Posted By: Homo Loquens Homo mensura (seriously) - 01/20/06 03:34 PM
All I can dig up on this phrase is that it means "man as the measure of all things".

But is it "man as the measure of all things" as in the cosmological anthropic principle or Biblical anthropocenticity? Or something else entirely?

If this webpage is to be believed, it is also the name of a rather famous doodle.

I would like to know how it might be used in a sentennce.

Love Ulrich


Edit: Unless they are using it to indicate that the picture is of "man measured".
Posted By: Jackie Re: Homo mensura (seriously) - 01/21/06 01:08 AM
I truly don't know how anyone has the nerve to ask for something from the very group of people he just tried to make fools of; I really don't. Unless this is yet another effort at seeing how far tolerance here can be pushed.

If anyone wants to comply with this request, go right ahead; just be warned: history has shown that if you do it out of kindness you will not be repaid likewise. Also, chance after chance after chance has been offered, re: the hope that in giving respect it will be returned, and the ugliness has resurfaced so far without fail. I'm done with offering, now.
Posted By: Homo Loquens Re: Homo mensura (seriously) - 01/24/06 05:54 AM
You need me.

I make words cool.

Without me, this place is Loserville.
Posted By: musick Silence is not 'cool' here. - 01/24/06 07:02 PM
You need me.

I make words cool.

Just the opposite, actually. You make others choose silence. Just what we don't need here .
Posted By: of troy Re: Silence is not 'cool' here. - 01/24/06 07:36 PM
Cool ? is that what i need?
Oh, so YOU think you know what i need?

I am an adult. I decide what i need, and i decide how i meet my needs. NOT you.

it seems rather you need me. or at least want me. you want me to accept your dictates. to listen to you. to agree or disagree with you.

others have met my needs in the past, so yes, i will listen to you for a bit, i will disagree with you, and by doing so, i will play at meeting your needs. but i will fail. I can not begin to know exactly what it is you need, so i know i will be inadaquate to the task.

you will blame me for failing. Its so much easier to blame me than take responsibility for your self. this is your pattern. It's always someone else who fails, never you.

the only solution is for you to recognize and admit your needs, and to satisfy them yourself. ONLY YOU can do that.
until then, you will be dissatisfied with life. you will act out, pretend, lie, cheat, misrepresent, and blame others for your failure.

so sad.
Posted By: Jackie Re: Silence is not 'cool' here. - 01/25/06 02:14 AM
Hello? Don't you-all recognize jocose humor when you see it? [rolling eyes e] and a [take that! e] and an [outstreched fist, thumb skyward, with twisting motion e]
Posted By: VirQuisqueVir Re: Homo mensura (seriously) - 02/18/06 04:53 AM
Ok, "homo mensura" does mean, "mean is the measure." It was first used by Protagoras. Homo mensura is frequently used in arguments reflecting the writings of Paley, Guanilo, Dostoevsky, Anselm, and Holbach--as these are most often used in collegiate textbooks.
Subjects relevant to this, though loose and vague condition, are the problem of evil, the existence of God, the existence of free will, the appearance of imperfection, the possibility of perfection, and the perception of self.

It is typically, and as far as I can tell, correctly, not attributed to any biblical argument, but materialist philosophy and elementalism.
Posted By: snoot Re: Homo mensura (seriously) - 02/18/06 05:10 AM

Ok, "homo mensura" does mean, "mean is the measure."

As Homo Loquens will not be able to reply to your post himself, I will tell you that "mean is the measure" seems to have been, quite literally, the philosophy behind HL's postings here.
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