Wordsmith Chat Help
This is a moderated chat. When you ask a question it is sent
to the moderator who may forward the question to the Guest Speaker.
Wordsmith Chat requires a Java enabled browser. You may find the following suggestions
useful for an optimal experience.
- You can fill in information about yourself in a profile that other
attendees can view. To do so, click on the
button and then select
Profile tab. You can view another person's profile by selecting his/her name in the Users window on right, then clicking on the button above the name.
- You can change font size, color, etc. by clicking on the
and then selecting the Fonts tab.
- Please send your question only once. Since this is a moderated chat,
it goes to the moderator first, and then to the guest speaker. Hence, it may
be some time before your question appears in the chat window.
- If you need any help, please email (words AT wordsmith.org).