Posted By: RhubarbCommando Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/13/02 11:38 AM
Does any one know of a web-site which lists anniversaries of famous people/significant events? In particular, I am looking for centenaries celebrated in 2003?
I am probably looking for all-British celebrations, although euro or world-wide centenaries might be acceptable if they had a significant effect over here.
Any field of endeavour will be considered, so even if you only know of a list of anniversaries for one topic, it would be useful.

Many thanks

all the best


Posted By: dxb Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/13/02 11:47 AM
You could try this. There is an amazing amount of info'. But it may not be quite the kind of approach you need. Cheers.


Posted By: sjm Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/13/02 11:50 AM
It ain't Brit ('cepting how they now make Jags 'n all) but there's a little ole USn company calling itself the Ford Motor Company wot turns a hundred in 2003, apparently.

Thank you, dxb, It will be a bit painstaking to go through the whole year, day by day, but it does do quite a lot of what I'm looking for - and it will all be in the boss' time!

Posted By: Jackie Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/13/02 12:12 PM
Does any one know of a web-site which lists anniversaries of famous people/significant events?
If what you need is simply the information, I'd recommend calling the newspaper(s)--they obviously have some way of keeping track of events like this.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/13/02 01:26 PM
Dear Poet,

Here's a site that, while it doesn't list centenaries as such, is a lot of fun and very useful if you want to go day by day. That's all I can think of for the moment:


Hi Rhuby...goggling 'Centennial Celebrations 2003' I turned up this, which would seem to be the major historical event of the year: The Centennial of Flight...the 100th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in December of 1903. Here's the website:


And there's plenty other hits by googling what I mentioned (I also tried adding list or listng onto it). But it seems like you'll just have to skim though all the different centennial sites to see what you can use. I'll keep trying to find a one-page listing for you.

And look Rhuby! It's the Centennial celebration for Holley's Hotrod fleet!

(yeah, I'm sure this site will help you get some work done...)

Here's a few more:

A couple of towns in Canada, Lloydminster and Regina, and a historic old hotel in Toronto, Le Royal Meridien King Edward Hotel. (was Canada still a british Commonwealth in 1903?)

The ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty (British shipping no longer had to go around Cape Horn to reach the Pacific).

The incorporation of the Ford Motor Company.

And, most importantly of all, the Centennial Celebration of the first World Series played between the Boston Pilgrims and Pittsburgh Pirates in 1903!

Many thanks to all of you for your help.
I had hoped for a quick fix, but couldn't find anything on any of the search engines - you have more or less confirmed that I will have to do it the hard way - but at least you have turned up some of the centenaries for me, so it has been well worthwhile asking the question!
These will form the theme for a series of lectures in the summer term, next year (Not given by me, I hasten to add! - I hire a fleet of experts to do that job.)
My University has, for about nine years, now, presented ten lectures each term to the public, in a lecture hall down in the town centre, rather than up on campus. These are free, and the lecturers are mostly experts in their field, either from Lancaster Uni or from neighbouring Higher Education Institutions. Now and again, I use non-academic lecturers and each year I try to give two or three postgraduates the opportunity to lecture to a public audience.
I have been running the programme for the past three years, during which time the average audience has risen from just below 30 to nearly 50 - which means that, occasionally, we play to capacity crowds - a bum on each of the 87 seats in the lecture theatre! {smile]

When introducing the series, I shall give due acknowledgement for the international help I have received to set up the summer '03 series.
Thanks again.

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/16/02 10:12 PM
Juan, don't you know nuffink? The Wright Brothers were beaten to the punch by one Richard Pierce, a Canterbury (NZ) farmer who reputedly flew a No.8 wire contraption some months before Orville and Wilbur donated their names to Mayberry.

A full-sized replica of his plane (using the word very, very loosely) has been hanging in the international terminal at Wellington airport for a couple of years. Frightens the bejeezus out of first-time visitors from overseas who are about to consider a domestic flight, it really does ...

reputedly flew

One flap of the wings...or two?

Posted By: Jackie Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/19/02 01:39 PM
Sometimes my mind is rather slow--sorry. But I just had this thought: if you haven't tried this already, might it be easier to find things "from the other end"? That is, perhaps you could search for something like 'Important Events of 1903", and possibly more usable things would come up.

You are spot-on right, Jackie. I tried googling 1903 and came up with a host of interesting things - then the same for 1803.
I am going to try 1703 today, if I have time.

Many thanks.

Posted By: Jackie Re: Centenaries - assistance requested - 11/20/02 01:12 PM
You're welcome.

Posted By: dodyskin still? - 11/24/02 10:30 PM
(was Canada still a british Commonwealth in 1903?)

still is in 2002 mate, and will be in 2003
as is
Aden, Aitutaki, Alderney, Anguilla, Antigua, Ascension, Australia, Australian Antarctic, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Barbuda, Basutoland, Botswana, British Antarctic, Guiana, Honduras, British Indian Ocean Territories, Brunei, Caicos Is, Cayman Is, Christmas Is, Cook, Dominica, Falkland Is, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Ginralta, Gilbert Is, Britain, Britain Regionals, Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Guernsey, Guyana, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Leeward Is, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Montserrat, Nauru, Nevis, New Guinea, New Zealand, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Is, North Borneo, Oman, Papa New Guinea, Penrhyn, Pitcairn, the Ross Dependencies, St Helena, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Vincent, Vincent Grenadines, Samoa, Sarawak, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa (though they were excluded for some time during apartheid), Solomon Is, Southern Nigeria, South Georgia, Straits Sett, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tokelu, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tritan Da Cunha, Turks and Caicos Is, Tuvalu ( which is almost entirely destroyed now anyway), Uganda, Vaitupu, Vanuatu, Venda, Virgin Is, Zaire, Zambia, Zanzibar, Zimbabwe

I may have missed a few off, and apologies in advance for spelling mistakes.

Posted By: sjm Re: still? - 11/24/02 10:55 PM
(was Canada still a british Commonwealth in 1903?)

still is in 2002 mate, and will be in 2003

Canada was not part of the British Commonwealth in 1903 - nowhere was, because it didn't exist. In fact, it still doesn't. The Commonwealth of Nations replaced the old British Empire, most member states of which were not ever "commonwealths" themselves. NZ was a Dominion, as was Canada. Australia still is a Commonwealth, and many of the names on the list are not even sovereign states of any description. My next-door neighbour, for example, comes from Aitutaki, one of the islands making up The Cook Islands. There is no longer any such "state", for want of a more precise word, as "Malaya," "Southern Nigeria", or "Zanzibar, "and the Commomwealth has been expanded to include many African nations that were never part of the British Empire, including Mozambique. The current Sec-Gen of the Commonwealth of Nations is a former NZ Deputy PM, Don MacKinnon, and, while the Queen is currently the head of the Commonwealth, the chances of that job being dynastic are about as good as my chances of winning a Nobel Prize.

Here is the current list of members of what is, it seems, officially called simply, "The Commonwealth":

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: still? - 11/25/02 12:17 AM
South Georgia!?

Honey, don' let 'em hear you say that down in Valdosta (here, have you some grits and a nice piece of pecan pie)

Posted By: Faldage Re: still? - 11/25/02 11:35 AM

And what was USns doing there back under King Ronnie, sweeping up loose ends from the Misunderstanding of 1812?

Posted By: dodyskin Re: still? - 11/26/02 11:23 AM
sorry for my hideously out of date info, I learned them all when I had whooping cough when I was a kid, you'd think I'd know it's just the Commonwealth now seeing as we had the games here in the summer. Ah well, serves me right for being a knowitall

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Wow! - 11/26/02 11:38 AM
dody, you memorized these? If so, I am extremely impressed.

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