Posted By: Jackie Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 02:01 PM
In today's Word, he says:
The word election comes from the Indo-European root leg- (to choose) that is also the source of such words as intelligent, diligent, logic, dialog, and legal. In fact, that's probably not a bad way to choose a candidate:
one who is intelligent, one who is diligent in solving problems, one who uses logic, one who prefers to engage in a dialog, and one who employs legal means.

If you're a United States citizen, make your vote count this November 2. Be informed. Think of the country. Think of the world. And vote with your conscience. In the meantime, enjoy this week's words from the world of
politics and elections.

My name is Anu Garg and I approve of this message.

Posted By: belMarduk Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 03:23 PM
Jackie, I sent you a PM. Please read it.



Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 03:25 PM
With all respect and love to you, my friend Jackie, I don't think it's a good idea to discuss politics on this board. But I'll be happy to discuss the word "ass"!

Posted By: Jackie Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 03:33 PM
Y'all convinced me. My junk deleted. Thanks! Oh--JFTR, I wasn't saying I was right; I just caved in to emotion. Not something Anu intended to happen, I feel sure. Sorry.

Posted By: belMarduk Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 03:36 PM
Aye, but Jackie, we love you as you are - so no worries there ma belle.

Posted By: Father Steve Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 07:30 PM
My name is Anu Garg and I approve of this message.

Who knew that Anu (if there really IS an Anu) had such a sense of humour!? Excellent.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Yay, Anu! - 10/18/04 08:21 PM
I thought so too, Father Steve. And, Anna, I forgot something earlier: c'mere a minute; I have something for you!

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