Posted By: wwh p. 132 - 06/14/03 09:40 PM
ponceau - a strong red to reddish orange

pone 1 7pbn8
5Virginia Algonquian poan, appoans, apones6 [Chiefly South]
1 corn bread in the form of small, oval loaves
2 such a loaf or cake

pone 2 7pb4nc8
5< L pone, imper. of ponere, to place: see POSITION6 [Now Rare] in various card games, the player to the right of the dealer or, in two-handed games, the player who is not the dealer

n. division of theology dealing with evil.

Definition: Eine Stelle an der ein Oberflächengewässer, ein Bach, Fluß oder See von der Erdoberfläche verschwindet.
Damit ist dies das Gegenstück zur Quelle, und wie dort gibt es viele verschiede Ausprägungen. Das Wort Ponor ist mehr oder weniger der Allgenmeinbegriff und bezeichnet eine Stelle, an der ein Gewässer verschwindet.

Serbo-Croatian : A steep sided karst or sinkhole, where a deep layer of limestone has been dissolved away.

Common {red]Potoo Nyctibius griseus The homeliest bird I ever did see.

{red]The long-footed potoroo is one of a group of marsupial species also known as "rat kangaroos.' It weighs 1.6 - 2.2 kg (3.5 - 4.8 lb). The long-footed potoroo is found in a variety of forest types, ranging from montane wet sclerophyll forests at over 1000 m altitude to lowland sclerophyll forest at 150 m altitude. It appears to require a densely vegetated gully for shelter and more open forest where most food is obtained. Its diet is principally the fruiting bodies of a variety of underground and partially underground fungi that grow in association with tree roots. Some invertebrates and a small amount of plant material are also eaten. The long-footed potoroo is terrestrial and nocturnal and shelters during the day in a temporary nest in ferns or thickets of wire grass.

poulterer !r8
5ME pulter < MFr pouletier < poulet (see POULTRY) + 3ER6 [Brit., etc. (exc. Cdn.)] a dealer in poultry and game Also [Archaic] poul4ter

5ModL < praseodymia, a rare earth (< Gr prasios: see prec.) + ModL (di)dymium (see DIDYMIUM): so named (1885) by C. A. v. Welsbach (1858-1929), Austrian chemist, from its spectroscopic line and from being split from didymium6 a silvery, malleable chemical element of the rare-earth metals, whose salts are generally green in color and are used to color glasses and enamels: symbol, Pr; at. wt., 140.907; at. no., 59; sp. gr., 6.73; melt. pt., 931UC; boil. pt., 3,520UC

The runner-up was felled by the word prairillon, which -- as everybody knows -- means small prairie

pratincolous. a. inhabiting meadows. © From the Hutchinson Encyclopaedia. ...

5ML < Gr < prassein, to do6
1 practice, as distinguished from theory, of an art, science, etc.
2 established practice; custom
3 [Now Rare] a set of examples or exercises, as in grammar

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