Posted By: Jackie Spelling Bee Quiz - 06/05/10 12:52 AM
Here is the quiz, as best I could copy it, that MS posted, presumably due to the spelling bee being broadcast tonight. I couldn't just put the link because there are ads on the page. That page has circles you can put dots in; I put in the ABCD options--I truly hope I got them correct from here to the answers post, which will be separate. FTR, I got 9 right, which I considered not bad given that I hadn't heard of several of these words. (Then I took it again so I could copy all correct answers.) Y'all have fun! :-)

As the 83rd annual Scripps National Spelling Bee takes place in Washington, D.C., see how well you can spell some of the winning words of years past.

1. Find the correct spelling of the word that means lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics

A.) Laodicaen

B.) Laodicean

C.) Loadicean

D.) Ladocean

2. Find the correct spelling of the word that means of or pertaining to emeralds; having the color of emeralds

A.) smaragdene

B.) smauragdine

C.) smaragadine

D.) smaragdine

3. Find the correct spelling of the word that means a move or step or maneuver in political or diplomatic affairs

A.) demarche

B.) demarch

C.) demurche

D.) damarche

4. Find the correct spelling of the word that means indifferent, nonchalant, caring little

A.) pocucurante

B.) pocacurante

C.) pococuranti

D.) pococurante

5. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
native to the place where found; indigenous

A.) autochthonous

B.) autochthunous

C.) autochithonous

D.) autochthonos

6. Find the correct spelling of the word that means prevision: seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing

A.) prospsicience

B.) prospicience

C.) prospiscience

D.) proscpiscience

7. Find the correct spelling of the word that means strict attention to minute details

A.) meticulousite

B.) meticulusity

C.) meticulousity

D.) meticulosity

8. Find the correct spelling of the word that means pathologically excessive talking

A.) logarhea

B.) logarrhae

C.) logarrhea

D.) logorrhea

9. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
not covered in scales, or of scale like objects, a smooth skin

A.) esquamulose

B.) esquamulouse

C.) esquaumulose

D.) esquamuloose

10. Find the correct spelling of the word that means
an ache localized in or around a tooth

A.) odontalgea

B.) odontalgia

C.) odantalgia

D.) ondauntalgia

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