Posted By: dalehileman seitan - 08/09/06 03:29 PM
Explain Bizarro today: the customer at a cafeteria asks the gal behind the counter, "How's the chicken tonight?" whereupon she responds, "Happy and healthy. That's seitan"
Posted By: Myridon Re: seitan - 08/09/06 03:37 PM
Evidentally it's a vegetarian place. Onelook is your friend... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seitan
Not being able to see the comic, there may be a pronunciation pun on satan or certain as well.
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: seitan - 08/09/06 04:44 PM

It's a soy derivative; we eat it once in a little while.
Posted By: FNAWrite Re: seitan - 08/09/06 04:54 PM
It is not a soy derivative it is an wheat gluten alternative to soy.

that this cartoon meant that a chicken had not been slaughtered for dinner and in its place was some other foodstuff seemed to me plain whether one knew what seitan is or not. I know I didn't know it, but it was an easy surmise.

Don't read too much from too little information. "Evidently it's a vegetarian place". Really? That's evident from the lack of one menu item, the inclusion of another and one wise crack? I know places that cook garden burgers on the same grill as hamburgers
Posted By: Aramis Re: Seitan, Tarzan - 08/09/06 07:12 PM
Betting it was a surmise. What other sort of place would have fake chicken?
Posted By: Myridon Re: seitan - 08/09/06 07:33 PM

Don't read too much from too little information. "Evidently it's a vegetarian place". Really? That's evident from the lack of one menu item, the inclusion of another and one wise crack? I know places that cook garden burgers on the same grill as hamburgers

Okay, so evidentally it's an ovo-lacto-beefo-porko-sheepo-insecto-mammalo-ichtho-everything-but-chicken-o-vegetarian restaurant. There's quite a difference between places that serve Garden Burgers and places that serve seitan "chicken".
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: seitan - 08/10/06 03:25 AM
Thanks, FNA -- I was wrong. I only guessed it was made from soy, as so many other meat substitutes are. That'll teach me to assume!

What's your native language?
Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: seitan - 08/10/06 01:48 PM

I've tried a number of vegetarian products that tout themselves as being "as good as meat." They are almost universally so nasty that I can't keep them in my mouth for more than a few seconds before hurling violently.

OTOH, there's some stuff in the chinese market called "mock duck" which in the ingredients is called "braised gluten." This stuff is *really* good. I used to eat it all the time with noodles and even prefer it to chicken sometimes.

I'm not familiar with the term seitan, though.
Posted By: FNAWrite Re: seitan - 08/10/06 02:08 PM
"There's quite a difference between places that serve Garden Burgers and places that serve seitan "chicken"."

What would that difference be? I wonder because places like the Mad River Bytes and Mango Thai and apparently hundreds of other restaurants offer (and presumably serve) seitan chicken, veggie burgers and genuine meat all from the same menu.

I dine out quite a bit. It is not at all unusual for places which one would think of as 'conventional' restaurants to offer vegetarian specialties alongside 'conventional' fare. I could not name any local eateries because I do not care for vegetarian fare (remember Cain & Abel - apparently vegetarian fare did not work for Christian god either).

I am a native English speaker, although you might not know from reading my writing. I write as well as I can - sometimes.
Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: seitan - 08/10/06 02:34 PM

Twenty years ago I might have insisted that there is quite a difference between places that sell kimchi and places that serve, for example, pickles. Nowadays many popular chain stores sell kimchi. It started with some of those with branches in areas with large korean populations. Nowadays it seems like I can thankfully find the stuff at nearly any large store I enter.
Posted By: Myridon Re: seitan - 08/10/06 03:26 PM

"There's quite a difference between places that serve Garden Burgers and places that serve seitan "chicken"."

What would that difference be? ...

Since I've never heard of those restaurants, I'm guessing that you (evidently) may live somewhere with a much higher concentration of people with dietary restrictions or preferences than the US (or maybe some tree-hugging place like Seattle?). You could well be the one leaping to conclusions by not taking into account the culture of the comic's author. I've heard that in England even McDonald's has non-beef burgers of some sort but they don't here.

Garden Burger(TM) here is a premium quality brand name that was popular for a while and promoted by celebrities. It (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) was available in some "non-heath-food" restaurants as a substitute but I'd say this phase has already passed (though I still see turkey burgers in a few places). If you look at the package of Garden Burger or Morningstar Farms products (the two brands usually carried by "normal" grocery stores), they contain walnuts and carrots and lots of stuff that sounds good and cooks up in an attractive manner. It's not just processed plant proteins like wheatmeat, tofurkey, seitan, etc.
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