Hello to All,

Do you reference a thorough electronic dictionary often? I purchased the Franklin 1490
(http://www.franklin.com/estore/dictionary/MWD-1490/) and have been finding it surprising that a $60 electronic dictionary has less definitions that my Palm Compact used to store. It has no record, and therefore corrects, basic words like 'vibrant' and doesn't contain most of the words I need to look up (chthonian).

Any suggestions for a good electronic dictionary?

I've been looking at other models from other companies, and the ones I really would like (expandable!) cost $600 and up, which I can't do in these times. I considered Kindle, but it's so big and not really quite "there" yet.

The design and size of the 1490 is actually its best feature. Something this size with post-graduate level English definitions and brief etymologies would be FANTASTIC.

Your advice will be considered and respected.
Thank you very much!

is there some reason you want/need a separate gizmo rather than using the available online resources? (which include, for starters, onelook.com, W3 ($30 per annum subs.), OED online (free access through many library subscriptions)

onelook : chthonian
Thank you for responding.
My reasoning for requiring an offline gizmo (I really should have stated this in my original post) is because I often read when I am not near a computer. Previously, I had a dictionary on my Palm, which worked in areas where reception wasn't available. That was fantastic. Eventually, my Palm stopped working and I now have another Smartphone. With my smartphone, it's not that big and I haven't found a good offline dictionary for the amount of space I have, complete with thesaurus and grammar inquiries.

I don't mind another gizmo, I just want one that is worth referencing. This one was billed as a "reference suite" and I find it very, very lacking. I'd like something that I can pack with a book and be internet-independent.
I'd recommend Merriam-Webster's Collegiate. (it's a book) grin
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