Posted By: alexis Utter dismay - 06/17/02 08:04 AM
I am sorry, children, but NO MATTER what has been said or done, your claims that Keiva has ruined this board are effectively NULLIFIED in my mind now that you have beaten, kicked, and stabbed what you thought was a corpse, and I happened to think was still a very interesting and stimulating arena for words (so I'm new; so what? Living in the past - and this from a history student - is overrated; it will never come back).

I am not taking any sides here, I am merely relating my dismay, anger and shock to discover this evening, upon coming home, that all the new posts I thought I had to read were in reality nothing but spam - and truth CAN be spam, it seems, if repeated often and pointlessly enough.

PLEASE, can we get back to the words?

Posted By: wordcrazy Re: Utter dismay - 06/17/02 12:24 PM
Alexis, you have not disappointed me. I know you are a kindred spirit.j
I was going to post a new thread but now I do not have to.
You have said it all and in such temperate and measured way.
As long as there are human beings like you, I will not despair.

I do not have many material treasures. Time is one of the treasures I value a lot of and at my age I do not have much of it. Lately I used some of this limited treasure to keep this precious AWAD talk going, staying up late to contribute a little to help Geoff, milum, CK, wwh, Angel, SilkMuse, ModestGodess, (I will think of the others later)
keep Anu's vision from dying.
I could cry..
But you said it all
Thank you

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