Posted By: wwh Today's Word - 06/12/02 12:09 PM
As used today, "ted" means to turn cut hay over the day after it is cut, because though the top may be dry enough, the bottom is still so moist it could spoil.
It just occurred to me that grass isn't hay until it has been cut. My dictionary says "hay" is related to "hew" which we use for cutting wood.

Posted By: wwh Re: Today's Word - 06/12/02 02:05 PM
I just remembered there is a very old French word "une haie" (hope I remembered spelling correctly) which meant "an enclosure" where animals were somewhat protected from straying and predators.The reason I remember that word is that my mother's maiden name was Hayford, and the family genealogist said it meant an "enclosure near a ford".

But when I looked up "haie" in online French Dictionary, only definition given was "hedge".

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