Jist plaign graijte !

To Ted The Gallant,

One of our trips to Ireland got us into an Irish hospital for six weeks with broken bones because a van from a Bacon Company
overtook a flock of sheep in a sharp curve of one of them scenic country roads. The front window gone, our back seat passenger's spectacles ended up way over the offensive van and the Company's slices of bacon ended up way over all around the place. The sheep didn't care for bacon and pursued their pastoral trail.
The hospital was great! I was a only a little scared to death by a teeny weeny gostlike little waif that whispered :'Holy water? Holy water? into my feverish ear. I thought the end had come right then and there due to a shot of morphine on which I reacted negative. All docters and nurses
thought it a big waste of money, that shot.
The matron hopped in every day in my single room to ask how we were feeling today. The head surgeon governed the place like a King.
(Louis XVI) Complete with peacocks on the lawn and he did his rounds with a staff of assistants acting as courtiers.
Before dawn the hospital smelled of the home- bread baking and as it was Xmas there was turkey, turnips and iced heavy black Christmas cake.I was daily wheeled over to my husband's room who was lying in traction with a broken hip . It was the most hospitable hospital I ever knew. Bantry, best place in the world to brake a leg. I love Ireland,the music,the accent though I never got it right.
On many a trip I saw donkeys , not ever I saw you, Gallant Ted . I guess you must have been a toddler at the time and was off to the woods to the annual Teddy Bear's Picnic.

Love your column!

Last edited by BranShea; 11/09/06 11:49 AM.