Posted By: wwh persiflage - 03/02/04 04:24 PM
"persiflage" has been used a dozen times on the board, but
never really defined, or etymology given.
It is a fancy word for flattering small talk. As I suspected, the etymology involves the French word "siffler" = to whistle. Which reminds me of Ben Franklin's admontion "Ne donnez pas trop pour le sifflet." = Don't pay
too much for the whistle. I'll try to find that.

persiflage - 1757, from Fr. persiflage, from persifer "to banter," from L. per- "through" + Fr. siffler "to whistle, hiss," ult. from L. sibilare "to hiss."

"Très tôt Josiah lui inculque la valeur de l'argent : quand Benjamin consacre dix sous à l'achat d'un sifflet]/b] misérable et rustique qui casse la tête de ses parents, son père se moque de lui " dix sous pour une aussi piètre acquisition! ", Benjamin accablé par cette révélation ne l'oubliera jamais."

I couldn't find the one I wanted. When very young, he paid
ten cents (not cheap in those days) for a poorly made wooden
whistle. His father made fun of him, and he never forgot it.

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