Posted By: wwh p. 124 - 06/06/03 05:34 PM
passepartout - when I was a kid, Dennison’s sold a strong gummed paper tape suitable in appearance for making
borders around pictures, and strong enough to mend torn pictures when applied to the back of the picture.
5Fr, lit., passes everywhere6 I think “goes anywhere” would be better description.
1 that which passes or allows passage everywhere
2 a passkey or master key
3 a mat used in mounting pictures
4 a picture mounting in which glass, picture, backing, and often a mat are bound together, as by strips of gummed paper along the edges
5 the gummed paper used for such a mounting

5L pavidus < pavere, to tremble, orig., be struck down < pavire: see PAVE6 [Rare] fearful; afraid; timid
In old medical journals, “pavor nocturnus” was a fancy way of saying “nightmare” in small children

5PAY1 + 3ola, as in Pianola (trademark for a player piano) > Tin Pan Alley pianola, slang term for the music business6 [Slang]
1 the practice of paying bribes or graft for commercial advantage or special favors, as to a disc jockey for unfairly promoting a particular record over others
2 such a bribe or graft

5< Gr pcktos (see PECTIC) + 3IN16 a water-soluble carbohydrate, obtained from certain ripe fruits, which yields a gel that is the basis of jellies and jams
I would be surprised to find that many women are willing to spend the time and effort making jellies. A lot of work. Greatly facilitated by a commercial product containing ample pectin.

pec[tin 7pek4tin8
5< Gr pcktos (see PECTIC) + 3IN16 a water-soluble carbohydrate, obtained from certain ripe fruits, which yields a gel that is the basis of jellies and jams
pec[u[late 7pek4y1 lat#, 3y!38
vt., vi.
3lat#ed, 3lat#ing 5< L peculatus, pp. of peculari, to embezzle < peculium, private property < pecus, cattle: for IE base see FEE6 to steal or misuse (money or property entrusted to one‘s care, esp. public funds); embezzle
At times a euphemism for “steal”. Done with a pen instead of a gun.

5ModL pedunculus, dim. of L pes (gen. pedis), FOOT6
1 Anat. a stalklike bundle of nerve fibers connecting various parts of the brain
2 Bot.
a) the stalk of a flower cluster or inflorescence b) the stalk of a solitary flower which is regarded as a reduced inflorescence, as in the narcissus
3 Med. a narrow, stalklike base of a tumor or polyp
4 Zool. a slender, stalklike part, as between the abdomen and middle section of an insect, or the stalk of a goose barnacle; pedicel

pe[dun[cle 7pc du%4k!l, pc4du%#38
5ModL pedunculus, dim. of L pes (gen. pedis), FOOT6
1 Anat. a stalklike bundle of nerve fibers connecting various parts of the brain
2 Bot.
a) the stalk of a flower cluster or inflorescence b) the stalk of a solitary flower which is regarded as a reduced inflorescence, as in the narcissus
3 Med. a narrow, stalklike base of a tumor or polyp
4 Zool. a slender, stalklike part, as between the abdomen and middle section of an insect, or the stalk of a goose barnacle; pedicel
5L pellicula, dim. of pellis, skin: see FELL46
1 a thin skin or film, as on a photographic emulsion or on a liquid
2 Zool. a thin nonliving membrane secreted by animal cells, as the envelope covering many protozoans
pel[lic[u[lar 7p! lik4y1 l!r8 or pel[lic$u[late 73lit, 3lat#8

pendeloque - a somewhat tear shaped costume jewel:
“Briolettes differs from a bead cut, which is more rounded and the pendeloque, which has a ridge or girdle around its widest part”

Posted By: of troy Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/07/03 01:37 PM
i for one have made my own jellies, jams and preserves, and used pectin. sometimes i have used my own homegrown fruits (blackberries and raspberries) and i have also made 'pepper jelly' a spice hot jelly (it uses apple juice as the base, with hot pickled peppers, and red food coloring. pepper jelly is served with sharp cheese- it offers a surprize!

Pectin also shows up in Kaopectate - the pectin serves to bind to the fluid, and firm things up... pectin is one of the 'active' ingredients in the medicine.

Posted By: wwh Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/07/03 02:01 PM
Dear of troy: I have downed many a big swig of Kaopectate years ago, and never thought of what the "pect" meant. I suspect it is mostly to make an acceptable stable liquid.
Particularly in the South liquid preparations sell much better than tablets. Sometimes leading to tragedy. When sulfanilamide first became available, a large pharmaceutical company had a chemist find something to make a liquid preparation. He discovered that sulfanilamide dissolved readily in diethylglycol. They put it on the market, and numerous deaths resulted.In theri haste to get it on the market, nobody had thought to question safety of diethylglycol, former principal ingredient in auto antifreeZe!Here's URL aboutg it:

Posted By: Faldage Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/07/03 02:41 PM
never thought of what the "pect" meant

Ever think of what the "kao" means?

Posted By: Tross Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/07/03 06:32 PM
Particularly in the South liquid preparations sell much better than tablets

Also powder forms of what you would normally think of as a tablet type medicine sell big here in the South. Personally, being a transplanted yankee, I just don't get it. There is something called "Goody's Powder" which is just aspirin in powder form and people rave about it. Is it just me or is this disgusting? When I take aspirin I swallow as fast as I can so it doesn't melt in my mouth.

Posted By: of troy Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/08/03 05:01 PM
Re:Ever think of what the "kao" means?

i half knew the answer to that question (the kao is from kaolin) but i had no idea what kaolin was!

a brief search yeilded this info:
(k´lnt) (KEY) , clay mineral crystallizing in the monoclinic system and forming the chief constituent of china clay and kaolin. It is a hydrous aluminum silicate commonly formed by the weathering and decomposition of rocks containing aluminum silicate compounds; feldspar is a chief source. Kaolinite has the same chemical composition as dickite and nacrite (both of which are also clay or kaolin minerals)
(from Bartleby's,)

Looking up kaolin basicly just said it was china clay, and used for ceramics and finishing paper.. not much on the chemical compounds that made it up..

i would have said it was a salt, or chalk - something similar to the content of tums, or Malox, or even pepto bismal (which is made with -- the salts of bisthum?) one of those group of semi metal compounds that have been historicaly used for upset stomaches--milk of magnizia is another one that comes to mind..(and all of these seem to work on various minor stomach/intestinal disorders since the current treatment of choice of stomach ulcers is a combo of pepto bismal and anti biotics.)

clay seems to be very different than chalk-- and calcium carbonate (tums) or aluminum carbonates (?)Malox seems very different.. so someone with more knowledge of chemistry will have to make this inteligable.. (since right now to me, its just a list of facts, and not really something i understand) and they all really sound like something i shouldn't be putting in my mouth, no matter what the reason!

Make the idea of people eating dirt, (or clay) as is commonly done, (more notably in the south, but really all over US) seem understandable.

Posted By: wwh Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/08/03 07:46 PM
Dear of troy: eating dirt can sometimes have surprising benefits. About thirty years ago, my son-in-law on PEI built a new barn with cement floor, and moved his pigs into it. Not long after doing it, he noticed he was having young pigs die mysteriously. When he took them for autopsy at goverment vet labs, they had peculiary heart and liver lesions. It eventually was learned that this was due to selenium deficiency, which had only recently been recognized, because previously it was not possible to measure the tiny amounts of selenium that are essential.
If he had known, just dumping some soil onto cement floors would have kept it from happening. At that time it was not possible to control proper seleniu;m levels in feed. I guess that is no longer a problem. For humans, eating potato skins could be a valuable protection against selenium deficiency.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/08/03 09:49 PM
In reply to:

eating potato skins could be a valuable protection against selenium deficiency

...or a spoonful of dirt?

Posted By: of troy Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/08/03 11:10 PM
Re:tiny amounts of selenium that are essential.

but contrary wise, selenium (the old main 'ingredient' of xerox photorectors,) is also a poison! only trace amounts are needed, too much, and it is like any other heavy metal --a neuro poison!

selenium natually has the property of holding an electric charge if it is keep in the dark- like a photographic plate, that 'gets exposed' with light, the selenium was charges in the dark, exposed by reflected light, and the dark areas of the image (text) remained 'charged' these were then exposed to negitively charged 'ink', and the image was then transfered to paper. arsenic, and other heavy metals also act as photorecptors, selenium is the best.

parts of California's golden valley has naturally occuring high levels of selenium in the soil, and this land is not suitable for farming! (most of US selenium is found in california.

modern laser printers use the same technology, (a photorecptor, and laser light to expose the image) but they use synthetic polymers as photorecptors.

Posted By: wwh Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/08/03 11:51 PM
Apparently only a tiny abount of soil is needed.Reminds me of story in BioChem text in 1940, about German blockade of Britain in WWI cutting of food shipments, with widespread hu;nger in UK. Scurvy began to be common. To the surprise of the authorities, as the blockade became more effective, incidence of scurvy decreased. Interpretation was that because people were hungry, they stopped peeling potatoes, and small amounts of vitamin C in peel pretected them against scurvy.

Posted By: of troy Re: p. 124-pectin - 06/09/03 01:33 PM
potatoes (coats and all)are surprizing rich in vit. C- about 10% of your daily requirement.. (1 orange provide over 100% (as does a 6 oz. serving) combined with dairy food, and one Vit C rich vegetable (cabbage say!) you end up with a complete diet, all the amino acids! potatoes also have a fair amount of iron (less than 10%, but more than 5%- not 'the best sorces' for either iron or VitC, but they provide more than other common starches (wheat, rice or corn) that are grain based.

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