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AWADmail Issue 2Oct 22, 1995A Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Other Interesting Tidbits about Words and Languages Some of the most beautiful letters I receive bear the postmarks of South Korea. AWAD statistics mirror their evident fondness for the English language -- the addresses with "kr" domain make the third largest number of linguaphiles from a country on the list (trailing only US and Canada). In spite of his apparent new affair with English, Jung-Sun has gotten his message across. Charmingly. : From: Jung-Sun (ac.kr) Greetlings!
It is lovely to say hello to you.
You're welcome. And you are part of the list now. From: Paul Hruska (bmcwest.com) Good morning, I would like to pose a request that you may have had before. Would it be possible to change your sending procedure so that the informational portions of your mailing that occur in the message header (reply and quote info) are appended to the message instead? I have recently changed mail packages, and very much miss the 'quote of the day', and additionally am guessing at the address to post this query. I suppose you have had this request before, but perhaps a vote from another fan of your postings will have some sway. Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
As you can see from the new format of AWAD postings, your message did have a lot of sway. I understand that many linguaphiles were missing the quotes included in the headers. In fact, many were not even aware that daily quotes (known as X-Bonus in AWAD world) are part of daily postings since many mailers gobble up most of the headers. So, I have moved the X-Bonus to the message body. Also the instructions to join the list or sign-off are in the message body now. From: Mark Lakata (lbl.gov) Speaking of words and computers, what is the official spelling of email? E-mail e-mail email The N.Y. Times claims that the spelling is E-mail, in light of words like T-shirt, A-frame, H-bomb. However, those last three require the use of a capital letter because the item either looks like the letter (T -shirt and A-frame) or the first letter is the standard symbol for something (H = Hydrogen). However, E-mail does not look like the letter E nor is E a standard abbreviation for electronic. I don't see any good reason for the hyphen either-- it doesn't bring any more meaning to the word besides etymology. I think "email" is the best. Also, as there is no singular form for the noun "mail", is it ok to use the singular form of "email", e.g. "I received an email this morning"? It may sound awkward, but the meaning is clear and less wordy than "email message". I think this usage was first brought about by foreigners ... at least I remember getting messages like this from my German collaborators several years ago (Of course some of them still say, "I received a bitnet this morning").
Thanks for your email. From: Anu Garg (garg AT wordsmith.org) Previous issue of AWADmail carried a missive from a linguaphile wondering about "coaybtete-leranus" he found in Microsoft Word thesaurus. Your letters had many suggestions about the origins of the word. Here are some selections from all the speculations, guesses, musings, and expert opinions... Verify-it-first department:
Lee Dickey (uwaterloo.ca)
Helfrich Raymond (sbi.com)
Jeffrey Windsor (byu.edu) To-err-is-human-to-really-foul-it-up-takes-a-computer department:
David J. Swift (wyoming.com)
Bob Funchess (msi.com) Ask-the-source department:
Jason Reed (aa.net) It's-a-plagiarism-protection-device department:
Andy Eddy, Editorial Manager, New Media Group (iftw.com)
Thomas Hudson (unc.edu)
Bernard Booth (apana.org.au)
Lee Dickey (uwaterloo.ca) Other-interesting-tid-bits department:
Jim Falconer (nt.com)
Luke McGuff (microsoft.com) Most of the responses suggested that the word was a deliberate inclusion, designed to thwart unauthorized copying. That seems like the most valid explanation. Thank you all for helping solve the mystery of the Word! -Anu |
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