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AWADmail Issue 159Apr 2, 2005A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Other Interesting Tidbits about Words and Languages
From: Anu Garg (garg AT wordsmith.org)
A Town With Sign Language as its Official Language:
"Gates Do Good Marketing Job in Microsoft":
Searching for the Welsh-Hindi Link:
From: Jim Pfingst (jimpfingstATcox.net) I always used one of these with the kids. When getting in the car I'd tell them to put on their seat belts, and then remind them (jokingly, of course!): "If you don't get belted, you'll get belted!"
From: Dwight Williams (dwight.williamsATshaw.ca)
Surely one of the most famous examples of antanaclasis is the one made
by Benjamin Franklin when he signed the "traitorous" U.S. Declaration of
From: George McCoy (mccoygATcvinternet.net) Greetings from Alaska. Here is Alaskan antanaclasis proclaimed by the women about the men here: the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
From: Jan Fair (janfairATcox.net) I taught my high school students the word 'antanaclasis' by saying "My Aunt Ana's class is trying ... very trying!"
From: Sara Simon (snsimonAThotmail.com)
My favorite example is from Groucho Marx:
From: Jay Schrier (jay_schrierATskyepharma.com)
Another antanaclasis, used in my analytical laboratory when the boss
is in a hurry:
From: Frank Muller (frankoATpixie.co.za) Another example of antanaclasis in corporate culture is: "If you can't change the people, change the people." This quip is anecdotally attributed to the South African industrialist Anton Rupert.
From: Michael Tremberth (michaelt42ATtiscali.co.uk) How about, drawing on a current problem in the UK Conservative party involving its leader and one of its Members of Parliament: "Howard ends Howard's end". Embodying a pun on the word "end" it has the advantage that it can make sense whichever Howard is taken to be the subject of the statement and reflects the situation in which the two Howards are at cross purposes (different ends!). I wonder if either of these two has thought of the posssibility of calling his home Howards End?
From: George Feissner (feissnergATcortland.edu) As soon as I mentioned today's word to one of our students, she shot back "If you eat the chili, you won't be chilly." I guess it's not a true antanaclasis, so perhaps we could call it a "phonological antanaclasis".
From: Jane Saral (janesaralATwestminster.net) I've also taught the concept of including something by pretending to omit it as praeteritio (anglicized as preterition). It was used a lot by Chaucer's knight in his long chivalric tale.
From: Hugh D. Hyatt (hughhyattATbluehen.udel.edu) At Occidental College (http://www.oxy.edu) several decades ago, my friends and I observed that /Oxy moron/ is itself an oxymoron. By the way, as of this moment, oxymorons.info has a list of 895 them, one of which is indeed /Oxy moron/.
From: Roger Dean (roger.deanATcec.eu.int) Who defined this as "repartee is what you think of when you've become a departee"?
From: Nancy Bronwell (nancybbATnts-online.net) In the 1920s and 1930s, the Philadelphia, Pa., Bulletin, carried a daily feature in a small box, called "The Cheerful Cherub" by Rebecca McCann. It featured a philosophical little Kewpie, whose quatrains and other poems have stuck in my memory for lo! these many years. And "esprit d'escalier" makes me remember this:
"Oh, how I regret in the night
From: Eric Shackle (eshackleATozemail.com.au) Can the once-popular phrase "as the actress said to the bishop" be termed an esprit d'escalier (thinking of a witty remark too late; hindsight wit or afterwit; also such a remark)? Charles, Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne, made headlines around the world when he used it in Melbourne last month. "The language was fruitier and the jokes a little more risqué," Caroline Davies reported in London's Daily Telegraph. You can read about it in the April edition of my free e-book. If a homological adjective is one that is true of itself, e.g., "polysyllabic", and a heterological adjective is one which is not true of itself, e.g., "bisyllabic", then what about "heterological?" Is it heterological or not? -Grelling's Paradox |
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