Posted By: wwh restiform - 11/07/02 04:43 PM
Only a real asshole whould expect a highschool kid to know this word which I never
saw before, and do not expect to see again.
ModL restiformis < L restis, rope (for IE base see RUSH2) + 3formis, 3FORM6 ropelike or cordlike; specif., designating either of two cordlike bundles of nerve fibers (restiform bodies) connecting the medulla oblongata with each hemisphere of the cerebellum

Posted By: Bean Re: restiform - 11/07/02 05:38 PM
But, Dr. Bill, don't you think that if you heard the word pronounced you'd be able to guess the spelling, even if you hadn't heard it before? I admit some of the spelling-bee ones are really weird but this one is pretty phonetic.

Posted By: wwh Re: restiform - 11/07/02 05:56 PM
Dear Bean: That is such a recondite neurology word that I never heard it before.
The kids in spelling bees ought not be expected to know words used only by a
few medical specialists. Christ, there tens of thousands of them.
And I cannot imagine kids being able to master words without learning their roots
as mnemonic guides to spelling. "Rh-" sounds like "r". Though no "rhest-" words.

Posted By: Faldage Re: restiform - 11/07/02 06:00 PM
this one is pretty phonetic.

Therein lies its trickiness. Who'd think it was so easy?
Restiform, Ar aitch ee ess tee eye pee aitch oh ar em, restiform.

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