Boston where they can't pronounce Rs)


MEANING: noun: Midnight.

ETYMOLOGY: From the belief that witches are the most active at that time. Earliest documented use: 1762.

NOTES: Some say the witching hour is midnight while others believe it’s 3-4 am. The term witching hour has also been applied to early evening when babies supposedly cry more often. In the world of stock markets, it is the last hour of trading on the third Friday of certain months when there’s more volatility. So which one is it? Only witches know.

WITCHING TOUR - Salem, MA, on October 31

PITCHING HOUR - a sixty-minute-long infomercial

WITCHING HOURI - a magical attractive Muslim woman
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MERIT IAN - the worth of Mr Fleming - 05/16/22 02:43 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. A line connecting the North Pole to the South Pole or a circle passing through the two poles.
2. Midday.
3. The highest point, as of power, prosperity, development, etc.
adj.: 1. Relating to a meridian.
2. Relating to midday.
3. Relating to the highest point of someone’s power, prosperity, development, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French meridien, from Latin meridianus, from meridies (noon), from medius (mid) + dies (day). Earliest documented use: 1386.

MERINDIAN - a large body of water bounded on East and West by Africa and Australia, on North and South by Asia and Antarctica

MERIDIANA - light-hearted Princess

MERDIAN - crappy


MEANING: adjective: Lasting a very short time; transitory.
noun: Anything short-lived.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek ephemeros (short-lived), from epi- (upon) + hemera (day). Earliest documented use: 1576.

PHEMERAL - pertaining to the upper-leg bone

e-pH EMERALD - a highly acidic green jewel, with a log-hydrogen-ion concentration of -2.718281828...

EPHEMERAW - I know it hurts now, but it'll be better by tomorrow
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CETACEOUS - Moby - 05/17/22 02:18 AM


MEANING: adjective: Waxy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin cera (wax) + -aceous (resembling or relating to). Earliest documented use: 1768.

ACERACEOUS - sharp, barbed

CELACEOUS - titillating, suggestive


[not to mention the homophone "Serratious" - pertaining to a bacterium of the genus Serratia]
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HEBDOMADA - a fleet of seven ships - 05/18/22 09:12 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (heb-DOM-uh-duhl)

MEANING: adjective: Weekly.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin hebdomas, from Greek hepta (seven). Earliest documented use: 1612.

HEBDO-MEDAL - like Mark Spitz (winning seven Olympic events)

HEBDONADAL - seven championship tennis players

HEBDOMANAL - pertaining to the digestive viscera


MEANING: adjective: Fishy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin piscis (fish). Earliest documented use: 1670.

[and of course there is Pisces, the astrological sign, the fish]

PICCINE - Italian opera composer , viz. La Bohême and others

VISCINE - eyedrops

PA'S CINE - your father's movie

APIS-CINE - slow-motion film about bees

PRONUNCIATION: (oh-don-TAL-juh -jee-uh)

MEANING: noun: Toothache.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek odont- (tooth) + -algia (pain). Earliest documented use: 1706.

O, DONUT-ALGIA - pain in the jaw from too many sweeets

ADONTALGIA - phantom pain in the jaw even after the dentist pulls your infected tooth

ODONTAL, GA - Georgia branch office of a Mexican dentist

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-blig-yoo-RISH-uhn)

MEANING: noun: Extravagance, especially in matters of food and drink.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin abligurire (to squander on delicacies), from ab- (away) + ligurire (to be dainty), from lingere (to lick). Ultimately from the Indo-European root leigh- (lick), which also gave us linctus, lichen (apparently from the way it licks its way around a surface), lecher, and cunnilingus. Earliest documented use: 1724.

OBLIGURITION - under contract to become pregnant

ABL-IG-UTRITION - fulfilling the Inspector General's criteria for supporting an organism with food

ABO-LIGURITION - hooking other antigens onto the main blood groups
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NUDUM FACTUM - the naked truth - 05/25/22 07:50 PM


MEANING: noun: An unenforceable contract, one that’s void because of lack of consideration (something of value promised in exchange).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nudus (bare) + pactum (pact). Earliest documented use: 1603.

NUNDUM PACTUM - a contract in a convent

NUDUM PICTUM - produce gathered by unclad farmers

NUDUM PARTUM - naked as a newborn babe

PRONUNCIATION: (tich-uh-BAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. Unsteady movement, such as the staggering, lurching, or nodding of the head or the body.
2. Stuttering or stammering.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin titubare (to stagger). Earliest documented use: 1641.

T-TUBATION - inserting a branched tube into the Common Bile Duct

TITUS-ATION - transforming into be the Roman Emperor from around 80 BC

Ti-TUBA TIN - when mixed with titanium, an alloy from which large, low-pitched musical instruments are made
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SWATTLE - what you do to a small fly - 05/25/22 08:34 PM


MEANING: noun: Idle talk; nonsense.
verb intr.: To talk idly.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps an alteration of tattle, of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1673.

WATTLE - the dingle-dangle hanging from a turkey's throat (not to be confused with the dingle-dangle that hangs from a turkey's beak, which is a SNOOD)

TWA TALE - the Rise and Fall of the Constellation

WATTLE - Barrista's greeting (usually followed by "you have?")
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COCK OF THE WALL - a perching rooster - 05/27/22 01:39 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (KOK ov thuh wahk)

MEANING: noun: A person who behaves in an arrogant and domineering manner in a group.

ETYMOLOGY: In animal husbandry, an enclosed yard or a pen is known as a walk. A rooster who rules a roost is, literally, a cock of the walk. Earliest documented use: 1781.

CONK OF THE WALK - hit your head on a low-hanging branch

CORK OF THE WALK - the Minister of Silly Walks (see Monty Python's Flying Circus)

CLOCK OF THE WALK - used for time trials in the Olympic power-walking event

PRONUNCIATION: (pe-nuh-TRAY-lee-uh)

MEANING: plural noun: The innermost, secret, or hidden parts of something.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin penetralia, from penetrare (to penetrate), from penitus (interior) + intrare (to enter). Earliest documented use: 1668.

PEN-TRALIA - old slang from when Australia was the place they sent convicted criminals to

PINE TRALIA - we'll follow your scent with bloodhounds

FENETRA LIRA - throw your pre-E.C. Italian currency out the window
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FAR ENEMY - distant foe - 05/30/22 02:21 PM


MEANING: noun: Someone with whom one is friendly, despite feeling hostility.

ETYMOLOGY: blend of friend + enemy. Earliest documented use: 1891.

FIRE NEMY - Nemy, you're out of a job

FREE MY - release the one I own

𝒇 RENÉ MAY - [loudly] it's possible that M. Coty will
Posted By: wofahulicodoc G.I. LAMP - Army Issue flashlight - 06/01/22 01:34 AM


MEANING: verb intr.: To camp in comforts or luxuries not typically available in camping, such as electricity, plumbing, beds, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from glamping, a blend of glamorous + camping. Earliest documented use: 2007.

GO LAMP - green light

GLAM UP - apply a superficial veneer, in an attempt to be stylish

GLAD MP - a happy member of the House of Commons

PRONUNCIATION: (in-sin-yuh-EN-doh)

MEANING: noun: An assertion or hint that’s disparaging and suggestive.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of insinuation + innuendo. Earliest documented use: 1884.

IN SIN U END - you'll go to Hell if you don't mend your ways

RINSIN UENDO - using a bidet

IN-SITU ENDO - the goal of endoscopy; examining something in place, without removing it
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COOPETITION - a cockfight - 06/02/22 07:01 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ko-op-uh-TISH-uhn)

MEANING: noun: A collaboration between rivals.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of cooperative + competition. Earliest documented use: 1913.

COMP-ETITION - the struggle for free tickets

C=O=O PETITION - popular proposal to limit Carbon Dioxide emissions

CO-PETITION - 1) two people express their wishes; 2) or maybe it's just the Commanding Officer's request
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GLUMAZON - Wonder Woman is sad - 06/05/22 11:23 PM


MEANING. noun: A tall, glamorous, self-assured woman.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of glamor + amazon. Earliest documented use: 1943.

GLAMAZONE - Hollywood

LLAMAZON - a very strong Andean beast of burden

GLAMATON - a motorized Barbie doll

PRONUNCIATION: (kor-uh-NAY-shuhn street)

MEANING: adjective: Working-class.

ETYMOLOGY: After Coronation Street, a British television series about the lives of working-class people in the fictional town of Weatherfield. The soap opera debuted in 1960 and has been running ever since. It has its own affectionate nickname: Corrie. Ironically, Coronation Street is named after something far from working-class, a crown (corona). Earliest documented use: 1962.

CORONATION TREET - candy distributed at the installation ceremony

CORN-NATION STREET - the main drag in Iowa

MORONATION STREET - the way of the mentally challenged


MEANING: noun:
1. A spare wheel or a spare tire.
2. Something or someone treated as a backup.

ETYMOLOGY: After Stepney Street in Llanelli, Wales, where such wheels were initially manufactured. Earliest documented use: 1907.

NOTES:In the early days, automobiles did not come with a spare wheel. At the same time, roads were often not in good condition. Also, they were more likely to have nails that had fallen from horseshoes. As a result, flat tires or punctures were common. Walter and Thomas Davies started a business manufacturing compact spare wheels at Stepney Street and it took off. As a result, such wheels came to be known as stepneys. These days the term is used mostly on the Indian subcontinent.

STEPKEY - needed to decipher the Dance of the Bees, which they use to tell the hive where the source of nectar is

STEPNEY - rigging used by sailors to climb to the sails and spars

SHEPNEY - word used by some Welsh rustics as an elided form of "Shetland pony"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PEPPERALLY - in a manner of sneezing - 06/09/22 01:21 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Rough treatment.
2. Severe beating.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pepper Alley, a street in London, UK. Earliest documented use: 1820.

NOTES: The term arose as boxing slang, from the verb pepper, meaning to hit repeatedly. The phrase “to pay a visit to Pepper Alley” means to receive severe beating.

PEPPE RALLY - assembly to foster a girls' school spirit

"PEPPER" ALLEN - nickname of Gracie's older brother

PEPPER VALLEY - instead of grapes they grow Capsicum plants


MEANING: adjective: Fashionable or stylish.

ETYMOLOGY: After Carnaby Street in the West End of London, which became known in the 1960s for fashionable clothing stores. Earliest documented use: 1964.

CAR BABY - how Uncle Remus would trap a modern-day Br'er Rabbit, if he wanted to

CANNABY - weed, diminutively speaking

CARNALY - (sorry, can't publish this one; it's a family website)

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-KAY-shuh AV-uh-nyoo)

MEANING: noun: The middle class.

ETYMOLOGY: After Acacia Avenue, a common name of streets in the UK. Earliest documented use: 1919.

AFACIA AVENUE - unable to speak the name of the street

FACACIA AVENUE - a street in Rome named for it's signature bread dipped in a sauce of oil, garlic, and spices

ABA/CIA AVENUE - the place where the two organizations have a joint headquarters. I'm not authorized to tell you what they do there.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WORPHEAN - syn. for "Klingon" - 06/17/22 01:26 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (OR-fee-uhn, or-FEE-uhn)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Melodious.
2. Enchanting.
3. In the manner of Orpheus’s journey to the underworld.

ETYMOLOGY: After Orpheus, a musician, poet, and prophet in Greek mythology. His lyre-playing and singing could charm animals, trees, and even rocks. After his wife Eurydice, a nymph, died of a snakebite, he traveled to the underworld to bring her back. His music melted the heart of Hades, the god of the underworld, who allowed him to take his wife back on the condition that he not look back at her until they had reached the world of the living. They had almost made it when he looked back and lost her again. His mother Calliope/Kalliope has also given a word to the English language: calliopean. Earliest documented use: 1593.

MORPHEAN - a Greek Odo

ORPHAN - parentless owner of Sandy, the dog who barks "Orph! Orph!"

ORCHEAN - 1. testicular; 2. played by several instruments in concert

PRONUNCIATION: PRO-tee-uhs, -tyoos)

MEANING: noun: One who can easily change appearance, form, character, principles, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Proteus, a sea god in Greek mythology, who could assume different forms. He got his name from Greek protos (first) as he was one of the earliest sea gods. Earliest documented use: 1528. The adjectival form is protean.

PROTEANS- Odo again!

PROTEURS - professional amateurs (e.g. many college football players)

EROTEUS - a strip-tease artist
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EGOLIAN - full of oneself - 06/17/22 01:45 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (ee-O-lee-uhn)

MEANING:adjective: Relating to or caused by the wind.

ETYMOLOGY: After Aeolus, god of the winds in Greek mythology. As keeper of the winds, he gave a bag containing winds to help with Odysseus’s sailing. Earliest documented use: 1546.

EOSIAN - like a red dye

EYOLIAN - asinine, tailless and pessimistic

AEOLIGAN - a Greek thug or rowdy troublemaker
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PANIERER - weaver of breadbaskets - 06/17/22 02:05 AM


MEANING: noun: One who caters to the base desires, whims, or prejudices of others.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pandarus, a Trojan warrior in Greek mythology. He was known for his skill in archery. In later accounts, such as Chaucer’s and Shakespeare’s, he acts as a go-between in the love affair of Troilus and Cressida. This resulted in his reputation as a procurer in the English language. Earliest documented use: 1826.

WANDERER - an itinerant Magician

PANDORER - she who released all the evil in the world from a box in Boston

PANERER - a glazier specializing in double-paned windows


MEANING: adjective:
1. Made up of parts that are very different.
2. Fanciful; imaginative; illusory.

ETYMOLOGY: After Chimera, a fire-breathing female monster in Greek mythology who had a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. From Greek khimaira (she-goat), ultimately from the Indo-European root ghei- (winter), which also gave us chimera (literally, a female animal that is one winter, or one year old), hibernate, and the Himalayas, from Sanskrit him (snow) + alaya (abode). Earliest documented use: 1655.

CRIME RIC - what they call Ricardo, the new Head of the Family

CHIME RICE - what they put into those lovely delicate-sounding maracas

CHUM ERIC - he's my best pal
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DERBIFY - to put on a hat - 06/20/22 11:27 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To convert into a verb.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin verbum (word, verb). Earliest documented use: 1820.

VERGIFY - to push to the edge

HERBIFY - fancy word for "to add seasoning"

OVERBIFY - having too many bifs

PRONUNCIATION: (pro-puh-ROK-si-tohn)

MEANING: adjective: Having stress on the third-from-the-last syllable.
noun: Such a word.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek proparoxytonos, from pro (before) + para (beside) + oxys (acute) + tonos (tone). Earliest documented use: 1764.

PROPAROXYTENE - an antidepressant which is metabolized in the body to Paxil

PYRO-PAROXYTONE - a sudden sound of burning intensity

PRO-PROXYTONE - Management's language when they deliver their request for shareholder approval at the Annual Meeting


MEANING: adjective: Hard to understand; obscure.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin abstrudere (to hide), from ab- (away) + trudere (to push). Ultimately from the Indo-European root treud- (to squeeze), which also gave us extrude, intrude, threat, and thrust. Earliest documented use: 1549.

ABS TRUSS - one way to deal with the hernia above our navel

ABS TRUST - ... I'll put money on how many sit-ups I can do!

ABUT RUSE - scam involving your next-door neighbor

PRONUNCIATION: (gran-DIL-uh-kwuhnt)

MEANING: adjective: High-flown or pompous.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin grandis (grand) + loqui (to speak). Ultimately from the Indo-European root tolkw- (to speak), which also gave us breviloquence, obloquy, pleniloquence, sialoquent, somniloquy, ventriloquism, loquacious, and allocution. Earliest documented use: 1592.

GRAND ELOQUENT - thousand dollar fee for giving a speech

GRANDILO QUINT - Mr and Mrs Grandilo expected twins, not this!

GRENDILOQUENT - describing the Scandinavian bard who originally sung of Beowulf

PRONUNCIATION: (ses-kwi-pi-DAYL-yuh-niz-uhm)

MEANING: noun:
1. The practice of using big words.
2. A very long word.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sesqui- (one and a half) + ped- (foot). Earliest documented use: 1863.
SESQUIPEDALIAN IS ME - said the 18-inch-tall midget

'S EQUI-PEDALIANISM - it's the doctrine of having all one's feet the same length

SESQUIPETALIANISM - Schroedinger's Daisy, with one-and-a-half petals; it can't makeup it's mind whether she loves me or she loves me not
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MAINPART - the important stuff - 06/27/22 06:51 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A household.
2. A member of a household.
3. A servant.
4. A dependent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French mainpast (household), from Latin manupastus (household or its member), from manus (hand) + pastus, past participle of pascere (to feed). Earliest documented use: 1865.

MAINE PAST - formerly part of Massachusetts

MAINPASTA - we're having spaghetti for dinner

MATINPAST - yesterday morning

PRONUNCIATION: (oh-puhn-HAN-duhd)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Generous; liberal.
2. Delivered with an open hand, as a blow.

ETYMOLOGY: The figurative meaning alludes to someone giving money or other things away with an open hand. Earliest documented use: 1593. Some opposite terms are clutchfist, ironfisted, and hardfisted.

OPEN-HANDEL - the first two measures of The Messiah

COPENHANDED - they're very generous in the capital of Denmark

OPEN HAN DID - Yoda describes a poker game on the Millennium Falcon

PRONUNCIATION: (lyt-FING-uhrd, LYT-fing-)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Prone to or skilled at stealing.
2. Having nimble fingers or having a light touch.

ETYMOLOGY: From light, from Old English leoht + finger, from Old English. Earliest documented use: 1546. A synonym of the first sense is sticky-fingered.

SIGHT-FINGERED - skilled in Braille

FLIGHT-FINGERED - hands-on piloting

LIGHTING-EARED - "portmanteau puppet" - part Yoda, part E.T.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc THUMB-SOCKER - a 1990s handheld game - 07/03/22 03:58 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. Someone who likes to suck their thumb.
2. A journalistic piece that deals with the background and interpretation of events instead of hard news.

ETYMOLOGY: Why thumbsucker for such a piece of writing? It has been explained as something that a journalist writes after sucking their thumb for a while instead of going out there and covering hard news. Another interpretation is that such a piece provides background and interpretation of an event as a way to comfort the reader. It’s also called news analysis or a think piece. Earliest documented use: 1891.

THUMBTUCKER - so much thumb-wrestling that your thumb is all tuckered out

THUMB-ZUCKER - what you use to induce German infants to suck on their thumbs

THUMB-SICKER - having a worse infection on ones' pollex


MEANING: noun: A left-handed person.
adjective: Left-handed.

ETYMOLOGY: Of unknown origin. Earliest documented use: 1813.

NOTES: The term is especially common in baseball to describe a left-handed pitcher and in boxing to describe a boxer who uses the left hand for the most powerful punches, but what’s the origin of the term? According to popular belief, the term originated in baseball: the diamond was placed so the batter faces east and avoids the afternoon sun. A left-handed pitcher facing the batter would thus have the left hand to the south. The only problem with this is that the earliest citation of the term doesn’t involve baseball or any other sports.

SOUTHPOW - a roundhouse punch delivered by the left hand

MOUTHPAW - hoof-and-mouth disease

COUTHPAW - what a doggie offers you in polite greeting


MEANING: noun: A vacation spent at home or close to home.
verb intr.: To vacation at or close to home.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of stay + vacation, from Latin vacare (to be empty). Earliest documented use: 1944. Also see, busman’s holiday.

NOTES: It’s all relative. In the US, a vacation taken at or close to home -- a day trip -- is a staycation. In the UK, the definition includes any vacation taken within one’s country instead of traveling abroad. _______________________________

STRAYCATION - aimlessly driving the RV

STAGCATION - 2-weeks away from work - for men only

STAY CAT ICON - the Board of Directors of MGM will keep the lion as its symbol


MEANING: noun: Songs, poems, stories, etc., transmitted orally across generations.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of oral + literature. Earliest documented use: 1976.

RATURE - the ecstasy of a large rodent in a cheese factory

ORALURE - seeking gold, or Why the Spaniards came to the New World

ORASURE - supremely confident in one's utterances

ORAPTURE - an apostrophe uttered by a very happy person


MEANING: noun:
1. A long tapering flag.
2. A flag symbolizing a sports championship or another achievement.
3. A victory, championship, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of pendant, from Latin pendre (to hang) + pennon, from Latin penna/pinna (feather). Earliest documented use: 1470.

PENZANT - home of a Pirate

PENNANG - a city (and a state) in northwest Mallaysa

PENWANT - something you lack when you're in jail

PRONUNCIATION: (flek-suh-TAYR-ee-uhn)

MEANING: noun: One who follows a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally consumes animal products.
adjective: Primarily but not completely vegetarian.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of flexible + vegetarian. Earliest documented use: 1998.

ILEXITARIAN - a holly tree is supple, therefore eminently suitable for making into wreaths

FLO, EXITARIAN - Florence specializes in going out

FLEX ITALIAN - the bend in the Tower of Pisa
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BRODANCE - a Fraternity Hop - 07/08/22 04:33 PM


MEANING: noun: A close friendship between men.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of bro + romance. Earliest documented use: 2001. The female equivalent is womance (Don’t blame us -- we didn’t coin any of these).

EBROMANCE - a novel taking place on a Spanish river

BOOMANCE - a novel taking pace on Halloween

BROMANCHE - my brother lives on the other side of the English Channel, in France
Posted By: wofahulicodoc STADTLE - a small German city - 07/12/22 01:48 AM


MEANING: noun: A base, support, or supporting framework.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English stathol (base, support, or tree trunk). Earliest documented use: 900.

STANDLE - a low knick-knack stand

STADDLER - a fictional scientist (see Atlas Shrugged) who sold out his intellectual integrity to the Estabishment, in return for Power

STADD LEE - originator of Spiderman with a bad cold, introducing himself
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ORAGOON - a thug who's all mouth - 07/13/22 01:50 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To force someone to do something; coerce.

ETYMOLOGY: From French dragon (dragon, to dragoon). Earliest documented use: 1622.

NOTES: This is a good example of how the meaning of a word evolves from an object to a person to an action. Originally, the word dragoon referred to firearms, either from the fact that they breathed fire like a dragon or from the shape of the pistol hammer. Eventually, it began to be applied to a cavalryman armed with a carbine. Today the term is a verb for forcing someone to do something against their will.

DRANGOON - capital of Dburma

DRABOON - a colorless omnivorous primate

ERAGOON - protagonist of a scifi series by Chris Poolini


MEANING: noun:
1. Money, especially in a form that has an intrinsic value (for example, coins made from precious metals as opposed to paper money).
2. Type or kind (used in the phrase “in specie” meaning “in a similar manner”).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin species (appearance, form, kind), from specere (to look). Earliest documented use: 1551.

SPECIE - another counterexample to "I before E except after C..."

SPECOE - answer to "What kind of tea did you say this is?"

SPECIME - a sample children's TV program which takes place on a street
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RAVVY - small filled British pasta - 07/15/22 01:58 AM


MEANING: noun: A laborer or a construction worker.

ETYMOLOGY: Short for navigator, from Latin navigator (sailor), from navigare (to sail), from navis (ship). Earliest documented use: 1574.

NOTES: A navigator is someone who navigates. In the past, it was also a sailor or a mariner, from Latin navis (ship). Then the word came to be applied to someone who worked on the construction of a canal. Eventually, it became shortened to navvy and was used for any constructor worker, one who worked on roads, railroads, etc. The word is also used for mechanical excavators.

LAVVY - a diminutive London washroom

NAVEY - like the place in a church where the congregation sits

KNAVVY - fourth highest card in each suit in a modern deck


MEANING: noun: An agreement, especially between nations, to submit disputes to arbitration.

ETYMOLOGY: From French compromis (compromise). Earliest documented use: 1590.

COMP. ROMAs - free plum tomatoes

COR: PRO MIs - you have a lot of risk factors for getting a heart attack, y'know

COME: PROM IS...! - Would you accompany me to the Senior dance?


MEANING: verb intr.: To make a speech, especially in a tedious or pompous manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From speech, from Old English spaec/spreac (speech), from sprecan (to speak) + -ify (to make), from Latin facere (to make or do). Earliest documented use: 1723

SPEECH IFFY - we're not sure whether or not he'll give his oration

SPEE CHIEF Y - club named after the Captain of the Dirigible.

PEECHIFY - convert the orchard to a different fruit

PRONUNCIATION: (ag-ruh-STOL-uh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The study of grasses.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek agrostis (a type of grass), from agros (field) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1820.

A GROSS -OLOGY - a crude body of knowledge

AGRISTOLOGY - how windmills work during a famine

AGRA-STOLOGY - the study of Indian marble mausoleum sites
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SIMILET - a weak comparison - 07/23/22 01:22 AM


MEANING: noun: A little smile.

ETYMOLOGY: From smile + -et (a diminutive suffix). Earliest documented use: 1591.

SMITLET - a tap in the wrist

SMILENT - describing the Mona Lisa's expression

'SMILES - how far I have to go before I sleep (said Tom, frostily)

PRONUNCIATION: (tuhr-ji-vuhr-SAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. Misleading, evasive, or ambiguous speech or action.
2. Desertion of a party, position, cause, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin tergiversari (to turn one’s back, to evade), from tergum (back) + vertere (to turn). Earliest documented use: 1570.

FERGIVERSATION - when two people meet for apology, acceptance, and reconciliation

TERGIVER'S ACTION - Mr Tergiver has been a busy bee, hasn't he?

TER GIVE RATION - why I donated my lunch
Posted By: wofahulicodoc i never meta word I didn't like - 07/23/22 08:50 PM


MEANING: adjective: 1. Self-referential.
2. Relating to members of its own category.
adverb: In a self-referential manner.
noun: Something that is self-referential.
prefix: Denoting transformation, transcending, going beyond, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek meta (after, beyond, behind, beside, among, etc.). Earliest documented use: 1838.

METSA - so-so; half-way

MEETA - what you might do to a body comin' through the rye

NETA - your first and best butterfly-catching equipment

m𝒇 ETA - utter a Greek vowel at moderate loudness


MEANING: noun: A person’s signature.

ETYMOLOGY: From the name John Henry, from confusion with John Hancock. Hancock’s signature was the most prominent on the United States Declaration of Independence and his name became a synonym for a signature. Earliest documented use: 1914.

JOIN HENRY - Mr Ford requests the pleasure of your company

JOHN HENLY - what the combined Harvard-Yale crew team calls the bathroom

JOAN, HENRY - the Sainte is introduced to the King of England


MEANING: noun: A pampered or overprotected person.
verb tr.: To overprotect or pamper.

ETYMOLOGY: From Molly (a nickname for Mary) + coddle (to treat or boil gently), from caudle (a warm drink for the sick), from Latin caldum (hot drink), from calidus (warm). Earliest documented use: 1823.

COLLYMODDLE - Lassie has a new contract!

POLLY-CODDLE - you risk catching psittacosis if you share a cracker

MOLLY CO/DOLE - after the pineapple company and the fastener-manufacturer merge
Posted By: wofahulicodoc JOONES - what's Busting Out All Over - 07/27/22 08:52 PM


MEANING: noun: 1 One’s neighbors or social equals. Typically used in the phrase: keeping up with the Joneses.
noun: 2. An addiction or craving, especially for drugs.
verb intr.: To have an intense longing.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 1: From Jones, a common surname. The phrase was popularized by the comic strip Keeping up with the Joneses that ran in newspapers from 1913 to 1938. Earliest documented use: 1879.
For noun 2, verb: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1965

JONDES - yellow skin and eyes, from liver disease

D.J. "ONES" - favorites on the disk-jockeys' Hit Parade

JOLES - where on the greens they stand the flags on the Madrid golf course


MEANING: noun: One who is easily taken advantage of, by being deceived, unfairly blamed, or ridiculed.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps from the name Patsy, a diminutive of Patrick or Patricia, or from Italian pazzo (crazy), whose plural is pazzi, pronounced paht-see. Earliest documented use: 1889.

PATSHY - pulling away rom a light touch

NATSY - not just mean but can't spell, either

TATSY - covered with inked images
Posted By: wofahulicodoc J. ASNER - Ed's younger brother - 07/29/22 11:35 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A person; guy.
2. A wasp.
3. A compact, opaque quartz, typically in dull shades of red, yellow, and brown.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: From the name Jasper. Earliest documented use: 1896.
For 2: Perhaps from the name Jasper. Earliest documented use: 1967.
For 3: From Old French jaspre, from Latin iaspis, from Ancient Greek iaspis, of Semitic origin. Earliest documented use: 1330.

JA, SUPER - the German chancellor gives whole-hearted approval

ASPER - according to

WASPER - the exterminator who specializes in stinging flying insects
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OBIT RUDE - an unrefined death notice - 08/02/22 01:04 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To impose one’s ideas, opinions, etc.
verb intr.: To thrust forward or to intrude.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin obtrudere (to thrust at), from ob- (against) + trudere (to push). Ultimately from the Indo-European root treud- (to squeeze), which also gave us extrude, intrude, threat, thrust, and abstruse. Earliest documented use: 1575.

OBTRUE - If you can't believe your obstetrician, whom can you believe?

O BTRADE - an apostrophe after experiencing treachery

OBI RUDE - Jedi or not, Kenobi is not only inexperienced but also disrespectful
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MUDIFY - to roll in the wet dirt - 08/02/22 07:52 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To wash, cleanse, or purify.

ETYMOLOGY: From Middle French mondefier , from Latin mundificare (to cleanse), from mundus (clean). Earliest documented use: 1425.

MINDIFY - to provide a foil for that comedian from Ork

HUNDIFY - to make into a German dog

FUNDIFY - to deepen


MEANING: verb tr.: To tear off or to rip into pieces.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin discerpere (to tear to pieces), from dis- (apart) + carpere (to pick, pluck). Earliest documented use: 1483.

DISCERN - to remove the ashes from their container

DIS-CERA - to take out wax

DISPERP - a particular small-time crook from Brooklyn


MEANING: verb tr.: To wash out or extract, especially with a solvent.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin eluere (to wash out), from ex- (out) + -luere (to wash), from lavare/lavere (to wash). Earliest documented use: 1731.

ME LUTE - Honi's boyfriend doesn't speak English very well. (But then why should he? He's a Viking!)

ELUGE - to get thrown out of a speeding sled

EXLUTE - a musical instrument once used by Kurt Cobain. (It was a smashing success!)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MIRRIFY - to reflect - 08/06/22 01:24 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To make small or insignificant.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek micro- (small) + -ficare (to make). Earliest documented use: 1836.

MICRIFT - Sherlocks's older brother?

MICTIFY - to add urine (see LANT)

MICKIFY - to make mousy
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PYNICAL - the crest or uppermost point - 08/08/22 11:43 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Believing that people are motivated primarily by self-interest.
2. Behaving in a selfish manner, callously violating accepted standards.
3. Pessimistic; jaded; negative.
4. Contemptuous; mocking.

From Latin cynicus, from Greek kynikos (like a dog), from kyon (dog). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog), which is also the source of canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, corgi, and cynosure cynophilist, cynophobia, philocynic, cynegetic, and cynosure. Earliest documented use: 1588.

CYGNICAL - baby-swan-like.

BYNICAL - a housing for a ship's compass and a lamp

MY NICAL - what permits me to talk for as long as I want on the pay phone in the booth. (Well, 60 years ago, anyway. There aren't any more pay phones any more, or booths, either. Alas, poor Superman...)


MEANING: noun:
1. Any of various small, thickset, short-tailed, furry rodents.
2. One who mindlessly conforms or follows, especially toward disaster.

ETYMOLOGY: From Norwegian and Danish lemming, from Old Norse lómundr/læmingi/læmingr. Earliest documented use: 1607.

NOTES: Lemmings do not go lemming. It’s a myth that lemmings jump off a cliff into water in an act of mass suicide.

LE MING - the precious old Chinese relic in the Louvre

BEM MING - Flash Gordon's serial nemesis was a Merciless Bug-Eyed Monster

LEMMINY - how your tea tastes when you add too much citrus

PRONUNCIATION: (SUHR-pen-teen/tyn)

adjective: 1. Of or relating to a snake.
2. Winding, twisting, or coiling.
3. Intricate; cunning; treacherous.
verb intr.: To move or lie in a winding course.
noun: 1. Something winding, twisting, or coiling.
2. A dull green mineral with a texture resembling the skin of a snake.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin serpens, present participle of serpere (to creep). Earliest documented use: 1400.

TERPENTINE - paint thinner containing limonene

SERP ENGINE - Solar Emitting Rotary Propulsion motor

SIR PENTINE - eponymous Knight of the Five-Sided Table


MEANING: noun: Any of various hares having long ears and very long hind legs.
verb intr.: To move or begin to move very quickly.
adjective: Moving or beginning to move very quickly.

ETYMOLOGY: A combination of jackass + rabbit. Earliest documented use: 1863, in a figurative use: 1922.

NOTES: The word jackrabbit is a misnomer. A jackrabbit is a hare, not a rabbit. It is called a jackrabbit because of its long ears, as if those of a jackass. The metaphorical use is from a jackrabbit’s sudden movement. This has given us the slang “jackrabbit start” meaning a start in which a person accelerates very quickly as a traffic light turns green, maybe even before the light has turned. Like most animal-related metaphors, this unfairly maligns our furry friends. There have been no reported sightings of jackrabbits jumping a red light.

JACK, RABBI - John, meet my spiritual advisor

PACK RABBIT - a leveret capable of carrying large loads

JA, CRAB BIT - Were you able to trap that crustacean, Hans?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHEVY ACHEE - ooh, my car hurts - 08/14/22 11:38 PM


MEANING: noun: An expedition, raid, or campaign.

ETYMOLOGY: From French chevauchée (ride), from cheval (horse), from Latin caballus (horse). Earliest documented use: 1380.

CHE VACHE - a Cuban cow

CHEVA CHEER - Hooray for Cheva!

cc: EVA CHEE - Send Ms Chee a copy of this message

PRONUNCIATION: (ploo-TAH-gruh-fee)

MEANING: noun: The genre that chronicles the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek pluto- (wealth) + -graphy (writing). Earliest documented use: 1985.

PHUTOGRAPHY - high-speed image of spitting

POUTOGRAPHY - pictures of spoiled brats making dissatisfied faces

PLUSOGRAPHY - charts showing nothing but increases


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To decorate a manuscript, book, etc., with colors, gold, silver, etc.
2. To paint in red, titles, headings, or important parts of a book or manuscript.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin miniatus (illuminated), past participle of miniare (to color red with cinnabar), from minium (cinnabar, a red mineral of mercury). Earliest documented use: 1610.

MINI-ATE - what she had for dinner (cf. MIKI-ATE, which is what he had for dinner)

SIN: I ATE - I need absolution for being so heavy

MINI-AWE - what one experiences when distinctly unimpressed


MEANING: noun: One advocating the restoration of territory that earlier belonged to one’s country.

ETYMOLOGY: During the late 1800s and early 1900s in Italy, an irredentist was someone who advocated for restoration of Italian-speaking districts in other countries to Italy. The word is from Italian irredentista, from the phrase Italia irredenta (unredeemed Italy), from Latin redimere (to redeem). Earliest documented use: 1882.

SIR RE-DENTIST - knight whose trademark is to make yet another ding in your armor

IRKED ENT-IST - got your otorhinolaryngologist annoyed at you

IRREPENTIST - one with no qualms whatsoever
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RECOURSE - take the class again - 08/19/22 01:20 AM


MEANING: verb tr., intr.
1. To describe, define, or perform something in terms of itself.
2. To perform an operation by repeated application of a technique, such that the results of the first step are put through the same technique again.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin recurrere (to run back), from re- (again) + currere (to run). Earliest documented use: 1965.

RECUSE - gives the actor his line a second time

RECURVE - the dreaded Serpentine pitch (baseball)

E-CURSE - used by Draco Malfoy and crew during the pandemic

PRONUNCIATION: (de-kal-kuh-MAY-nee-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. The process of transferring a design from a specially prepared paper onto another surface.
2. A decal: a design on a specially prepared paper made to be transferred onto another surface.

ETYMOLOGY: From French décalcomanie, from décalquer (to transfer a tracing), from de- (from) calquer (to trace), from manie (craze). Earliest documented use: 1864.

DECAL CO. MANNA - food paid for by the decal company

RECALCOMANIA - compulsively rechecking one's arithmetic again

DE-CALICOMANIA - having an irresistible urge to get rid of three-colored cats (usually black and white and orange)


MEANING: noun: A situation in which events are repeated as if in a loop, especially when such events are of a tedious or monotonous nature.

ETYMOLOGY: After the 1993 film Groundhog Day in which the lead character, a television weatherman, relives a day in a time loop. Earliest documented use: 1994.

GROUNDDOG DAY - holiday to celebrate Korean sausages

GROUNDFOG DAY - holiday to celebrate exceedingly high dew-points

GROWN D'HOG DAY - holiday to celebrate bacon


MEANING: adjective: Relating to differing accounts or subjective interpretations of an event.

ETYMOLOGY: After the 1950 Japanese film Rashomon (based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s 1922 short story “In a Grove”) which showed a crime described by different people in different ways. Earliest documented use: 1961.

NOTES: In the film Rashomon, four people (a bandit, a samurai, his wife, and a woodcutter) narrate the details of a crime differently. Their stories are plausible, yet contradictory. The film touches upon the unreliability of eyewitnesses and the subjective nature of truth, reality, and memory. This phenomenon is also known as the Rashomon effect. The traditional story of the elephant and six blind men is another instance of this. It’s good to remember this the next time we feel too confident in our beliefs, perceptions, and experiences. Ultimately, we all can be unreliable narrators.

RASTO, MON - a Caribbean religion

RASHOMOON - full moon during the monsoon, when people get skin lesions

BASHŌ MON. - the Monday when we read Zen ko-ans
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KING KÖNIG - redundant German royalty - 08/24/22 06:45 PM


MEANING: noun: Something or someone of great size, strength, etc.
adjective: Huge.

ETYMOLOGY: After the title character of the 1933 film King Kong that depicts a huge ape-like monster. Earliest documented use: 1933.

KING SONG - You've Got a Friend

KING TONG - the biggest Chinese gang

KIN KONG - the big ape had a family
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MAD MARX - Groucho at his zaniest - 08/25/22 09:00 PM


MEANING: adjective: Dystopian, post-apocalyptic, anarchic.

ETYMOLOGY: After the 1979 film Mad Max and its sequels that portray a world marked by anarchy and extreme violence. Earliest documented use: 1986.

MAD MAC - the latest fast-food burger. Crazy, man!

MAMA X - mother of Malcom

MAD MANX - tailless cat with rabies
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GOD KILLA - Ragnarök - 08/27/22 01:37 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (GOD/guhd-zil-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. Someone or something of enormous size.
2. Someone or something fierce, frightening, monstrous, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After the 1954 Japanese film Gojira released in the US in 1956 as Godzilla. The film features an enormous dinosaur-like monster. Earliest documented use: 1965.

GOD-ZILLO - heavenly properties for sale

GOLDZILLA - an idol worshiped by the followers of Gojira

D.O.D.-ZILLA - a hugely bloated Department of Defense


MEANING: adjective:
1. Optimistic or cheerful, especially naively or to an unrealistic degree. Often used in the form “to see through rose-colored glasses”.
2. Of a bright pink or red color.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rosa (rose), from Greek rhodon (rose). Yes, a rhododendron is a rose tree, literally speaking. Earliest documented use: 1526.

DOSE-COLORED - identified with colored markings so you can tell how much (radiation, medication, capacitance) you're getting

ROSS-COLORED - red, white, and blue. Just ask Betsy!

ROE-COLORED - pink or black, depending on whether it's salmon or sturgeon
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TAJ MAHAL - lovely palace - 08/30/22 08:37 PM


MEANING: noun: Something, especially a building, that is luxurious or an extraordinary example of its kind.

ETYMOLOGY: After Taj Mahal, a mausoleum in Agra, India. Earliest documented use: 1860.

"RAJMAH AL" - chief cook in that great Indian restaurant

TAN MAHAL - they couldn't get any more white marble

TAJMA HAM - a curried pork dish


MEANING: adjective:
1. Easily angered.
2. Very angry.
3. Rash.

ETYMOLOGY: From hot, from Old English hat + head, from Old English heafod (top of the body). Earliest documented use: 1603.

HOT-BEADED - decorated with stolen jewelry

POT-HEADED - confused by repeated marijuana use

ROT-HEADED - afflicted with brain-eating amebas
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHICKEN SEED - an egg - 09/07/22 01:31 AM


MEANING: noun: A small amount of something, especially money.

ETYMOLOGY: From chicken, from Old English cicen + feed, from Old English fedan. Earliest documented use: 1834.

NOTES: Why chicken feed, as opposed to, say, cattle feed. The term alludes to a chicken’s relatively small size and hence their needing a small amount of feed. Also, they scratch at the soil in search for insects, seeds, etc.

THICKEN FEED - throw in some starch so the feed isn't so runny

CHICKEN FEET - the little wrinkles that radiate form the outer corners of the eyes as we age

CHUCKEN FEED - how I spent last summer, workin on the farm
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EROSEATE - impassioned - 09/07/22 01:53 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (ROH-zee-uht/ayt)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Like a rose, especially in color: pink, red, etc.
2. Bright; favorable; promising.
3. Unreasonably optimistic.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin roseus (rosy), from rosa (rose), from Greek rhodon (rose). Earliest documented use: 1449. Also see rose-colored.

ROW SEAT E - fifth one in from the aisle

URO-SEATE - a bidet

Posted By: wofahulicodoc DAIRY CHAIN - The Borden Company - 09/07/22 02:26 AM


MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To connect in a sequence, especially in a way such that one element latches on to the next (instead of being connected by another medium, such as a piece of thread).
noun: An interlinked sequence of things, events, people, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From allusion to a string of daisies tied together in a garland. From daisy, from Old English dæges éage (day’s eye, referring to the flower closing at night) + chain, from Old French chaine, from Latin catena. Earliest documented use: 1841.

DAISY CHAIM - the love interest in the newly-discovered series of Sholem Aleichem stories about "Li'l Avner"

DAISY CHAIR - where you sit in the room with the flower bed

DAISY CAIN - Abel's younger sister

DAISY CHAN - the unheralded wife of the famous Chinese detective, who did much of the sleuthing for him

PRONUNCIATION: (or-ki-DAS-i-tee)

MEANING: noun: Showiness.

ETYMOLOGY: From the large and showy flowers in the orchid family. From Latin orchis (orchid), from Greek orkhis (testicle, orchid, from the shape of its tubers). Earliest documented use: 1897. A related word is orchidaceous.

ORCHID CITY - Quito, Ecuador, purportedly

TORCH I.D. A CITY - Liberty's, in New York City, beside the golden door

ORCHIDACIDY - lovely flower with a low pH


MEANING: noun: Someone conspicuously successful, especially one likely to attract hostility.

ETYMOLOGY: From tall, from Old English getæl (quick, prompt) + poppy, from Old English popæg/popig. Earliest documented use: 1858.

NOTES: The word poppy has been used for a prominent person for a long time. The earliest example in the OED is from a 1641, a use by John Milton. Making it “tall poppy” is just a little inflation (or elongation)
Tall poppy syndrome is the tendency to cut someone down to size, someone who is successful, rich, or prominent. The expression is popular in Australia and New Zealand. A similar expression is that the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

TAIL POPPY - the last flower in the row

TALL HOPPY - Charley, the six-foot rabbit

TALL PUPPY - Clifford the Red Dog when he was young


1. Someone who does not mingle at a social event, such as a party, dance, etc.
2. A person or an organization that is forced to stay at the sidelines of some activity.

From wall, from Old English weall, from Latin vallum (rampart), from vallus (stake) + flower, from Old French flor (flower, flour, the best of anything). Earliest documented use: 1578.

TALL FLOWER - Helianthus annuus

CALLFLOWER - one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica. Typically, only the head is eaten (the edible white flesh).

WALL GLOWER - 1. a nightlight; 2. chaperone at a teenagers' dance


MEANING: verb intr.: 1. To sparkle, flash, or gleam.
2. To display great style or technique.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin coruscare (to flash). Earliest documented use: 1705.

CHORUSCATE - to arrange to be sung by a group of voices

CORUSGATE - 1. the portal through which the singers enter; 2. scandal in the Altos

CORPUS CATE - the body of an untamed shrew
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PLENIRUDE - ill-mannered - 09/13/22 08:59 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (PLEN-i-tood/tyood)

MEANING: noun:
1. The state of being full.
2. Abundance.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin plenus (full). Earliest documented use: 1425.

SPLENITUDE - anger, vitriol, ill-humor

P-LENTITUDE - a quiet Easter

PENITUDE - incarceration (portmanteau word for "penal servitude")
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RIFE SCENT - smelly everywhere - 09/15/22 01:26 AM


MEANING: adjective: Reddish.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rufus (red, reddish). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, corroborate, raddle, roborant, robustious, roborant, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1802.

R.U. DESCENT? - May I come in?

BUFESCENT - turning into a toad

PRUFESCENT - The Love Song of J Alfred grows on you, doesn't it?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BAUME - a treee in Berline - 09/16/22 01:27 AM


MEANING: noun: Fog or mist.

ETYMOLOGY: From French brume (mist), from Latin bruma (winter), from brevima dies (shortest day or winter solstice), from brevis (short). Earliest documented use: 1500.

BRUMEI - a small country in Bormeo, with Malaysia to the east and the South Chima Sea to the west

BRULE - what you do to creme to make a yummy dessert

BRUM - city in the West Midlands region of England, about 100 miles from London, after a linguistic evolution similar to that which reduced "elëemosynary" to "alms"

PRONUNCIATION: (al-TIL-uh-kwuhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Pompous or pretentious.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin altus (high) + loquentem (speaking), from loqui (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1656.

ALTOLOQUENT - having a low-pitched voice

GALTILOQUENT - espousing Objectivism

SALTILOQUENT - full of imprecations


MEANING: noun: A woman who is overbearing and obnoxious in planning her wedding.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of bride + Godzilla, a fictional monster. Earliest documented use: 1995.

BRIDLEZILLA - a monstrously overdone outfit for guiding ones' horse

BRIDENILLA - an ordinary, indifferent-looking woman getting married

BRIEZILLA - the Paris Cheese Festival
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ABUT-OLATRY - Love Thy Neighbor - 09/20/22 08:04 PM


MEANING: noun: Self-worship.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek auto- (self) + -latry (worship). Earliest documented use: 1861.

ALTOLATRY - worship of female singers with low voices

AUTOMATRY - the science of Horn and Hardart

AOÛTOLATRY - the French worship the month of August

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-lah-tree-AH-fuh-jee)

MEANING: noun: An abnormal desire to eat things not usually eaten, such as chalk or clay. Also known as pica.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek allotrio- (foreign) -phagy (eating). Earliest documented use: 1845.

ALTO-TRIO-PHAGY - couldn't you just eat up those three low-pitched voices singing...

ALLOT-RIO-PHAGE - a strange type of virus that decides how to divide the Brazilian city

ALLOW RIO PHAGY - the Phagy River is permitted

PRONUNCIATION: (zo-AN-thruh-pee)

MEANING: noun: The delusion that one is a beast.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek zoo- (animal) + -anthropy (human). Earliest documented use: 1856.

KOANTHROPY - belief that one is a Zen proposition

AZO-ANTHROPY - belief that one is a blue man

ZOAN THE ROPY - Zoan was extremely long and flexible

ZOAN THEROPY - the people of Zoa have their own unique way of treating certain disorders


MEANING: noun:
1. One who makes little effort at work, such as while waiting to retire or find another job.
2. One who changes views to conform to prevailing circumstances.
3. A computer that transmits precise time information on a network.

ETYMOLOGY: From time, from Old English tima (time) + server, from Latin servire (to serve), from servus (slave). Earliest documented use: 1566.

TOMESERVER - the runner in the Library who brings your requests from the stacks

LIMESERVER - the bartender's assistant who completes your Rickey

TIM RESERVER - someone who wants to be sure Timothy is available


MEANING: noun:
1. A very happy person.
2. One who deals in sand.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English sand + boy. Earliest documented use: 1796.

SANDBAY - why they keep having to dredge the harbor

SANDBUOY - "Stay away or you'll run aground!"

WANDBOY - derisive Muggles' nickname for Harry Potter
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AMUSiCASTER - an indifferent comedian - 09/29/22 02:16 AM


MEANING: noun: A mediocre musician.

ETYMOLOGY: From music + -aster (a pejorative suffix). Earliest documented use: 1838.

MUNi-CASTER - the filmmaker assigned to recruit Paul for a particular role

MOUSiCASTER - looking for Mickey's love interest

MUSHCASTER - Assistant Campaign Manager for Mudslinging

PRONUNCIATION: (gruhm-buhl-TOH-nee-uhn)

MEANING: noun: A habitual complainer.

ETYMOLOGY: From grumble, perhaps from French or Dutch. Earliest documented use: 1690.

GRUMBLETONIA - a village of Sourpusses ["Sourpi"?]

CRUMBLETONIAN - where all the buildings are sand castles

(GRUMBLE) TAN IAN - he deserves a whuppin'

GRUMBLESTONIAN - Arvo Pärt at his most irritated
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LOGO MEDALIST - prize-winning words - 09/30/22 04:23 PM


noun: One skilled in using or coining words.

From Latin logodaedalia, from Greek logodaidalia, from logodaidalos, from logos (word) + daedalus (skillful). Earliest documented use: 1727.

POGODAEDALIST - Walt Kelly, speaking through his Okeefenokee Swamp characters

LOCODAEDALIST - ...and crazy words at that, man

LOGO: DAEDALIS - small icon representing a wax-winged figure flying (too) close to the sun
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LAUDICROUS - full of praise - 10/04/22 01:28 AM


MEANING: adjective: So absurd as to provoke laughter.

ETYMOLOGY: In the beginning the word meant sportive. From Latin ludere (to play). Ultimately from Indo-European root leid- (to play), which also gave us allude, delude, elude, illusion, ludicrous, Ludo, collusion, ludic, and prelude. Earliest documented use: 1619.

MUDICROUS - what the Mississippi River is from one side to the other

LUDICROWS - very smart black birds whose antics make you laugh

LUDICROUP - a condition where you laugh so hard you can't breathe


MEANING: adjective:
1. Stylish.
2. Lively; self-confident.

ETYMOLOGY: In the beginning the word meant well-bred. From French gentil (nice), from Old French gentil (noble), from Latin gens (clan). Earliest documented use: 1662.

AUNTY - 2. (adj) against

HAUNTY - suitable for Halloween

JAUNEY - yellowed, icteric


MEANING: noun: One whose interests in clothing, music, etc., tend to be outside the mainstream, especially in a self-conscious way.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps from hep (up-to-date). Earliest documented use: 1920.

SHIPSTER - lover of large boats (think John Masefield !)

HOPSTER - beer aficionado; owner of a craft brewery

CHiPster - Erik Estrada
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DE-GARBONIZE - take the clothes off - 10/07/22 01:22 AM


MEANING: verb tr., intr.: 1. To reduce or remove carbon emissions by curtailing the use of fossil fuels.
verb tr.: 2. To remove carbon deposits from something, such as an internal combustion engine.

ETYMOLOGY: Earlier to decarbonize was to reduce the content of carbon in metals, such as crude iron. From de- (off, away) + carbon, from Latin carbon (charcoal). Earliest documented use: 1876.

DE-GARBONIZE - remove the chickpeas

DE-CARBORIZE - retrofit an engine with fuel injectors

DE-CARTONIZE - remove from their paper boxes
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SIRLY - with affected formality - 10/09/22 12:31 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Rude; sullen; unfriendly.
2. Ominous or dismal (used for weather, clouds, sky, ocean, etc.).

ETYMOLOGY: In the beginning the word meant lordly or majestic. Surly is an alteration of sirly, from sir, shortening of sire, from Old French sire, from Latin senior (older man), from senex (old). Ultimately from the Indo-European root sen- (old), which is also the ancestor of senate, senile, senectitude, and senescence. Earliest documented use: 1566.

SKURLY - droning, like a bagpipes

SUERLY - plaintiffly

SUR LYS - over the Lily (compare sub rosa - under the Rose)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CO-PEN-ICAN - written jointly - 10/10/22 07:29 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (koh/kuh-PUHR-ni-kuhn)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Very important; radically different; paradigm shifting.
2. Relating to Copernicus or his theory that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun.

ETYMOLOGY: After the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) whose heliocentric views were considered revolutionary in a world that believed in the geocentric model. Earliest documented use: 1667.

KAEPERNICAN - placing principles above financial gain; “putting one’s money where one’s mouth is”

COPPERNICAN - a special battery made from copper, nickel, and calcium

COPER-NICIAN - one who is expert in dealing with adversity


MEANING: adjective: Stylish, glamorous, elegant, fashionable, etc., especially in an ostentatious manner.

ETYMOLOGY: After César Ritz (1850-1918), a Swiss hotelier known for luxurious hotels. Earliest documented use: 1919.

RITTY - full of dye

FRITZY - Nancy's aunt (her last name, btw, was "Ritz")

ROTZY - college extracurricular group for training potential military officers


MEANING: verb intr.: To engage in wild revelry.

ETYMOLOGY: After Bacchus, the god of wine in Roman mythology. His Greek equivalent is Dionysus. Earliest documented use: 1656.

BATCHANALIZE - examine a subset of the product in question

T'BACCH-ANALIZE - scrutinize the cigarettes

BACH-ANALIZE - let me explain to you the structure and complexity of the Goldberg Variations

PRONUNCIATION: (OH-vuhr-tuhn WIN-doh)

MEANING: noun: The range of beliefs, attitudes, etc., considered acceptable at any given time.

ETYMOLOGY: After Joseph Overton (1960-2003) who proposed the idea. Earliest documented use: 2003.

OVERTOE WINDOW - an opening in the tip of shoes so the nails can be viewed

OVERTON WIDOW - surviving spouse of the late Sir John Overton

OVERTON WINDOW - overtone window (see "f-hole")
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BARDECIDE - slaying Shakespeare - 10/16/22 01:42 AM


MEANING: noun: One giving only the illusion of abundance or some benefits.

ETYMOLOGY: After Barmecide, a nobleman in the story “Barber’s Sixth Brother” from the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also known as The Arabian Nights). In the story, Barmecide pretends to host a lavish feast for a beggar. The beggar plays along, pretending to enjoy the food and wine. He then pretends to get drunk and knocks Barmecide down in the process. In the end, Barmecide is pleased with the beggar for going with the joke and offers him a real feast. Earliest documented use: 1713.

BARDECIDE - the barrista will let me know when she can't serve me any more beer

BARBECIDE - to kill a beard

KARMECIDE - when it's your fate to be murdered

PRONUNCIATION: (shringk-FLAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The practice of reducing the size of products while selling at the same price.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of shrink + inflation. Earliest documented use: 2013.

SHRINKFLATIRON - a smaller gadget to press your clothes with

SHRIEKFLATION - when you exclaim with horror upon seeing the latest CPI
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SELECT RATE - design your auto loan - 10/18/22 08:50 PM


MEANING: noun: A smaller group of people, as opposed to the general population, involved in picking a person, especially for a political position.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of select + electorate. Both from Latin legere (to choose). Earliest documented use: 1967.

SELECT ORNATE - choose Rococo

SELECTOR AGE - How old is your Automatic Transmission shifter?

SELECTORATI - the Pulitzer Prize committee

PRONUNCIATION: (shringk-FLAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The practice of reducing the size of products while selling at the same price.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of shrink + inflation. Earliest documented use: 2013.

SHRINKFLATIRON - a smaller gadget to press your clothes with

SHRIEKFLATION - when you exclaim with horror upon seeing the latest CPI
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FRAIZZLE - a small Gallic strawberry - 10/20/22 01:17 AM


MEANING: verb intr.: To make a sizzling or sputtering noise.
verb tr.: To fry until crisp or curled.

verb intr.: To form into small tight curls; to frizz.
noun: A short curl.

ETYMOLOGY: For group 1: A blend of fry + sizzle. Earliest documented use: 1839.
For group 2: Of unknown origin, perhaps from Old English fris (curled). Earliest documented use: 1565.

FRIZZLEE - the recipient of being crisped and curled (think "bacon")

GRIZZLE - to render streaked with grey, aged, weathered, and slightly unkempt

FRIZZLET - a young frizz


MEANING: noun: A young, fashionable, upper-class person.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of Sloane Square (in Chelsea, London) + Lone Ranger, coined by the writer Peter York in Harpers & Queen magazine. Earliest documented use: 1975.

LOAN ERANGER - Beware brokers bearing gifts

'S LOANER DANGER - what's the risk of using a car dealer's temporary replacement vehicle?

SLOANE RANTER - malcontent MIT B-school student who harangues a lot
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: SLOANE RANGER - 10/21/22 12:49 AM
DA LONA RANGER – spaghetti Western

(anagram: RONALD REAGAN)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: SLOANE RANGER - 10/21/22 08:04 PM
Yes, there's that, too...

PRONUNCIATION: (fuhr-ti-GAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The application of fertilizer by adding it to the water in an irrigation system.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of fertilizer + irrigation. Earliest documented use: 1967.

FARTIGATION - Something smells rotten in the State of Denmark


FERMIGATION - the creation of a Fermi Gate, a hypothetical wormhole through which an advanced alien civilization could observe our society without being seen - a possible resolution of the Fermi Paradox
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OMISOPHONIA - leaving out sounds - 10/25/22 01:50 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (mi-soh-FOH-nee-uh)

MEANING: noun: An intolerance of certain sounds, such as chewing, slurping, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek miso- (hate) + -phonia (sound). Earliest documented use: 2001.

MISOPHOBIA - fear of Japanese soup

MISTOPHONIA - the sighing of the breeze, heard on a foggy morning

MIS-OPTONIA - improper eyeball pressure; glaucoma
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LAWN FARE - 10-10-10 - 10/29/22 11:18 PM


MEANING: noun: The use of the legal system to overwhelm an opponent.

ETYMOLOGY: From law + warfare. Earliest documented use: 1975.

SLAWFARE - side order at the deli

LA FARE - price of a ticket to the West Coast

LOW FARE - airline advertising feature

PRONUNCIATION: (jer-uhn-TOK-ruh-see)

MEANING: noun: The system of government by old people.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek geronto- (old) + -cracy (rule). Earliest documented use: 1830. Note that the word senate is, literally, a council of elders, from Latin senex (old).

IGERONTOCRACY - government as practiced by Disney Inc.

GERONTOCRAZY - senile dementia

GERON TOO RACY - Geron can't have anything scheduled during prime time


MEANING: noun:
1. The use of legal, but unethical, tactics in a contest. For example, psychological intimidation, manipulation, distraction, etc.
2. The use of questionable means to gain an advantage.

ETYMOLOGY: From games + sportsmanship. Earliest documented use: 1939.

DAMES MAN SHIP - oxymoronic definition of the Women's Navy Corps

GAMES MANWHIP - ancient spectacle for sadists

GATESMANSHIP - the art of sneaking in without paying

PRONUNCIATION: (foh-nuh/noh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. A fear of or intolerance of loud sounds.
2. A hypersensitivity to sound.
3. An aversion to the sound of one’s own voice.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek phono- (sound) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1841. See also, astraphobia.

PRO-NO-PHOBIA - professionals don't scare me

PEONOPHOBIA - ...but I am afraid of serfs

PHONOPHIBIA - I can hear my leg-bones when I walk
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RE-CON - swindle again - 11/02/22 06:42 PM


MEANING: noun: The introduction of new information to give a different interpretation of an established storyline.

verb tr.: To revise a storyline in this manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From the first three letters of words in the phrase retroactive continuity. Earliest documented use: 1988.

RETOON - what a fiddler does between pieces

RETCHON - the fundamental particle of nausea

RESTCON - even a prisoner is entitled to a fifteen-minute break every now and then
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FLA K - potassium from Florida - 11/02/22 07:03 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. Severe criticism.
2. Anti-aircraft fire.

ETYMOLOGY: An acronym of German Flugzeugabwehrkanone (anti-aircraft gun), from Flieger (flyer) + Abwehr (defense) + Kanone (gun). Earliest documented use: 1938. The word is sometimes also spelled as flack.

KLAK - the second of the Tappet brothers

BLAK - one of the colors of my True Love's hair

FLARK - Noah's flying boat


MEANING: noun: Dangerous material, for / example, something toxic, explosive, or inflammable.
adjective: Relating to hazardous material.

ETYMOLOGY: A shortening of hazardous + material. Earliest documented use: 1972.

HAZMATH - the calculus of danger

HAR ! M.A.T. - my getting a Masters of Arts in Teaching would be laughable

HAZOMAT - where to buy teasing routines
Posted By: wofahulicodoc L-ARF - the bark of a left-handed dog - 11/04/22 01:59 AM


MEANING: noun: A role-playing game in which participants assume various characters and use costumes and props.
verb intr.: 1. To play such a game.
2. To pretend to be what one is not.

ETYMOLOGY: An acronym for Live Action Role Playing. Earliest documented use: 1990.


LARF - the sound of a Cockney laughing

LRRP - (pronounced “lurp”) a prolonged mission deep behind enemy lines; acronym of “Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol”

L.A. NP - Nurse Practitioner from southern California
Posted By: wofahulicodoc B'LAY - (nautical) to cancel - 11/04/22 02:00 PM


MEANING: noun: A promotional flier or a book extract packaged to showcase and promote a book.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps a blend of blurb + ad or an acronym for Basic/Book Layout and Design. Another possibility is from Scottish blad (fragment, portfolio). Earliest documented use: 1930s.

BX AD - promotional literature for am obsolete form of electrical cable

OB LAD - a boy baby

B DAD - so-so parent

PRONUNCIATION: (adj: in-KAHR-nuht/nit/nayt, verb: in-KAHR-nayt)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Embodied in flesh.
2. Personified.
3. Flesh-colored; blood red..
verb tr.: 1. To give bodily form to.
2. To make real; to actualize.
3. To personify.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin incarnare (to make into flesh), from Latin caro (flesh). Ultimately from the Indo-European root sker- (to cut), which also gave us skirt, curt, screw, shard, shears, carnage, carnivorous, carnation, sharp, scrape, and incarnadine. Earliest documented use: 1395. A related word is avatar.

IN BARN ATE - had lunch in the building with straw and cows and horses and stuff

"INCA" NATE - nickname for Nathan, the expert in Peruvian pre-Columbian civilization

IN-CAR NITE - once a month the fast-food joint invites its customers to eat their evening meal in the parking lot
Posted By: wofahulicodoc UNPLUNGED - clogged - 11/11/22 01:50 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Authentic; unadorned.
2. Refraining from the constant use of electronic communication and entertainment devices.
3. Relating to music performed with acoustic rather than electric instruments.
4. Not connected to an electrical outlet.
5. Without a plug or stopper (of a container of liquid).
6. Low-key; intimate.

ETYMOLOGY: From un- (not) + plug, from Dutch plug. Earliest documented use: 1823.

UMP-LUGGED - toted by the referee

GUNPLUGGED - shot with a bullet

UNSLUGGED - not shot with a bullet


MEANING: adjective: In abundance.

ETYMOLOGY: From French à gogo (aplenty). Earliest documented use: 1950. A synonym, galore, is also used postpositively.

GOGO - a popular social form the 1960s, featuring provocatively clad women dancing, originally in nightclubs and bars

A GIGO - bad data give useless conclusions (acronym of "Garbage In, Garbage Out")

A GOO-GO - a solvent for sticky stuff
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRELUMPTIVE - like unsweetened coffee - 11/11/22 02:29 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Assumed; expected; inferred.
2. Giving a reasonable basis for belief.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin praesumere (to assume), from prae- (pre-) + sumere (to take). Earliest documented use: 1443.

RESUMPTIVE - picking up where it left off

PRE-UMPTIVE - how it was before there were referees

PRESTUMPTIVE - before the tree is cut down
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BAT LARGE - clean-up hitter - 11/13/22 04:55 AM


MEANING: adjective: 1. Having a wide scope.
2. As a whole.
3. Not captured.
adverb: In a general manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ad largum (at liberty). Earliest documented use: 1391.

AT LARGO - vacationing in the Florida Keys

ATLAS GE - rocket booster made by General Electric

APT LARGE - Real Estate listing for a very spacious apartment

PRONUNCIATION: (MAL-kuhn-tent, mal-kuhn-TENT)

MEANING: noun: One who is chronically dissatisfied.
adjective: Chronically dissatisfied, complaining, rebellious, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin mal- (badly) + contentus (satisfied), from continere (to contain), from con- (with) + tenere (to hold). Earliest documented use: 1574.

MAC CONTENT - two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame-seed bun

MALCOM TENT - where he did his preaching

MAL CONTEST - Oh yeah? Well my sea-sickness was so-o-o bad...

FALCON TENT - where Han keeps his ship when he isn't using it
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FINBOY - nickname for Aqualad - 11/15/22 04:39 PM


MEANING: noun: A boy or man who is an extremely enthusiastic follower of someone or something.
verb intr.: To behave in an obsessive way about someone or something.

ETYMOLOGY: From fan, short for fanatic, from Latin fanum (temple) + boy. Earliest documented use: 1919.

FANBOT - a computer program whose purpose is to cast (fraudulent) votes in an online popularity contest

TANBOY - a confirmed surfer (compare WANBOY, a confirmed sun avoider)

FANBAY - where the air-blowers are stored when not in use
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TRAUMATURE - sudden, violent injury - 11/16/22 05:34 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A miracle worker.
2. A magician.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek thaumat- (wonder, miracle) + -urgy (work). Earliest documented use: 1715.

THAUMATURF - the new Wonder Grass

THAT U MATURE - prerequisite for growing up

THOU MATURE - my $1,000 bond is now due

PRONUNCIATION: (TEM-puh-ry-zuhr)

MEANING: noun: One who delays, waiting for a favorable time, or to avoid making a decision.

ETYMOLOGY: From French temporiser (to bide one’s time), from Latin temporizare (to pass the time), from tempus (time). Earliest documented use: 1555.

TEMPORITER - the composer who figures out how fast to play

TEMPORINSER - the conductor who wrings every last bit of emotion out of the music

TEMPTORISER - up-and-coming seductress
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHASUIST - a devotee of King Charles - 11/20/22 09:09 PM


MEANING: noun: One who employs deceptive or excessively subtle reasoning, especially on moral issues.

ETYMOLOGY: From French casuiste, from Spanish casuista, from Latin casus (case, fall, chance). Earliest documented use: 1616. Also see sophist.

CASHIST - no checks or credit cards accepted (viz. Spags, in Worcester, MA)

Ca SUIT - hard shell containing calcium, such as is produced by clams and oysters and mussels

CAMUIST - proponent of the philosophical theory that Existence is intrinsically absurd; favorite literature is The Stranger or The Plague


MEANING: verb intr.: To search, rummage, dig up, etc.
verb tr.: To stuff or to intersperse with something.
noun: 1. Any of various edible fungi that grow underground.
2. A soft, round candy made with chocolate, often coated with cocoa powder.

ETYMOLOGY: From French truffe, probably from Latin tuber (swelling). The verb intr. sense alludes to the search for underground truffles, traditionally with the help of pigs or dogs. The transitive verb is from the stuffing of truffles in something being cooked. Earliest documented use: noun 1591, verb 1868.

TRUFFOE - New Wave French film director, 1955-1984

TRU-FF-LY - in an extremely loud manner

GRUFFLE - to express being upset in a grouchy manner
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SECUNNER - never ever in first place - 11/22/22 02:58 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: 1. To disgust or sicken.
2. To feel disgust or to flinch.
noun: 1. Dislike or disgust.
2. A rascal; nuisance.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots scunner/skunner (to shrink back). Earliest documented use: verb: 1425, noun: 1512.

'S CUTNER - Who wrote Elak of Atlantis in 1985 and Prince Raynor in 1987 ?

SCANNER - a product of the imagination of SciFi writer Cordwainer Smith, in "Scanners Live in Vain"

STUNNER - unexpected and shocking, like the Patriots/Jets game of last weekend, or the Pats/Dolphins game of December 2019
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TAM CAT - cat wearing a Scottish hat - 11/23/22 08:50 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. A male domestic cat.
2. A womanizer.
verb intr.: To pursue women promiscuously.

ETYMOLOGY:The word was probably popularized by the anonymously published children’s book The Life and Adventures of a Cat (1760). Earliest documented use: for a cat: 1772; for a womanizer; 1884, for verb: 1917.

I AM CAT - popular song proclaiming the power of the species; 1971, by Feline Reddy, also covered by many others

TOM-TAT - past tense of the singer of "Willow, tit-willow, tit-willow"

TOM-CRAT - member of a government by cat
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WHINIE - name of a Phooh Bear - 11/25/22 03:10 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: To whine or to complain.
noun: A whine or complaint.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English hwinsian (to whine). Earliest documented use: verb 1150, noun 1530.

SHINGE - to sear one's hair while intoxicated

WHINCE - to flinch in an aspirated fashion

W-HINGE - articulates in three bends


MEANING: noun: A notch or a small cut.
verb tr.: To make a small cut or notch.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin, perhaps a variant of niche. Earliest documented use: noun: 1726; verb: 1880.

KITCH - where you prepare din-din

NIT, DH - Now batting, Willie Nit, Designated Hitter

NITCO - "Our Specialty: the eggs of Pedculus humanus capitis"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MA RATION - food for Mama - 12/01/22 02:09 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (MAR-uh-thon/thuhn)

MEANING: noun: 1. A footrace of 26 miles, 385 yards (42.195 km).
2. Any long-distance race, for example, a swimming marathon.
3. An endurance event or contest, such as a dance marathon.
4. An event of greater than usual length, for example, a Netflix marathon.
adjective: Relating to something that requires a lot of effort and endurance.
verb tr.: To take part in a long race, task, event, etc., or one that requires long sustained effort.

ETYMOLOGY: After Marathon, a village in Greece, the site of victory over Persians in 490 BCE and from where a messenger ran to Athens to carry the news. Earliest documented use: 1896.

BARATHON - major push to study before the lawers' certification test

MARATHOU - deface a $1,0000 bill

MURATHON - covering the entire wall with art in one single session
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TROPHE - prize for winning - 12/04/22 07:17 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (TROH-kee, British: trosh)

oun: A small tablet or lozenge, typically round and sweetened.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek trochos (wheel), from trechein (to run), which also gave us the metrical trochee. Earliest documented use: 1597.

TORO CHE - prize bull named for the Cuban revolutionary

TROTHE - women promising to marry

TOCHE - one buttock

PRONUNCIATION: (in-tuhr-LOHP, IN-tuhr-lohp)

MEANING: verb intr.: To intrude or interfere.

ETYMOLOGY: Probably a back-formation from interloper, from Latin inter- (between) + Dutch lopen (to run), which also gave us landloper and landlubber. Earliest documented use: 1603.

WINTER LOPE - it's a different gait, running in February

INTER HOPE - exhortation to All Ye Who Enter Here

INTER-POPE - when the Pope dies and a new Pope has yet been elected


MEANING: noun: An early symptom that indicates the onset of a disease or an episode of something such as a migraine.

ETYMOLOGY: From French prodrome (forerunner), from Latin prodromus, from Ancient Greek prodromos, from pro- (before) + dromos (running), which also gave us syndrome, hippodrome, and palindrome. Earliest documented use: 1611.

PYRO-DROME - where they hold competitive fireworks displays

PRO DOME - indoor arena where the Big Leagues play

PROD ROMEO - Juliet is hinting

PRONUNCIATION: (droh-muh-MAY-nee-uh)

1. A compulsive desire to travel.
2. An excessive enthusiasm for running.

ETYMOLOGY: From Ancient Greek dromos (running) + -mania (excessive enthusiasm or craze). Earliest documented use: 1900.

DR. OÖMANIA - a medical ovulation specialist (not to say a fanatic)

DR.OZ-OMANIA - what almost got him elected in Pennsylvania

DRONOMANIA - excessive enthusiasm about remote-controlled flying craft


MEANING: - adjective: Having a sweet, innocent appearance.

ETYMOLOGY: - From cherub, from Latin cherubim, from Greek kheroubin, from Hebrew kerubim. Ultimately from the Semitic root krb (to praise). Earliest documented use: 1645.

THE RUBIC - that fellow who invented that cube puzzle so popular 40 years ago

CHERUB, INC - a subsidiary of Heaven, LLC (salvation is a growth industry these days)

CHER URIC - dear gout


MEANING: noun:
1. A nest.
2. A source or the central point, especially of infection where bacteria or other pathogens breed.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nidus (nest). Ultimately from the Indo-European root sed- (to sit), which also gave us nest, sit, chair, saddle, assess, sediment, soot, cathedral, tetrahedron, nidifugous (leaving the nest soon after birth), and nidicolous (remaining with parents). Earliest documented use: 1691.

MID-U.S. - two or three hundred miles on either side of the Mississippi

NIDUC - a Native American tribe of western New Hampshire

NINDUS - a river in Nindia, one of the four great rivers of the middle-east and Nindian subcontinent and a cradle of cnivilization
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BELAGIC - monstrous acting - 12/08/22 08:28 PM


MEANING: adjective: Relating to or living in the open ocean, far from land.

ETYMOLOGY: Latin pelagicus (of the sea), from Greek pelagos (sea). Ultimately from the Indo-European root plak- (to be flat) which also gave us archipelago, flake, flaw, placate, plead, please, and plank. Earliest documented use: 1656.

PELATIC - like an eastern exercise program

P.E. MAGIC - mystical results resulting from a Physical Education program

OPELAGIC - like a German car

PRONUNCIATION: (tat-uhr-di-MAYL-yuhn, -MAL-)

MEANING: adjective: Ragged, tattered.
noun: A person in ragged clothes.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old Norse toturr (rag). The origin of demalion is uncertain. Earliest documented use: 1608

TATTED ÉMALION - made lace in the French town of Émalion

TASTER deMAL-ION - epicure specializing in evil charged particles

TATTER-DERMA-LION - big cat with raggedy skin
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BIBLIOPHTHAGIST - a book illustrator - 12/12/22 02:20 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (bib-lee-AH-fuh-jist)

MEANING: noun: One who loves to read books; a bookworm.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek biblio- (book) + -phage (one who eats). Earliest documented use: 1881. Another form of the word is bibliophage.

BILIOPHAGIST - a bile drinker

BIBIOPHAGIST - one who devours Israeli Prime Ministers

BIBLIOPTAGIST - one who values books because of their appearance


MEANING: noun: A writer of prose.

ETYMOLOGY: From French prosateur (a prose writer), from Italian prosatore, from Latin prosator, from prosa (straightforward). Earliest documented use: 1728.

PRO-S.A.T.-ER - someone in favor of continuing to use the Scholastic Aptitude Test as part of the College Admissions process

PROSTATEUR - a connoisseur of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (that bane of the aging male)

PYROSATEUR - a hypersexed demon, half man and half goat, who lights fires

PRONUNCIATION: (BIB-lee-uh-pohl)

MEANING: noun: A bookseller, especially of rare works.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin bibliopola (bookseller), from Greek bibliopoles, biblio- (book) + polein (to sell). Earliest documented use: 1775.

BIBLIOPOLY - government by book readers (a consummation devoutly to be wished)

BILLIOPOLE - to which you tie the male goat, to keep him out of mischief

BIBLIOPLE - (the library was really in Istanbul, not Alexandria)


MEANING: noun: The material surrounding the main text of a book, such as covers, preface, bibliography, colophon, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek peri- (around) + text, from Latin texere (to weave). Ultimately from the Indo-European root teks- (to weave), which also gave us context, texture, tissue, tectonic, architect, technology, ]PERITEXT[/b]subtle, and subtile. Earliest documented use: 1977.

NOTES: The word is primarily used with books, but can be applied to other creative works such as films, computer games, etc.

"PERI - NEXT!" - the dentist specializing in gum-diseases must be doing a land-office business

PETIT-EXT - a small extension

P.E. WRITE-XT - old computer program for teachers to record the results of gym class
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BIBLIOPHONE - Dial-a-Verse - 12/17/22 03:46 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (BIB-lee-uh-fohb)

MEANING: noun: A person with a strong aversion to books.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek biblio- (book) + -phobe (one who fears).

BI-BIOPHOBE - fearful of having the story of one's life told twice

BILIOPHOBE - afraid of gall bladder secretions

BIBLIOPROBE - Congress investigates its Library

BIBLIOPHOEBE - a Gospel-singing bird


MEANING: noun: A general assembly of the people of a town, city, county, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English folcmot, from folc (folk) + mot (moot). Earliest documented use: 1513.

FORKMOOT - the reply to the question, "Should the place setting include to salad fork or the dinner fork when all I'm serving is split pea soup?"

FOLKMOON - the peasants make a rude gesture en masse

FOLKMOO - the sound of the herd
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EQUAL M: E/C^2 - 12/21/22 05:15 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (kwam, kwom)

MEANING: noun:
1. An uneasy feeling about the rightness of a course of action.
2. A sudden feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1531.

QUAD M - a pretty big type spacer, about as wide as the letter M is tall

SQUAL M - the thirteenth small, localized, intense sea storm of the season

QUO ALM - Whence cometh this charity?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FASTILLAGE - rapid farming - 12/21/22 07:42 PM


MEANING: noun: A sugar paste that’s molded into shapes and figures for decorating cakes, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From French pastillage (a small figure made of sugar), from pastille (lozenge), from Spanish pastilla (candy), from Latin pasta (dough). Earliest documented use: 1883.

POSTILLAGE - after the harvest is over

PASVILLAGE - 1. the town my dad grew up in; 2. a community of dances


EASTILLAGE - a neighborhood in lower Manhattan


MEANING: noun: A sacred poem or song.
verb intr.: To sing a poem or song.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English psealm, from Latin psalmus, from Greek psalmos (plucking of strings), from psallein (to pluck). Earliest documented use: c. 450 CE.

UPS ALM - government charity for the delivery company with the brown trucks

PSALOM - the son for whom King David wept when he heard of his death in battle

PSA-FM - a Public Service Announcement on the radio


MEANING: noun: A style of painting in which small dots are applied to the canvas. Also known as pointillism.

ETYMOLOGY: From French pointiller (to paint small dots), from Latin punctum (point), from pungere (to prick). Earliest documented use: 1887.

PO IN VILLAGE - the river goes through the middle of town

PIN TILLAGE - the growing of golf holes

POINT ULLAGE - a promontory where liquid contents evaporate from bottles
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FUNOIA - a good feeling of amusement - 12/26/22 09:41 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A feeling of goodwill.
2. A state of good mental health.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eunoia (well mind), from eu (well, good) + noos (mind, spirit).

NOTES: Eunoia is the shortest word in English with all five vowels.

EU-NO-MI-A - my Italian acquaintance

REUNOIA - the return of the psychotic

PUNOIA - the satisfying feeling of having just made a good one


MEANING: verb tr.: To crunch, crush, or grind.

ETYMOLOGY: Of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1620.

NOTES: The word scraunched is the longest one-syllable word in the English language.

S.C. RANCH - what they call a hacienda in Greenville

SCRUNCH - to squeeze together so as to take up less space, as on a sofa or car seat

S.C.R. LUNCH - midday meal in the cafeteria of the State Capitol Refectory

PRONUNCIATION: (lim-NOF-uh-luhs)

MEANING: adjective: Fond of or living in inland bodies of water such as lakes, pools, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek limne (lake) + -philous (liking). Earliest documented use: 1855.

NOTES: The word limnophilous is one of the few words in English that have four consecutive letters of the alphabet in a row. Some everyday words are understudy and overstuff.

LIMOPHILOUS - a devotion to travelling by luxury cars

LIMPOPHILOUS - a fondness for great gray-green greasy rivers

GIMNOPHILOUS - opposite of angiophilous

PRONUNCIATION: (far-muh-kuh-PEE-uh)

MEANING: noun:
1. A book listing approved drugs and related information.
2. A stock of drugs.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek pharmakon (drug) + poiein (to make). Earliest documented use: 1618.

PHARMACOPERA - a musical drama about ants

PARMA-COPE-IA - there's not enough cheese for the spaghetti, but I'll manage

P. HARM-A-COP ERA - 16. an unfortunate outgrowth of the Black Lives Matter movement

PRONUNCIATION: (ok-see-GOO/GYOO-zee/zhee-uh, -zhuh)

MEANING: noun: An acute sense of taste.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek oxy- (sharp) + -geusia (taste). Earliest documented use: 1848.

FOXYGEUSIA - "They never had such a supper in their life/And the little ones chewed on the bones, O...."

LOXYGEUSIA - the yummy taste of bagel and cream cheese and all the trimmings

OXYGE-U.S.A. - what we'll breathe when the CO2 level builds up too high
in this country
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HAREK - Spock's uncle - 01/04/23 03:58 AM


MEANING: verb intr.:
1. To listen attentively.
2. Hark back: to allude to or return to a previous topic, time, event, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English heorcian (to listen). Earliest documented use: 1175. A variant is hearken.

MARK - the Muster who has three quarks, according to James Joyce

HAIK - when the Center snaps the football on the 5/7/4th syllable (that is, the count is missing its final syllable)


MEANING: noun: A small mountain lake.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old Norse tjǫrn (small lake). Earliest documented use: 1400.

TO A RN - ode in appreciation of my nurse

STARN - plural of "Star" (German)

TARM - a short runway (or, one with no alternating current)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TOPPS - printer of baseball cards - 01/07/23 08:54 PM


MEANING: noun: A traditional theme, literary motif, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek koinos topos (common place) which also gave us the word topic. Earliest documented use: 1948.

POPOS - what you pat 'em on after thy put their feet up

TOPOS - short for "topographical errors"

NOPOS - Should I attach this wire to the negative terminal?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ASP IV - the fourth Egyptian snake - 01/07/23 09:06 PM


MEANING: noun: An unscrupulous person or a petty criminal, especially one who is sharply dressed.
verb intr.: To make a living unscrupulously.

SHIV a small knife used by a petty criminal

SHTV - use the Mute button on a television set

SPID - went too fast and skidded
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RIVET - a small crack - 01/07/23 09:27 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To tear, split, fracture, etc.
verb intr.: To become split or cracked.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old Norse rifa (to tear apart). Earliest documented use: 1250.

RIVER - one who cracks

ROVE - used to crack

DRIVE - chief design officer (CDO) of Apple Inc. (from 1997 until 2019) after he was awarded an honorary doctorate

PRONUNCIATION: (i-di-OL-uh-tree)

MEANING: noun: Self worship.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek idio- (one’s own, personal) + -latry (worship). Earliest documented use: 1626. A synonym is autolatry.

IDI-OLATRY - glorifying the former head of Uganda

INDIOLATRY - diehard NASCAR racing fanatic

I DIOL AUTRY - What do I do when I want to talk to Trigger?

PRONUNCIATION: si-NAN-thruh-pee)

MEANING: noun: A delusion in which one believes oneself to be a dog.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek kyon (dog) + -anthropy (human). Earliest documented use: 1594.

CYANTHROPY - believing to b one of Burton Rouché's Eleven Blue Men

CYGNANTHROPY - believing to be an Ugly Duckling (actually, a baby swan)a

MY ANTHROPY - a child pioneer in Nebraska at the end of the Nineteenth Century


MEANING: noun:
1. A place of escape, hiding, or seclusion.
2. A hole through which to escape when in danger.

ETYMOLOGY: From bolt + hole, from Old English bolt (a heavy arrow) + Old English hol (hole, cave). Earliest documented use: 1851.

BOLT HOME - what the third-base runner does on a passed ball

DOLT-HOLE - alternative to a dunce cap on the three-legged stool in the corner

BOLE-HOLE - where you hang the bucket after tapping the sugar maple tree

PRONUNCIATION: (hy-puhr-uh-KYOO-sis)

MEANING: noun: A heightened sensitivity to sounds.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hyper- (over) + acousis (hearing). Earliest documented use: 1825.

HYPERACUSS - a very special swear word

HYPER-ACCUSIS - "But her e-mails!..."

HOPE-RACUSIS - how we wished the Clarence Thomas affair had worked out (alas, in vain)


MEANING: adjective: Affecting smartness and respectability.

ETYMOLOGY: From the perceived preference of suede shoes by people supposedly smart and respectable. From suede (a soft leather), from French gants de Suède (Swedish gloves). Later the word suede was applied to the material, instead of the country. Earliest documented use: 1936. Also see white-shoe.

SUED-SHOED - obtained a warrant against the person with the boots

SUE, DE-SHOD - yes and they took off her high heels, too

SUE DE-SHOWED - she took down the racy web images


MEANING: noun: One who disrupts, damages, or destroys, especially in an underhanded manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From French saboter (to walk noisily, to botch), from sabot (wooden shoe). Earliest documented use: 1921.

NOTES: The popular story of disgruntled workers throwing their sabots into the machinery to jam it is not supported by evidence. Rather, it’s that the workers typically wore sabots.

SAVOTEUR - a devotee of Gilbert & Sullivan, so named because of G&S' connection with the Savoy Theater in London

SABETEUR - one who knows (after Spanish ¿Quien sabe?, proposed source of Tonto's "Kemo Sabe")

SAMBOTEUR - habitual patron of a now-defunct restaurant chain (long considered politically incorrect)


MEANING: adjective: Having plenty of money.

ETYMOLOGY: Alluding to a person who can easily afford to replace shoes often. Earliest documented use: 1871. The opposite is down-at-the-heel.

WELL-HEEDED - paid attention when told "the first priority is a good water supply"

WELL-WHEELED - having enclosures for its wheels

WE'LL-SEE-LED - the CEO has a make-it-up-as-we-go-along attitude


MEANING: noun: The transfer of electronic information by physically moving it storing it on a device and moving the device), instead of doing it over a computer network.

ETYMOLOGY: From sneaker (a shoe popular in everyday use) + net, alluding to someone carrying a disk, memory key, etc. from one computer to another. The shoes were called sneakers because their rubber soles made them very quiet. Earliest documented use: 1984.



MEANING: Noun: The transfer of electronic information by physically moving it (storing it on a device and moving the device), instead of doing it over a computer network.

ETYMOLOGY: From sneaker (a shoe popular in everyday use) + net, alluding to someone carrying a disk, memory key, etc. from one computer to another. The shoes were called sneakers because their rubber soles made them very quiet. Earliest documented use: 1984.

SPEAKERNET - 1. the coarse cloth covering the cone of a large loudspeaker; 2. a collection of loudspeakers linked together a a common control board

SNEAKERTET - subdued public lectures on the occasion of the Vietnamese New Year

SNEAKER WET - why you don't step into puddles leaving the Basketball court


MEANING: adjective: Having a stern, angry, or sad expression.

ETYMOLOGY: From the expression “to have a seaboot face” (to have grim face), probably alluding to seaboots being worn on a ship in bad weather. Earliest documented use: 1925.

BOOT-FARAD - the strength of the start-up capacitor

TOOT-FACED - red-cheeked from blowing the tuuba too hard

BOOT-ACED - cheated out of the pot because your opponent pulls out an ace that was hidden in his footwear


MEANING: noun:
1. A sense of purpose or something that gives a sense of purpose; a reason for living.
2. Something that brings fulfillment or enjoyment.

ETYMOLOGY: From Japanese ikigai (a reason for being), from iki (life) + -gai (worth). Earliest documented use: 1972. The French equivalent is raison d’être.

IKI-GAI - unappealing young man

I-KIRAI - [possible trigger warning] the final moments of a ritual suicide (seppuku)

I, KING AI - self-proclaimed Ruler of the Sloths


MEANING: A large conglomerate of businesses, tightly controlled by a person or a family.

ETYMOLOGY: From Korean chaebol, from chae (wealth) + bol (faction), modeled after Japanese zaibatsu, by the use of Korean pronunciations of the two Chinese characters with which the word zaibatsu is formed. Earliest documented use: 1972.

CHAEBOT - Artificial Intelligence app to imitate the governance of a cartel

CHATBOL - A talking soccer ball; it says "Ouch" when you kick it, "Aah" when you head it, "Gotcha!" when you do a good dribble maneuver

AHA! EBOL' - Uh-oh, there's a new outbreak of virus in rural Africa


MEANING: noun: 1. A short, thick, heavy stick, used as a weapon. Also known as a truncheon, blackjack, bludgeon, etc.
2. An attack with, or as if with, such a weapon.
verb tr.: To hit with, or as if with, such a weapon.

ETYMOLOGY: From Romani kosh, from koshter (stick). Earliest documented use: 1869.

COSHA - food that's OK to be eaten by Orthodox Bostonian Jews

COASH - what a drunken athlete calls the head of his team

COKH - a Klingon delicacy, made of live beetle larvae. Just ask Will Riker.


MEANING: noun: Chastisement; punishment; beatings.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hindi thoko, imperative of thokna (to strike or beat). Earliest documented use: 1823. Also see dekko.

ROCO - an artistic style characterized by not-very-elaborate ornamentation

TO CD - where to move your funds when you're worried about an imminent stock market crash

TOE CO. - a firm that makes polydactyl feet


MEANING: noun:
1. A rude person.
2. A miserly person.
3. A peasant.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English ceorl (peasant). Earliest documented use: 800.

C.O. HURL - the Company commander is pitching for the ball team

D.C. HURL - sick drunk in the nation's Capital

CHURE - "Of course," with a heavy Slavic accent


noun: 1. A detachable shirtfront, collar, bib, etc.
2. A small bird. [as in "Oh willow, tit willow, tit willow" - Wofa]
3. A donkey.
4. The driver’s seat or rear seat in a carriage.
5. The luggage compartment of a vehicle; also known as trunk or a boot.

adjective: 1. Not working properly.
2. In poor health.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun: A diminutive of Dick, a nickname for Richard. Earliest documented use: 1753.
For adjective: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1788.

I.C. KEY - needed to reverse-engineer an integrated circuit

DICEY - cubical

DICK ICE - cure for the hots
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KINGBAT - Lord of the Flycatchers - 02/06/23 02:19 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. An eccentric or crazy person.
2. An ornamental typographical symbol, such as ✲, ❏, ☛, ♥.
3. An object, such as a brick, used as a missile.
4. A gadget or an object whose name is unknown or forgotten. Aka, thingamajig, gizmo, etc.
5. A two- to three-story boxy apartment building with parking spaces directly under it.
adjective: Eccentric or crazy.

ETYMOLOGY: Origin unknown. Earliest documented use: 1838.

DANGBAT - annoying baseball hitter

DING BAIT - leaving your car where it's likely to be struck by another, so you can file for insurance payments

DIN-GOAT - one noisy caprid

PRONUNCIATION: (for 1: dee-KAH-layt, for 2: DEK-uh-layt)

MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To behead.
2. To separate sheets of paper, from a multiple-copy printout, for example.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: From Latin decollare, from de- (from) + collum (neck). Earliest documented use: 1599.
For 2: From de- (from) + collate (to gather, merge, etc.), from conferre (to bring together). Earliest documented use: 1967.

NOTES: Sometimes the word decollate is used as an alternate spelling for the decollete (which is a short for decolletage: a low neckline on a woman’s dress). If your name is Chasity and you’re writing a romance novel (The Other Wife), any spelling is fine. But when you need to refer to a low neckline in a formal context -- an office memo, a research paper, a court brief, a patent application, etc. -- it’s best to go with decollete.

DECOLLAGE - to be expunged from the University records for inferior spelling

DE DOLL ATE - Raggedy Ann had dinner

DECOR LATE - the interior furnishings were only an afterthought
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LA VET - the animal doctor is a woman - 02/06/23 02:43 AM


noun: Residue or remainder.
verb tr.: 1. To wash or bathe.
2. To flow.
3. To pour.

For noun: From Old English laf (remainder). Earliest documented use: 971.
For verb: From Old English lafian (to pour or wash), from Latin lavare (to wash). Earliest documented use: 450.

FLAVE - taste

LLAVE - wash your South American beast of burden

GLAVE - medieval weapon, basically a 50-cm blade at the end of a 2-meter pole
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ARM POTENT - strong upper extremity - 02/10/23 02:05 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (ahr-MIP-uh-tuhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Strong in war, battle, contest, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin arma (arms) + potent (powerful). Earliest documented use: 1405.

AM I POTENT - do I have erectile dysfunction

ARMIPATENT - if you make weapons you owe me a royalty

ACMI POTENT - Wile E Coyote has a powerful supplier
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LIGATION - sewing - 02/10/23 02:13 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A diplomatic mission ranking below an embassy.
2. The premises of such a mission.
3. The diplomat and staff of such a mission.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin legare (to depute). Earliest documented use: 1425.

LEGOTION - conversion to brightly-colored interlocking bricks

LEGATHON - a trial that goes on for days without interruption

LE CATION - an ion with a positive charge, first discovered and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris

PRONUNCIATION: (li-POG-ruh-fee, ly-)

MEANING: noun: The omission of a letter or syllable in writing.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek lipo- (lacking) + -graphy (writing). Earliest documented use: 1888.

NOTES: In spite of what it sounds like, lipography is not writing with lips. Instead, it’s the omission, inadvertent or on purpose, of a letter or syllable in writing.

SLIPOGRAPHY - creating catalogs of women's undergarments

LIMOGRAPHY - making images of citrus fruit

LIMPOGRAPHY - documenting asymmetrical gaits
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ORIBALD - having no hair in the mouth - 02/10/23 02:38 AM


MEANINGG: adjective: Relating to coarse humor of sexual nature.
noun: A person who uses such language or humor.

ETYMOLOGY: From Anglo-French, from Old French riber (to be wanton), from riban (to be in heat or to copulate). Earliest documented use: 1250.

EIBALD - (colloq.) looked at

RIBAND - decorated with awards

RIBALED - tied into large, heavy bundles once again


MEANING: noun: The systematic description of diseases.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek noso- (disease) + -graphy (writing). Earliest documented use: 1654.

NOOS-OGRAPHY - making images of hangings

NO-SONG-RAPHY - making images of choral music is forobidden

NASOGRAPHY - making images of large probosci
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ACNEOUS - pimple-faced - 02/13/23 03:10 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ay-EE-nee-uhs, EE-nee-uhs)

MEANING. adjective: Bronze- or brass-colored.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin aes (bronze, brass, copper). Earliest documented use: 1808.

ARNEOUS - like the composer of Rule Britannia

GENEOUS - very smart, very capable spirit who should nevertheless avoid lamps

AMENEOUS - giving rise to widespread murmurs of agreement
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OARGENT - gondolier - 02/15/23 01:22 AM


MEANING: adjective: Of the color silver or white.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin argentum (silver). Ultimately from the Indo-European root arg- (to shine; white) that is also the source of argue (from Latin arguere, to make clear), argillaceous, and French argent (money). The word also appears in the chemical symbol for silver (Ag) and in the name of the country Argentina where Rio de la Plata (literally, river of silver) flows. Earliest documented use: 1500.

WARGENT - Five-star General

PARGENT - a consistent but uninspiring golfer

AROGENT - haughty. And he can't spell worth a damn, either.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc STAMINEOUS - promoting endurance - 02/16/23 01:45 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (struh-MIN-ee-uhs)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Straw-colored.
2. Of or relating to straw.
3. Like straw: Valueless.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin stramen (straw). Earliest documented use: 1624.

SCRAMINEOUS - engendering an abrupt dismissal

STRAYINEOUS - attractive to small feral animals

STRAPINEOUS - insistent that everyone use a seat belt


MEANING: adjective: Red or reddish.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rubere (to be red). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, corroborate, roborant, raddle, robustious, rufescent, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1425.

RUBI FUND - a collection of money for the purpose of buying red jewels

RUBIC AND - a partnership of puzzlemakers, one famous and the other anonymous

RUE BICUND - Bicund Street, in Paris

PRONUNCIATION: ( vuh/vy/vi-RES-uhnt)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Greenish.
2. Turning green.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin virescere (to become green), from virere (to be green). Earliest documented use: 1826.

VI. DESCENT - the sixth phase of air flight, after boarding, seatbelt inspection, takeoff, climbing, and cruising at altitude

VIRUS CENT - a one-penny coin commemorating the pandemic of 2019-2023

VILE SCENT - the combined musk of a thousand angry skunks


MEANING: adverb: By memory; by heart.
adjective: Involving memorization.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin memoriter (by memory), from memor (mindful). Earliest documented use: 1612.

MEMO WRITER - 1. the Boss, dictating to stenographer; 2. the stenographer, transcribing

MEMORY ITER - where Julius Caesar strolls when waxing nostalgiac

MEMO RATER - grader in the course on how to write business letters
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HASTE-RN - Hurry, Nurse! - 02/24/23 03:01 AM


MEANING: adverb, adjective:
1. At the rear of a ship or another vessel.
2. In a reverse direction.
3. Backward.

ETYMOLOGY: From a- (toward) + stern (back part), probably from Old Norse stjorn (steering). Earliest documented use: 1627.

A-SPERN - what an Italian does to an unwanted marriage proposal

WAS TERN - used to be a bird

E-ASTER-N - an electronic Fall flower that tries to face North


MEANING: adverb, adjective: Toward the left side.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin sinister (left, left hand, unlucky). Earliest documented use: 1803.

SIGNIST RAD - a very woke ASL translator

SINIST: READ - trigonometrician's homework assignment

SIN IS TRIAD - committed not one but three evil acts


MEANING: adverb, adjective:
1. Awry.
2. Wrong.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots agley, from a- (toward) + gley/glee (to squint). Earliest documented use: 1785.

GAGLEY - like a gathering of geese

AGNEY - terrble pain

ANGLEY - having lots of sharp corners


MEANING: adverb, adjective: Without payment; free.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin gratis, contraction of gratiis (out of kindness), from gratia (grace, kindness). Earliest documented use: 1477.

GRAMIS - awards for Best Recording

GYRATIS - another word for "drones"

GRATIST - a vegetable shredder


MEANING: noun: 1. A feather or a wing, especially the terminal segment of a wing.
2. A small cogwheel engaging with a larger wheel or a rack.
verb tr.: 1. To cut or bind the wing of a bird.
2. To bind, restrain, shackle, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 2: From French pignon (cogwheel), from Latin pecten (comb), from pectere (to comb).
For the rest: From French pignon (pinion), from Latin pinna (feather, wing, fin).
Earliest documented use: For noun: 1400; for verb: 1556.

NOTES: According to one website, “The raven has five pinions in each wing and the crow has six. So the true difference between the two is a matter of a pinion!”

pH-IN-ION - determining the acidity of a charged particle

PI? NON - Is pi the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet? (Vraiment, c'est le seizième.)

PIG ION - what the Fourth Little Pig built his Boston house of


MEANING: noun: In a church, a person appointed as a lay leader to a position below a pastor, priest, etc.
verb tr.: 1. To present the best part of something.
2. To pack or arrange in a way so that the finest pieces (such as fruit) are visible.
3. To adulterate; to doctor; to falsify.
4. To kill a calf or another animal soon after birth.
5. To ordain as a deacon.
6. To read aloud lines of a verse before singing.
verb intr.: To lie.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English diacon, from Latin diaconus, from Greek diakonos (servant, minister). Earliest documented use: for noun: 900; for verb: 1839.

NOTES: A deacon typically helps with things like ushering, collecting the offering, visiting church members in their homes, etc. In churches where not enough copies of religious books were available for all attendees, a deacon or a choir leader would read one or two lines at a time before the choir or the congregation would sing them.

It’s not clear how the negative meanings of the word arose. Maybe when a deacon visited, a family did a bit of staging: moved their religious music records to the front, brought out their best china, even displayed the best fruit on the table.

Maybe it’s alluding to the deacons themselves, displaying goodness on the surface (speaking politely) that hid what lies inside. According to a New England proverb “All deacons are good, but there’s odds in deacons.”


BEACON - 1)a signal to light the way; 2)instruction to commit crimes and be sentenced to prison

DEAFCON - a system for grading how much hearing disability there is

ODEACON - a convention of laudatory poets
Posted By: wofahulicodoc INFO ME - my vital statistics - 03/04/23 03:39 PM


MEANING: noun: A person having a bad reputation.
verb tr.: To defame: to attack the reputation or to disgrace.
adjective: Having a bad reputation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin in- (not) + fama (reputation). Earliest documented use: for noun: 1413; for adjective: 1551; for verb: 1413.

IN GAME - where a bridge player wants to end up

IN FLAME - how we might go down in the Army Air Corps

SINFAME - Ebenezer Scrooge, Casanova, Lizzie Borden had it


MEANING: verb intr.: To rise or lift by, or as if by, a wave.
noun: The rising movement of a wave or a ship on a wave.

ETYMOLOGY: Perhaps an alteration of send, influenced by ascend or descend. Earliest documented use: for verb: 1625; for noun: 1726.

SLEND - not particulary thin (positive form of the comparative SLENDER)

'SCAND - wise-guy reply to the question "Is that fresh or frozen?"

SACEND - what makes a cul-de-sac a cul-de-sac
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SWAN - a grown-up cygnet - 03/06/23 01:39 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. Any of various long-necked large waterbirds, usually in white plumage.
2. Someone or something of unusual beauty, grace, purity, etc.
verb intr.: 1. To move about in an idle, aimless way.
2. To declare or to swear.

ETYMOLOGY: For verb 2: From shortening of “I shall warrant” or “I swear on”.
For the rest: From Old English swan. Ultimately from the Indo-European root swen- (to sound), which also gave us sound, sonic, sonnet, sonata, and unison.
Earliest documented use: for noun: 700; for verb 1: 1893; for verb 2: 1823.

SHWAN - an obsolete catalog of long-playing classical music records, usually 33 1/3 rpm

SWAR - blasphemed, in Ozark country

St. WAN - the fourth Gospel in Madrid, transcribed phonetically
Posted By: wofahulicodoc INTERJUNCTION - between two hubs - 03/12/23 12:05 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (in-tuhr-PUNGK-shuhn)

MEANING: noun:
1. Punctuation.
2. A punctuation mark.
3. The insertion of punctuation marks in a text.

from Latin inter- (between) + punctum (dot, point). Earliest documented use: 1617.

INTER JUNCTION - Old Western city of mortuaries

INTERN PUNCTION - the empathy shown by junior House Officers in a hospital

INTER-FUNCTION - when you switch your focus while multitasking
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: INTERJUNCTION - between two hubs - 03/12/23 12:24 AM


MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To shed or cast off.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin exuere (to take off). Earliest documented use: 1855.

EXUVLATE - recently divorced

TEXU-VIA-TE - I order you to go by way of Texas

LEXUVIATE - rejoioce because of the new luxury car

EXUVATE - all the grape has been removed
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CRESIS - a very rich Greek monarch - 03/12/23 12:39 AM


MEANING: noun: Pregnancy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek kyesis (pregnancy).

CHYE, SIS - would you like some tea, my sibling?

CY, AS IS - With so many fantastic pitchers of late, shouldn't we change the name of the award?

O YES. "IS." - I've forgotten the third person singular of "to be"


MEANING: verb tr., intr.: To think, reflect, meditate, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin cogitare, from co- (together) + agitare (to turn over, to consider). Earliest documented use: 1570.

COGITO TE - I think of you

COPITATE - enumerate the members of the police force

CO-GIRATE - dance with a partner
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BLATHEROON - gibberish - 03/12/23 01:01 AM


MEANING: noun: A babbler.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin blaterare (to babble). Earliest documented use: 1647.

BLÄTTEROOM - a special display of Teutonic leaves

BATTEROON - hitters' convention

BLASTEROON - candy made with red-hot Cinnamon and other stimulating ingredients
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ADDERATION - hatching snake eggs - 03/19/23 12:51 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (ay-di-RAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The act of giving a monetary value to something.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin adaerare (to calculate or estimate), from ad- (to, toward) + aes (copper, brass). Earliest documented use: 1623.

ADORATION - The act of giving a value in gold to something.

ADAGERATION - citing an old folksy saying that overstates its moral

ALE RATION - a reward for soldiers, analogous to a ration of grog in the Navy

PRONUNCIATION: (sat-uhr-NAY-lee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Marked by unrestrained revelry, overindulgence, licentiousness, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin Saturnalia (relating to Saturn). In ancient Rome, Saturnalia was a festival organized in honor of the Roman god Saturn who also gave his name to the planet Saturn. Earliest documented use: 1621.

SATURDALIAN - pertaining to the seventh day of the week

SAT URINAL, IAN - Listen, Mr F, I figured out how Bond can empty his bladder on the Moonrakers!

SATURN, ALLAN - NASA used it to launch several early space vehicles, Mr Dulles


MEANING: adjective: Relating to the leap year or the extra day in a leap year.
noun: Leap year.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin bisextilis annus (leap year), from Latin bissextus (Feb 29: leap day), from bi- (two) + sextus (sixth), from the fact that the sixth day before the Calends of March (Feb 24) appeared twice every leap year. Earliest documented use: 1398.

BISSEL TILE - bathroom flooring you can clean with a carpet sweeper

BISS EXILE - the villainous Mr Biss has been expelled from the country

BI-SEXTILE - tertile (a third part)


noun: The time between two new moons, about 29 and a half days. A lunar month.

From Latin luna (moon). Earliest documented use: 1398.

LUNATHON - watching the moon continuously from new one moon to the next one

LANATION - Miss Lane is jealous of Miss Lang and so officially changes her name

U-NATION - the country formerly known as Burma (re-named in honor of the former U N Secretary General)


MEANING: adjective: Luxurious.

ETYMOLOGY: After Capua, a city in south Italy, that was known for its luxurious comfort in ancient times.

CAPUTAN - the commander of a ship (with a Japanese accent)

CAP-MAN - protagonist of a children's book by Esphyr Slobodkina

CA-PUSAN - a South Korean city rich in calcuim


MEANING: noun: A state of servitude or bondage.

ETYMOLOGY: After Helos, a town in Laconia in ancient Greece, whose inhabitants were enslaved. Earliest documented use: 1934.

NOTES: Other towns in Laconia that have also inspired words in the English language are spartan, after Sparta, the capital of Laconia and caryatid. Laconia itself has given us the word laconic.

HELLOTAGE - the function of a receptionist

PELOTAGE - the Art of Jai Alai

HELSTAGE - where the Devil puts on his show


noun: A rack with open top and slatted partitions for magazines, sheet music, documents, etc.

After Canterbury, UK. It’s said that a bishop of Canterbury first ordered this piece of furniture. Earliest documented use: 1803. Some other words with Canterbury connections are canter and Canterbury tale.

I-CAN'T-ER BURY - interment of the incapable

CENTERBURY - to lay the remains in the middle of three adjacent plots

CANTER BUOY - marks the turns of a regatta for horses
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ELY'S BUM - a New Haven townie - 03/24/23 04:26 PM


MEANING: noun: A place of perfect happiness.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin Elysium, from Greek elysion pedyon (Elysian plain/fields). In Greek mythology, Elysium (or the Elysian Fields) was the final resting place for the souls of heroes and the virtuous after their death. Earliest documented use: 1599.

ELISIUM - Element number 1701, found at Yale

ELY'S...UM... - the inventor of the Cotton Gin is at a loss for words

ELYSIMUM - a French flower, produced by crossing a lily with a chrysanthemum
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CANFAN - a booster of Ottawa - 03/24/23 04:39 PM


MEANING: noun: A land of promise, abundance, and fulfillment.

ETYMOLOGY: After Canaan, an ancient region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Bible, Yahweh promises this land to Abraham. Earliest documented use: 1548.


MEANING: noun: A land of promise, abundance, and fulfillment.

ETYMOLOGY: After Canaan, an ancient region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Bible, Yahweh promises this land to Abraham. Earliest documented use: 1548.

CANANVAN - a congenital glycogen storage disease

CANCAN - a kick-kick dance-dance

CANABAN - the buzzword of the anti-marijuana movement
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TROPHILIC - loves receiving awards - 03/31/23 04:36 PM


MEANING: adjective: Relating to the wheel or the rotary motion.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek trochos (wheel), from trechein (to run), which also gave us troche (lozenge) and the metrical trochee. Earliest documented use: 1570.

TORO CHILIC - helping bulls calm down

TAROCHILIC - a spicy dish made from spiced beans and a Hawaiian root

PROCHILIC - in favor of reversing the climate-warming tendency


MEANING: adjective: Wheel-shaped.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rota (wheel). Earliest documented use: 1816.

WROTIFORM - filled in one's vital information, as requested

BOTIFORM - shaped like a very small, very fast flying insect, once even considered supersonic

ROTIFOAM - shaving-cream rings
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ZADIAC - grandfatherly - 03/31/23 05:04 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A circular diagram with 12 parts, each named after a constellation, used in astrology.
2. A circle, circuit, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin zodiacus, from Greek zoidiakos, shortening of zoidiakos kyklos (zodiac circle), from zoion (living being) + kyklos (circle, wheel). Earliest documented use: 1390.

KODIAC - an Alaskan ursine, sometimes barely visible

AZODIAC - a nitrogen-containing compound with two acetate radicals

OZODIAC - a supermolecule combining two molecules of ozone - used to assist in replenishing the hole in the atmosphere
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EXURBITANT - a former city-dweller - 03/31/23 05:12 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ig-ZOR-bi-tuhnt)

MEANING: adjective: Greatly exceeding what’s considered reasonable, especially in cost or price.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin exorbitare (to go out of the track), from ex- (out) + orbita (wheel track), from orbis (circle, disk). Earliest documented use: 1460.

EXTORBITANT - due under penalty of dire consequences for failure to comply

HEXORBITANT - a six-cornered path around the sun

EXO-RABIT-ANT - outside Bugs Bunny's mother's sister
Posted By: wofahulicodoc UNCYCLICAL - linear - 04/02/23 08:31 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (in/en-SIK-li-kuhl)

MEANING: noun: An official letter.
adjective: For wide circulation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek kyklos (circle, cycle). Earliest documented use: 1616.

NOTES: A more common word for an encyclical is circular. In the Roman Catholic Church, a letter from the pope to bishops, usually dealing with the matters of doctrine, is called an encyclical.

ENVYCLICAL - subject to sudden fits of jealousy

ENCYCLO-CAL - book of all knowledge on the West Coast USA

ENCY PLICAL - the map of North Carolina is folded
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NEMOPHILIST - one who loves orcas - 04/04/23 03:31 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ni/nuh-MOF-uh-list)

MEANING: noun: One who loves forests.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek nemos (grove, woods) + -philist (lover). Earliest documented use: 1860.

NEOPHILIST - one who loves new things

ANEMOPHILIST - one who loves the wind

BEMOPHILIST - one who loves aliens, preferably with exophthalmia


MEANING: noun: Spray of water, snow, sand, etc., blown by the wind.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots speendrift, from speen (to run before the wind) + drift, from Old English drifan (to drive). Earliest documented use: 1611.

SPANDRIFT - a suspension bridge moving slowly downstream

SPIN-DRAFT - rotating so fast it makes a breeze

SPINE-RIFT - spina bifida

PRONUNCIATION: (muh-NON-uh-muhs)

MEANING: adjective: Having or known by a name consisting of only one word.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek mono- (one) + -nym (name). Earliest documented use: 1852.

NONONYMOUS - don't tell anyone your name

MON ONLY MOUS - seulement Michel pour moi!

MY NO-N.Y. MOUS - Mickey will never play on Broadway

PRONUNCIATION: (nok-TIV-uh-guhnt)

MEANING: noun: One who wanders in the night.
adjective: Wandering in the night.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nox (night) + vagus (wandering). Earliest documented use: 1614.

NOT-I-VAGANT - an arrested hobo who denies the charge

NO-CUTIVAGANT - a sports contract with guaranteed continued employment for the same club

NOCIVAGANT - wandering in the night doing harm


MEANING: noun: The state of lying in the interval separating two conditions, qualities, extremes, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English betweonum (between), from be- (by) + tweon (two each). Earliest documented use: 1760.

BETEENITY - what you be after you be 12 (compare BETWENITY: after you be 19)

BESTWEENITY - when there isn't a better weenit anywhere

BET WE ENTITY - wager with a visiting extraterrestrial

PRONUNCIATION:m (uh-NAS-truh-fee)

MEANING: noun: The inversion of the usual order of words.

ETYMOLOGY: From ana- (back) + strophe (turning). Earliest documented use: 2011.

AN A.S.T. ROPE - long chain of linked-together liver enzymes

AN ATROPHE - a withering-away from disuse

ANA'S TROPHY - prize for the best literary collection (or, the best visiting teacher in Siam, if you must)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AXESIS - cutting down to size - 04/12/23 04:27 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. An overstatement or hyperbole, especially when arranged in a sequence of increasing intensity.
2. Growth resulting from the increase in the size of a cell (as opposed to from cell division, which is known as merisis).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin auxesis, from Greek auxesis (growth), from auxein (to increase or grow). Earliest documented use: 1577.

UXESIS - an arranged marriage, in which the wife grows on you

AUXISIS - a subsidiary Egyptian goddess

FAUXESIS - it only looks like it's growing


MEANING: noun: A terse, witty, instructive saying.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin apothegma/apophthegma, from Greek apophthegma (apothegm), from apophthengesthai (to speak plainly), from apo- (off, away) + phthengesthai (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1570.

NOTES: You might expect an apothecary to dispense nuggets of wisdom but you’d be disappointed: that word is from Greek apotheka (storehouse). Back then an apothecary was a storeowner who sold all kinds of stuff: spices, candy, preserves, even pills and potions. According to the OED, “in 1617 the Apothecaries’ Company of London was separated from the Grocers’.” If you walk into a pharmacy these days, drugs are only a small part of the store... [W]e are back to the old days.

A POT HEM - the bottom edge of the sewn cover for a cooking utensil

A.P.O THE GYM - address for mail sent to the Army exercise facility

A POSH, E.G. M. - flamboyant and rich head of M.I.6 (the British foreign intelligence service), for example

PRONUNCIATION: (an-AK-ruh-nim)

MEANING: noun: An acronym or abbreviation whose expansion is not widely known.

ETYMOLOGY: Either a blend of anachronism + acronym, or from an- (not) + acronym. The word acronym is from Greek acro- (height, tip) + -nym (word, name). Earliest documented use: 1963.

ANACHRONYM - lack of temporal appropriateness of a thing with its literary or artistic setting, like Fred Flintstone watching a television program

AN ACRE O' NYM - 44,600 sq ft of New York NL baseball team

AN ACRO-GYM - a place for exercising the arms and hands and legs and feet
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MERI SUMUS - how joyful we are - 04/16/23 06:02 PM


MEANING: noun: Describing the whole of something by specifying its two extremes, such as contrasting or complementary parts.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek merismos (division), from merizein (to divide). Earliest documented use: 1589.

MERIT MUS - you deserve a mouse

MERISMUT - a sex comedy

MER-IS-US - buy your French ocean, cheap

PRONUNCIATION: (krak, pronounced as the word crack)

MEANING: noun: Good times involving pleasant company, enjoyable conversation, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Irish craic. It was a borrowing from English crack, respelled as craic, and then reborrowed into English. Earliest documented use: 1972.

CRAGIC - a situation so sad it makes you cry

CRA, INC - a company that makes supercomputers

CrA1c - glycosylated creatinine, a measure kidney function in diabetics. Compare HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ENIME - foe - 04/23/23 11:56 PM


MEANING: noun: A style of animation originating in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art, exaggerated expressions, oversized heads, large expressive eyes, etc., meant for adults as well as children.

ETYMOLOGY: The English word animation was imported into Japanese as animēshon;, trimmed into anime, and then imported back into English. The word is ultimately from Latin anima (breath, air, life, soul, or spirit). When we animate something, we breathe life into it. We make static pictures of comic books or manga come alive as moving characters. Earliest documented use: 1985.

AMIME - a performer who use no words in the act, just movement and gesture and position

ANAME - the state of having no appelation; being anonymous

ANIVE - a Cockney varlet or scoundrel


MEANING: noun:
1. A blue, bluish-green, or greenish-gray semi-precious stone.
2. A bluish-green color.

ETYMOLOGY. Named after Turkey. The gemstone was called turquoise because either it was discovered in Turkey or transported to Europe via Turkey. Earliest documented use: 1398.

BURQUOISE - French women who wear a burqa (a long, loose garment covering the whole body) when in public

TORQUOISE - intensely twisty, like a tornado

TUER QUI OSE - kill, whoever dares
Posted By: wofahulicodoc QUIRRY - synonym for "question" - 04/24/23 12:30 AM


noun: 1. A large, deep pit from which material such as slate, stone, etc. are extracted.
2. A rich source.
3. Something or someone hunted or chased.
4. A square or diamond-shaped stone, tile, glass pane, etc.
verb tr.: To dig, cut into, or extract.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 3: From Old French cuiree, from cuir (leather or hide, on which entrails were placed as a reward to the hounds), from Latin corium (leather). Earliest documented use: 1330.

For noun 4: A variant of quarrel (a square-headed bolt or arrow, diamond-shaped tile or window-pane), from Latin quadrum (square). Earliest documented use: 1537.

For everything else: From Latin quareia/quareria, from Old French quarriere, from Latin quadraria (where stone is squared), from quadrare (to square), from quadrum (square). Earliest documented use: 1382.

SQUARRY - having four roughly equal angles and roughly equal sides

QUARTY - vernacular for a standard typewriter keyboard

HUARRY - diminutive name for the city just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas


MEANING: noun: 1. The act or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction, such as a comic book, video game, film, etc.
2. The act of, or an instance of, pretending to be someone in a deceptive manner.
verb tr.: 1. To dress up as a fictional character in cosplay.
2. To pretend to be someone in a deceptive manner.
verb intr.: To take part in cosplay.

ETYMOLOGY: English words costume + play were borrowed into Japanese as kosuchūmupurē in 1983. Eventually, the term became shortened to kosupure. Then it was borrowed back into English as cosplay in 1993.

GO SPLAY - spread apart, but do it somewhere else

CO-SPLAT - to land, and smush, at the same time

COT-PLAY - hanky-panky in the tent


MEANING: adjective: Relating to or situated at the shore.
noun: A shore, especially the area between high tide and low tide levels.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin litus (shore). Earliest documented use: 1656.

LITTERAL - shorelines and beaches covered with picnickers' garbage

LIT-MORAL - short, pithy, sometimes cryptic saying found at the end of each fable

LILT-ORAL - a song

PRONUNCIATION: (OS-uh-lay-tid)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Having eyelike spots.
2. Eyelike.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin ocellus, diminutive of oculus (eye). Earliest documented use: 1713.

OX-ELLATED - a delighted beast of burden

"O CELLO" - TED - Edward, the youngest Kennedy brother, apostrophizes about a large stringed instrument

OPELLATED - transformed into a German automobile
Posted By: A C Bowden OXALATED - treated with acid - 04/25/23 05:37 PM
OSCELLATED - viewed with the eyes or head moving regularly from side to side, as at a tennis match

OSKILLATED - alternately kissed two lovers, one on either side

OCULATED - hypercorrection of inoculated (cf. flammable)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: OXALATED - treated with acid - 04/26/23 07:37 AM


MEANING: adjective, adverb: Just clear of the bottom (used for a ship’s anchor).

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English wegan (to move or weigh). Earliest documented use: 1606.

AWE-ISH - inspiring amazement, wonder, respect...sort of...

SWEIGH - to go back and forth, slowly, ponderously (see OSCELLATE, above)

AWRIGH - 1) "Well done, way to go, good job!" 2) in a manner different from what was intended
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EUTHANARIA - the kids sing opera solos - 05/01/23 02:28 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (yoo-thuh-NAY-zhuh, -zhee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The practice of ending life to relieve suffering. Example: someone hopelessly injured, terminally ill, suffering from an incurable disease, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eu- (good) + thanatos (death). Earliest documented use: 1646. Two related words are thanatopsis and thanatophobia.

ETHAN: ASIA - reply to "Me: Mr Allen, what's the largest continent?

E.U., THEN ASIA - which global economies are the most diverse?

EUTHANASIA - (I was gonna say "Chinese teenagers" but that was in the definition as originally presented)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc YAWKY - patron saint of Red Sox fans - 05/01/23 03:02 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (pronounced as the word rocky)

MEANING: adjective: Foggy; damp; cold.

ETYMOLOGY: From roke (smoke, steam, vapor, mist, rain, etc.), probably from Old Norse. Earliest documented use: 1601.

BRAWKY - handsome or beautiful, depending on the gender of the object being referred to

RAWKY - plant pigment after extraction but before processing

RANKY - having a high title (see Iolanthe, Act Two, sung by Phyllis, at 59:10)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc YONDA - over thar, in Boston - 05/08/23 02:23 AM


MEANING: noun: A wise mentor, adviser, guru, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: After Yoda, a mentor in the Star Wars universe, first appeared in film The Empire Strikes Back, 1980. Earliest documented (non-literal) use: 1984. Also see anastrophe.

YODO - a male Yoda (What, you didn't know?)

ZODA - vat you drink vit Zcotch

DYODA - an Italian vacuum tube
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FROID - a brooklyn psychiatrist - 05/08/23 02:35 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A humanoid robot.
2. A person who behaves in a robot-like manner, showing little emotion or personality.

ETYMOLOGY: Popularized by the Star Wars series which features a number of humanoid robots. Short for android, from Latin androides (manlike), from Greek andro- (male) + -oid (resembling). Earliest documented use: 1952.

TROID - had a session with Star Fleet counsellor Deanna Troi (see Froid above)

DROP ID - turn in your Driver's License

DR OIL - put sawdust in the lubricant before you go to sell your clunky used car, so the rattles won't show right away
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: FROID - a brooklyn psychiatrist - 05/08/23 03:01 AM


MEANING: noun: Someone having great skills and powers.

ETYMOLOGY: After the Jedi Order in the Star Wars universe. Jedis are heroic warrior monks who are able to tap into the power of the Force. Earliest documented use: 1973. Yoda was a Jedi master.

DEDI - a sharpshooter, like Dick

JE DI - I am ze Princess of France

JEDD - Poor fellow, he's Dudd in Oklahoma

JENI - an Arabian spirit with bad orthographic skills
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PANDA WAN - Ling Ling is pale - 05/08/23 03:12 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. An apprentice or student.
2. A naive, ignorant, or untrained person.

ETYMOLOGY: After Padawans, apprentice Jedis in the Star Wars universe. Earliest documented use: 1973. Yoda was the mentor for the Padawan Luke Skywalker.

FADAWAN - Daddy got first place at Camp Granada (see also PAPAWAN)

PAD A SWAN - 1. make the graceful white bird with the long curved neck chubbier

PAD A SWAN - 2. do the same for a dam across the Nile River


MEANING: noun:
1. The side that’s dark or unlit.
2. The side that’s undesirable or evil.

ETYMOLOGY: The metaphorical sense of the term was popularized by Star Wars in which the dark side represents the use of the Force to perpetrate evil. The opposite is the light side. Earliest documented use: 1975.

BARK SIDE - the side of a tree that's not covered with moss

DARK SIDLE - that new Gothic dance step that's all the rage

PARKSIDE - a hotel in Aukland, NZ (YCLIU)
Posted By: A C Bowden DYSTHANASIA - euthanasia gone wrong - 05/09/23 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by wofahulicodoc

PRONUNCIATION: (yoo-thuh-NAY-zhuh, -zhee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The practice of ending life to relieve suffering. Example: someone hopelessly injured, terminally ill, suffering from an incurable disease, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek eu- (good) + thanatos (death). Earliest documented use: 1646. Two related words are thanatopsis and thanatophobia.
YOUTH AND EASIER - two abridged versions of the Oxford English Dictionary

UKULELIA - Latin plural of 'ukulele'

EUTHERMEMIA - normal blood temperature


MEANING: noun: 1. A blacksmith or a metalworker.
2. A miner.
3. A person whose leg is broken or deformed.
4. A cuckold: a man whose wife is unfaithful.
5. One who is extremely logical and shows a lack of emotions, humor, etc.
adj.: Extremely logical, unemotional, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 1-4: After Vulcan, the god of fire and metalworking in Roman mythology. Vulcan’s mother Juno wanted a beautiful child and hurled the plain-looking baby Vulcan off Mount Olympus. His leg broke when he hit the water. Vulcan may have been ugly but he married Venus. On the other hand, Venus was unfaithful to him. Earliest documented use: c. 450 CE.

For noun 5 & adj.: After Vulcans, a humanoid species from the planet Vulcan in the Star Trek TV series and movies. Vulcans are extremely logical and show little emotion. Earliest documented use: 1966.

NULCAN - this soda isn't even IN a container!

VULLAN - a member of the Jem'Hadar

VURCAN - what the Swede said he was doing on the railroad, all the livelong day

PRONUNCIATION: (TAY-luh-riz-uhm)

MEANING: noun:
1. A method of analyzing workflow for process optimization. Also known as scientific management.
2. A modified form of Calvinism. Also known as New Haven theology.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: After mechanical engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) who proposed ways to improve efficiency in manufacturing. Earliest documented use: 1884.

For 2: After theologian Nathaniel William Taylor (1786-1858). Earliest documented use: 1928.

JAYLORISM - the belief that incarceration is the cure for all bad behavior

TAYL PRISM - the spectrum-generator at the rear of a boat or airplane

TAYLORISK - to plan carefully so as to ensure an acceptable probability of things going wrong
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PALLID IAN - Mr Fleming looks anemic - 05/14/23 01:40 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (puh-LAY-dee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Wise or learned.
2. Relating to wisdom, knowledge, or learning.
3. Of or relating to the classical architectural style of Andrea Palladio.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1 & 2: After Athena (also known as Pallas Athena), a goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology. Her name has also resulted in other words such as palladium and athenaeum. Earliest documented use: 1562.

For 3: After Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), Venetian architect. Earliest documented use: 1731.

PALLAIDIAN - helping a buddy

BALLADAIAN - telling a story through song

PAULA DIAN - two girls' names popuiar in the Oughts


MEANING: noun:
1. A naive and inept trainee or worker.
2. An undesirable hospital patient, one who may be unpleasant, senile, or unresponsive to treatment.
3. A conical chamber used in guns and mortars.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: Of unconfirmed origin, but likely after Gomer Pyle, a character in the television series The Andy Griffith Show, later in his own spin-off show Gomer Pyle, USMC, broadcast in the 1960s. Earliest documented use: 1967.

For 2: Most likely from the same origin as sense 1. It has been suggested that it’s an acronym for “Get Out of My Emergency Room”, but that may be a backronym (an acronym coined to explain a word that’s not actually an acronym). Earliest documented use: 1972.

For 3: After Louis-Gabriel de Gomer (1718-1798), French military officer who invented it. Earliest documented use: 1828.

GNOMER - a hunter who specializes in small unpleasant garden critters

DOMER - circumlocution for "egghead" (an intellectual out of touch with the Real World)

GLOMER - a Scotsman who goes roamin' in the evening hours around sunset
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ALE XANDER - Bogaerts' favorite quaff - 05/14/23 02:04 AM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To praise or flatter.
2. To hang someone.

ETYMOLOGY: For 1: After Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) of Macedon, who never lost a war and earned widespread renown for his victories. Earliest documented use: 1700.

For 2: After Jerome Alexander (1590-1670), English judge, who was disbarred in England for misconduct and moved to Ireland where he delighted in giving death sentences. Earliest documented use: 1666.

ALEC AND 'ER - actor Guinness and his partner

ALEXA NUDER - just imagine: Amazon's desktop assistant with no clothes

ALEMANDER - someone who enjoys square dancing, left and right; often British


MEANING: noun: A last-ditch attempt, made in desperation, having little chance of success, but potentially resulting in a big payoff.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hail Mary, translation of Latin Ave Maria, the first two words of a prayer. Earliest documented use: 1930s.

FAIL MARY - what the teacher did in Care of Lambs class

HAIL MART - where you buy icy precipitation

HAIL CARY - Mr Grant gets some well-due accolades
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KING PINE - world's oldest fir tree - 05/22/23 01:51 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. The most important person in an organization, especially one who is the head of a crime organization.
2. The tallest, foremost, or the central pin in an arrangement of bowling pins.
3. A main bolt, for example, a large vertical bolt in an axle of a vehicle.

ETYMOLOGY: From skittles, a lawn game involving pins that are toppled by a ball, the ancestor of modern bowling. Earliest documented use: 1773.

KING-PING - the most recent arrival in the Panda zoo

DING PIN - fashion accessory with a dent in it

KING PUN - paranomastic equivalent of Monte Python's "Killer Joke"


MEANING: noun:
1. An enclosed area on a boat or ship that houses the steering wheel.
2. In baseball, the area in which it’s easiest for the batter to hit the ball with the most power.
3. One’s area of interest or expertise.

ETYMOLOGY: The term has its origins in nautical lingo in which a wheelhouse is a synonym for a pilothouse. From water the term evolved to the land: in baseball, it’s an area of a batter’s greatest striking power. From there, the term took a broader sense. Earliest documented use: 1835.

WHEEL HOSE - device for firemen to use so their hoses don't get tangled

WHEEL-HORSE - equine used to power an early kind of mill

THE EL HOUSE - storage yard for Chicago public elevated-transit cars


MEANING: verb tr.: To cheat, dupe, trap, stymie, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: Snooker is a cue sport played on a billiards table. The origins of the name are lost to history. Snooker is also slang for a new cadet. The most popular story is that the word was used by a British army officer, Neville Chamberlain (not the future PM), commenting on a fellow officer’s sub-par performance at the pool table. In a game of snooker, the word is also used as a verb for leaving an opponent in a place such that it’s impossible to take a direct shot. This usage likely resulted in the general sense of the word. Earliest documented use: 1889

SNO-POKER - gambling game, played with cards and ice-chips

SNOODER - plays the net position in doubles tennis

NOOKER - a small recess for a display shelf, only crannier


1. A contest too close to call.
2. An undecided situation or one with no preference.

ETYMOLOGY: From the game of basketball in which, to begin or to resume play, an official throws a ball up between two opponents. Earliest documented use: 1924.

JUMP Y'ALL - Fort Polk (LA) Drill Sergeant's command

DUMP BALL - proposed slogan of a campaign to discredit Lucy during the height of the McCarthy craze

SUMP BALL - the mechanism that triggers the device that empties water from your basement


MEANING: noun: Nonsense, such as foolish, deceptive, or pretentious talk.

ETYMOLOGY: From respelling of bologna (pronounced buh-LOH-nee), a kind of seasoned sausage, from the Italian city of Bologna (buh-LON-yuh; in Italian: bo-lo-nyah). Earliest documented use: 1928.

BALOONEY - light, tending to float away (or at least waft in the breeze)

BOONEY - the hinterlands (fr. bunduk, a remote mountain)

BALCONEY - a rabbit or hyrax that lives on your apartment terrace
Regarding PRECOCIOUS, at what age does one become cocious? When does cocious end and postcocious begin?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Welcome Teytonon ! - 05/24/23 02:04 AM
re: PRECOCIOUS - good point. Similarly - I suppose it's just about impossible to be tardy to the church service if you're PRELATE.

Some other prefixes lend themselves well to this kind of wordplay. I'm thinking of a chatboard where we came up with dozens (if not hundreds) of misreadings invoking DIS-, allegedly meaning "not." Or not.

DISASTER = remove a flower (or, if you're from Brooklyn, the flower at hand)
DISCOVER = your Frisbee is upside down

You get the idea.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DAISY CLUTTER - littered with petals - 05/24/23 02:22 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (DAY-zee kuht-uhr)

MEANING: noun:
1. In a ball game, a ball that moves close to the ground.
2. A horse that lifts its feet very little off the ground.
3. A bomb powerful enough to flatten a large area, such as a forest.

ETYMOLOGY: From daisy, from Old English dæges eage (day’s eye, referring to the flower closing at night) + cutter, from Middle English cutten. Earliest documented use: 1791.

DAISY CURTER - she says even less than Donald

DARSY CUTTER - That would be Elizabeth ignoring her eventual swain in the first three-quarters of Pride and Prejudice

DAISY BUTTER - stupid goat keeps charging at the flowers, trying to hit them with its horns
Posted By: wofahulicodoc re: Welcome Teytonon ! - 05/25/23 02:53 AM
And PRELATE notwithstanding, I have to object to your declaration of No, not yet. If not now, when?


MEANING: noun: A farewell or final performance, appearance, or accomplishment.

ETYMOLOGY: From the ancient belief that swans sang before dying. From Old English swan. Ultimately from the Indo-European root swen- (to sound), which also gave us sound, sonic, sonnet, sonata, and unison. Earliest documented use: 1596.

SWAIN SONG - what Romeo sings to Juliet's balcony

SWANS OMG - very surprised to see the graceful white birds

SWAN'S O-NEG - he Ugly Duckling is a universal blood donor


MEANING: noun: A reduction in value.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English hǣr + Middle English cutten. Earliest documented use: 1955.

NOTES: The term haircut is used metaphorically in many ways, such as when assessing the value of an asset pledged as collateral against a loan. For example, a bank might decide that an asset worth $1000 could take a 20% haircut and thus be used to secure a loan of at most $800. The term is also used for other reductions: a pay cut, a cut in benefits, a reduction in the repayment of a loan, etc.

FAIRCUT - an equitable division

HAIR CUTE - that's a fetching new "do" you just got

"HA" IS CUT - all the humor has been removed from my production

PRONUNCIATION: (pik-uh-dil-ee SUHR-kuhs)

MEANING: noun: A place that is very busy, crowded, or noisy.

ETYMOLOGY: After Piccadilly Circus, a busy area in London where several roads meet. The area has tourist attractions, entertainment, shopping, and large illuminated ads. A circus here means a traffic roundabout, but what about Piccadilly? It’s named after a tailor who made a fortune selling piccadill/pickadill, a lace collar popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. The American equivalent of the term is Grand Central Station (a train station in New York City), though for look and feel Times Square (also in NYC) would be closer.

PICK A DILLY CIRCUS - select a doozy

PISCADILLY CIRCUS - a compilation of tall tales and other unlikely yarns about the ones that got away

PICARD ILL; Y CIRCUS - Starship Captain is indisposed, and the club is is providing entertainmenet
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RUSTIC LEA - a pastoral meadow - 05/30/23 02:24 AM


MEANING: noun: An icicle-like formation of rust, as on an underwater shipwreck.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of rust + icicle, coined by oceanographer Robert Ballard while describing such formations on the hull of the Titanic, the wreckage of which he discovered. Earliest documented use: 1986.

RUSTICLEF - a musical symbol covered with Fe2O3

LUSTICLE - aphrodysiac

RESTICLE - what's left of my frozen sherbet on two sticks
Posted By: wofahulicodoc INFORDEMIC - cars are in my blood! - 05/31/23 02:53 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (in-fuh/foh-DEM-ik)

MEANING: noun: A glut of mostly unreliable, rapidly spreading information relating to an event, crisis, disease, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of information + epidemic, coined by the author and columnist David J. Rothkopf in a Washington Post column about the SARS epidemic. Earliest documented use: 2003.

IN-LODE MIC - lets miners call the surface

INTO DE MIC - where the emcee wants his guests to speak

INFODERMiC - some kinds of knowledge really get under your skin


MEANING: noun: A punctuation mark (‽) formed by a question mark (?) superimposed on an exclamation point (!).

ETYMOLOGY: Coined in the TYPEtalks Magazine in which the editor Martin K. Speckter (1915-1988), an advertising executive, selected the word interrobang from the suggestions sent by the readers. From interrogation point (question mark) + bang (slang for exclamation point). Earliest documented use: 1962.

INTERROBONG - smoking pot makes you question everything

INTERIOBANG - keep your explosions inside you

INTER A GANG - when you lure the chasing hoodlums into an ambush and trigger an avalanche


MEANING: adjective: Thick, dark, and scary.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by Lewis Carroll in the poem “Jabberwocky” in the book Through the Looking-Glass, perhaps as a blend of tough/turgid + bulgy. Earliest documented use: 1871.

THUL-GUY - native of the South Sandwich Isands

TULLEY - roaster and distributor of gourmet coffees

BULGEY - eating a bit too much, are we?

PRONUNCIATION: (NO-buh-dad-ee)

MEANING: noun:
1. God.
2. Someone who is no longer considered worthy of respect.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by the poet William Blake as a blend of nobody + daddy. Earliest documented use: 1793.

ROBODADDY - artificial insemination taken to its logical extreme

NO, NO, DADDY - says the child who catches her father with his hand in the cookie jar

NOOB-O'DADDY - inept first-time Irish father


MEANING: noun:
1. A device for determining atmospheric pressure in predicting weather.
2. Something used as a gauge or as an indicator of change.
3. A standard for measuring something.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek baro- (pressure) + -meter (measure). Earliest documented use: 1666.

BALOMETER - a CRAP filter; measures the reliability and amount of nonsense

BARMETER - evaluates the desirability of a drinking/socializing emporium

CAROMETER - tool for deciding on the correct angle for a bank shot
Posted By: A C Bowden BALONEY, continued... - 06/07/23 04:57 PM
BARONEY – like a low-ranking English lord (not early)

MALONEY – an illogical statement (see Irish bull)

BULLONEY – ditto

I posted this before I saw BAROMETER above. Quite a coincidence...
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FARONIAN - fond of gambling games - 06/07/23 05:33 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (fuh-VOH-nee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to the west wind.
2. Mild; gentle; benign.

ETYMOLOGY: After Favonius (literally, favorable), the god of the west wind in Roman mythology. His Greek equivalent is Zephyr. Earliest documented use: 1656.

AVONIAN - high-priced, of dubious use, and sold by a workforce of uncertain qualifications and quality

FAV-ONION - the vegetable I prefer over all others

FAVANIAN - coming from bean country


MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to the season of autumn.
2. Past the prime of life or maturity.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin autumnus (autumn). Earliest documented use: 1440.

TAUTUMNAL - tensely awaiting leaf-peeping season season

AUTUMN-MAL - as opposed to this one, who's sick of raking leaves already

AURUMNAL - golden-hued
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ...and Virgil turns over in his grave - 06/07/23 05:53 PM
Speaking of AURUM, could you translate Aurum virumque cano as "The Song of King Midas"?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WEATHER VAN - a storm-chaser's vehicle - 06/09/23 01:30 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A device having a pointer rotating on a vertical spindle, used to indicate the direction of the wind.
2. Someone or something constantly changing.

ETYMOLOGY: From weather, from Old English weder + vane, from Old English fana (flag). Earliest documented use: 1721. Since a weather vane traditionally featured a rooster on top, it’s also known as a weathercock.

LEATHER VANE - a gadget made of tanned animal skin to tell the direction of the wind

EAT HER VANE - if you're really starving

WEATHER SANE - what we get less of as the earth's temperature rises
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HI! BE REAL! - don't imagine things! - 06/11/23 10:30 PM


MEANING: adjective: Of or relating to winter.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin hibernus (wintry), from Latin hiems (winter). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ghei- (winter), which is the ancestor of words such as hibernate, hibernaculum, hiemal, chimera, and the Himalayas, from Sanskrit him (snow) + alaya (abode). Earliest documented use: before 1626.

TIBERNAL - pertaining to a Roman river

HI BE: RENAL - pretty good grade in Kidney Function

HIM BERN, AL - Mr Gore, meet Mister Baruch


MEANING: verb tr.: To obstruct, thwart, stump, etc.
noun: A hindrance.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots stymie. The modern game of golf originated in Scotland from where both the game and the word stymie came to English. In golf, a stymie refers to one player’s ball obstructing another’s. Earliest documented use: noun: 1834, verb: 1857.

STY MILE - unit of distance between here and the pigpen

STYMPIE - Manx cat, buddy of Ren, the crazy Chihuahua,

'S TYPIE - Whass'a name of that book Melville wrote before he wrote OMOO ?


MEANING: noun: 1. An artificial channel, stream, etc.
2. A valve or gate to control the flow of a liquid.
3. A body of water controlled by a sluice gate.
verb tr.: 1. To let out, by or as if by, opening a gate.
2. To wash, flush, cleanse, etc.
3. To send logs, gold-bearing gravel, or other material down a sluice.
verb intr.: To flow, as if from or through a sluice.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French escluse (sluice gate), from Latin exclusa (water barrier), from excludere (to exclude), from ex- (out) + claudere (to close). Earliest documented use: noun: 1340, verb: 1593.

SQUICE - shivers that run up and down your spine at the sound of fingernails on the blackboard

ST. LUICE - big city in Missouri

SLUIC - what they speak in Slu
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHAIR K - the seat between J and L - 06/25/23 02:35 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To cheer.
verb intr.: To make a shrill noise.
adjective: Lively; cheerful.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English cearcian (to creak). Earliest documented use: verb: 1000, adjective: 1789.

CHIRAK - the physicist who first identified the Golden Ratio

CHIRK - portmanteau work combining CHUCKLE and CHOK,E produced by inhaling and exhaling at the same time

CHIRE - where Russian Hobbits live


MEANING: verb tr.: To disgust.
noun: A disgusting person.

ETYMOLOGY: Probably a back-formation from skeevy (disgusting), from Italian schifare (to disgust or to loathe). Earliest documented use: verb: 1986, noun: 1990.

SKI EVE - schussing at night

SAKE EVE - an evening sampling various rice wines

SKY EVE - if it's red, enjoy the trip, Sailor!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc 'SNO USE - don't bother, it won't help - 06/25/23 03:13 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: 1. To soak or steep.
2. To pickle, cook in a marinade, etc.
3. To make intoxicated.
noun: 1. Something or someone soaked.
2. The liquid used in soaking.
3. Food steeped in pickle; also such liquid.
4. A drunkard.
5. A period of heavy drinking.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French souser (to pickle). Earliest documented use: verb: 1387, noun: 1391.

SOUSAE - more than one march

SOUME - if you don't like it, take me to court

SHOUSE - what you protect your feete with


PRONUNCIATION: (ray-dee-oh-AK-tiv)

MEANING: adjective
1. Involving something extremely controversial that may rub off on others.
2. Spontaneously emitting radiation, as from an unstable atomic nucleus or in a nuclear reaction.

ETYMOLOGY: From French radio-actif, coined by Pierre and Marie Curie, from radio-, from Latin radius (beam, ray) + actif (active), from Latin activus (active). Earliest documented use: 1898.

GRAD: IO ACTIVE - the PhD candidate found signs of volcanos on one of the moons of Jupiter

RADIO ACT LIVE - no recordings when Jack Benny appeared Sunday evenings on WJZ, 770 on your dial

RADIO-LACTIVE - why you shouldn't nurse your baby if you've been exposed to fallout


MEANING: adjective: Effective in a wide variety of uses.

ETYMOLOGY: From broad, from Old English braed + spectrum, from Latin spectrum (appearance), from specere (to look). Earliest documented use: 1950.

NOTES: A spectrum is the range of colors that light decomposes into when passing through a prism. Over time, the word spectrum has come to refer to a range of anything...

BROAD SPEC TRIM - remove the extra plastic form your eyeglasses

BROAD SPECTORUM - wide range of views about ghosts

BROOD-SPECTRUM - of or pertaining to the range of chickens


MEANING: adjective:
1. High-energy; powerful; dynamic.
2. In relation to engine fuels, having a high octane number resulting in anti-knock properties and higher efficiency.

ETYMOLOGY: Octane number is a measure of anti-knock properties of a fuel used in engines. A high octane number indicates greater resistance to engine knocking. The term octane refers to hydrocarbons with eight carbon atoms. Earliest documented use: 1931.

HIGH OCTAVE - the rightmost thirteen keys on a piano

HIGH OCTANT - when you throw your navigation aid way up in the air

HIGH OCTASE - a condition characterized by too much of the enzyme Octase
Posted By: wofahulicodoc VIRAL - manly - 06/25/23 04:05 AM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Spreading rapidly and widely from person to person, often through social media rather than traditional avenues.
2. Relating to or caused by a virus.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin virus (poison). Earliest documented use: 1948.

VIXAL - foxy

VIRAG - the sixth tattered cloth

VIRTAL - describing a highly productive German farm


MEANING: noun: The minimum amount or number of something required to initiate or sustain a process or effect.

ETYMOLOGY: From nuclear physics where critical mass is the smallest amount of nuclear material needed for a chain reaction. Earliest documented use: 1941.

CRITICAL MISS - blowing the foul shot that would have won the NBA title

CRITICAL MAS - according to them, no girl could ever be good enough for their son

CRIPTICAL MASS - a pseudo-religious ritual that is held in a mausoleum

PRONUNCIATION: (BIZ-uhn-teen/tyn, bi/buh/by-ZAN/zuhn-tin/teen)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Highly complex or intricate.
2. Involving scheming or intrigue.
3. Relating to the architectural or decorative style developed in the Byzantine Empire.
4. Relating to the ancient city of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.

ETYMOLOGY: After Byzantium, an ancient Greek city, modern-day Istanbul. Metaphorical senses are from the complex bureaucracy, palace intrigue, and elaborate art and architecture, associated with the Byzantine Empire. Earliest documented use: 1599.

BOZANTINE - clownish

BY Z. ANY IN E? - stockbroker discussing holdings in Zillow and Eni

BYE, ANTINE - See ya later, Toni

PRONUNCIATION: (er-uh-WAH/WOH-nee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Opposed to machines, automation, or technology, like a Luddite.
2. Treating disease as crime and ill people as criminals.

ETYMOLOGY: After Erewhon, a place described in the satirical novel Erewhon (1872) by Samuel Butler. Earliest documented use: 1897.

WERE-WHONIAN - turning into a whon during the full moon

EREWHONICAN - a citizen of Erewhonica

ERE-PHONIAN - pre-Alexander Graham Bell and his inventing


MEANING: noun: A sudden, devastating attack.
verb tr.: To attack suddenly with devastating results.

ETYMOLOGY: After Pearl Harbor, near Honolulu, Hawaii, the site of a US naval base, which was attacked by Japanese planes on Dec 7, 1941, leading to the US joining WWII. Earliest documented use: 1942.

PEAR HARBOR - a port in the middle of orchard country

PERL HARBOR - a colony of dedicated list-processing computer programmers

PEARTH ARBOR - scheme to evade Australian copyright laws
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DELPH, INC - FortuneTellers, LLC - 06/30/23 05:32 PM


MEANING: adjective: Obscure or ambiguous.

ETYMOLOGY: After Delphi, a city in ancient Greece, near Mount Parnassus. Delphi the seat of the oracle of Apollo in Greek mythology. The Oracle at Delphi was known for her ambiguous prophecies that were open to various interpretations. Earliest documented use: 1567.

HELP >HIC< - this attack of singultus is disruptive, and I need assistance

DELPH-ICE - a sweet cold dessert popular in ancient Greece

DEL.: pH, INC - division of E.I.DuPont Corp producing acids and alkalis and related materials, headquartered in Wilmington


MEANING: noun: A peace imposed and maintained by force.

ETYMOLOGY: For Romans, peace was not an absence of war, rather a state in which the enemy was vanquished and could no longer resist. The term Roman peace is a loan translation of Latin pax Romana. The original pax Romana was the relative peace and stability in the Roman Empire from 27 BCE to 180 CE. Earliest documented use: 1884.

ROOM AN' PEACE - the war refugee's ultimate goal

NOMAN PEACE - what Odysseus' cyclops would undoubtedly have preferred

ROMAN PLACE - just about anywhere in Europe during the five hundred years prior to the year 400


MEANING: noun:
1. A magic spell.
2. A trick, sham, prank, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Scots cantrip (spell, magic, trick, mischief, etc.). Earliest documented use: 1719.

CAN'T RIP - untearable

CAR TRIP - how to motor to vacation

CANTOR I.P. - the Diagonal Argument has been copyrighted by the mathematician who first stated it


MEANING: noun: Rudeness; tactlessness; clumsiness; awkwardness.

ETYMOLOGY: From French maladresse (clumsiness, tactlessness, awkwardness), a blend of maladroit (clumsy, tactless) + adresse (dexterity, skill). Earliest documented use: 1804.

MALA PRESS - bad publicity

MAL ADDRESS - where to Post Office brings letters to the ill

MALAY DRESS - "Pakaian is the word for clothing in the official language....The traditional attire of Malay men is called baju melayu, ... a loose tunic paired with trousers, [or for women] a sarong...known as sampin." -- Google Search

PRONUNCIATION: (as-puhr-TAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The carrying away of something unlawfully.

ETYMOLOGY: from Latin ab- (away) + portare (to carry). Earliest documented use: 1503. See also disport.

A SPORT, A LION - what passed for amusement in ancient Rome (unless, of course, you were a gladiator)

HAS PORTATION - can get from place to place by going through a door

ASPORATION - without seeds or spores for reproduction
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EPICRITIS - inflammation of the epicry - 07/10/23 02:08 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (i-PIK-ruh-sis, EP-i-kry-sis for #3)

MEANING: 1. A quotation followed by a commentary upon it.
2. A summary, review, or discussion of a case.
3. A secondary crisis, something that follows a crisis.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek epikrisis (judgment), from epikrenein (to judge), from epi- (upon) + krenein (to judge). Earliest documented use: 1593.

EPICRESIS - even higher than that rich King of Lydia

EPIC RISES - the Electronic Medical Record is becoming increasingly popular

EPI-CRISPS - eating these potato chips is like getting a jolt of adrenalin!


MEANING: adjective: Having stress on the last syllable.
noun: A word having stress on the last syllable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek oxys (acute) + tonos (tone). Earliest documented use: 1720.

ROXYTONE - member of a big-theater singing and dancing chorus line

OXY-TOME - a treatise on Element #8

OYTONE - Brooklyn (NY) dialect


MEANING: adjective:
1. Unthinking; instinctive; spontaneous.
2. Thoughtful; reflective.
3. In grammatical contexts: Directed on itself.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin reflectere (to bend back), from re- (back) + flectere (to bend). Earliest documented use: 1588.

DEFLEXIVE - faulty bending

REFLEX ICE - how you automatically treat a sprained ankle

REFLEX AVE - of course you're going to call for a Hail Mary play in this situation
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ANERVY - without a qualm - 07/15/23 06:50 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Nervous or anxious.
2. Brash.
3. Bold.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nervus (nerve). Earliest documented use: 1598.

SERVY - just itching to start the next tennis point

N.E. RWY. - New England train system

NERO-Y - like a violin-playing Roman Emperor

PRONUNCIATION: (math-uh-MAT-i-kuhl)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Relating to mathematics.
2. Absolute or certain.
3. Possible, but highly improbable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin mathematicus, from Greek mathematikos, from mathema (learning, science), from manthanein (to learn). Ultimately from the Indo-European root mendh- (to learn), which also gave us chrestomathy, philomath, and opsimath. Earliest documented use: 1475.

MATHEMAGICAL - unexpected number tricks

MATHEMARTICAL - shopping for bargains

MYTHEMATICAL - the scientific study of the goings-on at Asgard, Olympus, Mt Moru, etc.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOOST - the loudest bovine utterance - 07/16/23 04:19 PM


MEANING: adjective: 1. Open to discussion: debatable.
2. Of little practical value, hence not worth considering.
noun: 1. An assembly or court.
2. A discussion or argument.
verb tr.: 1. To bring up for discussion or debate.
2. To make something irrelevant or insignificant as a result of the issue being resolved.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English gemot (meeting, assembly, court). Earliest documented use: 450.

SMOOT - a unit of length by which is measured the Harvard bridge over the Charles River in Cambridge, MA; derived from the name of one-time MIT student Olive Smoot

MOBOT - a robot coöpted into the service of Organized Crime

MR OT - professional athlete famous for his ability to win for his team by scoring during overtime


MEANING: verb intr.:
1. To move in a leisurely manner.
2. To leave quickly.

ETYMOLOGY: Of uncertain origin. Earliest documented use: 1829.

AMOSEY - homey, down-to-earth, generally with a partner like Andy

MOSHEY - an example of Far Eastern cuisine

MOSAY - a delicious National Anthem
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AVISCERAL - 1. gutless; 2. birdike - 07/17/23 02:56 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Related to viscera.
2. Instinctive, not reasoning or intellectual.
3. Dealing with base emotions; earthy, crude.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin viscera (internal organs), plural of viscus (flesh). From the belief that viscera were the seat of emotions. Earliest documented use: 1575.

PISCERAL - pertaining to fishes

MISCERAL - about a mixed bag of various kinds of things

VI-SCLERAL - having six eyes


MEANING: adjective:
1. Marked by great violence, especially when depicted in a graphic way.
2. Dealing with fundamental concerns.
3. Performed with great zeal or vigor.

ETYMOLOGY: From blood, from Old English blod and gut, from Old English guttas (guts). Earliest documented use: 1894.

BLOOD-AND-CUTS - after the pirates have attacked

BLOOD-AND-NUTS - hospital delivery, for the Operating Room and the Snack Shop

BLOOD-AND-GUSTS - many more casualties than usual from that tornado


MEANING: noun: 1. Any of the tendons at the back of the knee.
2. Any of the three muscles in the back of the thigh, connecting the pelvis and the knee.
verb tr.: 1. To disable or make ineffective.
2. To cut the hamstring.

ETYMOLOGY: From ham (the back of the knee) + string (tendon). Earliest documented use: 1565.

HAM STRONG - The Easter roast has started to turn bad

HAMS TIRING - I've been overtaxing my leg and hip muscles

SHAM STRING - what you use to tighten the pillowslip


MEANING: noun: Something or someone treated as unimportant.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish gehakte leber (chopped liver). Earliest documented use: 1947.

CHOPPED LOVER - the ultimate revenge for committing adultery

CHOPPED LITER - cheating at the gasoline pump

SHOPPED LIVER - the best bargain for the meat to go with your onions
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HEAR THOLE - the oarlocks need oiling - 07/21/23 06:14 PM


MEANING: adjective:
1. Unattached: not in love.
2. Sincere; wholehearted.

ETYMOLOGY: From heart, from Old English heorte + whole, from Old English hal (whole). Earliest documented use: 1470.

HEARTH-WHOLE - from an intact home

HEART-WHOSE - searching for Mr Right

SHE-ART WHOLE - her painting oeuvre is completed
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AGO SPEL - an ancient magic ritual - 07/24/23 02:15 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. Message, teachings, or principles of a person or organization.
2. Something regarded as authoritative or infallible, especially when believed unquestionably.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English gōdspel, from gōd (good) + spell (tale, news). Earliest documented use: 950.

GO SPELL - the English teacher's drill assignment

GO SPIEL - Time to play!

GASPEL - a diminutive sudden unexpected indrawing of the breath


MEANING: noun: A savior, liberator, or leader of a group or a cause.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin messias, from Greek messias, from Hebrew mashia (anointed), from Aramaic masiah (the anointed one), from masah (to anoint). Ultimately from the Semitic root msh (to anoint), which also gave us massage and masseur. Earliest documented use: 450.

MESSISH - message from a drunk

MESSI - HAH - having contempt for the world-class soccer player who now plays for Inter Miami

MESSINAH - a town in upper New York State, on the St Lawrence River


MEANING: noun:
1. The destruction of the world.
2. Any widespread destruction or disaster.
3. A massive, decisive conflict.
4. A prophecy.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin apocalypsis (revelation), from Greek apokalypsis (revelation), from apo- (un-) + kalyptein (to cover). Earliest documented use: 1384.

CAPOCALYPSE - a catastrophic civil war within the Mafia

APICALYPSE - the peak of a closed ovoid curve; a portmanteau of apex + ellipse

AVOCALYPSE - the mouth of one who has just been rendered speechless
Posted By: wofahulicodoc [b]REXODUS[/b] - Hail to KIng Odus! - 07/28/23 04:06 AM


MEANING: noun: A large scale departure or emigration.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin, from Greek exodos (the road out), from ex- (out) + hodos (way, road, journey), which also gave us odometer, electrode, diode, episode, method, and synod. Earliest documented use: 1000.

EX-ONUS - former spouse is to blame

EX-MODUS - previous way of doing things

IXODUS - order of deer ticks, in scientific classification


MEANING: noun: A zealous effort for an idea or cause.
verb intr.: To engage in a zealous effort.

ETYMOLOGY: A blend of Spanish cruzada + French croisade, both ultimately from Latin crux (cross). Earliest documented use: 1577.

CRUSAIDE - someone to assist you in making sure your wine is truly a product of Burgundy

CRUISADE - relentless campaign to go on a week-long all-inclusive vacation on a boat

TRUSADE - a real sadist

PRONUNCIATION: (bih/buh-NIG-nuhnt)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Kind and gracious.
2. Beneficial.
3. Not harmful.

ETYMOLOGY: Modeled after the word malignant. From benign, from Old French benigne, from Latin bene (well) + gignere (to beget). Earliest documented use: 1782.

BENIGNANU - 1. My name is Mork; I come from the planet Ork and I mean you no harm; 2. I'm the Administrator of this website and I mean you no harm)

BENI-GNAT - an insect once thought to be a nuisance that turns out to be good for the environment

"BEN? I GO"-ANT - inclined to say "Mr Franklin? I'll get it"

PRONUNCIATION: (fuhr-GET-uh-ree)

MEANING: noun: 1. The capacity to forget easily.
2. A poor memory.

ETYMOLOGY: Patterned after memory. From English forget, from Old English forgietan (to forget), from for- (away) + get (to grasp). Earliest documented use: 1860.

FORGET TERRY - who's that old Steeler QB?

FORGEATERY - where to grab a bite at the Ironworks

FORE-GETTERY - staff who chase errant golf balls
Posted By: wofahulicodoc END HARKEN - stop paying attention - 08/03/23 02:11 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To make dark, less clear, or gloomy.

ETYMOLOGY: From en- (to cause to) + dark, from Old English deorc (dark). Earliest documented use: 1569. Its counterpart, implying to bring light or clarity, is enlighten.

END ARLEN - destroy the career of the composer of Over the Rainbow

ENDiRKEN - to equip with a short Scottish dagger

ENDEAR KEN - make Barbie's friend better-liked
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PENDULTIMATUM - ultimatum be hanged - 08/06/23 09:53 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (puh-nuhl-tuh-MAY-tuhm)

MEANING: noun: A demand made before an ultimatum.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin paene (almost) + ultimus (last). Earliest documented use: 1791.

HENULTIMATUM - If my cage isn't bigger by tomorrow you're never going to see another egg...

PENULTIMATIUM - the next-to-the-last element on the periodic table

PENALTIMATUM - one more episode of unsportsmanlike conduct and you're outa the game!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRESENTEEISM - Debutante parties - 08/06/23 10:18 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (prez-uhn-TEE-iz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: The practice of being present at work when it’s unnecessary or counterproductive.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined as a counterpart to absenteeism. From present, from Old French present, from Latin praesens, present participle of praeesse (to be present), from prae- (pre-) + esse (to be). Ultimately from the Indo-European root es- (to be), which also gave us is, yes, essence, and sin. Earliest documented use: 1931.

PRESENTERISM - the Art of the EmCee

PREVENTEEISM - vaccinnation

PRESETTEEISM - High Society before sofas and divans and loveseats
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CUMIN ANT - a spice-loving formic - 08/12/23 03:53 AM


MEANING: adjective: Being at or reaching the highest point.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin culminare (to crown), from culmen (summit). Earliest documented use: 1605.

CULMINANTE - what it costs to participate in the last hand of the session

CUE MINANT - Mr Minant is supposed to speak now; give him a nudge!

CULMIN-ART - the skill of writing satisfying endings
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PERFIDIENT - mendacious - 08/12/23 04:00 AM


MEANING: adjective: Accomplishing or achieving desired results; effective.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin perficere (to accomplish), from per- (thoroughly) + -ficere, a combining form of facere (to make or do). Earliest documented use: 1641.

PER-FACIENT - through the face

PERDICIENT - perpetually lost

'S PERFECIENT - it doesn't have a flaw

PRONUNCIATION: (ruh-pri-HEN-suh-buhl)

MEANING: adjective: Deserving criticism or condemnation.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin reprehendere (to hold back, to censure), from re- (intensive) + prehendere (to seize). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ghend-/ghed- (to seize or to take), which is also the source of pry, prey, spree, reprise, surprise, osprey, prison, impregnable, impresa, prise, and reprehend. Earliest documented use: 1384.

RE-RE-HENSIBLE - subject to being hensed for the second time

REPRETENSIBLE - suitable for telling as a story within a story

RE: PRE-LENSIBLE - about something that could be seen even before magnifying glasses were invented

REP. (R) ETHEN SIBLE - Representative Sible is a Republican


MEANING: adjective:
1. Without distinctive qualities.
2. Not belonging to a particular class.

ETYMOLOGY: From non- (not) + Latin descriptus, past participle of describere (to describe), from de- (off) + scribere (to write). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skribh- (to cut, separate, or sift) that has resulted in other terms such as manuscript, subscribe, scripture, scribble, describe, circumflex, and circumspect. Earliest documented use: 1669.

NON-RESCRIPT - Sorry you lost the first order, but I'm not going to issue another

NONDE'S CRYPT - Nonde is interred here

MONDE-SCRIPT - what god followed in creating everything in sept jours
OTRO-BOGULOUS - referring to a different Spanish peat


PRONUNCIATION: (ah-struh-BOG-yuh-luhs)

MEANING: adjective: Unusual; bizarre; risqué or indecent.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by writer Victor Neuburg (1883-1940). A fanciful formation from either Greek oestrous/estrous (heat or rut) or ostreon (oyster) + bog (dirt) + -ulous (full of). Earliest documented use: 1951.

OSTEOBOGULOUS - suffering from priapism

OSTROBONGULOUS - becoming aroused after smoking a hookah

ASTROBOGULOUS - the rationale behind all those old pulp science fiction magazine covers depicting aliens and scantily-clad women
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SHE-MOZZLE - women's luck - 08/14/23 10:59 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A state of chaos or confusion.
2. A quarrel or commotion.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish schlimazel (someone consistently unlucky), from shlim (bad, wrong) + mazl (luck). Earliest documented use: 1885.

SCHEM-OZZIE - another of Mr Nelson's cockamamie ideas

SHEM NOZZLE - Noah's second son uses it to water the garden

SHEMOOZLE - a small session of making ingratiating small talk
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PUNISM - the habit of paronomasia - 08/16/23 02:54 AM
"Punim." That's -u- as in "put," or like the -oo- of "look."



MEANING: noun: The face.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish ponem (face), from Hebrew panim (face). Earliest documented use: 1965.

PANIM - a defunct airline

SPUNIM - what you did to bolls of cotton fibers to make them into thread

PUNUM - a soft one


MEANING: noun: An extended family or clan.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish mishpokhe (family), from Hebrew mishpakha (family). Earliest documented use: 1859.

AMISH PACHA - my Pennsylvania relatives

MISHUCHA - "crazy in the head"

MIS SPOCHA - a female Vulcan

MI SHP. AHA! - ...just located my boat (pronounced "My ship. Aha!)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OÖ-FISH - caviar - 08/18/23 12:53 AM


MEANING: noun: Money or cash.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish gelt afn tish (money on the table), from gelt (money) + af (on) + tish (table). Earliest documented use: 1877.

LOFTISH - rather high second floor room, but not quite an attic

OÖ-FETISH - perversely fascinated by eggs

OFTISH - fairly frequently
Posted By: wofahulicodoc a bit of utter folly - 08/18/23 04:19 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (NAHR-ish-kyt/kayt)

MEANING: noun: Foolishness; nonsense.

ETYMOLOGY: From Yiddish narishkeyt, from narish (foolish), from nar (fool), from German Narr (fool). Earliest documented use: 1892.

NARRISH KENT - Superman's idiot brother

NARRIS! CHOKE IT! - Shut up, Narris!

N.A. RR? I SHAKE IT - I'm causing turmoil in the North American railroad market sector
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GILLED CAGE - fishtank - 08/22/23 12:14 AM


MEANING: noun: A place or situation that’s superficially attractive but confining.

ETYMOLOGY: Alluding to a bird in a gilded cage, which may be shiny and beautiful, but ultimately it still imprisons the bird. From gilded (coated with a thin layer of gold) + cage. Earliest documented use: 1693.

GILDED CADGE - rich people borrowing money from each other

GILDED RAGE - Scrooge McDuck has a hissy fit

GIRDED CAGE - a set of corset stays
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: GILLED CAGE - fishtank - 08/25/23 12:05 AM


MEANING: noun: A place or situation that’s superficially attractive but confining.

ETYMOLOGY: Alluding to a bird in a gilded cage, which may be shiny and beautiful, but ultimately it still imprisons the bird. From gilded (coated with a thin layer of gold) + cage. Earliest documented use: 1693.

GELDED CAGE - an enclosure for animals with testicles removed

GILDED CARE - high-end executive medical reimbursement plan

GILDED MAGE - the Wise Man who didn't bring myrrh or frankincense with him to Bethlehem
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CHEESE-SPARING - a diet for vegans - 08/25/23 12:42 AM


MEANING: noun: 1. The act of saving by using extremely frugal measures.
2. Something of little value.
adjective: 1. Meanly economical.
2. Insignificant; spare; thin.

ETYMOLOGY: From the idea of cutting off thin slices of cheese equated with stinginess. From cheese, from Old English cese (cheese) + pare, from Old French parer (to prepare, trim), from Latin parare (to prepare). Earliest documented use: 1573.

CHEESE-PAiRING - the art of deciding which vin to serve with which fromage

CHESS EPA RING - a cabal of ecologically-minded players of the Royal Game

CHEESE EARING - mouse-attracting jewelry for the ear
Posted By: wofahulicodoc COLD FEST - a party at the North Pole - 08/25/23 12:51 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (kold feet)

MEANING: noun: A feeling of apprehension or doubt about proceeding with a planned action.

ETYMOLOGY: From cold + foot, from Old English cald (cold) + fot (foot). It’s not known why the expression is cold feet instead of, say, cold fingers. Earliest documented use: 1893.

HOLD FEET - what shoes and socks do

COLD BEET - what Borscht is made from

COLA FEET - what you get from stomping grapes in the CocaCola winery
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EPHEMERA - more than one Ephemerum - 08/25/23 01:15 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Things that last only a short time.
2. Things of no lasting significance.
3. Items such as tickets, postcards, and letters that are intended to be discarded after use but sometimes become collectibles.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek ephemera, plural of ephemeros (short-lived), from epi- (upon) + hemera (day). Earliest documented use: 1398.

USAGE: “It would be a mistake to dismiss the issues roiling the book business as ephemera.”
Alex Clark; The Publishing Wars; New Statesman (London, UK); Jul 22, 2022.

E-THEME (RA) - the Resident Assistant assigns a creative writing project to be submitted online

EPH EM ERA - starting 1950 or so, when Phrequency Modulated radio was in its prime

EPHEMERE - a body of unknown function at the end of an X-chromosome, which appears upon cell division and lasts only 24 hours
PRONUNCIATION: (GOL-den hand-kuhfs)

MEANING: noun: Lucrative incentives given to an employee under certain conditions to discourage them from leaving.

ETYMOLOGY: From the idea of preventing someone from leaving by tying them down with attractive financial benefits. Earliest documented use: 1964.

GOLDEN BANDCUFFS - the musicians wear showy bracelets

GOLDEN HAND RUFFS - winning trump plays in Duplicate Bridge that earn you special masterpoints

GOLDEN HARD CUFFS - aspiring young boxer has a wicked right cross
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EWROTE - used a word processor - 08/29/23 06:32 PM


MEANING: verb intr.: To feign sickness.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin aegrotus (sick). Earliest documented use: c. 1721.

EROTE - to behave in a seductive manner

EGG ROTE - ovo-memory

e.g. ROTH - one such case is the author of Goodbye, Columbus

[Why does this make me think of "After I zoquo, I like to ushnu..."? See Family Ties.

But, returning to the matter at hand... ]



MEANING: noun: Square of a number.
adjective: Relating to the square of a number.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin zensus, alteration of census (square power), a specific sense development of census (a registration of Roman citizens and their property). Earliest documented use: 1557.

ZENZIN - a pungent Hungarian breath mint

DENZIC - of or pertaining to animal's lairs (or sometimes, mancaves)

ZENTIC - antacid


MEANING: noun: A poetry lover.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek philo- (love) + Muse (any of nine goddesses in Greek mythology who presided over arts and sciences). Earliest documented use: 1654.

PHILOMUSE - main character in a series of comics featuring a rodent detective (apologies to S. S. van Dyne)

PHILOMUTE - lover of the ability to turn off the sound on the TV or monitor screen

PHILAMUSE - what Mr Harris did in the 30s-50s, and Mr Silvers in the 50s-70s, and beyond
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DELI-PATÉ - chopped liver - 08/31/23 10:23 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: To take a small amount of something: to taste or sip.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin de- (from, away) + libare (to take a little of, to taste). Earliest documented use: 1623.

DELIBATHE - to immerse in pickle juice

DELI BASE - rye bread

DUELIBATE - to have a ceremonial drink before the one-on-one fight begins


MEANING: adjective: Occurring every other day.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin secundus (second). Earliest documented use: c. 1400.

FECUNDAN - prolific

SEC UND WAN - a German wine that's both dry and pale

SECUND ANS - on a Multiple Choice test, that would be "B"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PYRONATION - fire country - 09/05/23 01:57 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces downward or backward.
2. Rotation of the foot such that the weight is borne on its inner edge.
3. The resulting position when the arm or foot is rotated in such a manner.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin pronare (to turn or lean forward). Earliest documented use: 1657. A counterpart is supination in which the palm is facing upward or the weight is borne on the outer edge of the foot.

PRONOTION - a favorable idea

PROATION - conversion of a boat so it can be sailed with either end as the front

IRONATION - introducing into literature or speech a meaning other than (often the opposite of) the literal meaning, for humorous or dramatic effect
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MILITATE - consumed grain - 09/06/23 10:44 PM


MEANING:verb intr.: To exert a strong influence, either for or against something.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin militare (to serve as a soldier), from miles (soldier). Over time, the term evolved from its military origins to signify a strong influencing force. Earliest documented use: 1598.

MILIRATE - one-thousandth of the usual rate

MINITATE - a small London art gallery

MILIATE - Mildred had supper
Posted By: wofahulicodoc INSTOR - future - 09/06/23 10:54 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (noun: IN-star, verb: in-STAR)

MEANING: noun: A stage in the life of an insect between two molts, prior to reaching maturity.
verb tr.: To make a star or decorate using stars.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun: From Latin instar (image, form). Earliest documented use: 1895.
For verb: From in- (in, into) + star, from Old English steorra (star). Earliest documented use: 1592.

INSTARE - to look longingly from the outside through a shop window

INSITAR - the location of objects dropped into the soundhole of an Indian musical insrtument

UNSTAR - to remove an award for special excellence
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ...and an afterthought: - 09/07/23 02:59 AM
INSTIR - where some people spend time because of their convictions
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DIURESIS - induced output of urine - 09/08/23 03:19 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. The separation of two adjacent vowel sounds.
2. The mark ¨ placed over a vowel to indicate that it’s pronounced as a separate syllable, for example, in naïve or Brontë.
3. A break in a line of verse when the end of a word coincides with the end of the metric foot.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin diaeresis, from Greek diairesis (division), from diairein (to divide), from dia- (apart) + hairein (take). Earliest documented use: 1656.

DI, ARES' SIS - Diana is the sister of the god of war

DI AERIES IS - two lofty eagles' nests

DIPARESIS - two limbs are weak (one arm and the other leg)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FENAMBULISM - walking in the meadow - 09/08/23 06:20 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (fyoo-NAM-byuh-liz-uhm)

MEANING: noun:
1. The act of walking on a rope between two points elevated from the ground.
2. The balancing act between contrasting situations, such as appeasing two groups with opposing views.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin funis (rope) + ambulare (to walk). Earliest documented use: 1801.

NUNAMBULISM - walking Sisters

FUMAMBULISM - having a cigarette during your peregrinations

FUN A.M. BULLISM - enjoying a rising stock market before noon

PRONUNCIATION: (uh-nak-ruh-NIS-tik)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Out-of-date, old-fashioned.
2. Involving something or someone in the wrong historical period.

ETYMOLOGY: From French anachronisme, from Latin anachronismus, from Greek anakhronismos, from ana-, (backwards) + khronos (time). Earliest documented use: 1778.

ANACHONISTIC - like Luke's father

Na-CHRONISTIC - salty times

ANNA CHRONISTIC - the teacher for the Siamese King's children follows her own schedule
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KAPROS - goatlike - 09/18/23 04:19 AM


MEANING: noun: The right time for taking an action; a decisive moment.

ETYMOLOGY: From Ancient Greek kairos (a fitting time). In Modern Greek the word means weather or time. Earliest documented use: 1936.

CAIRO'S - belongs to the Egyptian capital

KAROS - syrupy

PAIR-OS - the computer operating system that Noah used on the Ark


MEANING: noun:
1. A period of a thousand years.
2. A group of 1000.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin chilias, from Greek chilioi (thousand). Earliest documented use: 1598.

CHILI AD - commercial notice in the Santiago Times

CHOLI-AD - doctors pushing for Gall Bladder surgery

CHE-ILIAD - Cuban revolutionary conquers Troy - read all about it!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc E-POOCH - electronic canine pet - 09/18/23 04:45 AM


MEANING: noun: A distinctive time period in history.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin epocha, from Greek epoche (stoppage, pause), from epi- (upon) + ekhein (to stay or hold). Ultimately from the Indo-European root segh- (to hold), which also gave us hectic, scheme, scholar, cathect, and asseverate. Earliest documented use: 1614.

SPOCH - the Enterprise's ultra-logical Science Officer

ESP, OCH - Extrasensory perception, as practiced in Scotland

EPOACH - 'e's not allowed to hunt on my property, but 'e does it anyway
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ISOCHROMAL - uniform in coloration - 09/18/23 04:54 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (eye-SAH-kruh-nuhl, eye-suh-KRO-nuhl)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Equal in time.
2. Occurring at regular intervals.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek iso- (equal) + chronos (time). Earliest documented use: 1680.

ISOTHRONAL - a political system whereunder the ruler is replaced on a regular basis

MISO-CHRONAL - aged soup

ISOCORONAL - the Queen has many tiaras but they all look exactly the same
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CANTANEOUS - songful - 09/18/23 03:44 PM


MEANING: adjective: Deep reddish-brown.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin castanea (chestnut). Earliest documented use: 1688.

FASTANEOUS - not quite at the same moment, but almost

CASTONEOUS - being the first to blame

CAST A NEVUS - go fishing using skin spots to bait your hook
Posted By: wofahulicodoc RUHRICATE - to industrialize - 09/20/23 04:51 PM


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To color or mark with red.
2. To highlight or decorate.
3. To provide with a rubric (a guide, rule, commentary, etc.).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rubricare (to color red), from rubrica (rubric, red earth). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, raddle, corroborate, roborant, robustious, rubicund, rufescent, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1570.


MEANING: verb tr.: 1. To color or mark with red.
2. To highlight or decorate.
3. To provide with a rubric (a guide, rule, commentary, etc.).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rubricare (to color red), from rubrica (rubric, red earth). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, raddle, corroborate, roborant, robustious, rubicund, rufescent, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1570.

RUBBRICATE - to cover with a flexible insulating material

RUBICATE - to put an obstacle irrevocably behind you

HUBRICATE - to display overweening pride
Posted By: wofahulicodoc FERULEAN - rusty - 09/20/23 05:05 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (suh-ROO-lee-uhn)

MEANING: adjective: Sky blue.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin caeruleus (sky blue), from caelum (sky). Earliest documented use: 1677.

CERN LEAN - experimental physics research lab after repeated budget cuts

ACERULEAN - like dwarf or bonsai maple trees

CHERULEAN - angelic
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BRUINEOUS - bearlike - 09/22/23 04:55 PM


MEANING: adjective: Dark brown.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin brunus (brown). Earliest documented use: 1815.

HR-UNNEOUS - the Human Relations department is a one-person operation

RUNNEOUS - a high-scoring baseball game

BRUN NEONS - unusual brown-colored advertising signs outside the Folies-Bergère in Paris

PRONUNCIAION: VAR-ee-uh-gayt, VAR-i-gayt)

MEANING: verb tr.: To diversify, enliven, or to make more interesting, especially with colors.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin variegare (to diversify with colors), from varius (various) + agere (to do). Earliest documented use: 1653.

VARIG-GATE - a political scandal about airlines in Brazil

VARIEGAZE - don't look in the same place all the time

OVARIEGATE - egg-shaped
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GO, THEN - Amscray! - 09/27/23 03:12 AM


MEANING: noun: A place of comfort and abundance.

ETYMOLOGY: After Goshen, a fertile region in Egypt, east of the Nile delta. In the Bible, it was allotted to the Israelites. They were also spared from the plagues of flies and hail. Earliest documented use: 1625.

GOT HEN - purchased a chicken

NOSHEN - the very idea!

GROSHEN - very small Austrian coins, paradoxically enough


MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To name someone or something.
2. To use something for the first time.
3. To initiate a person, especially a child, into the Christian church, by baptizing and giving a name.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English cristen (Christian), from Latin Christus, from Greek Khristos (anointed), from khriein (to anoint). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ghrei- (to rub), which also gave us cream, grime, and grisly. Earliest documented use: c. 450 CE.

CHRISTEEN - artist Jan's unheralded younger brother

CHRISTEIN - a vessel to contain sacramental beer

CHARISTEN - plural form in German of "charist," an old word meaning "a cook who always burns the meat"
Posted By: wofahulicodoc SNO-DOM - an igloo - 09/27/23 05:58 PM


MEANING: noun: A place considered to be full of wickedness and sin.

ETYMOLOGY: After the biblical city of Sodom. In the biblical account, Sodom and Gomorrah were sinful places, so Yahweh rained fire and brimstone (sulfur) upon them. Earliest documented use: 1550.

ODOM - 1970s baseball pitcher for the Oakland As, the likes of whom you see only once in a Blue Moon

SODAM - before "hot," a common summertime complaint

S.O. DOME - Canadian sports arena, named for an oil company
Posted By: wofahulicodoc REACHABITE - get to the next mouthful - 09/29/23 11:53 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. One who abstains from intoxicating drinks.
2. One who lives in tents.

ETYMOLOGY: After Rechabites, a biblical clan named after the patriarch Rechab, whose members were commanded to not drink, not live in houses (instead live in tents), and not cultivate fields. Earliest documented use: 1382.

REHABITE - one devoted to returning to their former state

RECHABYTE - an amount of computer data so large it'll make you sick to your stomach

RE: HABITE - now, about residing in France...


1. A scene of noise or confusion.
2. An ambitious or impractical plan.

ETYMOLOGY: From Hebrew Babhel (Babylon). According to the Bible, at one time everyone on Earth spoke the same language (though earlier it says that they spoke different languages). When people got together to build a city with a tower that reached the heavens, God was not happy and halted the project by confounding their speech, making them unable to understand one another. Earliest documented use: 1718.

TOWER OF BABE - 714 home runs, which stood for years until topped by Aaron

TOWEL OF BABEL - for when you've worked up a sweat trying to understand other people's language

TOPER OF BABEL - little-known fact that the calamity of Babel came because they drank too much to understand each other
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BLACK WIT - galllows humor - 10/10/23 01:43 AM


MEANING: noun: One who lacks intelligence.
adjective: Lacking intelligence.

ETYMOLOGY: From lack + wit, perhaps from Middle Dutch or German lac (deficiency) + Old English wit. Earliest documented use: 1668.

LACK IT - why you can't hang from a tree by your tail

LACE WIT - vary clever tatting

BACKWIT - repartee


MEANING: noun: One who is wasteful and reckless with money or resources.

ETYMOLOGY: From ding (to damage), from Old English dingan (to ding) + thrift (prosperity), from Old Norse thrifast (to thrive). Earliest documented use: 1566. A synonym is spendthrift.

DOING TH'RIFT - following the latest dance craze

DINGTH RAFT - the fourth measurement on a raft or dinghy, after the length, the width, and the depth

BING THRIFT - buying only windfall cherries


MEANING: noun: 1. A miser.
2. A ship’s purser (an official in charge of money matters).

ETYMOLOGY: From nip (pinch, snip), probably from Middle Dutch nipen (to pinch) + cheese, from Old English cese (cheese). Earliest documented use: 1785. Also see cheeseparing.

NIPCHEESS - Hey! Who stole my knight?

NICHE-ESE - the language of specially-fitting places

NAPCHEESE - cheese high in melatonin, said to have soporific properties


MEANING: noun: One who spends wastefully.

ETYMOLOGY: From scatter + good, perhaps from Old English sceaterian (to scatter) + god (good). Earliest documented use: 1577.

SCATTERHOOD - the area covered by your scattering

SCATTER GOD - prosyletize

SHATTER GOOD - an sudden act of hideous violence committed against the innocent
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: SCATTERGOOD - 10/15/23 02:32 AM
SPATTERGOOD - fake blood


SHATTERFOOD - do not microwave

SCATTERGOO - substance for young kids to play with
Posted By: wofahulicodoc wink - 10/15/23 03:27 AM

add emoji

Posted By: wofahulicodoc deleted - 10/15/23 10:38 PM
(duplicate/incomplete entry deleted)


MEANING: noun: The big toe. More generally, the innermost digit on the hind foot of animals.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin hallux. Earliest documented use: 1831.


HALF-UX - My wife isn't fully divorced yet

HALL UP - how you get the bucket of water out of the well

HiLLUX - mounds of earth dotting the countryside


MEANING: noun: Either of the two corners of the eye, specifically where the upper and lower eyelids meet, known as the inner and outer canthus.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin canthus, from Greek kanthos (corner of the eye). Earliest documented use: 1646.

CAN'T THUS - impossible to do it this way

CAN THIS - Put this one up for storage. Or maybe fire it.

CAN, THUG - You'll get a jail sentence for sure this time, punk...


MEANING: noun: The small, fleshy mass that hangs in the back of the mouth, above the throat.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin uvula, diminutive of uva (grape). Earliest documented use: 1400.

LUV U, L.A. - I adore you, Hollywood, even if I can't spell too good

OVULA - where plant seeds mature

URVULA - Wilbur's airplane co-inventor was actually a girl
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GINATHON - all-night game of rummy - 10/15/23 11:35 PM


MEANING: noun: The lowest part of the chin.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin, from Greek gnathos (jaw). Ultimately from the Indo-European root genu- (jawbone, chin), which also gave us chin, gnathic, prognathous, and Sanskrit hanu (jaw). Hanuman (literally, having a large jaw) is the name of a monkey god in the Hindu pantheon. Earliest documented use: 1888.

NATHON - maker of famous Coney Island Hot Dogs

GNAT ION - what powers Lightning Bug flashes

GLATHON - what lispers put more when repairing their broken windows
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: GINATHON - all-night game of rummy - 10/16/23 11:28 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. An allowance given for the maintenance of a member of a royal family.
2. A perk associated with a job or a position.

ETYMOLOGY: From French apanage, from apaner (to endow), from Latin appanare, from ad- (toward) + panis (bread). Earliest documented use: 1602.
APRANAGE - when a child starts cooking and needs to cover his clothing with something washable

APIANAGE - when Honeybees ruled the world

AMANAGE - mushroom poisoning with A. phylloides

APPANATE or APANATE - one before the mountains comprising the "backbone" of the Italian peninsula


MEANING: verb tr.: To mix, insert, or intersperse, especially with something extraneous.

ETYMOLOGY: From French entrelarder (to interlard), from entre (inter-) + larder (to lard), from Latin laridum (bacon fat). Earliest documented use: 1533.

NOTES: Originally, to interlard was to mix layers of bacon or fat with other meat. Over time, the term began to be used metaphorically. For example, to interlard a speech with jokes.

INNERLARD - intra-abdominal fat, supposedly more atherogenic than subcutaneous fat

INTERBARD - folksingers' preferred means of communicating with each other

'INTERLAND - a Cockney's name for the often uncharted areas far away from a coastal district or a river's banks
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CAPE EATER - it's Super-Ferdinand ! - 10/23/23 02:21 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. A self-indulgent person who leads a life of ease and pleasure.
2. A ladies’ man.

ETYMOLOGY: From cake, from Old Norse kaka + eater, from eat, from Old English etan. Earliest documented use: 1791.

NOTES: If the poor peasants don’t have bread, “Let them eat cake.” The French queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) never said those words...

CAKE, MATER ? - Mommy, may I have some more dessert, please?

CAFE EATER - someone who takes all his meals in a cantina, only it's in Paris rather than Madrid

CAKE? ENTER! - You say you're deiivering for Carvel? Come right in!


MEANING: noun: 1. Funds supplied for launching an enterprise in return for a share of the profits.
2. Money or other assistance provided to sustain someone in difficult circumstances.
verb tr.: To supply with funds.

ETYMOLOGY: From grub (food) + stake (share). The term has origins in gold mining, where miners would get investors to fund their efforts in return for a cut of the profits. Earliest documented use: 1863.

GRUBS TALE - a naked snail's biography

DRUB-STAKE - a stick smaller than a man's thumb, which in old English common law was OK for a man to beat his wife with, otensibly

GRUBSTARE - the look of horror at finding half a grub in the apple you just bit into


MEANING: noun: Nonsense; lies.

ETYMOLOGY: From applesauce, made from puréed apples, often sweetened and spiced. Earliest documented use: 1672, metaphorically from 1920s.

APPLESAUCER - has a picture of a luscious apple on it; to put your cider cup on

APP: LE SAUTÉ - your iPhone can help you train for the long jump in next summer's Paris Olympics

APPLE'S AuCl - and it's made with a proprietary compound of Gold Chloride
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NEOPHOBIA - that's a new one on me - 10/24/23 01:27 AM

PRONUNCIATION: (nee-oh/uh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The fear or dislike of the new.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek neo- (new) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1886.

NETPHOBIA - afraid of computer online uses

NEMOPHOBIA - fear of clownfish

NEROPHOBIA - fear of rulers who are indifferent in time of crisis
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: APPLESAUCE - 10/24/23 01:58 AM

AMPLESOURCE – cornucopia

APPLEFORCE – Newtonian gravity

APPLEHORSE – folk etymology for 'dappled horse'
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: GRUBSTAKE - 10/24/23 02:06 AM
GRUBSTATE – oven temperature

GRUBTAKE – supermarket theft

GRABSTAKE – aid for pedestrians in icy conditions

GRUBSAKE – 'For Grubsake' – minced oath
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: CAKE EATER - 10/24/23 02:12 AM
CAKE PETER – rock cake (British)

CAKE EATEN – now you can't have it

CAKE METER – surgical device for monitoring obesity

CAKE SWEETER – Qu'ils mangent de la brioche
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: INTERLARD - 10/24/23 02:20 AM
INTERLAND – area between the coast and the hinterland

INTERLAUD – inappropriate applause between movements of a symphony

INNERLARD – hidden body fat

INTROLAD – 'Chorus' in a Shakespeare play

INTELLARD – derogatory French word for an intellectual
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NETPHOBIA - fear of going on-line - 10/29/23 02:22 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (nee-oh/uh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The fear or dislike of the new.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek neo- (new) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1886.

N-O-O!-PHOBIA - fear of refusal (in either direction!)

NEOPROBIA - getting investigated again

NEOPHOEBIA - discovering a new species of small bird
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: NETPHOBIA - fear of going on-line - 10/29/23 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by A C Bowden
INTERLAUD – inappropriate applause between movements of a symphony

smile smile

PRONUNCIATION: (ap-AN-thruh-pee)

MEANING: noun: A desire to be away from people; a love of solitude.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek apo- (away) + -anthropy (human). Earliest documented use: 1753.

AMANTHROPY - love of microwave-using-kitchen-appliance manufacturers

IPANTHROPY - lover of Fran Allison, or at least of toothpaste


PRONUNCIATION: (stuhl-TIL-uh-kwee)

MEANING: noun: Foolish talk.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin stultus (foolish) + loqui (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1653.

SKULTILOQUY - a Halloween story I just made up off the top of my head

STILTILOQUY - a monologue about ones' days in the circus

STUDTILOQUY - Memoirs of a Modern-Day Casanova

PRONUNCIATION: (ahr-juhn-TOK-ruh-see)

MEANING: noun:
1. Rule by the wealthy.
2. Undue influence of money.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin argentum (silver) + Greek -cracy (rule). Earliest documented use: 1868. Some synonyms are chrysocracy (literally, gold rule) and plutocracy.

AGENTOCRACY - rule by authorized represetatives who charge ten percent

ARDENTOCRACY - government by the fervently well-meaning

AR-TEN-TOCRACY - government by droids several generations more advanced

PRONUNCIATION: (skwon-duhr-MAY-nee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The practice of spending money recklessly.

ETYMOLOGY: From squander, of obscure origin + Greek -mania (desire). Earliest documented use: 1920.

SQUANDER MARIA - to waste the Queen of Spades taking only twos and threes and fours

SQUADDERMANIA - unhealthy fixation on one's immediate buddies within the platoon

SQUARERMANIA - unhealthy concern for right angles (Yes, I know, I changed two letters, not one. It's got a QU, goddammit, cut me some slack arreddy!) wink
Posted By: wofahulicodoc APRIMARY - All Fools Day - 11/03/23 05:19 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (PRY-mer-ee, -muh-ree)

MEANING: adjective: First; main; most important; basic.
noun: Something that is fundamental or first in sequence, rank, or importance.
verb tr.: To field a candidate against an incumbent of one’s own party.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin primus (first). Earliest documented use: 1425; for verb: 1916.

PRIMARRY - one's first plunge into the matrimonial pool

RIMARY - coated with a frosty film

PRIDARY - like the alpha-lion

PRONUNCIATION: (ROH-luhr-koh-stuhr)

MEANING: noun: Something marked by sudden and sharp shifts in circumstances.
adjective: Marked by sudden, extreme changes.
verb intr.: To go through extreme and abrupt changes.

ETYMOLOGY: After rollercoaster, a thrill ride that typically travels at a high speed along a path marked by sharp curves and steep inclines. Earliest documented use: 1883, for verb: 1931.

TROLLERCOASTER - someone who deliberately inflames a chatboard and then sits back and watched the unfolding acrimony

ROLLER-CASTER - redundant name for the wheels on as piece of heavy furniture

ROLLER-CHASTER - more effective at avoiding temptation
Posted By: wofahulicodoc WIMPLE - where the Barretts' live - 11/03/23 05:35 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. A covering worn around the head and neck by women in medieval times and by some nuns.
2. A fold, wrinkle, or pleat.
3. A curve, bend, or twist.
verb tr.: 1. To cover.
2. To cause something to bend or ripple.
verb intr.: 1. To form folds.
2. To meander or ripple.

SWIMPLE - baby's first experience in the pool

WIPLE - a light dab or pat

WIMP ALE - 1.3% beer

PRONUNCIATION: (SO-juhrn or so-JUHRN, noun: SO-juhrn)

MEANING: verb intr.: To stay in a place temporarily.
noun: A temporary stay.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French surjurner (to stay temporarily), from Latin subdiurnare (to spend the day), from sub (under) + diurnum (day). Earliest documented use: 1325, for verb: 1290.

SLOJOURN - a boat trip to China

SO, YOURN - not mine...

SOTOURN - a sweet white wine for the orthographically challenged
Posted By: wofahulicodoc THIGH-GRADE - USDA certified dark meat - 11/03/23 05:57 PM


MEANING: adjective: Of high quality, amount, or degree.
verb intr.: To steal, especially by taking high-quality parts from something.

ETYMOLOGY: From high, from Old English heah + grade, from French grade, from Latin gradus (degree). Earliest documented use: 1826, for verb: 1904.


HIGH-TRADE - keeps its value well over the years

NIGH-GRADE - close to a hill

HIGH-GRACE - the Pope's blessing
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: HIGH-GRADE - 11/06/23 02:24 AM
HIGH-GRUED (HG) – classification denoting the most horrific category of movie (banned in some US states)

HIGH-GREYED – highlighted in lustrous grey

HIGH-GRAD – postgraduate student in the humanities (snobbish term implying superiority over science students)

HIE-GRADE – express delivery option
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: WIMPLE - 11/06/23 02:30 AM
IMPLE – generic term for a blemish such as a pimple or dimple

WHIMPOLE – structure around which elves dance to make wishes come true

WHIMPOOL – similar idea to a whimpole, but with water and mermaids
Posted By: A C Bowden Re: ROLLERCOASTER - 11/06/23 02:41 AM
RAILERCOASTER – low-friction rail vehicle capable of travelling without power on downward gradients

ROLLERPOSTER – conveyor belt used in post offices

ROLLERCASTER (pronounced 'Rolkster') – former English town, destroyed in the Wars of the Roses

ROLLYCOSTER – variant of 'snollygoster'


MEANING: noun: 1. A jest or trick.
2. A stream of saliva.
verb 1. To play a trick.
tr., intr.: 2. To discharge a stream of saliva, especially from under the tongue.

ETYMOLOGY: Of unknown origin. Earliest documented use: 1540.

"G" LEAK - the seventh piece of confidential information to be revealed

G.L. WEEK - Seven days commemorating General Laws or Grand Larceny, depending on which side of the badge you are

AGLEEK - how the Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men Gang Aft
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GAOPEN - Atlanta golf tournament - 11/08/23 11:45 PM


noun: Two hands cupped together.

From Old Norse gaupn (cupped hands). Earliest documented use: 1325.

GAUPIN - unique Personal Identification Number in Georgia

GAOPEN - where the General's chickens are kept until needed in the kitchen

GASPEN - strugglen for air at high altitude
Posted By: wofahulicodoc IRACTAL - I won the Pool tournament - 11/09/23 12:00 AM


MEANING: noun: Something, such as a shape, curve, pattern, etc., where smaller parts have the same characteristics.
adjective: Having the form or qualities of a fractal.

ETYMOLOGY: Coined by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010), from Latin fractus (broken), from frangere (to break). Earliest documented use: 1975.

FACTAL - true dat

FRACTOL - organic alcohol, by-product of shale fracturing during oil extraction

'TRACTAL - brand name of that new Bug-Zapper company


MEANING: noun: The area between the eyebrows, just above the nose.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin glabellus (hairless), diminutive of glaber (smooth). Earliest documented use: 1823.

GALA BELLA - Lovely party, isn't it?

G.L.A. BELLE - Homecoming Queen at Girls' Latin Academy ("Girls' Latin") in Boston, MA

"G"-LABEL, L.A. - a niche wine produced in southern California

FLABELLA - a small bone within a tendon behind the knee, analagous to the patella in front (actually, that's real - you can look it up here)

PRONUNCIATION: (dy-AK-ruh-nee)

MEANING: noun: Change occurring over a period of time.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek dia- (through) + chronos (time). Earliest documented use: 1939. Contrasted with synchrony.

DIACHRONE - a singularity moment in a perpendicular time axis (if he can do it, so can I - just not as well)

DI-ATHRONY - after the Princess' fatal car accident, needless to say, she was removed from the line of succession

DI-ACH IRONY - dual acetylcholine molecules can have unexpected effects, he said wryly

PRONUNCIATION: (ANG-guh-ree, ang-GAR-ee-uh)

MEANING: noun: The right of a warring nation to seize the property, for example, ships, of a neutral country, provided compensation is paid.

ETYMOLOGY: From French angarie (imposition), from Latin angaria (forced service), from Greek angareia (impressment for public service), from Persian hamkara (herald). Earliest documented use: 1880.

HANGARY - having an abundance of places to store and shelter aircraft

APGARY - the practice of predicting a child's adult destiny by considering its status at one minute and five minutes after birth

ANYGARY - it doesn't matter which industrial city in Indiana


MEANING: noun: 1. A love song sung directly to one’s love interest.
2. A composition for such a performance.
verb tr.: To sing such a song.

ETYMOLOGY: From French sérénade, from Italian serenata, from sereno (serene), from Latin serenus (calm). Earliest documented use: 1649.

SERENA-DEO - tennis champions are godlike

SEVENADE - one week's time

SIRENADE - enhances ones alluring nature


MEANING: noun:
1. Utopia.
2. Heaven.
3. The collective term for the Jewish people.
4. The religious and cultural practices and beliefs of Judaism.
5. A reference to the nation of Israel, especially in a historical or religious context.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English Sion, from Latin Sion, from Greek Seion, from Hebrew Siyon. Historically, Zion refers to one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built thus holding significant religious and cultural importance in Judaism. Earliest documented use: c. 450 CE.

ZOÖN - places in Germany where captive exotic animals are kept on display

SI-NON - a device for contacting the spirits of the departed to ask them questions, similar to a Ouija board

ZINON - an inert gas to rest your wine on (may be white wine or red, sweet or dry, lower or higher proof, depending on how the wine is prepared)


MEANING: noun: A person who kills someone important, especially for political or ideological reasons.

ETYMOLOGY: From French assassin, from Latin assassinus, from Arabic hashshashin (hashish user). The word arose from the myth that members of the Nizari sect killed under the influence of hashish. Earliest documented use: 1340.

GASSASSIN - death by exposure to flatulence

ASSAYS IN - tests for purity are fashionable

ASS, ASSIGN - Dummy, make your designation already!

PRONUNCIATION: (ap-ruh-SEK-see-uh)

MEANING: noun: The inability to concentrate.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin aprosexia, from Dutch aprosexia, from Greek prosekhein (to turn one’s attention). Earliest documented use: 1889.

APROLEXIA - being against the use of fancy words (cf. APROLIXIA - terseness)

APROSOXIA - a fan of neither the Boston nor Chicago American League baseball teams

APYROSEXIA - not your most provocative courtesan

PRONUNCIATION: (mon-uh-SEE-muhs)

MEANING: adjective: Having only one meaning.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek mono- (one) + sema (sign). Earliest documented use: 1975.

MONOSERIOUS - Infectious Mononucleosis is a nasty disease

MONO-STEMIOUS - the only thing he ever drinks is single-malt Scotch

MY NOSE MIOUS - when I blow my nose I sound like a French cat

PRONUNCIATION: (duhb-uhl BAR-uhld)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Having two barrels mounted side by side, as in a gun.
2. Having two parts, purposes, impacts, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From double, from Old French duble/doble (double), from Latin duplus (twofold), from duo (two) + barrel, from Old French baril, from Latin barriclus (small cask). Earliest documented use: 1709.

DOUBLE BAR RELIED - placed too much emphasis on the ][ cattle brand

DOUBLE-BAR REED - the oboe music just before the end of the work

DOUBLET BARRELED - wearing a close-fitting men's jacket made of wooden staves

PRONUNCIATION: (EK-suh-leet, ek-suh-LEET)

MEANING: adjective:
1. Obsolete.
2. Stale.
3. Faded.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin exoletus , past participle of exolescere (to be obsolete), from ex- (out) + -olescere (to grow). Earliest documented use: 1611.

EVOLETE - changing and developing

REXOLETE - regal, kinglike

EXPLETE - interject a taboo word

PRONUNCIATION: (pen-tuh-si-LAB-ik)

MEANING: adjective: Having five syllables.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek penta- (five) + syllabic, from syllabe (syllable). Earliest documented use: 1771.

PENNA.-SYLLABIC - its capital is Harrrisburg, and, as abbreviated, indeed it has five syllables.

KENT ASYLLABIC - It's a good thing Superman's secret identity is as a newspaper reporter and not a TV commentator, 'cause here he is with laryngitis and can't utter a sound (let alone a word)

"PEN!" TA SELL A BIC - new advertising campaign to sell ball-points


MEANING: verb tr.: To make a word by dropping an apparent affix from a longer word.

ETYMOLOGY:Back-formation from back-formation.Earliest documented use: 1911.

NOTES: The word make has been with us from at least 1150. We later added the suffix
-er to make maker (from 1297). Had maker come first, and we made make from it by removing a part, that would be a back-formation.

To back-form is to coin a new word (usually a verb) by removing an actual or supposed affix from another word (usually a noun)...

The word back-form itself is back-formed from back-formation.

BACH-FORM - fugal

LACK-FORM - why the skater earned only a 2 in a competitive routine

BANK-FORM - any of dozens of hoops to jump through in a financial transaction
Posted By: wofahulicodoc LIANISE - to cover with vines - 11/30/23 02:41 AM


MEANING: verb intr.:
1. To establish a connection with someone in a different group or organization for purposes of working together, coordinating efforts, exchanging information, etc.
2. To act as a link between two or more parties.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from liaison, from French liaison, from Latin ligation (binding), from ligare (to bind). The word rose to prominence as British military slang during WWII. Earliest documented use: 1928.

LIMA IS E - what they say in Peru, Indiana, about the city in Ohio (YCLIU)

LIPAISE - a fat-digesting enzyme, sort of

TIA-ISE - to make your sister into an aunt by giving birth
Posted By: wofahulicodoc KERRY-BUILD - to make in Ireland - 11/30/23 02:48 AM


MEANING: verb tr.: To build cheaply and sloppily.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from jerry-built. Further derivation unknown. Earliest documented use: 1832.

JERRY-BUILT - made in Germany in WWI

JERSY-BUILD - to make left-handed (if you come from NYC)

MERRY-BUILD - to construct in Santa's factory at the North Pole
Posted By: wofahulicodoc OS' MUSE - L Frank Baum's inspiration - 11/30/23 03:00 AM


MEANING: verb tr., intr.:
1. To diffuse gradually.
2. To undergo or to subject to osmosis: the diffusion of fluid from a solution of low concentration to one of high concentration through a semipermeable membrane.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from osmosis, from Greek osmos (to push). Earliest documented use: 1884, for osmosis: 1863.

OZMOSE - how Bullwinlke goes off to see the Wizard

O, S'MORE - Well, if you don't want to toast marshmallows over the campfire, what would you like?

DOS MOUSE - how you use the Disk Operating System


MEANING: verb tr.: To free from slavery, servitude, or restraint.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from manumission, from Latin manus (hand) + mittere (to let go). Earliest documented use: 1523. A synonym is manumit.

MANI-MISE - to get one's nails cared for cheaply

CANUMISE - to turn into a dog (especially during a full moon)

MANUMIST - Fella, you have lousy aim!
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EN THUS - this kind of sp - 12/01/23 07:24 PM


MEANING: verb tr.: 1. To make someone enthusiastic.
2. To express something with enthusiasm.
verb intr.: To display enthusiasm.

ETYMOLOGY: back-formation from enthusiasm, from Latin enthusiasmus (inspiration), from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein (to be inspired by a god), from theos (god). Earliest documented use: 1827.

ANTHUSE - to sing The Star-Spangled Banner with fervor

ENT HUSH - a silence among the tree creatures of Middle Earth

ENTHOUSE - to increase by three orders of magnitude
Posted By: wofahulicodoc ARISTO LOY - cousin of actress Myrna - 12/09/23 07:21 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ar-uh-STOL-uh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The art of dining.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek ariston (breakfast, lunch) + -logy (study). Earliest documented use: 1835.

ARUSTOLOGY - how to make stainless steel

TRISTOLOGY - science of sadness

WRISTOLOGY - telling the time by looking at the back of your hand

ARISTOTLOGY - the Greek philosopher is kinda sluggish today
Posted By: wofahulicodoc DRABLERIE - dull, lackluster stuff - 12/09/23 07:27 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (dee-AH-bluh-ree or dee-AB-luh-ree)

MEANING: noun:
1. Sorcery; witchcraft; black magic.
2. A representation of devils or demons in art or literature.
3. Mischievous manner or conduct.

ETYMOLOGY: From French diable (devil), from Latin diabolus (devil), from Greek diabolos (slanderer), from diaballein (to slander), from dia- (across) + ballein (to hurl). Earliest documented use: 1653.

VIABLERIE - assorted living things

DISABLERIE - various unspecified handicaps

LIABLERIE - legal exposures of all sorts

D-I-Y-BLERIE - small home repair projects, when paying a professional isn't needed
Posted By: wofahulicodoc HELLOPHILOUS - full of greetings - 12/09/23 07:33 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (hee-lee-AH-fuh-luhs)

MEANING: adjective: Fond of or adapted to sunlight.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek helio- (sun) + -philous (liking). Earliest documented use: 1860.

HELICOPHILOUS - fond of screws

HELIOPILOUS - golden-blond-haired

HELPOPHILOUS - willing to assist anyone, anywhere, any time


MEANING: adjective: Relating to or living in flowing water.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin lotus (washed), past participle of lavere (to wash). Earliest documented use: 1916. A counterpart word is lenitic/lentic (living in still water).

LORIC - describing Dr Seuss’ Lorax

PLOTIC - (sometimes PLOTTIC) - conspiratorial

LOUIC - comme seize Rois de France
Posted By: wofahulicodoc UMBRIFERROUS - darkly ironic - 12/09/23 07:45 PM


MEANING: adjective: Casting a shadow.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin umbra (shade, shadow) + ferre (to bear). Some related words are umbrella, adumbrate, and somber. Earliest documented use: 1616. __________________

NUMBRIFEROUS - quantitative

LUMBRIFEROUS - made of ironwood

UMP-RIFEROUS - describing a game with too many officials on the field


MEANING: noun: A street urchin.

ETYMOLOGY: After Gavroche, a boy in the 1862 novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. Earliest documented use: 1876.

GARROCHE - where you pahk your cah

GA v. ROCHE - the State of Georgia is suing the pharmaceutical company over abortions allegedly induced by birth-control pills

"GAVRYO:" CHE - the Cuban revolutionary says "I speak Russian."
Posted By: wofahulicodoc BECHDELLEST - most inclusive of women - 12/13/23 03:19 AM


MEANING: noun: A test of inclusion and representation of women in a work of fiction.

ETYMOLOGY: After cartoonist Alison Bechdel (b. 1960), who described the concept in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For (1985). Earliest documented use of the term “Bechdel test”: 2005.

NOTES: Alison Bechdel attributed the test to her friend Liz Wallace and hence the test is also known as the Bechdel-Wallace test. A work of fiction passes the test if it has:
1. At least two women
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something other than men

BACH DEL TEST - the composer who not only wrote studies (études) for his students but also made them demonstrate their prowess before moving on the the next level

ECHT EL TEST - a true test of the Spanish language given by the Deutsche Berlitz school

BENCH DEL TEST - your seat during the aforementioned test


MEANING: verb tr.: To form something from parts that are very different.

ETYMOLOGY: After Chimera, a fire-breathing female monster in Greek mythology who had a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. From Greek khimaira (she-goat), ultimately from the Indo-European root ghei- (winter), which also gave us chimera (literally, a female animal that is one winter or one year old), hibernate, and the Himalayas, from Sanskrit him (snow) + alaya (abode). Earliest documented use: 1651.

CRIMERIZE - what police statistics show in crowded places in the summertime

WHIMERIZE - to turn into a fanciful account and present as a piece of fiction

SHIMERIZE - how mirages appear in the heat of summer
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GRAND-HOUSIER - mansion-like - 12/17/23 04:40 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A big eater.
2. A gullible person, one who will swallow anything.

ETYMOLOGY: After Grangousier (in French: Grandgousier), a character who loves good living, in François Rabelais’s story Gargantua. The name Grangousier is coined from the French grand gosier (big throat). Earliest documented use: 1580.

GRANGOSIER - farm association's willow tree

GRAND OUSTER - Throw all the bums out!

ORANGOUSIER - more like a large ape


MEANING: adjective: Using pretentious words and language.

ETYMOLOGY: After Lexiphanes, a bombastic speaker, in the satire of the same name by Lucian (2nd century CE). From Greek lexis (speech, diction, word) + phainein (to show). Earliest documented use: 1767.

LEXIPHONIC - the sound of the words

LEXIPHANTIC - like a thin flexible membrane of transparent plastic

LEXICHANIC - how the machinery of a luxury automobile works


MEANING: noun: 1. A coat of arms.
2. A description of a coat of arms in heraldic terminology.
3. An ostentatious display.
verb tr.: 1. To paint, depict, or adorn in great detail.
2. To describe a coat of arms in heraldic terminology.
3. To proclaim or display, widely or ostentatiously.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old French blason (shield), of unknown origin, influenced by the word blaze. Earliest documented use: noun 1325, verb 1533.

B-MAZON - the second large-scale online store

B.L.A. ZONE - where Girls' Latin school is located in Boston (a.k.a. "Boston Latin Academy")

BLAB-ON - for people who don't want the ability to shut off commercials


MEANING: noun: An eel split, cut into pieces, and cooked.
verb tr.: To treat severely.

ETYMOLOGY: Of unknown origin. Earliest documented use: noun 1597, verb 1674. A close cousin is spatchcock, a bird with its spine removed flattened for cooking.

SPITCHCORK - when the winebottle-cork has been crumbled by the corkscrew instead of being extracted

SITCHCOCK - when the rooster sits around all day instead of servicing the hens

STITCHCOCK - what the urologist does after surgery for Peyrone's Disease
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PHYTIC - plant-derived - 12/20/23 06:44 PM


MEANING: noun: 1. A medicine, especially one that acts as a laxative.
2. A doctor.
3. Medical science or the medical profession.
verb tr.: 1. To act upon as a laxative.
2. To treat with, or as if with, a medicine.
3. To cure or heal.

ETYMOLOGY:From Old French fisique (medical science or natural science), from Latin physica (natural science), from Greek physike (science of nature), from physis (nature). Earliest documented use: noun 1325, verb 1400.

PAYSIC - (French) favorably inclined to the countryside

PHASIC - pertaining to a Federation weapon

PHYLIC - well-disposed to, in favor of

PRONUNCIATION: (troth, trohth)

MEANING: noun: 1. One’s pledged word, loyalty, or fidelity.
2. Truth.
3. Betrothal.
verb tr.: To pledge or betroth.

ETYMOLOGY: From Old English treowth (fidelity, truth), from treowe (faithful). Ultimately from the Indo-European root deru- (to be firm), which gave us truth, trust, tree, endure, druid, during, durable, duress, trow and indurate. Earliest documented use: noun 1175, verb 1400.

CROTH - So angry you can't speak straight

"T.P." ROTH - nickname acquired by the author of "Portnoy's Complaint" in his most potty-mouthed phase

TAROT H - the eighth card in a fortune-telling deck, representing Health, Home, Honor, and Hope


MEANING: noun: 1. Any marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that attaches itself to rocks, hulls, docks, whales, etc.
2. Someone or something that clings.
verb intr.: To cling in a persistent manner.

ETYMOLOGY. From Latin bernaca, of unknown origin. Earliest documented use: noun 1227, verb 1863.

BARNACRE - the unit of size of auxiliary farm buildings in Texas

BAR NICLE - that'll get you free peanuts in the local saloon

BARN-ALE - fermented milk
Posted By: wofahulicodoc GRANDIZZA - a major attack of vertigo - 12/26/23 05:31 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (gran-DEZ-uh, -DET-suh)

MEANING: noun: Grandeur, greatness, magnificence, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Italian grandezza and Spanish grandeza, from Italian and Spanish grande (grand). Earliest documented use: 1629.

GRAND EZRA - my Grampa, who founded Cornell University

GRADE ZZA - a relatively poor review (unless you're Papa Gino)

GARANDEZZA - the granddaddy of all thumb bruises, inflicted by careless handling of the (recoilling) bolt of a rifle
Posted By: wofahulicodoc AQUAPHONIA - syn. of Mermish - 12/26/23 05:46 PM

PRONUNCIATION: (ak-wuh-FOH-bee-uh)

MEANING: noun: A fear of water, especially of drowning.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin aqua (water) + -phobia (fear), from Greek -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1875.

NOTES: Not to be confused with hydrophobia, which, despite its literal meaning of “fear of water” from Greek hydro- (water), is commonly used in a medical context to describe a symptom of rabies. In rabies, hydrophobia refers to a difficulty or intense fear of swallowing, especially liquids, due to painful throat spasms.

AQUAPROBIA - SONAR (acronym of SOund Navigation And Ranging)

EQUAPHOBIA - fear of balance-points

ABU-APHOBIA - fear of animated mischievous monkeys, esp. when there is a genie nearby

PRONUNCIATION: (juhk-stuh-POZ-i-tiv)

MEANING: adjective: Relating to placing side by side.

ETYMOLOGY: From juxtaposition, from Latin juxta (near, next) + French poser (to place). Earliest documented use: 1880.

JUST A POSITIVE - we're only collecting one blood type today

JUXTAPOS: "I LIVE !" - put that next to an affirmation of viability


MEANING: adjective:
1. Stylish; fashionable; luxurious.
2. Pretentious; ostentatious.

ETYMOLOGY: From swank (swagger), of uncertain origin, perhaps from Middle High German swanken (to sway). Earliest documented use: 1842.

STANKY - major league infielder and then manager, in the 40s and 50s

S'WINKY - it's the Crouch's former house elf

SWAN KAY - unheralded sister of the founder of a large direct-to-consumer cosmetic sales company
Posted By: wofahulicodoc CROCIFORM - shaped like an alligator - 12/29/23 05:22 PM


MEANING: adjective: In the shape of a cross.
noun: Something in the shape of a cross.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin crux (stake, cross) + -form (having the shape). Earliest documented use: 1661.

CRUCIFARM - a place where cauliflower and cabbage and Brussels sprouts are grown

CRUCIFORUM - an Easter discussion group

CRUCIO FORM - official approval to use an Unforgivable Curse
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NUMEROUS? NO - just a few - 01/02/24 03:45 AM


MEANING: noun:
1. Oneself; one’s own interests.
2. The highest in rank, quality, importance, etc.

ETYMOLOGY: From Italian numero uno (number one) or Spanish número uno (number one). Earliest documented use: 1944

NUMERO UNDO - Mister I-Take-It-Back

SUMER OÙ NO? - Should we visit Mesopotamia or go somewhere else?

NUMER OSO - Papa Bear


MEANING: adjective: Nagging, pestering, annoying, or complaining.

ETYMOLOGY: From noodge (to pester; one who pesters), from Yiddish nudyen (to pester, bore), from Polish nudzic. A cousin of this word is nudnik (a boring pest). Earliest documented use: 1969.

NOODLY - over-intellectual, egg-headed

GOOD-GY - Battler against Evil; the one in the white hat

NOOGY - (var. sp.) head rub with knuckles, intended playfully to cause irritation and minor discomfort

PRONUNCIATION: (noo/nyoo-muh-TOL-uh-jee)

MEANING: noun: The study of spiritual phenomena.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek pneuma (breath, wind, spirit). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pneu- (to breathe), which is also the source of pneumatic, French pneu (tire), pneumonia, apnea, sneer, sneeze, snort, and snore. Earliest documented use: 1648.

PONE- (UM) -ATOLOGY - the, er, study of corn bread

PNEUMANOLOGY - the many faces of MAD Magazine (What - me worry?)

P/NP-UMATOLOGY - the study of decidability problems
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NUNIFORM - Sister's stylish new habit - 01/09/24 02:40 AM


MEANING: adjective: Like a nut.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nux (nut) + -form (having a shape). Earliest documented use: 1843.

NUK FORM - used to make Baby's pacifier

LUCIFORM - looking like the Devil incarnate

BUCIFORM - like Alexander's Great horse


MEANING: adjective: Drooping; nodding.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nutare (to nod repeatedly), frequentative of -nuere (to nod), from numen (nod of the head, command, divine will). Earliest documented use: 1751.

NUT-AUNT - my mother's crazy sister

NUITANT - like the end of the soirée

NUT-ANTE - fee to play in the squirrels' poker game


MEANING:verb tr.: To make capable.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin capax (able to hold much), from capere (to take). Earliest documented use: 1657.

COPACITATE - to assess the maximum number of people that can legally occupy a New York City nightclub (or a beach in Rio)

CAP, ACT, ATE. - Put your hat on, take the college-entrance test, have supper.

C.A.P. AGITATE - stir up the Auto Parts store

PRONUNCIATION: (EP-ti-tood/tyood)

MEANING: noun: Skill or proficiency in a situation or a task.

ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from ineptitude, from Latin aptus (apt, fitted), past participle of apere (fasten). Earliest documented use: 1967.

ENTITUDE - having the inertia of a tree

PEPTITUDE - having a delicate stomach

EPPI 'TUDE - Ann Landers [pen name of Eppie Lederer] had a chip on her shoulder

PRONUNCIATION: (adj.: MEE-dee-uht, verb: -ayt)

MEANING: adjective: 1. Involving an intervening agency; not direct or immediate.
2. Being in a middle position.
verb tr., intr.: 1. To act as an intermediary to resolve a conflict, bring about a solution, etc.
2. To divide into two parts.

From Latin mediare (to be in the middle), from Latin medius (middle). Ultimately from the Indo-European root medhyo- (middle), which also gave us middle, mean, medium, medal (originally a coin worth a halfpenny), mezzanine, mediocre, mediterranean, moiety, and mullion. Earliest documented use: 1440.

MEDI-ANTE - I'll throw my stethoscope into the pot to play this hand

MED-IRATE - 1. angry doctor; 2. hospital daily room charge

ME DILATE - i'm gonna have my baby pretty soon!

PRONUNCIATION: (MAK-yuh-layt, adj: -lit/-luht)

MEANING: verb tr.: To stain, blemish, or pollute.
adjective: Stained, spotted, or impure.

ETYMOLOGY: from Latin maculare (to stain, disgrace), from macula (stain, blemish). Earliest documented use: 1475.

MACLATE - fast food ain't so fast any more

MASCULATE - to enhance maleness

MACULYTE - the energy drink you get at the Golden Arches
Posted By: wofahulicodoc NO CENT - flat broke - 01/13/24 02:45 AM


MEANING: adjective
1. Harmful.
2. Guilty.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin nocens (injurious, guilty), present participle of nocere (to harm). Earliest documented use: 1447.

NO SCENT - my skunk won't give anyone any trouble

NO SENT - returned for additional postage

NO CELT - No Irish Need Apply


MEANING: adjective: 1. Sinful; 2. Violating a rule.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin peccare (to err). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ped- (foot) which gave us peccadillo (alluding to a stumble or fall), pedal, impeccable, podium, octopus, and impeach. Earliest documented use: 1595.

PESCANT - fishy

PERCANT - coffee-like

PECTANT - 1. gelling; 2. chesty

PEE? CAN'T :-( - I have an enlarged prostate gland
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRESTOGIOUS - speedy - 01/17/24 01:56 AM


MEANING: adjective: Honored, esteemed, or having high status.

ETYMOLOGY: From French prestige (current meaning: prestige, earlier: illusion, deceit), from Latin praestigiosis (full of tricks), from praestringere (to dazzle, to blindfold), from pre- (before) + stringere (to tie or bind). Earliest documented use: 1534.

PYRESTIGIOUS - combustible

CRESTIGIOUS - attractive to surfers

PRESATIGIOUS - reducing the appetite


MEANING: adjective:
1. Stylish in dress.
2. Small and active.

ETYMOLOGY: Probably from Middle Dutch dapper (strong or stout). Earliest documented use: 1440.

DA PAPER - the Brooklyn Eagle

DAPIPER - whom he who calls the tune has to pay

DIAPPER - very, very sodden Pampers (twice as much P as usual)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PESTER MAN - the purpose of locusts - 01/21/24 12:19 AM


MEANING: noun: Safecracker.

ETYMOLOGY: From peter, slang for a safe. Earliest documented use: 1400.

JETERMAN - famed Yankee shortstop

PET ERMIN - a domesticated otter

PEWTERMAN - a Colonial superhero who dazzled the Bad Guys so they couldn't fight
Posted By: wofahulicodoc PRE-DISH - the appetizer - 01/21/24 12:41 AM


MEANING: adjective: Overly concerned with propriety or decorum, especially in matters of sex.

ETYMOLOGY: From prude, from Old French prudefemme (wise or good woman), feminine of prud’homme (wise man). Earliest documented use: 1717.

RUDISH - kinda impolite

PRU-DASH - a short race held just before the Boston Marathon, for contrast

PERU-DISH - Lima beans

PRONUNCIATION: (mak-ee-uh-VEL-ee-uh-niz-uhm)

MEANING: noun: The use of unscrupulous means, cunning, and deceit in pursuit of power, especially in politics.

ETYMOLOGY: After Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), Florentine statesman and author of The Prince, a political treatise describing the use of craft and deceit to achieve political power. Earliest documented use: 1607.

PACHIAVELLIANISM - a man's use of unscrupulous means, cunning, and deceit in pursuit of power

MACHINAVELLIANISM - a robot's use of unscrupulous means, cunning, and deceit in pursuit of power

MAC HAVE "LILIANISM" - anyone named LILIAN has a head start up the management ladder at Macdonald's

PRONUNCIATION: (don kee-HO-tee/tay, don KWIK-suht)

MEANING: noun: Someone who is unrealistic, naive, chivalrous, idealistic, etc. to an absurd degree.

ETYMOLOGY: After Don Quixote, hero of the eponymous novel by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616). Earliest documented use: 1644. Sometimes the term is used simply as Quixote. The adjectival form is quixotic.

DONA QUIXOTE - early proposed title of "The Taming of the Shrew"

DONQUI GOTE - two commonly misspelled farm animals

DON QUI DOTE - reference to how Dulcinea was treated (in the French translation)
Posted By: wofahulicodoc TOES PIAN - gout, misspelled - 01/26/24 05:01 PM


MEANING: noun: An actor.
adjective: Relating to drama.

ETYMOLOGY: After Thespis (c. 6th century BCE), Greek poet, who is considered the father of Greek tragedy. Earliest documented use: 1675.

THE S-PIANO - the smallest one Steinway makes, a baby grand about 5'1" long

THESE, IAN - No, Mr Fleming, those are definitely not the ones I want

THE SPICAN - a (fictitious) inhabitant of the star system centered on Spica, in the constellation Virgo
Posted By: wofahulicodoc EPICURVE - a hypercycloid - 01/26/24 05:17 PM


MEANING: noun:
1. A person with refined taste, especially in food or wine.
2. A person devoted to sensual pleasure.

ETYMOLOGY: After the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BCE), who advocated simple pleasures and a calm mind (ataraxia). With time, his teachings were distorted as focusing on sensual pleasures. Earliest documented use: 1450.

EPIDURE - a popular form of anesthesia for use in childbirth

EPICUBE - synonym for tesseract

PI-CURE - a spurious panacea, claiming to be based on principles of numerology
Posted By: wofahulicodoc MOMOUS - maternal - 01/26/24 05:33 PM


MEANING: noun: A carping critic.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin Momus, from Greek Momos, the god of censure and ridicule in Greek mythology. He was expelled from Mount Olympus for mocking other gods. In Greek, the word momos literally means blame or ridicule. Earliest documented use: 1563.

EOMUS - an extinct giant mouse, almost as big as a horse

MOMES - bipedal, flower-like armless creatures with googly eyes and fuzzy hair on their heads; visible only through a looking glass using a disney lens

MOMPS - a viral illness affecting your mother's salivary glands, often precipitating great disruption in the household
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: MOMOUS - maternal - 01/29/24 04:39 PM
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