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<script src="https://wordsmith.org/words/quote.js" type="text/javascript"> This will make the word appear on your page as shown inside the box below. The word will be updated every week day automatically and you don't need to do anything.
Make sure that your browser has JavaScript on. You are welcome to change the formatting, font, color, etc. Use Cascading Style SheetsIf you wish to use CSS to change the display of the word, use this code:
<script src="https://wordsmith.org/words/quote2.js" type="text/javascript"> Then you can add the following (or a variation) to your CSS file:
The words are updated every weekday around midnight ET US (GMT -5). If you have any questions, email (words AT wordsmith.org). If you prefer, you can simply make a link or set up a banner.
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