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Mar 30, 2006
This week's themeWords related to archery This week's words parthian shot fletcher bull's-eye toxophilite best gold A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargtoxophilite(tok-SOF-uh-lyt)noun: One who is fond of or expert at archery. [Coined by Roger Ascham (1515-1568), scholar and writer, as a proper name and the title of his book Toxophilus, from Greek toxon (bow) + -philos (loving).] Roger Ascham was the tutor for teenager Elizabeth, future Queen Elizabeth I. His book Toxophilus was the first book on archery in English. It was a treatise on archery but it was also an argument for writing in the vernacular: in English. You could say he shot two birds with one arrow.
"In uncertain times, it makes sense to have as many strings to your bow
as a well-provisioned fiddler or a prudent toxophilite."
X-BonusA wonderful time--the War: / when money rolled in / and blood rolled out. / But blood / was far away / from here-- / Money was near. -Langston Hughes, poet and novelist (1902-1967) |
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