Find the subtext (I won't post the answer for a few days... anyone who read M. vos Savant's [is her name for real?] column this past weekend is automatically disqualified):

Sir, I send a rhyme excelling
In sacred truth and rigid spelling
Numerical sprites elucidate
For me the lexicon's dull* weight.

*also "full"

Posted By: Jackie Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/01/04 12:48 AM
Okay; "subtext" means The implicit meaning or theme of a literary text. In other words, what's she talking about, right?
Sounds like a dictionary to me. No, no, wait--it has to be a rhyme. "Numerical sprites"--sounds like footnote indicators... ?? Oh! The Bible? Agh, that's not a rhyme either. Though parts of it are songs or poems...The Song of Solomon, perhaps?

I'd go with dictionary.

I guess "subtext" is the wrong word. Sorry to mislead, though you were quite creative there, Jackie.This is much better:

What's the poem's structure based on?

I keep going around in circles.
I'm stumpt.


Posted By: Faldage Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/01/04 12:37 PM
going around in circles.

That's perty funny, Fall.

making me hungry...

Posted By: Faldage Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/01/04 01:02 PM

Have you some cornbread, cygne.

it's all greek to me...

you clud make a guess...

edit:dang typing...

OK, y'all boys are squarely (as it were) on to it. Anybody want me to post the answer?

Posted By: Jackie Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/03/04 01:31 AM
Yes, please. I haven't a clue.

...leaves me pie-eyed (and I'm pleased to say I figured it out all by my lonesome, without having to look at the end of the MvS column).

How I want a drink - alcoholic, of course - after the heavy chapters involving Quantum Mechanics.

Here's a VERY heavy hint, if you want: http://members.chello.nl/r.kuijt/pi_onthouden.htm. Even if it is in Dutch.
Does wofa's link do it for you, Jackie?

we should try our own. either separately, or as a group?

I'll start a group:


the "P" ...

Ha!! thought you'd fox us by ensuring that the second word must be a noun, did you???
Posted By: Faldage Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/03/04 02:01 PM
the "P" will

So, Rhuby, since when is the name of a letter not a noun?

My point being, not that letter names are not nouns, but that the only 'normal' or usual single letter words are 'a' and 'I' and neither are really nouns - you couldn't say, "The I" or "The a.".
('X' could be allowable, if you stretch credibility just a bit. But you might as well also use letters that are used as an abbreviation for something.)

I thought the "P" was might going to be an adjective...

not so very many one-letter adjectives, for that matter, but I'll admit the potential.

I was thinking of like the A Team...

Posted By: Faldage Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/04/04 12:59 PM
I think Russian is probably the champeen of languages with one letter words, some of which, e.g., ya, don't look like one letter words when you transliterate them. But we have S, V, and YI as well, and, IIRC, several more.

the "P" will I

nothing possible but anastrophe here

the "P" will I avoid

Posted By: Capfka Re: What's significant about this poem-ette? - 06/04/04 05:21 PM
Oh, go on, have a P. You'll feel much better afterwards!

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