Posted By: wwh Thursday again - 03/06/03 11:07 PM
A few more from Martha Barnette's site:



To put off until the day after tomorrow; to keep postponing from day to day.

If you know that cras is the Latin word for "tomorrow," then it's easy to see where we get the word

To perendinate, on the other hand, means in its most literal sense to "put off something until the day
after tomorrow." It comes from the Latin perendie -- literally, "on the day after tomorrow."



Greyness or whiteness of the hair, especially if it's premature.

Poliosis comes from the Greek polios meaning "gray." The same Greek root colors the English word
polio, a shortened form of poliomyelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord's "gray matter."



To apply cosmetics; paint the face.

Pronounce this one correctly, now. It's from Latin fucus, which originally denoted "a kind of red dye
obtained from lichens." Later this name was applied to "rouge" or "face paint" made from such a source.

English speakers borrowed fucus (rhymes with "mucus"), and actually used it quite often in the 17th
century. ("Heere is an excellent Fucus to weede out Freckles," declared a writer in 1607.) Its linguistic
offspring, infucate, isn't used all that often today, of course--but then again, perhaps it's just as well.



A low whispering sound, such as the rustle of leaves.

A words that sounds like what it means, psithurism comes from the Greek psythurisma, which means
"a whispering."



A clique or circle, especially of writers; a literary group.

The Romans' word for "meal" was cena, and they called the "dining room" a cenaculum. This word's
English progeny, cenacle, first meant "small dining room", and later "a room where people with common
interests gather." Eventually English cenacle came to refer specifically to any group of literary types
who might gather in such a



To wet or moisten.

It's from Latin madere, meaning "to be wet, to drip with."

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