Posted By: modestgoddess What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 03:41 AM
Whew! I just got back from Nude/naked, where the discussion is JUST ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Some of it inspired me to create this thread, of which I have been thinking for some time. I hope some people will respond - I'm soooo curious.....

I would love to know how people come up with their noms de screen. Some on this board are intriguing: Jazzoctopus, for example, and Angel (I mean, howcum no one jumps all over our Angelic one for HER handle? [hurt-e] [KIDDING!-e]!), and Keiva, and Max Q (is that from Hitchhikers's? and if so, why that name?) etc.

I chose modestgoddess back when I was looking for a handle for a free email account. I thought to myself, "I want to be a goddess! O no, I couldn't possibly....Hey, modestgoddess!" And I use it EVERYWHERE I GO ON THE 'NET. So far, everyone has loved it - including editors and others for whom I've worked - save one person here in ma home town, who thinks it is presumptuous, rather than merely sumptuous, or at the very least, humorous.....I've seen some great names in emails. One of my faves was "knitwit" - which I could well have chosen (except that someone obviously beat me to it!), because my brothers call me that whenever they see me knitting.

Anyone else care to jump in and reveal (sorry, couldn't resist) the rhyme/reason behind/to their nom de screen?

Posted By: hev Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 05:06 AM

What can I say? I like cars... -in-cheek-e

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 05:20 AM
Thanks hev!

But I notice (from the link) that it is possible to "develop your own hev" and to buy an hev....But but but I thought when they "made" you they broke the mold?!

Posted By: hev Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 05:24 AM
"develop your own hev" and to buy an hev....But but but I thought when they "made" you they broke the mold?!

Oh, believe me, they may try to imitate the original, but none of those other hev will be quite the same!

Posted By: Leviathan Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 06:32 AM
Well, my name has kind of a mystic origin... several years ago I was getting a "nordic lecture" and there it said that my spirit was represented by Odin, and my guardian beast was the Leviathan (and since every time I try to enter "Odin" someone else's already using it...)

If, perhaps, everything is but a dream, Who's the one sleeping?
Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 10:35 AM



Posted By: Angel Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 11:35 AM
ModGod! You question my Angelic nature!

Before someone goes yellin YART around here, I know there was a thread back in the stoneage here, long before any of us that are answering knew that this board existed. Would be wonderful if one of you Carpal Tunnel's could provide a link for us all!

I chat online, as it states in my profile. My first chat nic was "§nowÅngel". This came from a humorous article I wrote about the fun of snowmobiling. The gist of which was, that at one time I was not very good at it, and when I would fall off the machine, I would make an angel in the snow to protect me till I fell off again!

When I started chatting in January, it was a cute nicname. But by April, the snow had melted and it was time to change my name. A friend sang the song "Earth Angel" to me and that became my new nicname for chat. But most people just call me Angel in chat, and that has become my nicname in real life, as well. So, at times I may be a bit unangelic, but that is my nicname, none-the-less.

Posted By: Jackie Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 12:09 PM
Welcome, Leviathon. I believe you're our first non-North American.
Before someone goes yellin YART around here, I know there was a thread back in the stoneage here, long before any of us that are answering knew that this board existed. Would be wonderful if one of you Carpal Tunnel's could provide a link for us all!
Here's the stone age discussion:

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 03:17 PM
I believe you're our first non-North American.

Gentle Jackie, do you mean our first South American? (I haven't noticed others - if they are here, I beg pardon!) 'Cos Capital Kiwi and stales and Rubrick and others might not take kindly to being lumped in with us North Americans.....

Posted By: Faldage Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 03:23 PM
our first South American

Actual, he's Central American. Perhaps Jackie would have beenbetter served had she said (non-North) American.

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 03:33 PM
Actual, he's Central American.

Panama, of course. (So much for my dreams of going back to school to become a geographer! )

(non-North) American works, don't it?

I love the way people love words on this site!

Posted By: Jackie Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 04:26 PM
Jackie would have beenbetter served had she said (non-North) American.
That's ee-zackly what I meant. Dag nab it, couldn't you hear my parentheses?

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 07:48 PM
Yeah, why couldn't you hear her parentheses? I mean, ain't they big enough? Don't they have a big enough footfall? Not that you've ever heard tell of anyone seeing them since 1947. But then, not many people in their right minds got to Roswell, NM, and, by hokey, if they do they don't come back the same!

Posted By: hev Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/10/02 10:59 PM
the stone age discussion:

Anyone else having difficulty with this thread? I get through the first page OK, then get a blank page. If I click on "show all" I get the 'Lichen on Basalt' thread coming up. Sigh! Really wanna know more...

BTW, can't believe no one bit on the red herring I threw out before!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: What's in a name, indeed? - 04/11/02 12:18 AM
>If I click on "show all" I get the 'Lichen on Basalt' thread coming up.

I'd post a link to a thread(s) which covers this, but it would probably be too long. 8 )

so in your preferences, set number of posts per page to 99, and hope that folks obey the "don't post more than 99 posts in a thread" edict, without getting all upset about edicts from the old folks.

Posted By: Keiva Re: a fix for that problem, hev - 04/11/02 02:18 PM
hev: the stone age discussion: http://wordsmith.org/board/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=miscellany&Number=499. If I click on "show all" I get the 'Lichen on Basalt' thread coming up.
tsuwm: so ... hope that folks obey the "don't post more than 99 posts in a thread" edict

hev, tsuwm, you can still solve that problem even if the "99 psts per thread" has been exceeded. Taking your example, hev, where the post-number in question is 499:

Proceed as you did until the "wrong thread" comes up (and convert that thread to "show all", if it isn't shown in full).
You'll notice that in your browser window, the post-number is not "499" as it should be. (The AWAD software has changed it, thus giving you the wrong thread.)

Put your cursor in the browser window, and manually convert that number to 499; then hit "enter". Voilą!

Posted By: musick "Watson" is a name, indeed! - 04/13/02 04:52 PM
Hey, I wasn't gonna yell YART, I was gonna whisper. I got sensitive ears, ya know. Then, I couldn't find (like I really care) my own *handel's explaination. I remember saying that my bio explained it all, but I've since changed my bio (the written version ).

For anyone new who gives a flying...

No, I'm not sick of music. I stopped performing professionally (and I use the *words losely Hi, Juan) about 6 years ago after about 15 years of unmitigated pleasure. Sort of a combined 'music' and 'homesick'.