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Anagrams for: thirteen

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Thought of the Moment

I react pragmatically. Where the market works, I'm for that. Where the government is necessary, I'm for that. I'm deeply suspicious of somebody who says, "I'm in favor of privatization," or, "I'm deeply in favor of public ownership." I'm in favor of whatever works in the particular case. -John Kenneth Galbraith, economist (1908-2006)

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65 found. Displaying all:
Nether Ti
Nether It
Here Tint
There Tin
There Nit
Ether Tin
Ether Nit
Three Tin
Three Nit
Tether In
Retie Nth
Enter Hit
Tree Hint
Tree Thin
Hire Nett
Hire Tent
Heir Nett
Heir Tent
Their Ten
Their Net
Tither En
Hitter En
Hen Trite
Then Tier
Then Tire
Then Rite
Tenth Ire
The Inert
The Nitre
The Niter
The Inter
Ere Nth Ti
Ere Nth It
Tree Nth I
He Rent Ti
He Rent It
He Tern Ti
He Tern It
He Re Tint
Eh Rent Ti
Eh Rent It
Eh Tern Ti
Eh Tern It
Eh Re Tint
Hen Re Tit
Then Re Ti
Then Re It
Tenth Re I
Her En Tit
Her Ten Ti
Her Ten It
Her Net Ti
Her Net It
Her Nett I
Her Tent I
The Rent I
The Tern I
The Re Tin
The Re Nit
Tie Re Nth
Ten Re Hit
Net Re Hit
Nett Re Hi
Tent Re Hi

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