Posted By: lautreamont looking for information - 01/09/04 02:38 PM
I am new here. would someone please let me know what the best display preferences are. Thank you

Le Comte De Lautreamont
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 02:46 PM
Again, welcome, Count.

I like the flat mode, 99 posts per page. But you're gonna get other opinions, that's for sure.

Posted By: Faldage Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 02:54 PM
what the best display preferences are

Mostly it's personal choice, but I would suggest 99 for 'Total posts to show on one page when viewing a thread in flat mode (default is 10)' if you decide on flat mode. Flat mode gives you everything in chronological order, Threaded mode shows you posts according to what they were responding to. The latter can be a little confusing sometimes since flatliners aren't always careful about what posts they click on for responses. But being in flat mode can be confusing, too, since threaded mode folks aren't always careful about indicating what they are responding to, either. The best thing to do if there is any chance of confusion is to quote, in some manner, the element in a post that you are responding to. There is also a site that gives all kinds of helpful tips for new folks that someone will give the link to. I never remember where it is.

Posted By: of troy Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 03:03 PM
i read flat, reply threaded--
so if you have actived the option that emails a notice when replies are made to your post, you'll have gotten one from this post-- (i replyed to you, (threaded mode) not to Annastrophic(flat mode))

even with a threaded reply, its nice to include a word or two of the post you are responding to... otherwise it can get complicated.. (or you post might not make the same point, or even much sense!)

i like having the header at the top-(not the side) it means thread are less likely to 'go wide'-- but we do take care here with URL's and Pre-formated material to try to prevent threads from going wide (requiring the use of the horizonatal scroll bar to read)

Read the FaQ-(i always think its best to print it out.. its only 4 sheet of paper printed, and it help--most BB's have similar conventions... but some have more smilies, and other features.. so you won't end up [u]trying to underline[/u], and end up having BB code showing, (since underline is not a feature.

definately set you number of posts per page to 99, and if a thread get long, expect it to end before 100 posts and to be continued in part II--its hard to move from page to page in old thread... so 99 post per page lets you read the entire thread, and if a thread end before it reaches 100, no post end up getting lost in cyber space..

look in I & A--Jackie (red letter lady) has made some informative posts.. there are posts that have links to pages that give more hints (like how to do ligatures, (ć)and other fun stuff.. just go back page by page, or set do a search on how do i/you--in I & A thread..

or search for technical question--these thread have oodle of info!

Posted By: lautreamont Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 03:16 PM
thank you

Le Comte De Lautreamont
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 03:19 PM
Here we go:


Posted By: wow Re: looking for information - 01/09/04 04:49 PM
One small item : if a thread causes a lot interest and goes beyond the 99-reply display, we start another thread -- it is merely polite to post the switch at end of the 99th post.
For example the first thread might be "Love" and the 99th or 100th post would start as "Love 2" or "Love II" depending on your erudition and inclination to display it.(grin)
It doesn't happen often so the 99 display in Preferences is usually sufficient. Does that make sense?
Welcome ! and very happy posting.

Posted By: Jackie Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/10/04 12:00 AM
...and all other new(ish) folks. Do check out the above link--I'll put it here again.
This should tell you just about all the hints and shortcuts, etc., you could ask for. Thanks again to jmh for compiling them and to Max for putting it such easily-accessible form. We kept it on the first page of I & A for a long time. Y'all think we ought to make the effort again? (This involves whoever sees it getting down to the bottom and ready to go off the first page adding a "post" (I just put an x, since a blank one wouldn't be accepted), then deleting it as soon as it's posted. Making a new post causes a thread to jump to the top of the category. However, we quickly realized that it would be better to keep this particular thread "strictly facts" and not keep tacking on irrelevant posts.)

Welcome aBoard, lautreamont. I see you're in Prague. If you don't mind saying, is English your first language?

Posted By: lautreamont Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/10/04 02:22 AM
I actualy just started speaking english a year ago I speak cech russian french and spanish very well my english is comming along well, although I have alot of work on punctuation to do.

Le Comte De Lautreamont
Posted By: Jackie Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/10/04 03:00 AM
Wow--I am impressed.
Oh! "The Count of the Other Mont(e)"--am I right?

Posted By: jheem Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/10/04 05:09 AM
I thought he took his name from the pseudonym of the French poet who wrote the Les Chants de Maldoror. http://www.littlebluelight.com/lblphp/intro.php?ikey=15

Posted By: lautreamont Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/10/04 01:22 PM
You are right and wrong isidore ducasse took my family name in fact there are quite a few lautremont from the area I am from

Le Comte De Lautreamont
Posted By: wow Re: Hints - 01/10/04 01:32 PM
Dear Jackie, I just went ahead and posted the link in a separate thread in I&A as Hints To Newcomers. Hope I have not infringed on your prerogative, Jackie!

Posted By: Jackie Re: Hints - 01/10/04 05:05 PM
Heavens no; and thank you. [HUG]

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Hints - 01/10/04 06:03 PM
Meanwhile, I shall happily repose in my chopped-liver designed faux mink mantle of a missed post.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Hints - 01/11/04 01:56 AM
a missed post. Ack--I hope you didn't mean you thought *I missed your post. I referred to it, and posted the link again in an effort to emphasize its importance.

Posted By: belMarduk Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/11/04 02:40 AM
Bien bonjour monsieur le comte.

It is a good idea to read the F.A.Q. thread to which the ladies provided a link, but don't be shy to just jump right in.

Mais, que faites vous que vous avez besoin d’apprendre tous ces langages ?

Posted By: gift horse Re: Att'n: GIFT HORSE - 01/11/04 09:17 PM
Thank you for the link, Jackie. That's very helpful.


Welcome, Le Comte De Lautreamont. I'm impressed by your excellent ability with a language you've just recently learned.

I hope you enjoy AWAD.

Best to You,

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Hints - 01/12/04 12:57 PM
Jackie, not at all... I was just having a bit o' fun with our High Priestess, Mizz Wow.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: looking for information - 01/12/04 06:58 PM
The bearer of evil tidings,
When he was halfway there,
Remembered that evil tidings
Were a dangerous thing to bear.

--Robert Frost

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