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Apr 15, 2004
This week's themeContranyms This week's words chuffed sententious endsville excrescence simon-pure Roll the dice Get a random word from A.Word.A.Day archives A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargexcrescence1. An abnormal outgrowth, e.g. wart.2. A normal outgrowth, e.g. hair or nail. 3. An unwanted, unnecessary, or disfiguring extension or addition. [From Middle English, from Latin excrescentia, from excrescent- (stem of excrescens), present participle of excrescere (to grow out), from ex- (out), + crescere (to grow). Other derivatives from the same Latin root are crew, crescendo, crescent, accrue, concrete, decrease, increase, recruit.]
"We opined in these columns three weeks ago that the Rainbow Alliance is
an excrescence in the ruling party and will not fly as an idea inside
Kanu, only out of it."
"When it is erected next fall at Michigan and Wacker Drive as part of
the rebuilding of Michigan Avenue south of the Chicago River, this
florid excrescence will be 75 feet tall, with a stylized version of
the four-star Chicago flag draped from its crossbar."
X-BonusNever let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right. -Isaac Asimov, scientist and writer (1920-1992) |
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