Posted By: wwh tribulation - 09/08/02 10:30 PM
We have had several words about mechanical treatment of products of agriculture and
animal husbandry. Thresh,tease, scutcher, heckle, triturate,and now "tribulation"
ME tribulacion < OFr < LL(Ec) tribulatio < tribulare, to afflict, oppress < L, to press < tribulum, threshing platform with sharp studs, akin to terere, to rub: for IE base see THROW6
1 great misery or distress, as from oppression; deep sorrow
2 something that causes suffering or distress; affliction; trial
The Latin word refers to separating wheat from stems of stalks by striiking
them against upright studs on a platform.

And after this would come the separation of the wheat from the chaff by
ME winewen < OE windwian, to winnow < wind, WIND26
1 a) to blow the chaff from (grain) by wind or a forced current of air b) to blow off (chaff) in this manner
2 to blow away; scatter
3 to analyze or examine carefully in order to separate the various elements; sift
4 a) to separate out or eliminate (the poor or useless parts) b) to sort out or extract (the good or useful parts)
5 [Now Rare] to fan with or as with the wings
to winnow grain
1 the act of winnowing
2 an apparatus for winnowing

Posted By: Wordwind Re: tribulation - 09/08/02 11:28 PM
Wish I weren't so tired because I'd like to winnow my mental wings about all you've posted here, wwh.

However, before leaving here, I do want to thank you for providing the etymology of tribulation. And I wish to see some drawings of wheat being tribulated!

Beat regards,

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