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Jul 20, 2007
This week's themeWords from the writing of Judge Bruce M. Selya This week's words aposematic pleochroic pastiche haboob resipiscent Next week’s theme Unusual words used in famous quotations A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargresipiscent(re-si-PIS-uhnt)adjective: Having returned to a saner mind. [From Latin resipiscere (to recover one's senses), from re- (again) + sapere (to taste, to know). Ultimately from Indo-European root sep- (to taste or perceive) that is also the source of sage, savant, savvy, savor, sapid, sapient, and insipid.]
"I am a recidivist, frequently guilty of overwriting and overciting.
But I am at least a resipiscent recidivist. I have come around to the
view that, though it may take discipline to cut more quickly to the
chase and to doff the security blanket that writers weave from string
citations, we, as judges, must dedicate ourselves to the task."
X-BonusIf you want something really important to be done you must not merely satisfy the reason, you must move the heart also. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) |
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