Posted By: Sparteye personality profile - 03/20/01 12:40 AM
Well, as long as we are discussing personality profiles, here's another one which has possibilities.

To participate, go to www.emode.com and sign up. Take emode's Ultimate Personality Test, and then the test will give you a prepackaged personality profile. Here's the cool part: once you've taken the test, we can compare results. The program will compare the personality types and assess compatibility in the categories of friendship, love, work and enemy.

The only hitch is, to compare results, you have to have the email address of the other person. I suggest that we send them by private message to fellow participants.

Here's my profile as determined by emode:


You idolize Donald Trump. You aim to succeed — and you'll quickly crush anyone who stands in your way. You want money. You want fame. You want that big corner office. Your closet is brimming with red power suits. You know how to impress people, and you know how to have a good time.

You're very ambitious and personable, and you've got a great sense of humor. You care a lot about how you look. You're bursting with self-confidence, and people admire you for your achievements and determination. Behind that bold exterior, though, you sometimes worry that you're not good enough. But, hey, don't we all?

Professionally, you're extremely motivated. But you can be so critical of your work that it may be self-destructive. Nevertheless, people generally know that you're a solid, reliable person who can perform under pressure. After all, you read Forbes and follow proven strategies for success.

I question the accuracy of the first paragraph, but the others are pretty close.

Posted By: shanks Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 10:34 AM
My results. My comments in green

Hey, Ravi, you're a Lethal Weapon!Right. And Mel Gibson made a great Hamlet...

You're smart, slick, and fast.When? Where? Did that period go by me too quickly? You break rules.Excuse me. I'm British. We always stay in queues. You start trends. MTV wants to interview you.I knew I needed to get my voicemail fixed - I've been missing out You love loud, obnoxious parties where you can let it all hang out.Beer belly first off! No structure, please. You hate routine and boring, predictable people. You get cabin fever if you're cooped up too long — say, five minutes or so. But you adapt to new situations as smooth as butter.Are the situations smooth or am I? Well, maybe chunky peanut butter.

You're open-minded, enthusiastic, and popular with both people and pets.Now if only someone had told that to Mehul's dog who bit me on the ers... Sure, you had bad hair in high school, but now you've got style. Everyone wants to be your friend. They buy you drinks and give you nicknames. But at home, late at night with the shades pulled down, you secretly question your self-worth, wondering if you're really all you're cracked up to be.I'm not ashamed - I do it in public. I'm the inventor of the classic chat-up line: "My id doesn't understand me". So there. Then you go to bed.

You hate seeing the same old faces at work day after day. But at the same time, you're a great leader among them. You're motivated and serious, and you always jump at the chance to take on a new project. Innovation and abstract thinking are your strengths. But sometimes you'd rather just work on an independent project so you can do your stuff without having to deal with people.If I'm so great, how come I'm not richer than Bill gates yet?

Great fun on the whole, Sparteye, but I'd be very doubtful about its acuracy.


the sunshine warrior

Posted By: maverick Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 11:57 AM
doubtful about its acuracy

How so? - it's published, so it must be true!

Hey, Maverick, you're a Skydiver!
You're a free-spirited, independent, action-crazed lunatic. You love movies with sex and violence, and you drive like a maniac. "Anything for a good time," is your motto, even if that means dancing half-dressed on some booze-slicked bar. ... You're open and extroverted, and chances are you're pretty liberal (ever thought of giving nudism a try?). Plus, you can work a crowd, baby...

They read my soul

Posted By: BlanchePatch Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 12:09 PM
I'm so suspicious of these quizzes in consumer media sources (read: advertising- or sales-driven). Do they tell you what your personality actually is, or do they play on what they've discovered your personality is to try to convince you of what they want it to be? "Spend more! Here's how, and why!"

I dunno. Am I becoming paranoid?

Posted By: maverick Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 12:13 PM
Am I becoming paranoid?

"How lonk haff you velt like this? Please, make yourself komfortable on ze couch (do you haff Amerigan Express?)..."

Posted By: musick Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 09:29 PM
Lisa Simpson - "But dad, I read it on a placemat at a restaurant."

Homer Simpson - "You did? Now I don't know what to think..."(biting his nails)

Posted By: belMarduk Re: personality profile - 03/20/01 11:35 PM
Heyyyy, me too Mav. Care for a little skinny dippin?

Posted By: Bingley Re: personality profile - 03/21/01 03:32 AM
I, apparently am a critic.

You're complex and thoughtful. You look beneath the surface. You're good at chess (or would be if you played) I am hopeless at chess as my spatial sense is somewhat warped . Pondering deep thoughts sounds better to you than going out on the town. But you can be so critical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults. The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit. I have all the social skills of Darth Vader on one of his off days

You carry quite a few burdens on those little shoulders of yours. Sometimes the world seems so gloomy that you just want to crawl up in your cozy bed and sleep it off. That shy nature of yours means you like to be alone watching romantic comedies, preferably ones starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. As far as I know there is only one that stars the two of them and it wasn't that good anyway. Chances are you hate arguing and other tense situations, which can leave you feeling helpless and confused. But there's a part deep inside you that's aching to make some serious bucks. You just need to figure how to go out and grab it. All suggestions welcome

You hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment. You avoid co-workers who talk loudly or brandish sharp objects. Best thing to do with anyone brandishing sharp objects, I would have thought.Sometimes you feel undervalued by your boss, but everyone notices your motivation and talent. You wish you dressed snappier. Not if it means spending time and money on it I don't But you're an original thinker, and people will respect your judgments once they get to know you.

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen Re: personality profile - 03/21/01 03:58 AM
I, apparently, am Bingley:

Hey, Max, you're a Critic!

You're complex and thoughtful. You look beneath the surface My desk has a surface?I haven't seen it in months. You're good at chessThe term "fool's mate" was coined with me in mind (or would be if you played). Pondering deep thoughtsi.e., where'd I leave the corn chips? sounds better to you than going out on the town. But you can be so critical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults. The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit. Perceptive? Moi? Not likely!

You carry quite a few burdens on those little shoulders of yours. Sometimes the world seems so gloomy that you just want to crawl up in your cozy bed and sleep it off.Gee, that sounds so much better than, "you're a bone idle, hopelessly lazy SOB" That shy nature of yours means you like to be alone watching romantic comedies, preferably ones starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Well, I do like The Notting Hillbillies, does that count?Chances are you hate arguing and other tense situations, which can leave you feeling helpless and confused Score 1, they make me physically ill.
You hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment. Score 2,
You avoid co-workers who talk loudly or brandish sharp objects. Sometimes you feel undervalued by your boss, but everyone notices your motivation and talent. Ha!! Motivation is the one thing I have even less of than talent, Score -1 zillion

Posted By: maverick Re: personality profile - 03/21/01 11:17 AM
Care for a little skinny dippin?

Name the sea, sister! (but I may be a little late - will you have gone?)

Posted By: Fiberbabe Re: personality profile - 03/21/01 07:50 PM
Hey, Fiberbabe, you're an Observer!

You like television. That may be, but not that way. At parties, you lounge around on couches and watch other people flirt and act stupid. But at the same time, you're happy enough to go along with the group. OK, I'll give you that. You don't like drawing attention to yourself — red platform shoes or flamboyant, sequined outfits are out of the question. Then how do you explain this Carmen Miranda headdress I'm currently sporting? Hmmmm? A perfect evening for you means a cozy chat with a good friend and a pint of Haagen-Dazs. I prefer Ben & Jerry's. Gotcha.

Like all mellow folks, you're not too into serious soul mining. You'd rather just relax than freak out about yourself. But at the same time, you recognize that understanding your inner nature can help you further develop your sense of intuition, discover parts of yourself that remain below the surface, and learn how to better communicate with others. And that's cool, right? Whatever. I'm not gonna freak out about it.

At work, you're a team player, but chances are you aren't clamoring for that big promotion. Right. I just got the big promotion. Why worry? Where to go for lunch is enough of a decision for you. Um... about that... You work best under a routine, which explains why I go to the SAME PLACE for lunch every day! Weren't you listening to what you just said? and you avoid challenges that require too much improvisation. Like my improv class?

Hmmph. I liked their "What Breed of Dog Are You?" test better...

Posted By: Anonymous Re: personality profile - 03/21/01 10:42 PM
Hey, bridget, you're a Chosen One!

Wherever you go, you leave a trail of rose petals in your wake. well, i *do* love wakeboarding You may even have been Gandhi in a former life which explains why i'm always barefoot. Warm, giving, knowing, and patient, people try to get mad at you, but they feel terrible about it later. with the notable exception of my husband, who easily overcomes this obstacle As a child, you easily could have convinced your entire class to stage a sit-in against the math teacher, but you're too sweet. that's me.. sugar and spice Perky and armed with tons of self-confidence, you're not afraid to actively pursue your goals and dreams. yes, i'll be sure to let you all know when britney picks me for her backup dance squad

As if all that weren't enough, you pretty much set the standard for emotional health. You practically ooze positive feelings and energy. You don't worry about minor faults faults? i have faults? but recognize both your strengths and weaknesses. Your generally upbeat mood means it takes a lot to really bring you downmuch to the chagrin of the world's doomsayers, who simply think i'm immature. And you're no fair-weather friend. You care about people, and you see them through the good times and bad. yes, i think both of my friends would agree to this

At work, you're very reliable and responsibleso why, then, have i been fired from every job i've ever had, including the time i married the boss?. You bring in baked goods for your co-workers and always return phone calls (even to telemarketers)oh, dear...that's minus a gazillion points. i never, *ever* answer the phone. ever.. You'd be a great person in an emergency. Plus, you're really excited about your work (go, team!)that's Go CARDINAL to you, bub, and your personal commitment to finishing what you start means you're a great leader. So get out there and do the world some good mmhmm...riiiiiight

Posted By: belMarduk Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 02:44 AM
For you Mav I shall wait till the sun sets in its final rest and the earth slows to a standstill...or until you finally arrive.

(oh the variations of arrive I could use here...bite my tongue, bite my tongue, behave, behave)

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 07:42 AM
Mav and I have something in common ... no parachute!

Posted By: maverick Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 02:47 PM
>>> variations of arrive...bite my tongue

Are you threatening to dent my pride?


Hey, CK - I thought you said you had packed it...?!

Posted By: Anonymous Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 04:27 PM
"oh the variations of arrive I could use here...bite my tongue, bite my tongue, behave, behave)

ah, sweet Bel.... Faldage has already (unwittingly, i'm sure) done the honors, in the thread you mention)

Posted By: belMarduk Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 08:14 PM
I have it on good authority (and no I will blab) that Mav never "arrives" anywhere prematurely

Your pride shall not be dented by me, says she, swooning.

Posted By: Jackie Re: personality profile - 03/22/01 11:10 PM
I have it on good authority (and no I will blab) that Mav never "arrives" anywhere prematurely

Your pride shall not be dented by me, says she, swooning.

Bel, I can't believe you told on me! I shall magnanimously grant you your swooning time now, ma chérie--mav and I parted this afternoon with big grins on both our faces...

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: personality profile - 03/23/01 06:30 AM
Hey, CK - I thought you said you had packed it...?!

Packed what? Geez, you're a hopeless loser, you said you were doing it. But then again, given the speed with which the ground's rushing up, so am I. Hey, I've got a neat idea. Lend me your handkerchief! You won't need it after the next few seconds anyway ...

Posted By: maverick Re: personality profile - 03/23/01 02:41 PM
Lend me your handkerchief!

This is no time for that sort of thing, CK!

Ah - lucky we're over water - time for some skinny dipping

Posted By: belMarduk Re: personality profile - 03/24/01 03:16 AM
Now, now, this is a community Board. No playing solitaire!

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