Posted By: sjm The sorry state of kulcha in Zild - 12/17/02 03:24 AM
Nota bene the last paragraph.

Posted By: Jackie Re: The sorry state of kulcha in Zild - 12/18/02 02:35 AM
Finally, I get to do this! I started to, many hours ago, but got interrupted. About how old is Mr. English? Is he young, by any chance? That's the only thing I can think of that might explain why someone who has a first-class honours degree in English literature would opt for not reading a book because he has now seen the movie. (Notice I am making no mention of the position he holds. And, I do love that word, kulcha! ) FWIW, I am now reading "The Neverending Story". I hadn't realized the movie was based on a book until I saw this one at a sale a few weeks ago. Based on what I have read so far, the movie stuck remarkably close to it.

Naturally, I went to some other links from your page (thank you), and found this curious (to me) statement:
David Sampson has virtually sold out of Christmas trees with seven more sleeps until Christmas. I couldn't figure it out at first, then realized that, with the difference in time zones, it was indeed 7 days till Christmas when that was written. Do you-all normally say sleeps instead of days?

Posted By: sjm Re: The sorry state of kulcha in Zild - 12/18/02 03:11 AM
Bill English is probably in his mid 40s - Pfranz will probably know for sure.

"sleeps" is a kids thing - counting down to a landmark event by the number of times one has to go to sleep before the longed-for day arrives.

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