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Anagram Hall of Fame
Anagrams in Literature, Movies, and BeyondPersonal Anagrams
Hover mouse pointer over anagrams (or tap) to animate them.Have you heard about the Internet Anagram Server's omniscient powers that not only foretell and interpret world events but also help figure out personal lives? This is a showcase of such stories.
Anagrammist proposes with anagrams
From: Cory Calhoun (
Subject: anagramming video
Date: Jun 14, 2006Here's a a short 10-min. film I created that I used to propose to my fiancee (we're getting hitched in September 2006). The film's an homage to Charlie Chaplin/Buster Keaton-type silent films (I play the lead character, Milo), but there are anagrams throughout the second half, and, unbeknownst to my fiancee at the time, the film ends with an anagram that is also my wedding proposal to her.
From: Rosemary L Roberts
Subject: The AnthropologistAs an anthropology student, I am constantly being asked (and asking myself) just what exactly an anthropologist does. So I asked you, anagram creator, what the life of an anthropologist is really like:
People who call themselves "anthropologist" (not to be confused with "rat phonologist" or "north apologist"), from those downright evil "to halo-sporting," arrive in the field with "opal tooth-grins." Perhaps they seek that witch-"gal's Thor potion," to learn from whence "sprang tooth oil," or to finally lay eyes on the legendary "horn-goat pilot's" lair. Those interested in more technical aspects of culture may wish to explore those ever-handy "Thai prong tools," while linguists may choose to "log North Patois." Whatever their pleasure, while traveling in a foreign country anthropologists only hope they never hear the words: "Halt! Go to prison!" In the end, however, their suitcases are usually filled with "photos, not grail." But hey, anthropologists are just ordinary people, not "Goliath, nor Spot."
Astronomers, Moon starers
From: Phil Plait (
Subject: anagrams in space
Date: Mar 11, 2004I am a scientist, and I debunk antiscience, such as people who think the Apollo Moon landings were faked. I have a website where I do this, I've written a book, and I've been on TV and radio a few times arguing against people who claim NASA faked the lunar missions. Over the years I've made a bit of a name for myself. My website is called Bad Astronomy, so people call me "The Bad Astronomer", ironically, I hope.
So I put The Bad Astronomer into the anagram server, and what comes out? "Moon trash debater"An obit copy-editor
From: Gayle Guillory (
Subject: obituary = I to bury a...
Date: Jul 18, 2003As a first-year copy-editor at an Illinois newspaper, I specialize primarily in obituaries. I've had difficulties with a co-worker, who, having given me a recommendation for the job, was angry over being unable to get into my pants, pretty much. One of my anagrams was: "Lay eulogy girl"
A budding actor's tale
From: Jason Woodruff (
Subject: secret power of the anagram
Date: Jan 7, 2003As much as I hate to admit it, I believe the anagram has hidden ironic powers well beyond that of rational explanation. My name is Jason Scott Woodruff and I'm an actor living in New York City. Unfortunately, once the letters of my name are rearranged, I come to one sad conclusion:
Jason Scott Woodruff = Just acts for food now
A fascinating saga of a dentist and his love
From: Mark Dlugokinski (
Subject: My own anagrams
Date: Jul 9, 1999My name is Mark Dlugokinski. I am a 33 year old dentist, my girlfriend is Amanda Akins, a 22 year old hygienist. We love each other very much and hope one day to be married. Recently we've taken a step back in our relationship so that we may take a large one forward.
Mark loves Amanda = Karma save old man
Amanda, will you marry me? = I lured my molar man away!
Amanda want diamond? = A adamant man did won
Dedication/Title of my personal Journal:For my love... Amanda = A novel of my dramaI really believe it is our fate to be together. I'd love to see what her name Amanda Dawn Dlugokinski would be when we get married.A dentist and his love: Revisited
From: Mark Dlugokinski (
Subject: UpdateAmanda and I have been happily married now for six years :) Our first child is two years old. His name is Jack.
Serves me right for being a dentist... gotta keep the suckers away from him!
Jack Dlugokinski = A kid, go licks junk
And he does like his sweets... fortunately I can fix any cavities he gets.
Do you have your own anagrammatic anecdotes, narratives and tales that needs to be told here? Drop us a line at (words AT