The following was generated by GPT-4 from the prompt "Write a Seinfeld episode with Anu Garg as a character."

Title: "The Word Enthusiast"

[Jerry's Apartment]

JERRY: (excited) Guess who's coming to town?

GEORGE: (sarcastic) Oh, I don't know, the Queen of England?

JERRY: No, no! Anu Garg, the guy behind! The creator of A.Word.A.Day!

GEORGE: (unimpressed) Great. Another person who's going to correct my grammar.

JERRY: He's hosting a live event at the New York Public Library, and I got us tickets!

[Monk's Café]

ELAINE: (interested) So, this guy is some kind of word genius?

JERRY: He's a language enthusiast. His website has a huge following. People love the daily word emails and all the language resources.

ELAINE: (smirking) Oh, I bet Kramer is going to try and impress him with his made-up words.

GEORGE: (annoyed) What's so special about being good with words anyway? Is it going to help him parallel park?

[Kramer's Apartment]

KRAMER: (excited) Anu Garg? I love that guy! He's a word wizard! Jerry, you've got to introduce me.

JERRY: (reluctant) Kramer, you can't just walk up to someone like Anu Garg and start making up words.

KRAMER: (determined) I've got a whole list of new words, Jerry! Just wait till he hears them. I'll be in A.Word.A.Day!

[New York Public Library - Anu Garg's Event]

ANU GARG: (on stage) Welcome, word enthusiasts! Today, we're going to explore the fascinating world of language.

(The gang is seated together, and Kramer is fidgety with anticipation.)

JERRY: (whispering to Kramer) Just enjoy the event, Kramer. No crazy ideas.

[After the Event]

(The gang approaches Anu Garg, who's signing autographs.)

JERRY: (nervous) Hi, Mr. Garg, big fan of your work. I'm Jerry Seinfeld, and these are my friends, George, Elaine, and Kramer.

ANU GARG: (smiling) Nice to meet you all!

KRAMER: (blurting out) Mr. Garg, I've got some new words for you. How about "snarfle" - when you laugh and snort at the same time!

ANU GARG: (amused) That's quite an interesting word, Kramer.

ELAINE: (embarrassed) We're sorry, Mr. Garg. He's just very enthusiastic about words.

ANU GARG: (laughing) No need to apologize. I appreciate the creativity. Keep exploring language, Kramer.

[Jerry's Apartment]

GEORGE: (grudgingly) I have to admit, that Anu Garg guy was pretty interesting.

ELAINE: (agreeing) Yeah, I never thought I'd enjoy an event about words so much.

JERRY: (smiling) And Kramer, how did it feel to have your word acknowledged by Anu Garg?

KRAMER: (grinning) Jerry, I'm telling you, "snarfle" is going to be the next big thing!

(The gang laughs as the episode ends.)

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