Posted By: Father Steve Catacombious - 10/04/03 09:49 PM
I have just returned from a week in Washington, DC, where I stayed at the College of Preachers -- a lovely stone building on the campus of the National Cathedral. The COP is all Gothic and antiques and oil paintings, filled with oddly shaped rooms and little stairways down which one fully expects Harry Potter to come at any moment.

It is an easy walk from the COP to the National Cathedral and I thought myself sufficiently clever to go in one of the side doors, go down to the crypt level, and find my way past the many chapels to the bookshop. In so doing, I got lost several times and passed numerous niches where the bones of the faithful were interred and memorialized. It occurred to me that the route to the bookstore was "catacombious" -- the "b" is silent.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Catacombious - 10/05/03 12:43 AM
passed numerous niches were the bones of the faithful were interred Ewwwwwwww, that is SO creepy! [shivers e] Catacombious, catacombious--it does have a nice ring to it! P.S.--Welcome home!

Posted By: Father Steve Re: Catacombious - 10/05/03 02:43 AM
Jackie ~

Did you use black and orange because they are Hallowe'en colours?

Posted By: Jackie Re: Catacombious - 10/05/03 03:09 AM
No. I chose the orange because it was a nasty subject, and to me, orange is the nastiest of our choices of colors.

Posted By: Father Steve Orange Nasty? - 10/05/03 04:35 AM
Orange .. the colour of satsumas, a lovely county in California, some charming Irish people, a city in Texas, those cute little cones one has to drive around, a village in Ohio, a sort of bicycle made in the UK, and a word with which nothing else rhymes.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Orange Nasty? - 10/05/03 04:40 PM
the colour of satsumas What are these, please?, a lovely county in California I've heard of it. , some charming Irish people I have never seen an orange person. , a city in Texas Never heard of that one., those cute little cones one has to drive around , a village in Ohio Never heard of this one, either., a sort of bicycle made in the UK Mountain bikes--I found the site., and a word with which nothing else rhymes. Ruh roh...here be a challenge, methinks!

I dunno--I just have never liked the orange/yellow/brown families of colors; and I'm not fond of too many greens, either. I do think a soft, cream-colored yellow can make a nice contrast color. I can tolerate a yellow if it's a real yellow and not just trying to be yellow. But for real liking, give me blues, purples, bluish greens (except for sea green--I do like that), and all sorts of nice vivid reds and pinks. But no yellowy pinks, like coral.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Catacombious - 10/05/03 04:42 PM
the "b" is silent.

all talk of color aside, I still can't seem to say this word without the b...

Posted By: Faldage Re: Catacombious - 10/05/03 07:29 PM
can't seem to say this word without the b

Ya gotta come off the m kinda soft-like. Don' try an do it all over sudden. An keep the voicing going good through into the i.

Posted By: Father Steve Re: Orange Nasty? - 10/05/03 08:02 PM
A satsuma is a variety of tangerine, the proper scientific name of which is Citrus unshiu Marcovitch. I learned how to make sorbet from them last Christmas. (It is not that satsumas taught me how to make sorbet, but rather that I learned how to make sorbet out of the juice of satsumas.)

Posted By: Capfka Re: Multiplicity? - 10/05/03 08:34 PM
So, if one area is catacombious, is a complex of catacomb-like places referred to as being a catacombination?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Multiplicity? - 10/05/03 09:04 PM
thanks, Fald. I think I'm getting the hang of it now, though catacombination has me twitching.

if you're compelled to visit the catacombs is that catacombhither?

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: cryptic puns - 10/06/03 01:11 PM

Thank your lucky stars I don't live anywhere near you, eta. That's one of the worst ones I've heard since TEd last frequented this board.

Meanwhile (and I hope this won't offend anyone; it's the impression I had while touring European Catholic churches during my college years), I went through enough crypts and catacombs claiming to have a piece of the cross that I wondered if they didn't really mean the ark instead.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: cryptic puns - 10/06/03 07:02 PM
one of the worst ones I've heard

guess I was jes' feline fine...

Posted By: Capfka Re: Simony for all the family - 10/06/03 07:44 PM
Remember the episode of "Blackadder" when he was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury? One of the funniest of all four series, I thought.

However, when he got to Canterbury, he and Baldrick were picking over the stock in trade - Christ's fingers in vacuum-packed packs of ten, pieces of the True Cross with or without blood, gift-wrapped. Curses ranging in price from .5p ("I curse you and hope something very bad happens to you") to 20 gold pieces ("I curse you, and I hope that all of your body parts [listed hereunder] fester and fall off, leaving you in extreme agony".)

Posted By: doc_comfort Re: Catacombious - 10/08/03 01:38 AM
Don' try an do it all over sudden.

I've always though this was all of a sudden. Am I mistaken? Or is this simply Faldigian hypercorrection to contrast the rest of his post?

Posted By: Faldage Re: Catacombious - 10/08/03 10:08 AM

Hypercorrection!!?? Bite yo' tongue!

Posted By: hev Re: Catacombious - 10/09/03 03:29 AM
Faldigian hypercorrection

Wouldn't that be Faldagian hypercorrection? [running-on-outta-here-e]

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Catacombious - 10/09/03 11:45 AM
Wouldn't that be Faldagian hypercorrection?

Ha! Another contendah for the top nitpicker slot!

Posted By: doc_comfort Re: Catacombious - 10/09/03 11:00 PM
Wouldn't that be Faldagian hypercorrection?

On a tangent, has anyone else noticed an increase in refridgerated recently?

Posted By: Jackie Re: Catacombious - 10/10/03 01:17 AM
Nope; haven't seen a sine of it, doc.

Posted By: Bingley Re: Catacombious - 10/10/03 01:19 AM
No. How do you refrigerate recently? Is there any danger of unrefrigerated recently going off? How long does it take for refrigerated recently to thaw?

Posted By: doc_comfort Re: Catacombious - 10/13/03 12:45 AM
Recently is always fresh, even though its use-by-date is always yesterday. However, it has been known to transmogrify into pasta.

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Catacombious - 10/13/03 07:26 AM
Nope; haven't seen a sine of it, doc.

Perhaps you aren't secant in the right places.

I had a friend who always spelled it refridgerator. It either comes from the (I assume) accepted short word fridge or cosecant find the dictionary.

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: cryptic puns - 10/13/03 07:39 AM
>one of the worst ones I've heard since TEd last frequented this board.

I think the best I can do now is infrequent the board. I've been so busy since I've retired and moved I haven't even had time to get the matted hair off El Gordo. In fact I have to run soon since I have a catacomb.

All seriousness aside, I've missed this place, but I am being pulled in 17 different directions right now.

The house is in great shape considering its age, but thyere are some cosmetic things I need to fix. For example, the railing on the front porch is a total of almost 60 linear feet (as opposed to non-linear feet I guess.) And it has balusters an inch sqyare and about 3 inches apart. LOTS of them. LOTS and LOTS of them. And they have 100 years' accumulation of paint on them. Paint that has a surface like alligator skin. So I spend an hour or three every day scraping old paint off. And wearing a dustmask and worrying about lead.

And it takes almost two hours to mow the lawn. I finally clipped on a pedometer and found that I walk just about three miles every time I mow the lawn.

We finally sold the house in Denver (closing is Tuesday), so now I have th4e money to build my dream shop in the back yard, which means that I have to get together a building and site plan so I can get a building permit.

And it goes on and on. Swim lessons for the kids, Cub Scouts for Theo, etc.

And every time I look in here I see that I'm something like 6000 messages behind and I despair since I know I just don't have the time. I'm going to make an effort to spend a couple of hours a week here, but I'm being stretched fat. With my physique I certainly can't be stretched thin!

Hugs to all


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