Anagrams for: Declination
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Because we don't understand the brain very well we're constantly tempted to use the latest technology as a model for trying to understand it. In my childhood we were always assured that the brain was a telephone switchboard. (What else could it be?) And I was amused to see that Sherrington, the great British neuroscientist, thought that the brain worked like a telegraph system. Freud often compared the brain to hydraulic and electromagnetic systems. Leibniz compared it to a mill, and now, obviously, the metaphor is the digital computer. -John R. Searle, philosophy professor (b. 1932)
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Identical No
Identical On
Iceland Into
Nonacid Lite
Nonacid Tile
Dicta Online
Anticline Do
Ancient Lido
Ancient Idol
Cilia Tendon
Inaction Led
Contain Deli
Contain Lied
Contain Idle
Action Lined
Cation Lined
Clan Edition
Nailed Tonic
Alined Tonic
Denial Tonic
Dental Ionic
Lad Nicotine
Nodal Incite
Toad Incline
Lean Diction
Elan Diction
Lane Diction
Alone Indict
Ilia Contend
Lain Noticed
Nail Noticed
Loan Incited
Oat Inclined
A Inclined To
A Incident Lo
A Coined Lint
A Noticed Nil
A Indict Lone
A Indict Noel
A Incline Dot
A Coil Dentin
A Coil Indent
A Coil Intend
A Coil Tinned
A Loci Dentin
A Loci Indent
A Loci Intend
A Loci Tinned
A Tonic Lined
Cad Line Into
Cad Lien Into
Cad Online It
Cad Online Ti
Cad Inlet Ion
Cad Nine Toil
Cad Nite Lion
Cad Nite Loin
Cad Tine Lion
Cad Tine Loin
Aced Nil Into
Aced Lion Nit
Aced Lion Tin
Aced Loin Nit
Aced Loin Tin
Aced Lint Ion
Aced Toil Inn
Dace Nil Into
Dace Lion Nit
Dace Lion Tin
Dace Loin Nit
Dace Loin Tin
Dace Lint Ion
Dace Toil Inn
Iceland I Not
Iceland I Ton
Iceland In To
Iceland It No
Iceland It On
Iceland Ti No
Iceland Ti On
Citadel In No
Citadel In On
Dialect In No
Dialect In On
Decal In Into
Decal Ion Nit
Decal Ion Tin
Laced In Into
Laced Ion Nit
Laced Ion Tin
Candle I Into
Candle Ion It
Candle Ion Ti
Lanced I Into
Lanced Ion It
Lanced Ion Ti
Coaled In Nit
Coaled In Tin
Coaled Inn It