Posted By: wwh Monday - 03/10/03 09:49 PM
5ModL lycanthropia < Gr lykanthrbpia: see prec.6
1 [Archaic] a mental illness in which one imagines oneself to be a wolf
2 Folklore the magical power to transform oneself or another into a wolf
ly[can[throp[ic 7lj#k!n 0r9p4ik8

lyn[ce[an 7lin sc4!n8
5< L lynceus (< Gr lynkeios < lynx, LYNX) + 3AN6 [Rare] of or like a lynx; esp., having the keenness of sight attributed to the lynx
Galileo belonged to a scientific society so named:
1603 the most important natural magic society of all was formed in Rome. They called themselves the Academy ofLynxes. The elderly Porta joined. Eight years later, so did Galileo.

lynch law
5formerly Lynch's law, after Capt. W. Lynch (1742-1820), member of a vigilance committee in Pittsylvania, Virginia (1780)6 the lawless practice of killing by lynching

5< Fr or L: Fr lyrique < L lyricus < Gr lyrikos6
1 of a lyre
2 suitable for singing, as to the accompaniment of a lyre; songlike; specif., designating poetry or a poem mainly expressing the poet's emotions and feelings: sonnets, elegies, odes, hymns, etc. are lyric poems
3 writing or having written lyric poetry
4 LYRICAL (sense 2)
5 Music a) characterized by a relatively high compass and a light, flexible quality b) having a lyric voice !a lyric tenor"
1 a lyric poem
2 [usually pl.] the words of a song, as distinguished from the music

Lyrurus (noun) -

1. black grouse
Synonyms: genus Lyrurus

maccus from a character in play by Plautus, a stupid bragging clown

machicotage In the eighteenth century there was a craze for introducing grace notes and
passing notes into the plainsong (called in France Machicotage, (qv ...
www.ubmail.ubalt.edu/~pfitz/play/ref/plainsng.htm ;

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