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AWADmail Issue 153February 6, 2005A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Other Interesting Tidbits about Words and Languages
From: Robert Flagg (vinoz5or2vf8he0ATspamcop.net) Now there's a word I can get a grip on! I'm a lawyer and I often hire experts for trials. I learned this word in the 1990s from an engineer with a degree in tribology from the University of Leeds, UK, whom I hired as my expert in a slip and fall case involving an (allegedly) slippery staircase.
From: Richard Garbutt (camradptATca.inter.net) Your comment about this week's theme was more than a little wry. And considering the article below appeared in yesterday's local paper, I thought you might appreciate the timing.
Breaking election promise OK: judge
From: Debbie Hillman (dlhillmanATsbcglobal.net) I'm a professional gardener so enjoy language from the botanical Latin and Greek perspective, especially as scientific names of plants frequently change. When I first came across the name for a particular sunflower -- Helianthus grosseserratus -- I read that as "Big Mistake Sunflower", H. grosses-erratus. In the botanical world this is not so silly as it might sound. There are numerous plants whose common names are "false" this or that -- false spirea, false astilbe, false aralia. Likewise the scientific appellation of "pseudo-" is not uncommon. And scientific names are often given for totally unbotanical reasons. I was sure there was some dramatic plant story behind that name -- perhaps a plant explorer mistaking it for some other plant and dying an agonizing death as a result. But sunflowers are not poisonous and in fact, the correct reading of that sunflower's name is H. grosse-serratus, the Big Tooth Sunflower. In my mind now, the Big Tooth has become my big mistake.
From: James Dignan (grutnessATslingshot.co.nz) Actually, most people outside the US will probably have initially thought of a foot-related science. That's because the prefix for child-related studies in the international-English speaking world is paedo-, not pedo-. For us, the latter relates to feet (e.g. pedal, pedestrian, pedicure).
From: Dan Elderkamp (danATtropex.co.nz) Why is diglot not biglot? Can you throw some light on some of these apparent idiosyncrasies, such as dichotomy (bichotomy?), or why a bicycle is not a dicycle, bilingual not dilingual, and biennial not diennial, etc?
Though hybrid words are not uncommon. Such a word is known as macaronic (yes, the term has its origin in food). One such example is television, from Greek tele- + Latin vision. -Anu Garg
From: Dave Zobel (zobeldaveATaol.com) In Russian, the predicate adjective "married", when applied to a gentleman, is /zhenat/ (literally, "wifed"). His lady, on the other hand, is /zamuzhem/ (literally, "behind [her] husband"). This asymmetry carries over from the two distinct verbs meaning "to marry" -- one for each gender. My Russian wife assures me that the wife is behind the husband in the same way that the driver is behind the mule.
From: Ralph Earle (ralpheATus.ibm.com) Your theme for the week reminds me of a New Yorker cartoon a few years back in which Yo Yo Ma and Butros Butros Ghali are having lunch together. Butros says, "I'll have the cous cous." Yo Yo asks the waiter, "How's the mahi mahi?", to which the waiter of course replies, "So so."
From: Steve Benko
I must protest. This week's theme sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me!
From: Ann Kranis (bklyngrammyAToptonline.net)
When I was a child, my parents sent my sister and me to a girls' camp in
the Blue Ridge Mountains on the Maryland - Pennsylvania border named
Camp Louise. There was a boys' camp about 12 miles away named Camp
Airy. Naturally, the girls referred to the boys as "Airy Fairies," but
had no notion of a literary reference. Today's word brought a flood a
memories and a Google search to see if the camps still exist. They do!
No doubt the Camp Louise tag for the Airy boys is still used.
From: Margaret Maxfield (mmaxf2ATyahoo.com)
On Jan 6, Garrison Kiellor read on NPR's Writer's Almanac the poem
By the Shores of Pago Pago, by Eve Merriam, from Rainbow Writing,
Atheneum. Based on reduplicatives, it is great fun.
From: Tracy Prebish (tracyprebishATmac.com)
My favorite children's book is, Double Trouble in Walla-Walla, by Andrew
Clements. It is a story about the reduplicative Lulu and the day her
normally humdrum life goes cuckoo. Bet you and your daughter would go gaga
over this book.
From: Jeremy Darling (darlingATociw.edu)
Thought you might be interested to know that a Hubble bubble is also a
term in astronomy/cosmology. It refers to a region of the universe that
has a different density than the average and so the galaxies in this
Hubble bubble show larger or smaller velocities than average. The
"Hubble" in the phrase refers to Edwin Hubble, the discoverer of the
expanding Universe (and hence the Big Bang). I'm sure you can
guess who the famous Hubble Space Telescope is named after as well.
Incidentally, this email is sent to you from Carnegie Observatories, where
Hubble made his universe-changing discoveries.
From: Jef Persson (jeff.perssonATamhealthways.com)
I guess this means you can build a ha-ha with a riprap!
From: Azlina Shahrim (azlinaATseccom.com.my)
In Malay, a word repeatedly exactly denotes plurality: meja = table,
therefore tables = meja-meja. Its quite cute, however, complications can
arise - in some instances, where a word repeated exactly is a word in its
own right. e.g. butterfly (rama rama) and needs to be pluralise. e.g.
butterflies = rama rama rama rama. As you can imagine, it does sound funny
to foreign ears when all you hear is a repetition of the word 4x!
From: Thomas W. Thatcher (twthatchATfrontiernet.net)
For many years our family lived in Fair Haven, New Jersey, which is on the
east side of the city of Red Bank, NJ which has commuter-train service to
New York City. Your repeated-word week reminded me of a locally-based story
of uncertain origin. A Red Bank financial service institution purchased
another such facility in the fairly nearby community of Long Branch, NJ.
Thereby, the latter became the Long Branch Branch of that Red Bank Bank!
From: Eric Shackle (eshackleATozemail.com.au)
Spam-scam is the latest reduplicative. Contemptible scammers pretending to
be tsunami victims are reefing millions of dollars from kindhearted but
gullible folk who respond to their spam appeals.
A clever English "scambaiter" has turned the tables on some of those
obnoxious scammers, by conning them in the same way that the conmen trick
their victims. Their strings of messages, posted on the Internet, are
hilarious. In a classic case of man bites dog, the scambaiter, Mike from
Manchester, shows how he tricked six different Nigerian "419" email scammers
into paying out amounts totalling more than $US1200.
You can read about it in my free e-book.
A different language is a different vision of life. -Federico Fellini, film
director and writer (1920-1993)
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