Posted By: Wordwind Exciting Message on MSN! - 12/05/02 11:18 AM
Hey, Everybody!

I just read a thrillng message on my MSN sidebar!!!

Here's what I read:

"[A Company I Cannot Name in Order to Avoid Spamming]: Free Ship and Gift"

I could use a ship! A ship would be a lovely thing to own. I could harbor it in the Chesapeake Bay!

And a gift, too!!

But I'd be quite satisfied with the ship.

Dreaming of the Owl and the Pussycat,
WordWind, happy, very happy

Posted By: dxb Re: Exciting Message on MSN! - 12/05/02 11:35 AM
There's a lot of maintenance cost in a ship; that's probably why they're trying to offload it onto some poor dreamer. A boat, now....

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Exciting Message on MSN! - 12/05/02 11:13 PM
Was it you that won the motor home lat week?

Posted By: wwh Re: Exciting Message on MSN! - 12/06/02 01:17 AM
Dear WW: check to be sure the "Gift" isn't a German word.

Posted By: TEd Remington Free ship and gift - 12/06/02 08:51 AM
Puts me in mind to write a sci fi short story about a guy who invents a time machine that is only powerful enough to send back in time a small camera, with which he hopes to capture pictures of what was going on back then.

His first try was to send a camera back in time to try to take pictures of Jesus in the manger. Unfortunately, the camera's memory was damaged on the return trip, and he got only a couple of grainy pictures of the Wise Men gazing down at something in a wooden box. I think I will call the story "The GIFs of the Magi."

Posted By: Faldage Re: Free ship and gift - 12/06/02 10:12 AM
The GIFs of the Magi

Ha! At least it relies on the proper pronunciation of GIF.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Exciting Message on MSN! - 12/06/02 10:16 AM
be sure the "Gift" isn't a German word.

A friend of mine has spent some time in Germany. On one trip over she was carrying some presents for friends of hers which she had carefully labeled to ease their passage through customs. The boxes clearly said Gift on them. She only in retrospect realized that that was the reason they gave her such a hard time in customs.

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