Posted By: themilum Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 03:56 PM

And to those of you who don't like Christmas...

...uh, have a nice day.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 04:37 PM
to those of you who don't like Christmas

Remember whose birthday we're celebrating


Posted By: of troy Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 04:41 PM
And to those of you who don't like Christmas...

What else can i say but Holy Cow!

Posted By: maverick Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 09:31 PM
Merry Christmas Milum!

Happy Christmas too for all y'all other believers in quaint stories ;)

And Outrageous Saturnalia if that's what works for you...

Whatever the excuse, may you find love and friendship around you at this special point of the year when the old light dies and the new light starts to illuminate the year ahead.

Posted By: Father Steve Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 09:40 PM
"It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us!" ~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

Posted By: sjmaxq Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/24/04 10:02 PM
Ah, Dickens, who never gets the credit he deserves for inventing our very Victorian concept of a traditional Christmas. Plus, of course, we owe Charlie a debt of gratitude for making possible one of the best Robbie Coltrane performances ever, in Blackadder's "A Christmas Carol".

Posted By: themilum Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/25/04 12:28 AM
Thank you Faldage, of troy, Maverick, Father Steve, and smaxq, for your thoughts. It is especially pleasing around Christmas time to have e-friends who are respectful of the beliefs of others and are willing to set aside any small quibbles of unimportant facts.

I'm sure it is agreed on by all who post here that the spirit and message of the corporal Jesus Christ is more than just a central point of a single religion, but rather that the thoughts embedded in the memory of Jesus Christ also represent the collective understanding of all thinking men that "love" is an absolutely undeniable ingredient of sapient life.

Merry Christmas and good luck on your Santa Claus.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/26/04 04:29 PM
Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas, milum! And that all enjoyed their holiday celebrations to the fulllest!

Posted By: themilum Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/26/04 06:21 PM
Hey Whit, good to hear your voice.
Know something Whitty?
Your message is the first good wish I've recieved
on this day my birthday.
I guess I was born too close to Christmas.
Thanks Whitman, goodluck to you in aught five.


Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Merry Christmas! - 12/26/04 07:07 PM
happy birthday, milum. I hope that it's a good one.

Posted By: themilum Happy My Birthday! - 12/26/04 07:42 PM
Thank you etaoin,

It is nice to be acknowledged as being alive.

And a Happy New Year to you.

Posted By: musick I love therefore I am. - 12/26/04 08:59 PM
...that "love" is an absolutely undeniable ingredient of sapient life.

Well said.

Posted By: themilum Re: I love therefore I am. - 12/26/04 09:15 PM
Thank you Musick, I knew that you knew that.

Keep up the jive in twenty-aught-five.

Happy Birthday, Milo. May your life be blessed with many more butterfly sightings. I've been seeing a lot of them myself these days. Why, I even saw two Monarchs flying united the other day.

Where are you Consuelo! Just when my mind had you firmly ensconced in the bitter snows up north, you land right-side-up in a land of December butterflies. Will you not stay put?

Ok, thanks for the birthday greeting. I will forgive you for not being cold.
I wish you sunny days and full sails in twenty aught five.


Posted By: maverick Re: I love therefore I ham - 12/27/04 12:07 AM
Happy bathday Milumithras :)

My excuse was I was 12 days early, but did you appear one day late? Anyway, I completely agree with your sentiments about sentience in a previous sentence, and may that outlook bring you joy in the year ahead.

"...your sentiments about sentience in a previous sentence
and may that outlook bring you joy in the year ahead."

Dear Maverick, if you continue to conjoin in sentences like the above this the coming year, then, by golly, my joy is assured.

Best of luck to you and your friends of which I am one.

two Monarchs flying united I would have thought they'd fly BA...

that's the line I was looking for, Jackie.

Always happy to oblige.

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